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Darth Viscera
May 5th, 2001, 02:38:35 AM
Name: Darth Viscera
Age: Indeterminable (clone was artificially aged to 47 years, then released)
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 170 pounds
Hair: Black, grey if clone has aged
Eyes: Black
Skin: Pale
Race: Human

Past history:
Former Captain in The Interstellar Empire
Former member of the Rogue Sith Order

Sith Knight, member of TSO and TSE.

Darth Viscera was cloned by Emperor Palpatine for reasons unknown to him. The Emperor sent him to his stronghold on Byss to pursue his training in the dark side of the force along with his other dark side adepts. From time to time, Lord Vader would instruct him personally; these were the times he cherished.

Unfortunately, the rebellion initiated a terrorist attack, killing the emperor, lord vader, and more than a million civilian engineers as his majesty inspected an advanced ore refinery orbiting the forest moon of Endor. In addition to the tremendous human casualties, the indigenous sub-humans, whose habitat was on Endor, were wiped out completely by the after-effects of the blast.

With the news arriving that the Emperor had perished, nearly every dark side adept on Byss attempted a coup, resulting in a massacre; a clash of thousands of ambitious adepts. Many perished, and Darth Viscera was believed to be involved at the time, and later took credit for the massacre.

Viscera departed Byss in a stolen shuttle, and stayed in one of the Emperor's storehouses on Tyris VI, reviewing his former master's plans, and later commanding the Imperial garrison stationed there. He stayed on this planet for 4 months, and it was here that he first claimed (to one of his aides) that he was acting under the direction of Emperor Palpatine. His claims have yet to be substantiated.

Having conferred with Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard, a new threat to the existence of the new order was located, a clone of Grand Admiral Thrawn. They planned to infiltrate this usurper's authority, and bring his vital resources back to the Empire proper. Ysanne Isard never completed her part of the plan, thus beginning Viscera's contempt for the vile wench.

Viscera concocted a plan to betray Thrawn, and did so once he was promoted to Captain and given command of the 3rd fleet, with the assistance of Darth Poreon, Dravis Hissel and Adm. Piett.

Viscera took control of many planets, proclaiming himself Diktat of the Empire, and gradually rebuilt the Empire into the united power it is today. His progress has caused the loss of something like 10 billion lives, most of them occuring during the reduction in population of Delteon, to its planetary carrying capacity of 16 billion.