View Full Version : Reporting for Orders....

Darth Exceron
Jul 17th, 2001, 03:23:53 PM
A younger man, of about 30, stood rigidily in attention before a small command post at the Sector Control with newly-awarded ranking pins signifying that he was a Commander, and a Chief of Staff. His short jet-black hair was finely cut and aligned atop his head, and his eyes which had been turned a dark grey, through rigorous training and tuning, glared ahead in formal attention. His finely-talored uniform was cut perfectly to fit his complextion, a one with a light physical shading though with a darker aura to it.

It had been mere months since he had completed his primary training, and issued a station as Chief of Staff of the Daelton Sector with the rank of Commander...and was quite jubilant about it, though treated it with order in public.

All of his training eventually lead him to where he was now...where he would realize exactly the meaning of his post, and blood shed getting there.

"Commander Exceron, Chief of Staff, reporting for duty...sir."

Zorin Hexes
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:23:48 AM
An officer stepped up to Exceron, looking him over and nodding. "Commander, the Admiral is away at Belkadan. I've been told to give you your new assignment until he returns." The man walked towards a table and motioned for the Commander to take a seat.

Darth Exceron
Jul 22nd, 2001, 10:36:03 AM
Exceron nodded slightly before beginning his short trek to the table. With every step he took, the hard soles of his shoes struck the glimmering finish of the floor with a striking click, and nearly in perfect sucession.

Nodding once more to the man who had yet to identify himself, Exceron took a seat after placing his manilla folder which contained his operatives before him.

Zorin Hexes
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:11:03 AM
"I'll be quick commander. Time of is of the essence. A few days ago there were reports of suspicious activities on Wor Tandell, a planet which up to now has been relatively free of conflict. Several hours ago the planetary shielding went down, all sources pointing to sabotage. A Vong fleet is now approaching Wor Tandell's orbit. Do you understand, Commander?"

The man punched up a holographic display, a list scrolling across the screen.

"The following ships have been allocated from the Delteon Fleet's third division and are being placed at your disposal for <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3951.topic>this operation</a>.The Admiral is currently in the middle of campaign to conquer the Vong homeworld of Belkadan. We believe that this is a direct attempt at retaliation for the Delteon Sector Fleet's actions... unfortunately, the Vong have underestimated our numbers - and most of all, our superiority."

<font color=lightgreen>SSD3 Sharkbait

Destroyer Group One:
ISD2 Bennington
VSD3 Tsar
IP I-116
YT-5700 57-90
YT-5700 57-91
YT-5700 57-92
YT-5700 57-93
YT-5700 57-94
YT-5700 57-95
YT-5700 57-96
YT-5700 57-97
YT-5700 57-98
YT-5700 57-99
YT-5700 57-100

Destroyer Group Two:
ISD2 Independance
VSD3 Aetius
IP I-117
YT-5700 57-101
YT-5700 57-102
YT-5700 57-103
YT-5700 57-104
YT-5700 57-105
YT-5700 57-106
YT-5700 57-107
YT-5700 57-108
YT-5700 57-109
YT-5700 57-110
HS Incognito</font>

"Your objectives are simple: Keep the Vong invasion force at bay until another four destroyer groups can be properly dispatched from their current positions at the Quintooine and Lorah'l occupations. Any questions?"

Darth Exceron
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:24:38 AM
A loud screech came from the floor as the metal chair slid back, and Exceron stood in a formal stance after reviewing his forces a last time.

"Yes, sir."

I will start my approach ASAP, assuming that these capital ships are without fighter compliments. If that assumption is wrong, please inform me as soon as you can.

Darth Viscera
Jul 23rd, 2001, 02:29:55 PM
OOC: They are not without fighter compliments.

200 squadrons TIE Devils
4 squadrons TIE Devastators

100 squadrons TIE Devils
2 squadrons TIE Devastators

40 squadrons TIE Devils

~3 squadrons TIE Devils(?-check the vault)

~2 squadrons TIE Devils (?-check the vault)

Jes, his character is at the moment but a staff officer, but if you feel he can handle a combat command this soon, I trust your judgement.

