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Darth Viscera
Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:32:33 PM
I don't really think that I'll be around as much as I'd like from now on, as I'm getting ready for college (and RPing truly is a 24-hour proposition for me....i get easily addicted to it), so I believe I will put my character on an IC hiatus, until i can find the time to really get back into the swing of things. I'll still be on AIM a lot, I just don't feel as enthusiastic about making posts as I once did.

Therefore I'm leaving temporary command of the Empire to Grand Admiral Hyfe, Vice Admiral Hexes, Moff Sevon, and Grand Moff Schreiger. Please verify the major stuff with me on AIM (attacks and such, building new ships, etc)

I just need a break from RPing...

Daemon Hyfe
Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:40:21 PM
Ah. Well I guess this is the real slap in the face that will FORCE me to come back and get active again! I've been saying I will for forever, but I've never really done it. I've just been moping around and hanging out some at TGC.

I guess it's really time to get on the ball here though. I'll continue with Fatasshi, start some more RPs, get the Reserve Armada branch more lively, and start working on our little "Operation: Flying Tigers" thing (if you're still interested in something of that sort).

Good to see you back, and good luck at college.

We'll hold things together for you. You need not worry.

Darth Viscera
Aug 2nd, 2001, 04:52:01 PM
Flying Tigers sounds good. It's a good idea, anyhow. I'd make a character for that outfit if I weren't so absolutely certain that I'd lose interest halfway through, as I do with most things.

I don't think that college starts until early September. I'll have to check on that, though. I think my body is forcing me to make this steer away from RPing, in anticipation of college (that's been on the back of my mind a lot)

I hope things can be held together. It really -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ing pissed me off reading that Yammka Thyferra thread, where they just ignored our fleet in the area, and ignored our planetary defenses.

I'd be happy to help strategise over AIM and consult with you guys on whatever you need, I just feel as if I lack interest in posting completely.

Daemon Hyfe
Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:37:41 PM
Sounds great. It'll be wonderful to be able to keep in touch with you on AIM so you can help us stategize, and we can keep you filled in.

I can surely understand you're situation. You've been putting in 117% for... what? Nearly 2 years now? I can tell you this... if I had worked half as hard at RPing as you have, I'd have lost it a long time ago. Probably be in a mental institution drooling as I teethed on some Reebok's.

Again, I'm glad you'll be able to stay in touch and help out on AIM with planning, and battle tactics, because remember... the key to this operation is *raises an eyebrow*... "strategery" (LOL).

And I'll get started on the board for that splinter group. It should be interesting. I'll just have to start recruiting around here. I'm sure some people will be interested... and if not, I'll knock them over the head and drag them into it.

Lockbox. (Sorry, had to say it).

And I do hope you have a good first year at college. What are you going to be studying, BTW?

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 15th, 2001, 04:33:21 PM
:( I hope I can keep things going alright until you get back...

Serena Laran
Aug 18th, 2001, 03:30:39 AM
I'm actually here, and posting! SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS! ;) Good luck to you Viscera, you will be missed. :)