Khendon S
Sep 28th, 2001, 02:30:00 PM
(I might be missing a few)
Guild Assets
First Tactical Operations Fleet
GSD Black Star
GSD Bucephalus
GSD Parmenion
GSD Nova Cluster
GSD Prometheus
IlSD Ephesus
IlSD Iliad
IlSD Miletus
IlSD Hellespont
IlSD Miletus
FAF Ionia
FAF Passionate Attack
FAF Last of an Age
FAF Lost Rage
FAF Forgotten Galaxy
FAF Hidden Nebula
FAF Sun’s Revenge
FAF Gordium
FAF Warlord
FAF Shogun
FAF Samurai
FAF Unforeseen Consequences
FAF Forced Tribute
FAF Ravager of Souls
FAF Last Laugh
FAF Hell’s Gate
FAF Talon
FAF Phalanx
FAF Necros
FAF Balanced Evils
FAF Evolution
FAF Dranmog
FAF Twin Evils
FAF Soul Raker
FAF Hell’s Cohort
FAF Death’s Widow
FAF Alexandria
FAF War Hammer
FAF Thor’s Hammer
FAF Darious
FAF Human Nature
FAF Animal in Disguise
Fleet Flagship Erebus Command Class Art of War
First Division
Division Flagship Super Star Destroyer Apparition
Star Destroyer Group One
ISD3 Prowler
BC Annihilation
BC Annihilation II
IEC Hell-bent
VAS Wolf 1
VAS Wolf 2
INT Picket Appropriation
Star Destroyer Group Two
ISD3 Revenant
BC Blood Assassin
NB2 Archer
NB2 Bad Blood
FCF Brimstone
IEC Black Beard
VAS Wolf 19
INT Picket Appropriation II
Star Destroyer Group Three
ISD3 Revenant
BC Blood Assassin
NB2 Archer
NB2 Bad Blood
FCF Brimstone
IEC Black Beard
VAS Wolf 19
INT Picket Appropriation II
Star Destroyer Group Four
ISD3 Lemures
BC Death Raven
BC Death Raven II
IEC Death
VAS Wolf 5
VAS Wolf 6
INT Picket Appropriation IV
Star Destroyer Group Five
BC Extinction
BC Extinction II
IEC Dust t'dust
VAS Wolf 7
VAS Wolf 8
INT Picket Appropriation V
Star Destroyer Group Six
ISD3 Hobgoblin
BC Blood Assassin II
NB2 Black Sheep
NB2 Enmity
FCF Brimstone II
IEC Crony
VAS Wolf 20
INT Picket Confiscation
Star Destroyer Group Seven
ISD3 Flibbertigibbet
BC Hostile Takeover
NB2 Fallen Angel
NB2 First Blood
FCF Brimstone III
INT Picket Confiscation II
AC Loath
Star Destroyer Group Eight
ISD3 Evil Eye
BC Hostile Takeover II
NB2 Last Campaign
NB2 Magistrate
FCF Fireball
INT Picket Confiscation III
AC Paranoia
Star Destroyer Group Nine
ISD3 Demonica
BC King's Killer
NB2 Meager
NB2 Merger
FCF Fireball II
INT Picket Confiscation IV
AC Revulsion
Star Destroyer Group Ten
ISD3 Man-of-War
BC Hunter
NB2 Wizard
FCF Massacre
FCF Massacre II
INT Picket Unification II
Reserve Deployment Group
NB2 Medical Blood Brother
NB2 Medical Dark Magic
FCF Hellbringer II
FCF Massacre III
IAT Rough Rider
IAT Rough Rider II
IAT Rough Rider III
IAT Rough Rider IV
INT Picket Unification III
AC Despise
Second Division
Division Flagship Super Star Destroyer Specter
Star Destroyer Group One
ISD3 Banshee
BC King's Killer II
NB2 Personable
NB2 Pikeman
FCF Fireball III
IEC Long John
INT Picket Confiscation V
Star Destroyer Group Two
ISD2 Mercenary
BC Vengeance
BC Vengeance II
IEC Final Number
VAS Wolf 9
VAS Wolf 10
INT Picket Stalemate
Star Destroyer Group Three
DSD Demolition
BC Sledge Hammer
BC Sledge Hammer II
IEC Beast
VAS Wolf 11
VAS Wolf 12
INT Picket Stalemate II
Star Destroyer Group Four
DSD Death Advocate
BC Quelled Masses
BC Quelled Masses II
IEC Death Angel
VAS Wolf 13
VAS Wolf 14
INT Cruiser Blackmail
Star Destroyer Group Five
DSD Defile
BC Last Stand
BC Last Stand II
IEC Ashes t'ashes
VAS Wolf 15
