View Full Version : Phantom, Poreon

Darth Viscera
May 20th, 2001, 05:47:56 AM
The Dark Axis is forcing a war on me, one which I do not want to fight. They are saying that they should invade Coruscant, to hell with their allies. They're Sith, they're supposed to screw people over. That sort of nonsense. We should keep our people on high alert, they may attack any day now. I need to know where your loyalties lie.

-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-, seven months trying to become a part of the Sith, earn some respect, gone. -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-.

May 20th, 2001, 11:56:54 AM
I shall rest my loyalties with you Viscera. TGE has more to offer me than TSE does.

Darth Phantom
May 20th, 2001, 12:08:50 PM
I highly doubt that the sith will invade Coruscant. Well at least TSE we are busy doing other things.

Darth Viscera
May 20th, 2001, 02:04:17 PM
Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 97
(5/13/01 8:13:21 pm)
Reply The Dark Axis FleetHello.

An idea here mes amis, with the new and improved alliance of The Sith Order and The Sith Empire this has given us many chances to show we are the dominant groups here. It gives us a chance to make sure the Jedi do not have their way with either group and overall gives us all a chance to have opportunities once undreamed of.

Hence I propose the Dark Axis Fleet.

Based on the same name as the first alliance was started the purpose of the DAF would be several fold. First of we are suppose to be Sith yet due to the presence of fleets if we did not have them we'd get our butts kicked, planets wiped out etc.

Forming one major Fleet between our two groups it would be a co joint operation, only independent of TSO/TSE. In other words the Jedi have NR. We'd have the Dark Axis. Same deal. This would give those who have skills in the fleets etc to do their own thing while giving both our respected groups a big shot in the arm in the defense realm if not offensive as well. People who have superb knowledge in the fleet ways like Gav and Sums together?

The words Too Sweet go through the mind. People from both groups could take names under the united fleet much as some do for NR.

This way as Sith we could concentrate on such Sith matters while having the firepower to make sure no one screws with us. Or if they do we nuke them silly.

We already have a board, the Dark Axis forum could be set up for this, LW and Gav already have admin powers there as does a TSE member or two. We got everything in our corner on this, all we got to do is take the idea and run with it.

<www16.brinkster.com/jedah...edah2.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jedahlynch/Jedah2.jpg>)

<www.ezboard.com/image/cscicon2.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/image/cscicon2.gif>) Lady DeVille <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Angelically Evil Sith Knight
posts: 1041
(5/13/01 9:15:43 pm)
Community Supporter

<www16.brinkster.com/holly2/LDpp.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/holly2/LDpp.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Good ideas, I'm just worried that TSO will end up being swallowed whole by TSE eventually. Maybe not today...but tomorrow, who knows which way the wind will blow?

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 356
(5/13/01 10:37:17 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetAm I disqualified from this venture? I noticed that you neglected to mention me, yet Gav and Sums were prominent in your post.

Live Wire <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
Shockingly Beautiful
posts: 1380
(5/13/01 11:09:16 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...alpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LiveWire/personalpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetDV dont whine. Gavs always been prominent as far as TSO fleet ops as well as summ with TSE fleet ops.

I think its an excellent idea. Dont worry DeVille TSO will never merge with TSE. We're two seperate groups with two different ways of doing things and we want to cooperate not become one. As was stated before we are stronger as two seperate entities working together then we would be as one group.

hey Lynch a while ago the DA admin disappered from my ezboard menu can you look into that. Not that theres anything to do there now but just thought I'd mention it I think its ezboard being wierd.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 362
(5/13/01 11:15:49 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetSo then I am disqualified from a position in the Dark Axis fleet?

Live Wire <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
Shockingly Beautiful
posts: 1382
(5/13/01 11:27:05 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...alpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LiveWire/personalpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet no silly! sheeesh! There will be positions available he just mentioned two brilliant fleet RPers who will now be able to work together on a common fleet and how much that will be a kick ass collaboration. Not like they're gonna be the only two doing stuff! You are way to quick to rush to judgement dude.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 363
(5/13/01 11:39:17 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet [:( ]
sorry, I'm just feeling even more insecure than usual today.

