View Full Version : New in Town

Serena Laran
Jul 6th, 2001, 03:45:43 AM
Serena walked through the doors, and made her way through the press of people to the bar. It certainly seemed busy tonight, although she was sure there were a few people from her own crew here in the mix. Wedging her body in at the bar, she ordered a kamikaze from the 'tender, and cursed the fact there was no officers' lounge.

Well, she enjoyed mingling with the enlisted men and women on occasion, but this was a little crazy. Too many shore leaves happening at once. Serena turned to grab her drink and flip a chit on the bar. Maybe she'd meet someone interesting.

Darth Viscera
Jul 6th, 2001, 04:31:07 AM
(I would post here IC, but it's un-diktatlike to appear in a bar)

Daemon Hyfe
Jul 6th, 2001, 11:37:32 AM
OOC: Out on assignment at Fatasshi. Welcome aboard though.

Khendon S
Jul 6th, 2001, 02:05:53 PM
(OOC: Oh darn, I guess Khendon'll have to take this one.)

Khendon walked into the throng of men and women having the time of their lives. He had dressed down for a depressing drink in the bar that he ceremoniously had every week. He was wearing black spec. op. pants and a ribbed black shirt, hair spiked up with the tips dyed a light blue, accenting the shards of blue in his eyes.

As Khendon walked to his normal back table he noticed several people occupying it, causing him to detour to a bar stool next to an unusual female having a shot of some weird looking liquor. He nodded to the bar tender who set down a whisky, apologizing under his breath for the noise level.

Khendon turned to the female sitting next to him and smiled, “You wouldn’t happen to have a map, would you? I got lost looking into your eyes.” Khendon winked, took a sip of his Whisky and extended his hand, “I’m Khendon Sevon.”

Reysa Sashara
Jul 6th, 2001, 05:20:43 PM
<< Loves Vis's attitude, i find it realy funny...lol

Darth Viscera
Jul 6th, 2001, 05:24:40 PM
Quiet you.

Serena Laran
Jul 7th, 2001, 01:41:44 AM
Serena turned her head as the man addressed her, and looked at the hand he offered her. "Sevon, is it?" He wore no uniform, and was clad in black, the only color was the tips of his spiked hair. If I had to guess, he's either non-military, or perhaps special ops. That type tends to veer from the uniform.

She swiveled in her chair, the pips on her uniform confirming her rank of captain. "Perhaps you need a lesson in astrometrics. If one knows the stars, they will never be lost." The red headed woman brushed his hand away casually. "Here's another tip. Hit on me again, and you will be seeing stars." Serena turned back to the bar, examining the glasses on the far wall.

Darth Viscera
Jul 7th, 2001, 02:19:34 AM
A squad of military-police stormtroopers strode through the prominent establishment, blaster pistols holstered. Hundreds of uniformed officers littered the area, straddling bar stools and nursing their synthohols. A unique figure stood out, however, that of a black-clad transient with blue spiked hair.

Stormtrooper-Major Barnel spoke into his earpiece, "Spike at ten. Seven meters away, near the tender and the Captain. Let's check it out."

The six other stormtroopers moved along with him as they wound their way across the maze of intoxicated individuals. They finally found their way to the odd-looking man, and the Major spoke aloud, his voice filtered by the comm-unit into a crackling sort of sound.

"This is an Officers' Bar," he stated, and turned to the apparent Naval Captain.

"Captain, with your permission, we'll escort him away from here if he's troubling you."

Serena Laran
Jul 7th, 2001, 02:31:56 AM
Serena turned to the trooper. "Thank you Major, I believe he was just leaving." Her eyes met Sevon's. "Isn't that right." She sipped her drink, letting it fill her mouth before swallowing, and flashed a killer smile at the unfortunate. "Feel free to take him out of my sight."

Darth Viscera
Jul 7th, 2001, 02:36:05 AM
Two of the troopers grabbed the man, one by his feet and one by his shoulders, and hauled him away, the other five troopers clearing the way of intoxicated officers. Gradually they reached the door, and with a few swings, launched the man out into the pavement.

"Come back in proper officers' attire," the Major scolded the man with the ridiculous hair.

Daemon Hyfe
Jul 7th, 2001, 01:27:45 PM
OOC: LMAO! :lol:

Khendon S
Jul 7th, 2001, 04:16:11 PM

Khendon got up, grass stains all over his black clothing. “That’s no way to treat a Moff!” Khendon pulled out his ID card and flung it at an officer’s face, using the force to spin it and stop it just inside the trooper’s vision.

Darth Viscera
Jul 7th, 2001, 06:20:28 PM
The Stormtrooper-Major looked at the ID card, still rather unimpressed. He'd discarded higher ranking personnel than this one before.

"Well then, Moff Sevon, come back when you are wearing a regulation uniform. And get that crap out of your hair; you look like a truent teenager."

He slammed the door to the bar, then sighed.


Serena Laran
Jul 8th, 2001, 12:33:36 AM
Serena saw the ID flashed at the Major as she turned back towards the bar. A Moff? She thought about how she'd addressed him, and smirked. He deserved it, anyway.

Men think they can have everything they want, including stay women in bars. She downed the rest of her drink, and got up. She wasn't sorry she'd rebuffed the Moff, what was his name again? Seven? Savon? Still, if she had to work with him in the future, it could be awkward. Contingency plans would have to be worked on, for such an occurance.

She walked around the troopers who were taking the Moff out of the bar, and headed for her quarters. She had to report first thing in the morning to Hexes' office, and she needed her sleep.

Khendon S
Jul 8th, 2001, 09:53:24 AM
Khendon mumbled something about pulling strings and sending the Major to work on a planet owned by the Hutts and walked away, removing the illusion of himself being in what he had previously stated he was in, when in actuality he was wearing a gold and baby blue pinstripe suit with four buttons, single breasted, and French pockets. His hair was back to brown and was decorated by a frontal spike alone. He smirked to himself, he had to go to a Tarot labs business meeting anyway.

Darth Karrn
Jul 10th, 2001, 02:50:11 AM
:: The Renegade Sqaud were sitting down haveing a meal chatting to one-another when the comotion started, Karrn looked up from lauging with the others as the S-Troopers appeard, Karrn looked back down to start eating his food again::

"Damn Land-Jockies"

Lucious Zaarin
Jul 11th, 2001, 06:18:55 PM
"Gehh, I'll hawve anotheh brandy, spo't!" Lucious said, gurgling. "One witt theh liwttle oolive?"

The barkeep grunted. How the hell did this idiot pass Carida? "Sure thing, Gov'ner." He filled the shot with water and threw in an olive. "That'll be another fifteen creds."

Lucious suddenly stopped sucking out the pimento and looked at the barkeep, wide eyed. "Fifteen? Wha are yoo, but a hoodlum! Geh outta me sight, pirate!" He downed the shot of water. "Some o' the best bahndy I ere hat. Geh me anothuh, yeh rotten scoundril!" He grinned toothily at the bartender.

"Sir? You shuttle is leaving for your ship."

Lucious waved a dismissal hand at the Major. "Not yet! I'm winnin' game!" He jerked a thumb at the man sitting next to him. "I goht fifteen shohts, he's only goh 'leven." He gave the same toothy grin to the Major.