VAS Wolf 16
INT Picket Stalemate III
Star Destroyer Group Six
DSD Death's Revenge
BC The End
BC The End II
IEC Demon Spawn
VAS Wolf 17
VAS Wolf 18
INT Picket Stalemate IV
Star Destroyer Group Seven
DSD Death's Friend
BC Predator
NB2 Swordsman
NB2 Tactician
FCF Hellbringer
IEC Despair
INT Picket Stalemate V
Star Destroyer Group Eight
DSD Arrogance
BC Predator II
NB2 Prophet of Doom
NB2 Warlock
FCF Hellbringer II
INT Picket Unification
AC Psychotic
Reserve Deployment Group
BC Hunter II
NB2 Medical Den of Thieves
NB2 Medical Necromancer
FCF Massacre IV
FCF Spitfire
FCF Spitfire II
FCF Spitfire III
IAT Tough Old Critter
IAT Tough Old Critter II
IAT Tough Old Critter III
IAT Tough Old Critter IV
INT Picket Unification IV
INT Picket Unification V
AC Dismal
Home Guard Fleet
Flotilla One
ISD2 - Iron Sides
Assassin Corvette Leader
Assassin Corvette Leader IV
Correllian Gunship Fluffy
Correllian Gunship Fluffy II
Correllian Gunship Searcher II
Dreadnaught Crystal Fist
Dreadnaught Hell's Redemption
Enforcer Cruiser Crusher
Imp Customs Corvette 10
Imp Customs Corvette 1
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience
Imperial Escort Carrier Haven
Imperial Escort Carrier Mother load
IPV1 Crossbow 1
IPV1 Crossbow 10
IPV1 Mace 1
IPV1 Mace 10
Lancer Frigate Fighter
Neb B II Flight Hunter
Neb B II Flight Hunter II
Neb BII Foot Soldier II
Neb BII Foot Soldier III
VSD I Eradicator
VSDII Elongation
Flotilla Two
ISD2 - Guardian
Assassin Corvette Leader II
Assassin Corvette Leader V
Correllian Gunship Fluffy III
Correllian Gunship Fluffy IV
Correllian Gunship Searcher III
Dreadnaught Hell's Knight
Dreadnaught Hell's Savior
Enforcer Cruiser Cutter
Imp Customs Corvette 2
Imp Customs Corvette 3
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience II
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer II
IPV1 Crossbow 2
IPV1 Crossbow 3
IPV1 Mace 2
IPV1 Mace 3
Lancer Frigate Fighter II
Neb B II Flight Hunter III
Neb B II Flight Hunter IV
Neb BII Foot Soldier IV
Neb BII Foot Soldier V
VSDII Entanglement
VSDII Estrangement
Flotilla Three
ISD2 - Watch Dog
Assassin Corvette Leader III
Correllian Gunship Fluffy V
Correllian Gunship Searcher
Correllian Gunship Searcher IV
Dreadnaught Hell's Overlord
Dreadnaught Hell's Trooper
Enforcer Cruiser Eliminator
Imp Customs Corvette 4
Imp Customs Corvette 5
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience III
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer III
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer IV
IPV1 Crossbow 4
IPV1 Crossbow 5
IPV1 Mace 4
IPV1 Mace 5
Lancer Frigate Fighter III
Neb B II Flight Hunter V
Neb BII Foot Soldier
Neb BII legionnaire
Neb BII legionnaire II
VSDII Exploration
VSDII Extinction
Reserve Deployment Group
Correllian Gunship Searcher V
Lictor Class Dungeon ship Reputable
Demolisher Class Cruiser
Demolisher Class Cruiser
Dreadnaught Iron Fist
Enforcer Cruiser Extinguisher
Imp Customs Corvette 6
Imp Customs Corvette 7
Imp Customs Corvette 8
Imp Customs Corvette 9
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience IV
IPV1 Crossbow 6
IPV1 Crossbow 7
IPV1 Crossbow 8
IPV1 Crossbow 9
IPV1 Mace 6
IPV1 Mace 7
IPV1 Mace 8
IPV1 Mace 9
Lancer Frigate Fighter IV
Lancer Frigate Fighter V