Dark Lord Dyzm <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Sith Master
Head of....something?
posts: 866
(5/14/01 6:08:07 am)
<www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/jackie.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/jackie.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I think all defensive fleets are exepmt from the DA Fleet. I also Dont belive that we need a ever present DA Fleet. We Should Be Able to Form Up In a moments notice and work under a commander that was chosen by all. Like the Milita During Revolution. So If Any Fleet Ventures Out to lend strength to the DA Fleet, It would Be Beta And Gamma

Live Wire <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
Shockingly Beautiful
posts: 1386
(5/14/01 7:32:23 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...alpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LiveWire/personalpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleetkey words "we SHOULD be able to"

I dont like the word should when in connection with fleets working together. I want gaurantees!

but thats just how I feel. I think it would be great to have a collective fleet.....perhaps even keeping two smaller seperate fleets for ventures that arent joint between the two groups.

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 99
(5/14/01 11:41:20 am)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet We would keep the fleets we have, if not donate a few to the DAF while making a whole new fleet from scratch for it. You know the saying dont put all your eggs in one basket.

In other words like the NR as an independent fleet with people have more fleet like names to be in that group. Much like the NR the DAF would then be entitled to its own shipyards to buld its fleet as those commanding it saw fit. The problem with bringing both fleets together at a moments notice is it may not be possible, the co joint leadership would give one person the ability to act if the other wasnt on and put any opposing force ie: NR in its place.

Said Gav and Sums because as LW said they are both the groups most prominant fleet personal or largly in charge of san groups fleets.

I'll check up on the admin thing and get it back to you LW.

Oh yes TSE has agreed to the downsizing, in fact we've been using our downsized fleets for the past several weeks now as to what was agreed in the shipyards.

Darth Roul <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Anarchist Superstar
posts: 489
(5/14/01 12:02:41 pm)
<www.adl.org/hate_symbols/...y_150.gif> (http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/processed_new_images/anarchy_150.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I say we create a smaller fleet that is not in use until we need it. TSO and TSE should be able to defend each other with no problem.

<www16.brinkster.com/jeset.../Roul.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Roul.jpg>)

Its Just Better To Be Sith!

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 101
(5/14/01 2:24:02 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetWhy a small fleet?

Why limit ourselves?

Seems kinda dumb to have the NR a greater threat than the Dark Axis, after all we are suppose to be the big bad guys here.

Why not make sure of it?

Lord Psychic <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...nspot.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_greenspot.gif>)
Sith Knight
Shh, I'm reading your mind!
posts: 358
(5/14/01 4:47:14 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetLooks pretty good, I'm up for it.

Lady Vader <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/image/ez_icons/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
If looks could kill... *meow*
posts: 572
(5/15/01 1:49:29 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...LVpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LadyVader/LVpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I like the idea of having a DA fleet to counter-act the NR fleet, so to speak... TSO and TSE already have there own respective fleets... that would make three fleets the Jedi and anyone else who is considered an enemy would have to fend off...

and LD, I told you before and I'll say it AGAIN... TSO will NOT be swallowed by TSE... both will remain INDEPENDANT of each other... we are just made more allied through the physical aspect that there is a Council member from each group in the other's Council, hence the Sisterhood (or Brotherhood, I don't care which)... keeps communication lines more open than before... (next time, I may write it on a post-it note and stick it to your forehead so you don't have to worry again [:p ] [;) ] )...

<www16.brinkster.com/calig...Vsig2.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LadyVader/LVsig2.jpg>)

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 143
(5/15/01 5:44:25 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Hmmmm...

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 102
(5/15/01 12:00:30 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet
Quote: Hmmmm...

Who are you? I-tala?!

*Whacks Jeseth with rolled up newspaper*

No I-tala impersonations or no supper for you young man.

[:lol: ]

Swallowed up by TSE? Psah, no way. You know what kind of indigestion that would cause? Gah. Besides, having two groups independent while working on some co joint projects would benefit us both. Not only does it give our enemies two foes to beat. But also during the times of internal conflicts makes sure one is always standing in good shape without totally screwing over a large Sith populace. With this fleet we could make sure to take over planets, fend off any opposing fleets and more or less take over.

Imagine the potential that lies here. We are Sith, we should act that way, our way is to conqueor. We can do that better with this idea benefiting both groups.

