View Full Version : Waverunners

General Harrsk
Dec 10th, 2001, 07:37:25 PM
This idea was first brought on to me by Vice Admiral Lebron when he was proposing to put them on Kamaar. I think this is a great little idea. I would not suggest making them actual vehicles for large infantry. They would be similar to the Scout Troopers hoverbikes. And, Seatroopers would use them to just patrol or search for things using them. They could possibly be equipped with light weaponry including a single laser cannon on each of the 'runners' sides right under the trench you put your feet in. Or a linked fire or double laser cannon placed in the hull of the 'runner'. Would this be a cool idea or not?

Darth Viscera
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:31:23 AM
so basically, an Imperial hovering jetski?

General Harrsk
Dec 11th, 2001, 10:59:50 AM
Correct. Also with the ability to go on water, like a regular jetski. Though it can speed up to twice the kph and mph. And has the light weaponry I suggested in my post above.