View Full Version : Daemon Hyfe

Daemon Hyfe
May 10th, 2001, 12:30:33 PM
Name: Daemon Hyfe
Age: 45
Place of Birth: Coruscant
Family: Father – Evan Hyfe (former officer in the Imperial Navy - presumed dead), Mother – Rosetta Hyfe (unknown), Half Brother – Gormul Hyfe (unknown)
Species:: Human
Height:: 6 feet
Weight: 180 - 190 lb (approx)
Hair: Black (graying)
Eyes: Steel gray (teal)
Attire: Dark gray or black hooded robe (usually)
Weapon(s) of choice: None. Lightsaber on occasion
Other Physical Traits: None available.
Marital Status: None.
Criminal Record: No crimes on record.
Hobbies: Study of war strategies and battle tactics, meditation, reading, collecting vintage beverages
Goals/Objectives: Master the Force, Serve the Emperor/the New Order
Occupation: Grand Admiral of the Galactic Military Alliance


Daemon Hyfe was born to a middle class family on Coruscant in the days when the Old Empire was still thriving. His father, Evan Hyfe, was a respected officer in the Imperial Navy. Daemon admired his father as soon as he was old enough to understand what admiration meant. He spent his youth dreaming of being a powerful military leader, commanding Star Destroyers in their ensuing effort to crush the pitiful Rebellion, just as his father was doing. From as early as he could remember, his father would tell him tails of the glorious Empire. He was taught to respect Emperor Palpatine as the savior of the galaxy. He had brought order and peace to a place where none existed. Daemon, having admired his father so much, could not even begin to contemplate what a glorious man the Emperor must be, if he was so greatly honored by his father.

When Daemon was nine, his father was reported missing in action. The following years were a period of turmoil and despair for Daemon, as he grieved the loss of his father. His mother, Rosetta Hyfe, tried with all her might to cheer up her son, but there was nothing she could do.

At the age of 12, his despair was quickly turned into hatred when his mother brought another man home one night. Daemon was outraged that his mother thought this worthless man could ever be a replacement for his father. One evening, when the man came over for dinner, Daemon heard him comment something to the effect that Emperor Palpatine, the man Daemon had been taught by his father to honor and respect, was insane. At this, Daemon leapt up, grabbed hold of a carving knife, and stabbed it into the side of the man’s head, killing him instantly.

Knowing his mother would ship him off for mental guidance or some special institution, he immediately left home. Using his allowance money to buy a ride off planet, Daemon set out to discover the truth of his father, and to honor the glorious Empire at all costs. A murderer at the age of 12, Daemon had nowhere to turn. One year later, having ended up on Sulon, a planet under Imperial control, Daemon became aware of his gift. In an attempt to steal a T-16 from an abandoned homestead, he was attacked by a grave tusken. Driven by adrenaline and anger, he fought back against the tusken, beating it to death with his bare hands. A feeling of satisfaction came over his body, as the anger and hatred, which he later learned to be the Dark Side of the Force, pulsed through him.

Still dreaming of becoming a powerful leader, and loyal servant to the Emperor, he joined the Naval Academy, following in his father’s footsteps. He didn’t fit in well at the Academy, and he was nearly expelled several times for engaging in acts of violent conduct with fellow students. His progress was slow, but it was quite clear to his instructors that he had a knack for battle tactics and fleet strategies. Daemon spent much of his time reading up on historical documents and biographies about ancient war strategists and watching holo-documentaries about Palpatine and the rise of the Empire. He was not a very athletic person, and he never fit in well with the other students. Despite this, he graduated near the upper end of his class, his determination and yearning to serve the Empire driving him to the top.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine, Daemon’s hopes and dreams were shattered. Many various factions around the galaxy struggled for power, each trying to proclaim themselves the new Empire, each grasping out hopelessly to bring back order under their rule. Daemon spent the next several years in isolation, traveling the galaxy in a stock freighter with a small crew he had managed to manipulate through the Force. He continued to indulge himself with extensive studies on fleet strategies and inventing make-believe battle plans for his own make-believe Empire. Now in his twenties and desperately seeking to somehow help bring the order and justice that was lost with the fall of the Old Empire back, he sought out to join one of the rivaling Imperial factions.

Recent news of the collapse of one of the largest Imperial groups, known as The Interstellar Empire (TIE), supposedly run by a clone of the great Grand Admiral Thrawn, spread like wildfire throughout the known galaxy, along with the rumors that the collapse had been the ultimate effect of a mass defection of several of the key members of the group. His mind having originally been set on joining TIE, he changed his sights to the new group that had sprung up out of the ashes – the GMA. Led by the Lord Darth Viscera, one of four of the defectors from TIE involved in the formation of this new group, the Galactic Military Alliance looked to be a promising career choice. With their fleets quickly gaining strength, and their reign of power spreading, Daemon soon joined up with the GMA, not long after its formation.

He progressed through the ranks, earning himself a quick promotion, mainly due to his excelled performance in the training missions provided upon joining. Gaining himself a good position with excellent possibilities, not to mention plentiful benefits, he continued to loyally serve the GMA. Eventually he gained the Rank of High Admiral, an achievement not to be taken lightly.

While in the GMA, Daemon Hyfe has stayed isolated from other people and organizations. He has spent the years devoting his time to the development of his skills and his solitary training in the Force. Some of his more notable accomplishments while in service include gaining command of the 4th Fleet (which was, at the time, the largest fleet in the GMA), and the conquest of the small, backwater planets of Elom and Dantooine, which were executed with extreme precision, if not mainly due to the fact that there was no outside interference involved in the takeovers. Since then, the GMA fleets have undergone severe reorganization.

Daemon Hyfe was recently promoted to Grand Admiral and given control of the GMA Reserve Armada, and he now looks forward to a much more active role in the near future...

OOC: Lot of history. Sorry. ;) Just for the record, is that info about TIE and the formation of the GMA all correct? I was kinda going out on a limb there from things I had heard. Is it close, or do I need to rearrange that?

Darth Viscera
May 10th, 2001, 03:51:08 PM
I thought you spelled it Darien Hyfe? Anyways, GMA broke off from TIE while it was still living, 40 days before it defected to the NR.

Daemon Hyfe
May 10th, 2001, 06:02:57 PM
Ah. Now I got it. I'll make those changes sometime.