Xarkz Chaos <members.aol.com/_ht_a/jai...ct18.jpeg> (http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/jaideliete/EZBoard/Page2_pict18.jpeg>)
Sith Knight
Mastered By The
posts: 181
(5/15/01 1:54:22 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/xinkz...htops.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/xinkz/Devil%20in%20Hightops.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetJust posting to tell that I think this is a rather good idea. However, when it wouldn't be in use where would it be located?

<www16.brinkster.com/xinkz/cat_h_w.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/xinkz/cat_h_w.jpg>)
Personal Ship: The Ghostalker
Ranking: Sith Knight
One Bad-Ass Sith
Serve the hive, feel the groove

[The Sith Order]

Dark Lord Dyzm <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Sith Master
Head of....something?
posts: 872
(5/15/01 2:18:59 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/dyzmt...logo1.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/gcnewlogo1.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet We Should Capture One Planet And Keep that Only As The Dark Axis Planet. The Other Planets Will Be Split Up Among Us. When the DA Fleet isnt In Use, You Park It Over the Dark Axis Planet.

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 382
(5/15/01 2:45:05 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetHmmm...it would be nice to be able to park the Axis Fleet over Coruscant! [:D ] If you take my meaning!! [:evil: ]

Darth Roul <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Anarchist Superstar
posts: 495
(5/15/01 2:50:13 pm)
<www.adl.org/hate_symbols/...y_150.gif> (http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/processed_new_images/anarchy_150.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetDA does need a fleet planet

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 149
(5/15/01 5:47:03 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet [:p ] Sorry... I just have a habit of "Hmmm"ing when I see something worth thought. [:) ]

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 378
(5/16/01 12:37:29 am)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetOver Coruscant? You're kidding, right? I already have to deal with Gue popping up on that planet.

By invitation only, boys and gentlegirls :)

Live Wire <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
Shockingly Beautiful
posts: 1401
(5/17/01 9:12:35 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...alpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LiveWire/personalpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleetso what planet are we going to take over as DA HQ??

lynch the admin thing is fixed now thanks.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 385
(5/17/01 10:22:49 am)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetHow about you use Frih'Tan V?

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 389
(5/17/01 11:47:11 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetNo. I say we give ourselves a challenge!

Something interest and reasonably difficult. Any ideas anyone?

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 159
(5/17/01 12:07:37 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetHmmmm... A challenge huh? You may want to look into taking Taloraan, which is right next to the TSO planet of Honoghr, and the TSE held world of Cilpar.

Edited by: Jeseth Cloak at: 5/17/01 7:48:24 pm
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
High Emissary and Commander
of the Cizerack Hunter Forces

posts: 43
(5/17/01 7:46:29 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetWhy not Kuat?

Oh, and BTW...Anbira has been without DA access since the creation of his name. If somebody could hook him up, that would be great.

<www16.brinkster.com/thelo...arroa.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/theloungelizard/sarrtarroa.jpg>)
[The Cizerack Pride]

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 107
(5/17/01 8:10:31 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetThought that the name had access, that shall soon be fixed if it isnt.

Some nice suggestions for planets. See if anyone at TSE can suggest any as well and from all suggested choose one to be our little garden.

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 164
(5/17/01 8:14:35 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetWho currently holds that?

Dark Lord Dyzm <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Sith Master
Head of....something?
posts: 879
(5/17/01 9:06:14 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/dyzmt...logo1.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/gcnewlogo1.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetLets Pick A Planet Roughly Inbetween TSO Homeworld And TSE Homeworld...

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 387
(5/17/01 11:39:57 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetKuat is held by the New Republic.

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 392
(5/18/01 8:41:28 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetThere we go! Kuat would be a great challenge since the NR own it. [:) ]

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 390
(5/18/01 1:05:40 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetOh, I see. You're too busy to let the NR attack you, but you have enough time to attack the NR.

Darth Roul <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Anarchist Superstar
posts: 507
(5/18/01 1:50:29 pm)
<www.adl.org/hate_symbols/...y_150.gif> (http://www.adl.org/hate_symbols/processed_new_images/anarchy_150.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleetoh shut up visc (just kidding)

<www16.brinkster.com/jeset.../Roul.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Roul.jpg>)

Its Just Better To Be Sith!

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 395
(5/18/01 2:49:31 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetActually no, I'm not interested in the New Republic, I was winding you up.