Darth Exceron
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:52:20 PM
I do not have access to the vault.

Zorin Hexes
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:13:48 PM
(ooc) This assignment for him will be a test of his abilities. Should he fail to provide adequate defense I will RP the part of the officers who command the other four or five Destroyer Groups I send in and nuetralize the enemy forces myself. I have high hopes for him, however... so I don't foresee that it will be much of a problem.

As for the vault, you should now have access Darth Exceron. :)

Darth Viscera
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:34:16 PM
sounds good

Jerred Rez
Jul 25th, 2001, 09:41:52 PM
Hexes here. I've authorized the use of one more Destroyer group for that mission. You may write them into your post as coming out of hyperspace at your earliest convinience:

<font color=lightgreen>Destroyer Group Three:
ISD2 Belleau Wood
VSD3 Pascal
CRC Vainly Triumphant
YT-5700 57-111
YT-5700 57-112
YT-5700 57-113
YT-5700 57-114
YT-5700 57-115
YT-5700 57-116
YT-5700 57-117
YT-5700 57-118
YT-5700 57-119
YT-5700 57-120</font>

Darth Exceron
Jul 26th, 2001, 01:14:35 AM
OOC: There's no need for those reinforcements; the mission is complete. The Vong attack has been deflected, and planetary damage was only centered to one city. I have used various methods to eliminate and quarantine/nuetralize the poisoness spores left by the Vong attackers, also.

My losses are 2,500 TIE Devils, 1 ISD(Independence), 1 VSD(Tsar), 16 YT-5700s, and 2 IPs.

Off the record, I would like to say that every one of these losses(except only part of the Devil cassualites), had been accomplished ultimately through the use kamikaze. 2,000 of the TIE Devils were destroyed in one post utilizing some mass-destruction power capable using a relatively large Doven Bassal(and unfortunately, I saw additional information on the method which proved it to be ligitimate). Every single YT-5700 had been destroyed as part of a last-measure plan used, which involved one Skip ramming into each, along with the same circumstances for the IPs(though with more than 1 Skip, each). As for the VSD and ISD...those were also destroyed by Skips performing a kamikaze into the bridge.

Overall, I see the losses too great to be effective, but in all truth, I couldn't do anything about it because they involved the use of kamikazes(in which I wasn't supplied with time to intercept before they had hit). The good news is that Ord Mantell is safe, and the Vong lost all but 22 Skips, and 1 Heavy Cruiser(2 Speed Corvettes, a few hundred Skips, and 3,500 Vong Warriors were destroyed).

Khendon S
Jul 26th, 2001, 01:30:39 AM
As an off the record comment I believe in that situation with the allocated ships I would have fired blindly at the waves of craft and closed my bridge shutters... other than that, there is nothing that could have been done.

Jerred Rez
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:28:44 AM
(ooc) You mean Wor Tandell, not Ord Mantell? In any event, the losses were minor. Your performance was exemplary, and regardless of how effective the skirmish turned out, you did perform much better than most would have. Report back IC in a separate thread so that we may begin a salvage operation of the remaining ships and materials scattered about the planet's orbit.

Darth Exceron
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:33:16 AM
Yes, Wor Mantell...that was just an error.

And I did consider the aspect of firing blindly into the swarms of fighters...but that's when I realized/remembered that Coralskippers can only be destroyed by being simutaneously hit by laser fire from at least two different angels, which is somewhat hard to perform when using those methods.

Khendon S
Jul 26th, 2001, 11:47:29 AM
Still, if you have a wave of 40+ heavy shots coming at 6 or so on coming craft... Dovin Basals can only absorb so much, or so intelligence reports state.

Darth Exceron
Jul 26th, 2001, 02:43:58 PM
Heh, alright...I don't want a fight centered around difference in method.

Daemon Hyfe
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:22:17 PM
Great job.