View Full Version : Telan Desaria, Baron of Raenoria

Telan Desaria
Oct 10th, 2001, 06:23:50 AM
Name: Telan Desaria, Baron of Reanoria

Age: Twenty-nine Standard Years

Planet of Origin: Centaur

Rank: Vice Admiral, Supreme Commander-Thyferra Sector Fleet

Political Affiliation: Empire-Galactic Military Alliance

Distinguishing Characteristics: Emerald eyes, jet black hair, parted in the center and combed diagonally back from the midline. Just over two meters tall. Speaks with a pompous and slightly British accent in his voice.

Flagship: Super-class Star Destroyer Achilles, V Division, Thyferra Sector Fleet

Military History: Joined Centaurian Academy at age 14. Graduated a year ahead of schedule, fifteenth in a class of seven hundred. Assigned as a cruiser commander in a task force under his father, Grand Admiral Gerion Desaria. His first engagement was during the Centaurian Invasion of Hutoorian IX, a neighboring system unprotected by the Emperor. For unique tactical innovation against two enemy frigates around Hutoorian XVIII’s moon, he was transferred into the Imperial Navy at age 21 and commissioned Lieutenant Commander. Newly-promoted Commander Desaria was posted aboard the Star Destroyer Punitive as executive officer. The Punitive was assigned to a task force to take the Dalari System from the Rebels, but estimates of the enemy’s numbers proved to be false and a fierce battle ensued where the Punitive’s commander was killed. Lt. Cmdr. Desaria assumed command of the ship and watched in horror as the Rebels made quick work of the task force’s flag vessel, killing also the Admiral. Having been left de facto in command, he assumed control and took the fight to the enemy, using the force at his disposal to drive the Rebel’s off. He then called for reinforcements and took the assigned planet. High Command was surprised to learn that a Lieutenant Commander had won the battle, and at those odds. Desaria was promoted on the spot and made a Commodore.

Desaria’s next task was to take a task force to the Hilari Sector and liberate it from the Rebel-supplied Hegemony ruling there. In a yearlong battle that ensued, Desaria was victorious. Then, while the Rebels were fighting at Endor, Desaria was liberating the final planet and earning his next promotion to Rear Admiral, having proven himself an excellent leader of men and machines alike. After Endor, he was recalled to Imperial Center to fill the power vacuum there and serve under Grand Admiral Batch for a brief time. After the next five years, Desaria fought with Thrawn at Bilbringi, but was able to take no more when the Admiral was killed. He offered his resignation and faded into the limelight.

When the GMA formed in the wake of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, Rear Admiral Desaria re-donned his uniform. He was accepted with open arms and given a commission as a Captain and commander of Star Destroyer Group Saurron, to which he attached his own personal armada of three Impstars, two Carracks, and three Corellian Gunships. After the battle of Belkadan and the disintegration of the Vong, Desaria was promoted again, this time to Vice Admiral in way of his tremendous loyalty and tactical merit. He was assigned command of the Thyferra Sector Fleet, and to this day serves with integrity and distinction.

Personal History: Telan Desaria was born on the Prime-class planet of Centaur to a noble family, and made immediately Baron of Raenoria, his family’s ancestral land. He owns a castle in the Raenorian Province, as do the other hundred and eighty-nine Barons of Centaur. While a child, he was thrown from a hovercraft and forced to undergo extensive bacta treatments, and stay off his legs for a month. During that month, he was forced from sports, and took up chess and other mind games, and taught himself the value of tactics and strategy, rather than brute force…