Neb BII legionnaire III
Neb BII legionnaire IV
Neb BII legionnaire V
Star Galleon Frigate Hauler
Star Galleon Frigate Hauler II
Space Stations
1 Mobile Hangar
Kyrin Sector:
Kyrin V
Orinoco Sector:
Orinoco V
Nashua Sector:
Estellha Sector:
Omar Prime
20 planetary turbolasers
20 planetary ion cannons
3 Ion Shield Generators
1 .500km hanger
10 Divisions to be stationed (formed from the planets previous army) total troops = 60,000
1 Armored Regiment to be stationed (formed from the planets previous army using modern UPAUs) total = 864
1 Battalion of Artillery (formed from the planets previous army) total = 144 howitzers
800 Anti-air guns (from the wars)
Mining facilities to be built
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
Construction Yard
Omar Prime:
25 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
12 divisions to be stationed 72,000 troops
1 armor regiment = 864
1 howitzer battalion = 144
1,600 anti-air guns
Mining facilities to be built
trade facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
20 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
8 divisons to be stationed 48,000 troops
1 armor regiment 864
1 howizter battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
Farming facilities
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
25 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
10 divisons 60,000 troops
1 armor regiment 864
1 howizter battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
trade facilities
mining facilities
lumber facilities
farming facilities
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
10 ion cannons
10 turbolasers
3 ion shields
1 division 6,000 troops
2 squads of armor 12
1 squad of howitzers 4
100 anti-air guns
research lab
gas gathering facilities
20 turbolasers
20 ion cannons
3 ion shields
8 divisions 48,000 troops
1 regiment armor 864
1 howitzer battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
fishing facilities
mining facilities
10 turbolasers
10 ion cannons
3 ion shields
4 divisions 24,000 troops
1 regiment armor 864
1 howitzer battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
fishing facilities
mining facilities
Research lab
Add-on to all planets (each)
10 SRC GSA-CCs (5 Days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
1000 Hell Cat Suits (5 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
500 Hellbringer Suits (5 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
2 Planet Modifier Stations (6 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/3)
5 Planetary Mass Cannons (6 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/3)
Nashua Chain (Nashua, Imation, TDK)
Per Planet:
Ion Shield Gen, w/ back up for 24/7 use
Planetary Ion Cannons: 10
Planetary Turbolasers: 20
Backup Ion Generator for defenses, buried under mountain (or lake)
.5km Fighter Base: (1 squad Executioners, 1 squad scimitars, 1 squad swordfish, 2 squads shadow droids)
3 A.L.F.s
Kyrin Chain (Kyrin, Kyrin V, Kyrinos)
Per Planet:
Ion Shield Gen, w/ back up for 24/7 use
Planetary Ion Cannons: 10
Planetary Turbolasers: 20
Backup Ion Generator for defenses, buried under mountain (or lake)
.5km Fighter Base: (1 squad Executioners, 1 squad scimitars, 1 squad swordfish, 2 squads shadow droids)
