View Full Version : News-Construction of 600 new frigates

Darth Viscera
May 17th, 2001, 10:50:16 AM
Keels have been laid down for six hundred new fire-class light frigates for the Imperial Navy, in an effort to reorganize the bulk of Star Destroyers into "Star Destroyer groups". These Star Destroyer groups would rebalance the fleet in a way, making certain that a Star Destroyer is never alone, always escorted by 4-5 or 6 Fire-class Light Frigates, and other assorted vessels.

This new level of organization will allow for more efficient means of deployment, and Star Destroyer groups will be able to detach from their main sector fleets, in order to provide quick aid to those sectors in trouble.

Stage 1 of the construction period will be finished May 25th, part of a 5-stage process. The last of the 600 frigates will be complete November 11th.

The pride of the Imperial Navy, the flagship Agamemnon, will be commissioned July 31st, and is expected to be outfitted with an extroardinary armament, as well as enough communications equipment to run the entire Empire from the ship.

Sep 29th, 2001, 02:50:37 PM
448 of these were completed.

GMA Thrawn
Oct 14th, 2001, 10:42:14 AM
Linked to SWFans.