View Full Version : Imperial Agents Qel-Vena and Zaarin:

Darth Viscera
Jan 9th, 2001, 01:22:08 PM
Director Isard has assigned you two to me because of your excellent piloting skills.

Agent Qel-Vena:

You will pilot the shuttle at Thyferra. Once you rendevous with the Gator Navy at that planet, they will fire a tow line at your shuttle. This tow line will transmit systems data on your shuttle, most importantly sensors and hyperdrive readings, so that the ships and shuttle will not collide by exiting hyperspace too soon.

The navicomputers and hyperdrives and sublight engines will be more easily linked this way. Your shuttle will be the eyes and ears of the four ships which you are towing. Without your sensors, those ships will not be able to target and destroy the shield generators. Also, watch out for the tow lines. If they somehow happen to get cut, you're screwed, because the ships would then have to decloak to eject new tow lines to capture to the shuttle's hull.

Make certain the tow lines don't get cut. At Imperial Center, when the four ships split into two groups, the Pervasive and the Serpent will detach from your hull to meet up with Zaarin's shuttle, but the Parragas and the Venom will remain towed to you. Take them to one of the planetary shield generators (there are two), then feed the location back to the two ships, so they can target and destroy the generator while they are still cloaked. The ships can still fire while cloaked, they just can't see what they're firing at.

This is why they're linked to you and your shuttle's sensors, so they can see. If the rebels, by some miracle, discover what your shuttle is doing, they'll most likely dispatch starfighters to vape you. This would be a bad thing, and would initiate events which would lead up to the cloaked ships being discovered, so try to act inconspicuous.

Agent Zaarin:

The same general rules apply to you and your mission. You will await rendevous with the Pervasive and the Serpent at Imperial Center. When they connect to you using their tow cables, guide them around the planet to the second shield generator, then feed the information to their targeting computers so that you can knock it out. When you arrive within 100 clicks of the second shield generator, broadcast the following message on subspace channel #152:

"What a murky, godawful day."

This will signal the 3 fleets at Borleias to go to Imperial Center, because the shield is about to go down. It takes 12 minutes and 42 seconds to arrive from at Imperial Center from Borleias at 1.0 past lightspeed, so make sure that the shield will be down in 13 minutes when you transmit the code. Timing is everything. We want to catch the rebels with their pants down.

Both of you, good luck.

Mali i Qel Vena
Jan 10th, 2001, 01:20:15 AM
I've started my part of it.

pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstit...3017.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3017.topic)

Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2001, 01:57:27 AM
Okay, Zaarin, you're up. You need to post next.