Viscera, I'll be frank. I fear you'll use your position in the New Republic to indirectly aid the Empire; because that is your first love. Sorry, I just have to be honest.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 391
(5/18/01 2:58:34 pm)
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<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I'm a better roleplayer than that, and the fact that they are the underdog is not a turn-off. I'm just looking for a place to get involved in a fleet battle.

I have no intention of using any NR characters to aid the empire. Frankly, the Empire needs no aid. It can sustain itself ten times over so long as I am there to lead it.

Edited by: Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>) at: 5/18/01 2:59:29 pm
Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 279
(5/18/01 4:06:27 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetWell why not put you to the test if you think you're so capable!

Look at you Vis! just look at you! Sitting there with your smug look on your butt-ugly face! Actin' all big 'n' bad! Think that just because you're a leader of the Empire that you're untouchable don't ya! Think that because you're in command of the most powerful and wealthiest assets in the galaxy that you can play both sides as you damn well please! Well I've got news for ya baby!!!



And just what are we gonna do about it TSO???

Well I say we fight back! What is actually stopping us from launching an assault on Coruscant? I'll tell you what! It's the goddamn NON-AGRESSION THING!!!!!

I'm tired of being bored out of my mind all the time! I'm tired of everyone being all luvey-duvey with each other! We're SITH for crying out loud! We're supposed to treat authority other than our own like -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-! We are meant to be the most hated people in the galaxy, and so far only a few of us have acted that way - and that disappoints me...A LOT!

SOmeone please tell me what exactly is stopping us from launching an assault on Coruscant besides the fact that we are "friends" with the Empire? It's THE EMPIRE!!!! They care about one thing...themselves! So why bother trying to pretend to be friendly and lets get to the action!

I say we have the DA HQ slap-bang in the middle of Coruscant - the Imperial Palace! Then we have Sluis Van and Kuat as our primary shipyard systems, then go for other prominent and potent systems like Mon Calamari, Chandrila, Ghormen, Berchest etc. Once we have Coruscant the snowball effect will kick in and the tables will turn on the Empire!

It's been far too long since conflict was occuring at SWFans...methinks its time for a change!

*Takes in a deep breath...*

(Ace Ventura voice) DAMN I'M GOOD!!!

Just had to say something about all this stuff going on! And I'm glad I got it off my chest! (I await your witty retort on that one, Gav!)

Dark Lord Dyzm <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Sith Master
Head of....something?
posts: 881
(5/18/01 4:15:59 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/dyzmt...logo1.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/gcnewlogo1.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetFINALLY!!! Someone Perfect For the Peace Talks!


Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 396
(5/18/01 4:17:22 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet*Plays Superman Theme*


I agree; I am also tired with everyone signing non-aggression contracts with each other like there's no tomorrow. It's way too boring!

Viscera, I respect you as a roleplayer, there's no doubt about that. But, I had to be honest about how I felt uneasy with the situation earlier.

I know the reason why there's peace is because IC Viscera promises peace once the Empire has Coruscant - but you know what? Peace is waaaay too over-rated....it's boring! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\">

Edited by: Garrett Blade at: 5/18/01 4:22:31 pm
Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 280
(5/18/01 4:20:28 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Thank you Dyzm. I choose not to take that as a joke. Gav will tell you how good I am at that sort of thing. If yoo ask nicely - he may even tell you about how I plan to handle my job as a school prefect.

Dark Lord Dyzm <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/anim_1.gif>)
Sith Master
Head of....something?
posts: 884
(5/18/01 4:50:36 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/dyzmt...logo1.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/dyzmtso/gcnewlogo1.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetSchool Perfect? Never Heard Of them Over Here in Washington. But My Plan Is To FLY!!!

Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 281
(5/18/01 5:08:53 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/peter...arrow.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/petermccoy/arrow.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetSchool PREFECT!

Like a "hall-monitor".

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 397
(5/18/01 5:23:43 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetSpread the word: "Bugger off!!!"

