View Full Version : A new officer in need of a drink

Telan Desaria
Jul 14th, 2001, 11:32:12 AM
Having witnessed the spectacle between the supposed Moff and the stormtroopers on his way into the bar, Admiral Desaria made what he hoped would be a good decision. 'Perhaps more than one drink tonight.'

The Admiral wore a non-standard yet accepted grey uniform with a black cape, full rank bar, but no officers' cap on his jet balck hair, parted diagonally back at the middle seam. Imposing and an engima, the sotrmies let him pass.

Desaria walked past the now sitting-alone woman whom the Moff had been so brash as to bother and ordered a sythnahol. His uniform, youthfulness, and silent, almost regal air ellicited many strange looks. But all the Imperials, not wanting to incur the wrath of an Admiral, kept whatever comments they had, to themselves.

The Admiral took his drink to a small, two-person booth and began sipping it, drawing out his actions for affect. He cast his gaze from one set of officers to another, sweeping the room with his emerald eyes. ' Rank is a double-edged sword...'

OOC-will anyone be joining me for a drink this evening, one tactican to another?

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:39:52 PM
(ooc) I can join as Zorin, but when does this take place? If durringthe war, then I'm off at Belkadan doing a bit of conquering and can't be here.

Telan Desaria
Jul 17th, 2001, 01:39:50 PM
OOC-I guess before, then. I welcome your company.

Telan Desaria
Jul 19th, 2001, 02:12:41 PM
OOC-All officers welcome!!!

Serena Laran
Jul 20th, 2001, 12:36:31 AM
ooc: assuming this happens the same night as New in Town, because of your first post. /ic:

Serena eyed the newcomer to the bar over her drink, and then looked away. After being recalled from her stint in Wild Space to HQ, she was in need of a moment of quiet.

Of course, if she really believed that, she wouldn't be in an officers' bar, drinking a kamikaze, and getting an eyeful. Still, she enjoyed receiving male attention, even if all she did was shoot them down. The 'Moff' had simply made it too easy. She preffered a bit of a challenge.

Didn't look like there was one in this bunch.

Telan Desaria
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:09:45 AM
' Battle happens not only on the field, but against the fleets of the opposite sex,' Desaria thought, quoting a legend from his momeworld of Centaur after spotting the female at the bar. Her olive green officer's uniform was a contrast to his black trimmed grey tunic and trousers. Her skiddishness was another contrast to his solitude. ' This may be interesting.'

The Admiral picked up his amber-colored drink and headed for the bar, his jet-black cape trailing behind him. Many of the assembled Imperials looked up at the emerald eyed flag-officer, but he payed them no mind. ' How many of you were at Endor? Or Bilbringi?'

The female Captain with a kamikaze on the bar in front on her was only a mere meter from where the Admiral stood. He erected himself to his full two meter height, hoping to muster some luck with it. He had won eighteen Imperial decorations in his ten-year career, but had not had as much luck with women.

" Ahem," he coughed, raising a balled fist to his mouth. " May I join you, Captain?"

Darth Viscera
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:48:52 AM
I fear the Major may be needed yet again.

Telan Desaria
Jul 21st, 2001, 11:24:26 AM
OOC-what in the name of the Emperor does that mean?

Darth Karrn
Jul 23rd, 2001, 04:20:12 AM
:: walking into the now crowded bar, the Major of the renegade squadron and his crew walked in talking of the latest war that news has expanded across the galaxy...who would dare face the vong?? the great Viscera would have no fear::

"::the crew croweded round Karrn and flayfully taunted haveing fun before there latest mission::

"Umm i think its 7 JD,s and 11 beers please"
" 56 credets please" said the barmen

:: Karrn bought the crew a drink and sat down with them chatting about the latest news and gossip::

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2001, 10:15:45 AM
The female Fleet captain continued to drink her kamikaze and was obviously unreceptive, despite the Admiral's rank and station, however temporoary it may have been. Then, a group of uniformed fighter pilots entered and ordered a round of drinks themselves, chatting up a storm.

' Quite a tab' Desaria thought, hearing the amount that fighter jocks had ammased. He put his black cape behind him and walked over to them, hoping that some recent combat veterans may be more talkative than a female officer not wanting company.

" May I take care of that bill, gentlemen?" the Admiral asked, producing the appropriate credits and handing them to the bar tender. The Major in command looked at him and Desaria awaited a response...

Darth Karrn
Jul 23rd, 2001, 11:36:04 AM
Apon seeing the Admiral in a cadets uniform, Karrn stood up and saluted raiseing a quick brow to the man::

" Umm thank you sir" he said pulling out a chair for him

"I hear the war brews big back in Ambria and vong space..."

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2001, 12:53:59 PM
" You boys just come out of a battle?" Admiral Desaria asked, taking a drink for himself and graciously accepting the chair the Major had officered him. He adjusted his cape and sat, eyeing each of the pilots. " I've got a Defender myself, call her the Interrogator. That's all she ever 'gets' out of the enem fighters before she 'gives' them a torpedo right down the throat!"

That made the pilots laugh heartily. The Admiral had, for the moment, found some drinking companions...

Darth Viscera
Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:15:17 PM
OOC: Karrn, you already quit the empire. loitering is a no-no.

Jashiva Darkstorm
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:01:41 PM
i threaterd to quit, i didnt quit as such...but i will leave all the same...all the best to you...

Telan Desaria
Jul 24th, 2001, 11:57:26 AM
OOC-Darth Viscera, sice you have said that my other drinking partner has resigned his commission in the Empire, would you care to have a drink?

Serena Laran
Jul 26th, 2001, 02:22:00 AM
ooc: sorry! I forgot to check back here, I'm so bad. ;) oh yes...I am.... :lol: /ic:

Serena finally noticed that a man was talking to her, and turned just as he faced away from her. Just as well. Her encounter with the Moff had made her testy...and probably not good company.

Telan Desaria
Jul 26th, 2001, 12:00:45 PM
Darth Viscera entered the bar, elliecting dozens of salutes per meter, trailed by a veteran platoon of stormtroopers. He stopped short of the Major Admiral Desaria was sitting with and made one swoop with his hand. The troopers fell upon the man and a moment later niether the Diktat, the troopers, nor the Major remained in the bar. The pilots began to mkae for lousy company as they porbably though the Admiral a bad-luck charm-they might have thinken him a rouse for the removal of his commanding officer.

Desaria stood and made one last attempt at a partner for the evening. ' If I fail again, I'm boarding my shuttle and finding a pack of pissed-off Wookies with bowcasters to tangle with! At least they repsond!.' The Admiral saw the Fleet Captain looking his way and thought maybe he had one card left to play. He had always had a bit of luck at sabacc, so he though what the hell. he walked in her her direction and tried one more time.

" May I join you, Captain?"