View Full Version : Antimatter flak batteries

Wolfgang Schreiger
Sep 14th, 2001, 10:07:11 AM
In light of the less-than-adequate results of our weapons against the Yuuzhan Vong's dovin basal phenomena, I have spoken with key Imperial scientists, who believe that the use of antimatter would be a devastating weapon to the unconventional defenses.

As you know, dovin basals have the ability to create minute gravitic moments, similar to black holes. These can draw in and supercompress matter into energy, dissipating it. However, I am told that if antimatter is introduced into a dovin basal, the effect would be to supercompress the antimatter into a massively focused explosion of intense energy, sufficient to breech a basal's gravitic moment, and quite possibly, destroy the ship that is attacked.

I have authorized imperial funds to produce a working theory of this new weapon system.

Due - 10-14