[:lol: ] [:lol: ]

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 167
(5/18/01 6:20:25 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetGuys, I'll be frank... I think you're being wholly unfair to Viscera. For one thing, I have never seen him use his position in the Empire or the NR to help his other characters in other groups. Alot of people don't like him (i've been told) because he only wants to do fleet RPs and such, but guess what:

He has the right to RP anyway he likes... and he has a point. If you were too busy to deal with an NR attack when he attempted one (if he attempted one), then he has every right to refuse your attack against the NR. That wouldn't be an IC action, either. That would be totally OOC... because IC, I don't think a fleet would arrive and then go home with Doddona tells them "Go away." Geez people, cut the man some slack. He hhas work pretty damn hard and played by the rules to get to where he is, and he deserves at least a shred of %#$@&#$ respect for that.
Quote: I'm tired of being bored out of my mind all the time! I'm tired of everyone being all luvey-duvey with each other! We're SITH for crying out loud! YES! Finally, someone who understands!

Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 282
(5/18/01 6:34:58 pm)
<www20.brinkster.com/peter...arrow.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/petermccoy/arrow.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Excuse me? FINALLY somebody who understands? Not to sound annoyed with you, but it's just that I find it funny that you think I FINALLY understand.

Don't get me wrong here - I've always been like that! Just that I never voiced my opinions because I never felt the need to!

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 108
(5/18/01 8:10:48 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet As the supposedly evil force in the galaxy we have been more or less not so evil. For TSO and TSE being allies makes sense, but everyone else should be game. No matter if they be Jedi, Dark Jedi, Republic, Imperials, mercs, hunters or Wookies with fins that shoot freakin laser beams.

Overall my opinon of someone being in NR or anything Jedi related knowning TSO defenses and potential able to exploit them doesnt sit well with me. Anyone in such a position I would NOT want to be involved with the DAF. Dont care if that means it was a low rank or high rank, dont really care if they are the most popular person on the board or most hated.

Thats not necessary a knock against you Vis. Very wary of such things and especially people who play multiple characters on any side that doesnt have loyalty to a specific group. Basically if someones in TSO or whatever group they are in, they should be ready to give it their all for that group. If they RP a character on another group that doesnt really have ties to one group they are in Ie: Jedi/Sith etc then if one group wants to attack the other group they are in they better be ready for it. The same should go for all NONE Sith groups.

Sanis Prent
Outlaw for Hire
posts: 14
(5/18/01 8:34:00 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/thelo...ispic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/theloungelizard/sanispic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetAnd this is where I respectfully disagree with Lynch.

I shall not say anything more, as too much OOC damage has been done over similar pointless debates.

<www16.brinkster.com/thelo...ntsig.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/theloungelizard/prentsig.jpg>)

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 170
(5/18/01 8:37:52 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet
Quote: Don't get me wrong here - I've always been like that! Just that I never voiced my opinions because I never felt the need to!Well, it's good to know when you're not alone. [:p ]
Quote: No matter if they be Jedi, Dark Jedi, Republic, Imperials, mercs, hunters or Wookies with fins that shoot freakin laser beams. As for the Dark Jedi part, while TSE may not like Dark Jedi much, TSO hasn't ever had any problems with them, and being that both are Dark Side users, most Sith wouldn't know the difference, and perhaps only see it as a different faction of Sith - since many of our members are Sith as well, and not merely Dark Jedi.
Quote: Overall my opinon of someone being in NR or anything Jedi related knowning TSO defenses and potential able to exploit them doesnt sit well with me. Many of us here play more than one character, at least I'm pretty sure of that... and considering the number of opportunities I've had to exploit TSO weaknesses with my Jedi character, and haven't, I think that says something as to the my abilities to keep seperate characters seperate. Don't misunderstand me, I don't want involvement with the DA fleet at all, I'm merely speaking up on a few points are think are rathered flawed, and that should be applied as general rules.
Quote: In other words the Jedi have NR. We'd have the Dark Axis. Same deal. Actually, the NR isn't run by the Jedi... They merely choose to enlist in it. If you wanted to go at total opposition, then the logical step would be to unite under the Empire. Otherwise, then you can't really compare the Dark Axis to the NR, because it wouldn't apply in the same manner as it could if compared the Empire to the NR.

In other words, the Dark Axis is only an alliance between TSE and TSO, and not really much of a counter to anything.
Quote: We got everything in our corner on this, all we got to do is take the idea and run with it. Funny how somebody proposed this idea to TSE not too long ago IC, but was ignored... But oh well, no gripes about that, I don't care too much about it anymore. I just hope that my insight may somewhat enlighten this whole operation... [:p ]

Edited by: Jeseth Cloak at: 5/18/01 8:46:43 pm
Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 111
(5/18/01 8:42:45 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetIts ok to disagree.