3 A.L.F.s
Guild Assets
First Tactical Operations Fleet
GSD Black Star
GSD Bucephalus
GSD Parmenion
GSD Nova Cluster
GSD Prometheus
IlSD Ephesus
IlSD Iliad
IlSD Miletus
IlSD Hellespont
IlSD Miletus
FAF Ionia
FAF Passionate Attack
FAF Last of an Age
FAF Lost Rage
FAF Forgotten Galaxy
FAF Hidden Nebula
FAF Sun’s Revenge
FAF Gordium
FAF Warlord
FAF Shogun
FAF Samurai
FAF Unforeseen Consequences
FAF Forced Tribute
FAF Ravager of Souls
FAF Last Laugh
FAF Hell’s Gate
FAF Talon
FAF Phalanx
FAF Necros
FAF Balanced Evils
FAF Evolution
FAF Dranmog
FAF Twin Evils
FAF Soul Raker
FAF Hell’s Cohort
FAF Death’s Widow
FAF Alexandria
FAF War Hammer
FAF Thor’s Hammer
FAF Darious
FAF Human Nature
FAF Animal in Disguise
Fleet Flagship Erebus Command Class Art of War
First Division
Division Flagship Super Star Destroyer Apparition
Star Destroyer Group One
ISD3 Prowler
BC Annihilation
BC Annihilation II
IEC Hell-bent
VAS Wolf 1
VAS Wolf 2
INT Picket Appropriation
Star Destroyer Group Two
ISD3 Revenant
BC Blood Assassin
NB2 Archer
NB2 Bad Blood
FCF Brimstone
IEC Black Beard
VAS Wolf 19
INT Picket Appropriation II
Star Destroyer Group Three
ISD3 Revenant
BC Blood Assassin
NB2 Archer
NB2 Bad Blood
FCF Brimstone
IEC Black Beard
VAS Wolf 19
INT Picket Appropriation II
Star Destroyer Group Four
ISD3 Lemures
BC Death Raven
BC Death Raven II
IEC Death
VAS Wolf 5
VAS Wolf 6
INT Picket Appropriation IV
Star Destroyer Group Five
BC Extinction
BC Extinction II
IEC Dust t'dust
VAS Wolf 7
VAS Wolf 8
INT Picket Appropriation V
Star Destroyer Group Six
ISD3 Hobgoblin
BC Blood Assassin II
NB2 Black Sheep
NB2 Enmity
FCF Brimstone II
IEC Crony
VAS Wolf 20
INT Picket Confiscation
Star Destroyer Group Seven
ISD3 Flibbertigibbet
BC Hostile Takeover
NB2 Fallen Angel
NB2 First Blood
FCF Brimstone III
INT Picket Confiscation II
AC Loath
Star Destroyer Group Eight
ISD3 Evil Eye
BC Hostile Takeover II
NB2 Last Campaign
NB2 Magistrate
FCF Fireball
INT Picket Confiscation III
AC Paranoia
Star Destroyer Group Nine
ISD3 Demonica
BC King's Killer
NB2 Meager
NB2 Merger
FCF Fireball II
INT Picket Confiscation IV
AC Revulsion
Star Destroyer Group Ten
ISD3 Man-of-War
BC Hunter
NB2 Wizard
FCF Massacre
FCF Massacre II
INT Picket Unification II
Reserve Deployment Group
NB2 Medical Blood Brother
NB2 Medical Dark Magic
FCF Hellbringer II
FCF Massacre III
IAT Rough Rider
IAT Rough Rider II
IAT Rough Rider III
IAT Rough Rider IV
INT Picket Unification III
AC Despise
Second Division
Division Flagship Super Star Destroyer Specter
Star Destroyer Group One
ISD3 Banshee
BC King's Killer II
NB2 Personable
NB2 Pikeman
FCF Fireball III
IEC Long John
INT Picket Confiscation V
Star Destroyer Group Two
ISD2 Mercenary
BC Vengeance
BC Vengeance II
IEC Final Number
VAS Wolf 9
VAS Wolf 10
INT Picket Stalemate
Star Destroyer Group Three
DSD Demolition
BC Sledge Hammer
BC Sledge Hammer II
IEC Beast
VAS Wolf 11
VAS Wolf 12
INT Picket Stalemate II
Star Destroyer Group Four
DSD Death Advocate
BC Quelled Masses
BC Quelled Masses II
IEC Death Angel
VAS Wolf 13
VAS Wolf 14
INT Cruiser Blackmail
Star Destroyer Group Five
DSD Defile
BC Last Stand
BC Last Stand II
IEC Ashes t'ashes
VAS Wolf 15
VAS Wolf 16
