View Full Version : Intelligence update

Darth Viscera
Dec 17th, 2000, 10:56:47 AM
TGE: Approximately 8 worlds, two large space facilities.
Known to be seeking an alliance with the Jedi @ the GJO. Conflict is known to be existing in the GJO as to whether or not to ally with the TGE. Thrawn stated that TGE was allied with TMC, and if such a partnership was allowed, he would make his fleet independant.

TMC: Many marzullos are known to be stuck on Frih'Tan V during its blockade. The planet is impenetrable due to its shields, unless an elite god-moder is utilized. The Jedi agent Darth dark cloak is known to be seeking a rescue attempt of the marzullos at Frih'Tan, and must be stopped at all costs.

GJO: An attack against them may not be feasible, as it has been heard from certain third-party sources that they consider our fleet a god-mode fleet. If this is actually the case, we will allow them to place an official inquiry into our assets.

Grand Admiral Thrawn-known to be attempting to 'reunite' the Empire by forcing all factions to join him, including TGE, thereby 'reestablishing' the empire.

Does anyone have any other intelligence or comments to add?

Darth Viscera
Dec 18th, 2000, 08:55:03 AM
The New Republic is now allied The Galactic Empire. The Shadow Fleet is independant from GJO. TGE is allied with TMC, so in effect NR is allied with TMC.

I also have reason to believe that the GJO wishes to ally with TGE. This is the reason that Shadow Fleet became independant from the GJO, because Thrawn didn't want to be allied with the marzullos.