The problem arises when people take offense from what is said when no offense is meant.

Think its better for a person to speak and be heard than not speak at all. Unless a post is meant to only attack someone in a rather blunt way.

Overall for a group to suceed there must be communication while staying respectful to the people being spoken too.

/End rant.

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 171
(5/18/01 8:47:30 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetWell... Just for the record I hope I wasn't disrespectful. Wasn't trying to be... [:/ ]

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 112
(5/18/01 8:58:18 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet
Quote: As for the Dark Jedi part, while TSE may not like Dark Jedi much, TSO hasn't ever had any problems with them, and being that both are Dark Side users, most Sith wouldn't know the difference, and perhaps only see it as a different faction of Sith - since many of our members are Sith as well, and not merely Dark Jedi.

I said Dark Jedi due to the fact I meantioned just about every other group. Currently if TSE had a problem with TBH which is what your referring too then TBH would know it in a big way. Since there isnt anything going on against TBH though that should tell you something.

Quote: Many of us here play more than one character, at least I'm pretty sure of that... and considering the number of opportunities I've had to exploit TSO weaknesses with my Jedi character, and haven't, I think that says something as to the my abilities to keep seperate characters seperate. Don't misunderstand me, I don't want involvement with the DA fleet at all, I'm merely speaking up on a few points are think are rathered flawed, and that should be applied as general rules.

Some people know how to keep the roles between two groups straight, not all but many. Its because of a few rules were made to deal with infiltrations etc. But thats another matter entirely. Overall though seen many cases of people in different groups not RPing against a group because they were in it or tried to protect it in some way. Its been like that for ages. Doubt it shall change. That doesnt apply to everyone except for some.

Quote: Actually, the NR isn't run by the Jedi... They merely choose to enlist in it. If you wanted to go at total opposition, then the logical step would be to unite under the Empire. Otherwise, then you can't really compare the Dark Axis to the NR, because it wouldn't apply in the same manner as it could if compared the Empire to the NR.

Many NR are really Jedi under another name. That was my point. The same would be for DAF unless people think creating such a fleet is overkill.

Quote: Funny how somebodyproposed this idea to TSE not too long ago IC, but was ignored... But oh well, no gripes about that, I don't care too much about it anymore. I just hope that my insight may somewhat enlighten this whole operation...

Exactly which incident are you speaking of? If TSO proposed this to TSE I find it hard to believe it was ignored unless many were preoccupied at the time. Certainly dont remember anything.

Jedah Lynch
Sith Master
TSO Jester
posts: 113
(5/18/01 9:04:42 pm)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet
Quote: Well... Just for the record I hope I wasn't disrespectful. Wasn't trying to be...

Didnt find it disrepectful one bit. Like I said communciation is needed. All problems can be traced back to a lack of communciation. Even if something is slightly negative its better to communciate it then not. Some exceptions to that rule of course.

Doesnt botter me personally if someone disagrees or puts up counter arguements. Rather see honesty in a group then people not saying what they believe or think.

Lady Vader <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/image/ez_icons/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
If looks could kill... *meow*
posts: 575
(5/19/01 12:45:06 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...LVpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LadyVader/LVpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleetok ppl... any way we can get back to the reason for this thread? we still need to decide on a planet to house the DA fleet...

ok, someone mentioned that one planet near Honoghr... that's one possibility and it wouldn't cost us any damage to fleet losses at going to war...
the other planet mentioned was Kuat... now this is millitarily a better target seeing as how it has a nice ship buidling operation on board... but it's also owned by the NR (but that statis can be changed)... so, we'd have some possible fleet loss in that battle, but we'd gain the ship yards...

so, what'll it be?... I'm starting to feel myself leaning towards Kuat...

<www16.brinkster.com/calig...Vsig2.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LadyVader/LVsig2.jpg>)

Gav Mortis
Dark Lord
posts: 401
(5/19/01 2:06:25 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/serie...rcury.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/series101/mercury.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Just for the record, my earlier comments were NOT out of disrespect for Viscera. Jeseth you completely misunderstood; besides would you rather have me just be quiet and not be honest because personally I think that is the wrong thing to do. I feel it is very important to be honest with someone on how you feel just as you were doing with me and Garrett however I didn't mean what I said to be in a nasty way because I have a whole heap of respect for Viscera.

