View Full Version : The Imperial Army...

Telan Desaria
Dec 10th, 2001, 12:33:05 PM
A few months ago, I began a project arming each sector fleet with a an Assault Army. The Thyferra sector has one, as does Captain Fena's Gator Navy. But, out proud Imperial Army as a whole lacks a command hierarchy to lead it. We need some fresh blood from the outside to come in and forge a strong army to command our legions of troops in battle.

There is a man in the recruitment center, A General Harrsk, pub24.ezboard.com/fgalact...=184.topic (http://pub24.ezboard.com/fgalacticmilitaryalliancefrm3.showMessage?topicID= 184.topic)
I suggest we test him. If he pans out, then we commission him as a lieutenant and progress him up the ladder of command so he can be a Colonel or perhaps a Brigadier General by the coming Operation Divine Fury and command one of the Assault Armies. He can lead out troops one the ground while we eliminate the threat from the Sith Fleet.

I will continue to produce the armies as fast as I can.

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:25:57 PM
Assault army? How is this different from our standard divisions being trained in droves at Carida and grouped into Armored corps with Tank droids?

We could definitely use a dedicated ground troops officer. I'll see if I can contact this General Harrsk on AIM, get him to write a sample RP for placement purposes. We'll review it, and see what we can do with him.

Telan Desaria
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:13:32 PM
The Assault Army is a grouping of standard army divisions. But they are armed with newer equipment built and designed with the help of Moff Sevon.

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:45:46 PM
I sent the following to Harrsk via email:

From: Walter LaBiche
To: bountyhunter117@hotmail.com
Subject: Imperial Army organization and acceptance into the Galactic Empire

This is Darth Viscera btw

In regards to your stormtrooper query at the bar, stormtroopers are gathered up from the other 59 Imperial planets and sent to Carida for training. I could establish a public constant rate at which they're processed, but that would just be asking for OOC trouble. Plus TSE keeps secrets from us, we're going to do likewise to them.

In regards to your joining the Empire, we're considering having you as the commander of a large sum of ground forces. To show us your capabilities, please write a medium sized sample RP entitled "The liberation of Nal Tooma". The parameters are as follows:

The planet is lightly defended by a 40,000 man New Republic man garrison. They have light starfighter support (6 NR squadrons...4 of them X-Wing, 2 of them Z-95). The planet lacks a shield generator.

You will be going in with an assault force of 30,000 troops, along with some 1,100 Tank droids. Your force will be transported by a task group of Corellian Bulk Transports, and escorted by 1 Victory Mark I-class Star Destroyer, the Formidable, and a lancer frigate, the Scourge, both of which can be used to bombard the planet and repulse starfighter attacks. The Formidable carries two squadrons of TIE Advanced's and a few various combat shuttles.

The planet nominally belongs to the Hutts, who are notoriously capitalistic and may be persuaded to support you militarily.

You don't have to make this RP super long, but don't make it only 3 paragraphs or so, either, please. Medium length. Maybe 2 pages total.

For the purpose of this sole RP, your rank is that of Lieutenant General in the Imperial Army. After you complete this sample RP, your rank will be decided, in addition to the rate at which you'll be promoted.

Once you've finished writing it, please post your sample RP <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=8>here</a>.

Good luck.

Admiral Lebron
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:30:19 PM
That is my guy. Though originally, I wanted him to be my general of the Bastion Sector, but if he is destined for higher things, so be.

Dec 13th, 2001, 11:10:14 PM
For those of you whe may not know who he is, he also plays Grand Admiral Vriss.

Admiral Lebron
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:19:18 PM
Captain Vriss, to be exact. I have him assigned under Vorran..