INT Picket Stalemate III
Star Destroyer Group Six
DSD Death's Revenge
BC The End
BC The End II
IEC Demon Spawn
VAS Wolf 17
VAS Wolf 18
INT Picket Stalemate IV
Star Destroyer Group Seven
DSD Death's Friend
BC Predator
NB2 Swordsman
NB2 Tactician
FCF Hellbringer
IEC Despair
INT Picket Stalemate V
Star Destroyer Group Eight
DSD Arrogance
BC Predator II
NB2 Prophet of Doom
NB2 Warlock
FCF Hellbringer II
INT Picket Unification
AC Psychotic
Reserve Deployment Group
BC Hunter II
NB2 Medical Den of Thieves
NB2 Medical Necromancer
FCF Massacre IV
FCF Spitfire
FCF Spitfire II
FCF Spitfire III
IAT Tough Old Critter
IAT Tough Old Critter II
IAT Tough Old Critter III
IAT Tough Old Critter IV
INT Picket Unification IV
INT Picket Unification V
AC Dismal
Home Guard Fleet
Flotilla One
ISD2 - Iron Sides
Assassin Corvette Leader
Assassin Corvette Leader IV
Correllian Gunship Fluffy
Correllian Gunship Fluffy II
Correllian Gunship Searcher II
Dreadnaught Crystal Fist
Dreadnaught Hell's Redemption
Enforcer Cruiser Crusher
Imp Customs Corvette 10
Imp Customs Corvette 1
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience
Imperial Escort Carrier Haven
Imperial Escort Carrier Mother load
IPV1 Crossbow 1
IPV1 Crossbow 10
IPV1 Mace 1
IPV1 Mace 10
Lancer Frigate Fighter
Neb B II Flight Hunter
Neb B II Flight Hunter II
Neb BII Foot Soldier II
Neb BII Foot Soldier III
VSD I Eradicator
VSDII Elongation
Flotilla Two
ISD2 - Guardian
Assassin Corvette Leader II
Assassin Corvette Leader V
Correllian Gunship Fluffy III
Correllian Gunship Fluffy IV
Correllian Gunship Searcher III
Dreadnaught Hell's Knight
Dreadnaught Hell's Savior
Enforcer Cruiser Cutter
Imp Customs Corvette 2
Imp Customs Corvette 3
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience II
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer II
IPV1 Crossbow 2
IPV1 Crossbow 3
IPV1 Mace 2
IPV1 Mace 3
Lancer Frigate Fighter II
Neb B II Flight Hunter III
Neb B II Flight Hunter IV
Neb BII Foot Soldier IV
Neb BII Foot Soldier V
VSDII Entanglement
VSDII Estrangement
Flotilla Three
ISD2 - Watch Dog
Assassin Corvette Leader III
Correllian Gunship Fluffy V
Correllian Gunship Searcher
Correllian Gunship Searcher IV
Dreadnaught Hell's Overlord
Dreadnaught Hell's Trooper
Enforcer Cruiser Eliminator
Imp Customs Corvette 4
Imp Customs Corvette 5
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience III
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer III
Imperial Escort Carrier Swarmer IV
IPV1 Crossbow 4
IPV1 Crossbow 5
IPV1 Mace 4
IPV1 Mace 5
Lancer Frigate Fighter III
Neb B II Flight Hunter V
Neb BII Foot Soldier
Neb BII legionnaire
Neb BII legionnaire II
VSDII Exploration
VSDII Extinction
Reserve Deployment Group
Correllian Gunship Searcher V
Lictor Class Dungeon ship Reputable
Demolisher Class Cruiser
Demolisher Class Cruiser
Dreadnaught Iron Fist
Enforcer Cruiser Extinguisher
Imp Customs Corvette 6
Imp Customs Corvette 7
Imp Customs Corvette 8
Imp Customs Corvette 9
Imperial Assault Transport Convenience IV
IPV1 Crossbow 6
IPV1 Crossbow 7
IPV1 Crossbow 8
IPV1 Crossbow 9
IPV1 Mace 6
IPV1 Mace 7
IPV1 Mace 8
IPV1 Mace 9
Lancer Frigate Fighter IV
Lancer Frigate Fighter V
Neb BII legionnaire III
Neb BII legionnaire IV