I am as I have said, bored out of my mind with all these happy-happy-joy-joy peace acts being made between all groups. Trade pacts are fine, fopr example between TSO and the Cizerack but at the rate the groups at SWFans are going why don't we just form an alliance with the GJO and get it over and done with! [<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\"> ]

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 392
(5/19/01 3:00:32 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet If it makes any of you feel any better, the empire is still exploiting the NR 100%. we're taking fatasshi, which means that we will control the supply routes to the NR's greatest industrial planets: Mon Cal, Kuat, Bothawui, etc. basically means mo' money for the empire.

Another thing, the NR is now pretty much devoid of GJO members. I believe the last one was Hart, as his Lando character, but he's gone, and SS has expressed that they are jedi, not NR officers. Rather treasonously, in fact.

And Garrett, you could have stated your point of view in a nicer way. I know you have a lot of contempt for me, I share that feeling about myself as well, but you don't have to point it out so obstreperously.

Edited by: Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>) at: 5/19/01 3:06:49 am
Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 397
(5/19/01 3:50:15 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetAnd I'm really way too self-righteous to take advantage of my NR character anyway [:) ]

Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 283
(5/19/01 4:40:22 am)
<www20.brinkster.com/peter...arrow.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/petermccoy/arrow.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Please don't think I was being 100% serious in my post. I was just talking funny, but my main points were true. I really don't see what we have to benefit from peace with the Empire, so why not crush it - we need to give the Titan a field test anyways!

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 399
(5/19/01 5:01:21 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Because you simply can't crush it. You're outmanned, outgunned, and several of my people are excellent tacticians. And the idea of becoming the Military Governor of the occupied TSO territory is not very appealing to me.

The Empire is far better organised, has defenses on every planet, churns out far more weapons than you can imagine daily, and is devoted entirely to militarism and its own expanionist policies. You can try to take it over if you'd like, but I really don't want to see my friends throw away their forces against me when they could be throwing them away against the Jedi.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 401
(5/19/01 5:04:04 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetNow can we talk about something less awkward?

Darth Roul <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Anarchist Superstar
posts: 511
(5/19/01 5:32:41 am)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetI found it funny that you bought weapons from me for the empire when you clearly don't need them.

Second what makes you think that the DA fleet, TSO's massive fleets and TSE's massive fleets couldn't take you out? Maybe not all at once but we could do considerable damage. (none of these statements were to be disrespectful to you Visc. Just what you said)

Third Kuat sounds best to me

<www16.brinkster.com/jeset.../Roul.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Roul.jpg>)

Its Just Better To Be Sith!

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 403
(5/19/01 5:54:52 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetI beg your pardon, but I don't wish to discuss invading my relative allies any more today.

Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 286
(5/19/01 5:57:41 am)
<www20.brinkster.com/peter...arrow.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/petermccoy/arrow.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet The Empire being better equiped and such? One thing springs to mind - the Rebel Alliance! Now if my memory serves me correctly, weren't they the ones who toppled the Empire fromits seat of power, destroying BOTH Death Stars as well as recovering over half the galxy under its ruling?

Not everything is won by the bigger side!

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 404
(5/19/01 6:00:55 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetIf the Empire was ruled by DV at the time, it would not have fallen due to a mere insurrection.

Seth Darkserpent
Sith Knight
posts: 77
(5/19/01 7:37:39 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/brodi...image.gif> (http://www16.brinkster.com/brodie/demon_image.gif>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Viscera, just bringing up something in here. Stealth Squadron is an NR squadron much like Rogue Squadron. But in that Calan RP we arrived as Jedi (deciding not to take sides) to help set things straight on Calan. Nothing was treasonous about our actions. They were for the greater good.

Lord Psychic <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...nspot.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_greenspot.gif>)
Sith Knight
Shh, I'm reading your mind!
posts: 376
(5/19/01 9:10:13 am)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I'm not so much as wanting to stop an agreement between groups, but I WOULD actually like to have to some fun and participate in an RPG. Coursant sounds fine.

Lord Psychic <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...nspot.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_greenspot.gif>)
Sith Knight
Shh, I'm reading your mind!
posts: 378
(5/19/01 9:43:46 am)
Reply Re: The Dark Axis FleetOh and, I propose that we vote on the planet.

