View Full Version : Vice Admiral Lebron

Darth Viscera
Jan 9th, 2002, 10:01:45 PM
TSE just detected Death Fleet as hostile to their forces-via probe droid. This could signal a punitive strike from TSE. With regards to Death Fleet, begin Plan Alpha. Take Division 3 from Colonies Sector Fleet, and Division 2 from Bastion Sector Fleet, and go to the Ketras low-density asteroid field.

www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11534 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11534)

TGE has a secret agreement with Death Fleet (as of about yesterday or so). We have a secret alliance with them, that consists of the following:

Agreement between Death Fleet and The Galactic Empire:

1.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Death Fleet shall perpetually keep its planets in good political and military standing with the Galactic Empire. This entails the following: a) Open borders. B) Assistance in matters military may be called upon by one government for the other. C) A mutual extradition treaty shall be enacted. D) Guarantee of Free Trade between the two governments.
2.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Galactic Empire shall reciprocate all actions stated in section 1.
3.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp In times of emergency, one government may call upon the other for military support, financial support, emergency supplemental resource support, or any other support deemed necessary by any one of the two governments.
4.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Death Fleet shall not provide assistance (be it military, political, or otherwise) to groups which are not in good standing with the Galactic Empire without prior consultation.

Darth Viscera
Imperial Diktat

Khendon Sevon
Imperial Vice Diktat
Department of the Exterior

Khan Surak
Vice Admiral

Death Fleet doesn't like TSE, it wants independance. To that end, TGE wants to support Death Fleet's independance, because it'll give us what we want-a a conflict.

We and Khan Surak have a plan in the works to catch a TSE fleet off guard and annhialate it. It entails:

1. A Imperial Detachment Armada of ~300 ships stealthily enters Death Fleet space (wouldn't want those probe droids to get a good look at us, would we?), and holds station in the Kestra low-density Asteroid field. The mining operations have been evacuated from the asteroid field, so there should be no civilian prying eyes.

2. Death Fleet launches an offensive against a Sith world. It is beaten back eventually, and TSE then launches a counterattack, which breaks deep into Death Fleet space.

3. At Kestral, the Imperial Fleet ambushes the rampaging Sith Fleet, holding it in place with gravity wells.

Due to TSE's aggressiveness with their new findings (a dead probe droid), we may change Death Fleet's offensive stance to a defensive one in step 2.

Admiral Lebron
Jan 9th, 2002, 10:32:14 PM
Yes sir.

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:22:31 AM
Khan will start the thread, then I will post, then he'll reply, then I'll reply, then you reply, placing "24 hours later" at the top of the post, or something to that effect. Then Millard will reply, and then the fleet will be in the asteroid field.

Change of plans-DV will stay in the Imperial Palace, rather than going with the detachment. That way, he can go with the fleet to Fondor.

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2002, 02:34:26 PM
This is excellent. The attack at Fondor shall be weakened, however, with the drawing off of forces to support the Death Fleet. I recommend that we bring in another Division, either Thyferra SD Division II, because it has Heavy SD Groups and therefore has a compliment of ISDs higher than the others, or the Second Reserve Flottila, because it is complimented by captured Rebel vessels, therefore providing no problem with vessel identifciation during the battle since the Sith don't use them.

OOC-I may not be able to post until Monday. Keep the battle hot...

-Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2002, 05:36:14 PM
The attack at Fondor won't be weakened at all. All forces that I posted as devoted to Fondor will still attack at Fondor. Bastion Division 2 will be minus SD groups 7 and 8 in this campaign.