Neb BII legionnaire V
Star Galleon Frigate Hauler
Star Galleon Frigate Hauler II
Space Stations
1 Mobile Hangar
Kyrin Sector:
Kyrin V
Orinoco Sector:
Orinoco V
Nashua Sector:
Estellha Sector:
Omar Prime
20 planetary turbolasers
20 planetary ion cannons
3 Ion Shield Generators
1 .500km hanger
10 Divisions to be stationed (formed from the planets previous army) total troops = 60,000
1 Armored Regiment to be stationed (formed from the planets previous army using modern UPAUs) total = 864
1 Battalion of Artillery (formed from the planets previous army) total = 144 howitzers
800 Anti-air guns (from the wars)
Mining facilities to be built
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
Construction Yard
Omar Prime:
25 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
12 divisions to be stationed 72,000 troops
1 armor regiment = 864
1 howitzer battalion = 144
1,600 anti-air guns
Mining facilities to be built
trade facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
20 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
8 divisons to be stationed 48,000 troops
1 armor regiment 864
1 howizter battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
Farming facilities
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
25 planetary turbolasers
10 planetary ion cannons
3 ion shields
1 .500km hanger
10 divisons 60,000 troops
1 armor regiment 864
1 howizter battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
trade facilities
mining facilities
lumber facilities
farming facilities
manufacturing facilities to be built
development facilities to be built
combat training facilities to be built
10 ion cannons
10 turbolasers
3 ion shields
1 division 6,000 troops
2 squads of armor 12
1 squad of howitzers 4
100 anti-air guns
research lab
gas gathering facilities
20 turbolasers
20 ion cannons
3 ion shields
8 divisions 48,000 troops
1 regiment armor 864
1 howitzer battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
fishing facilities
mining facilities
10 turbolasers
10 ion cannons
3 ion shields
4 divisions 24,000 troops
1 regiment armor 864
1 howitzer battalion 144
800 anti-air guns
fishing facilities
mining facilities
Research lab
Add-on to all planets (each)
10 SRC GSA-CCs (5 Days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
1000 Hell Cat Suits (5 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
500 Hellbringer Suits (5 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/2)
2 Planet Modifier Stations (6 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/3)
5 Planetary Mass Cannons (6 days; s: 9/27 e: 10/3)
Nashua Chain (Nashua, Imation, TDK)
Per Planet:
Ion Shield Gen, w/ back up for 24/7 use
Planetary Ion Cannons: 10
Planetary Turbolasers: 20
Backup Ion Generator for defenses, buried under mountain (or lake)
.5km Fighter Base: (1 squad Executioners, 1 squad scimitars, 1 squad swordfish, 2 squads shadow droids)
3 A.L.F.s
Kyrin Chain (Kyrin, Kyrin V, Kyrinos)
Per Planet:
Ion Shield Gen, w/ back up for 24/7 use
Planetary Ion Cannons: 10
Planetary Turbolasers: 20
Backup Ion Generator for defenses, buried under mountain (or lake)
.5km Fighter Base: (1 squad Executioners, 1 squad scimitars, 1 squad swordfish, 2 squads shadow droids)
3 A.L.F.s