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 176
(5/19/01 10:59:24 am)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetWell, LV the other planet I suggested is also an NR planet... but Kuat does fine to me too.

Garrett Blade
Sith Knight
I am.......CHRISTMAS!!!
posts: 288
(5/19/01 11:49:59 am)
<www20.brinkster.com/peter...arrow.jpg> (http://www20.brinkster.com/petermccoy/arrow.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetHow about we go for a hat-trick? Kuat, then Sluis Van, then Coruscant!

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 403
(5/19/01 11:52:15 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetIf you want Coruscant, come and get it.

Dyyz Natal <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic..._ball.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_ball.gif>)
Delta Fleet Commander
posts: 15
(5/19/01 12:04:54 pm)
<www.world-war.co.uk/Count...iring.jpg> (http://www.world-war.co.uk/Countries/bismarck_firing.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis FleetIm ready for anything but lets vote

<server3006.freeyellow.com.../dyzz.JPG> (http://server3006.freeyellow.com/mphage/dyzz.JPG>)

Live Wire <www.ezboard.com/intl/aeng...mokin.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif>)
Sith Master
Shockingly Beautiful
posts: 1406
(5/19/01 10:40:34 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/calig...alpic.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/caligirls/LiveWire/personalpic.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet*sighs*

well as for which planet to occupy I say if you think we can take coruscant then go for it! We are sith and sith don't always stick by their agreements. I have always supported sith alliances cause I believe we are better off fighting our enemies then each other. I support trade agreements for financial benefit. But this non agression stuff is getting boring as hell! Peace sucks!!!! Now if you dont feel its a beneficial effort then Kuat is an easier target. Im open to either one. But dont say we cant hit coruscant cause of the non agression pact. We're sith and we can do whatever the hell we want to anyone whos not sith or a darkside user.

Jeseth Cloak
Sith Knight
Dark Jedi
All around not a nice guy
posts: 183
(5/19/01 11:28:46 pm)
<www16.brinkster.com/jeset...trait.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/jesethsworkshop/Jeseth_Portrait.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet Isn't Coruscant owned by the Empire, who happens to be under Viscera's control, who happens to also be a Sith? I don't think attacking it would be all so great a thing to do... Especially since I don't see why you wouldn't just simply ask if you could have your fleet operations based there.

Darth Viscera <www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gic...tning.gif> (http://www.ezboard.com/ezgfx/gicons/black_lightning.gif>)
Sith Knight
posts: 407
(5/20/01 1:48:00 am)
Reply | Edit
<www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg> (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/diktat.jpg>) Re: The Dark Axis Fleet I'm certain that they know that I would refuse, if that were asked. Perhaps those present are unaware of my resolve in prosecuting a war which has been initiated through the use of such treachery. If you'd like the entire Dark Axis to go to -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-, lose everything it has worked so hard to gain, then I implore you to attack the most heavily fortified planet in this galaxy. The faster you throw away your forces, the sooner your struggle will be at an end.

Don't tell anyone i posted this here, they'd revoke my SSC access.

Daemon Hyfe
May 21st, 2001, 10:44:37 AM
I don't have time to read all that. Could you summarize what it says in a few sentences? :)

Darth Viscera
May 21st, 2001, 11:22:02 AM
I ALREADY DID! check the first post in this thread.

Gormul Hyfe
May 21st, 2001, 04:37:55 PM
I knew that...

Seth Darkserpent
May 21st, 2001, 08:09:17 PM
Viscera, you know I am going to stay neutral on this one as Seth if DA actually does attack.

Darth Viscera
May 21st, 2001, 11:39:38 PM
I don't give a hooch about that, as your Seth character isn't even part of the empire, to my knowledge. It's just Moff Disra that I need.

Gormul Hyfe
May 22nd, 2001, 07:35:01 AM
Well my character will be loyal, ofcourse.

Khendon S
May 24th, 2001, 05:24:15 PM
I am, as always, the empires loyal servant and your friend, as is the Guild.

Seth Darkserpent
May 26th, 2001, 11:33:14 AM
Seth is part of the Empire. He's an Imperial citizen...That makes him part of the Empire :D

Darth Viscera
May 26th, 2001, 03:03:39 PM
I don't remember granting Seth Imperial citizenship.