View Full Version : Got some business in the sector

Nov 20th, 2001, 11:36:40 PM
Her eyes flashed a metallic silver as she surveyed the room and its patrons before her, and fingers tracing lines through her hair, she stepped the rest of the way inside and began the walk to the bar. A leather greatcoat was draped over her small form, and two blasters hung loosely from each of her hips, though she would have much prefered to be wearing her cutlass.
Planting herself on one of the barstools, she beckoned the bartender. "A bottle of your best sake."
She dropped the credits into his outstretched hand as he set the wine and a small cup onto the bartop. Pouring some of the clear liquid into the cup, she sipped slowly, relishing the taste as it traveled down her throat. The metallic silver in her eyes flared again, this time in satisfaction as she poured herself more.

Khendon S
Nov 22nd, 2001, 12:19:37 AM
A security camera quickly followed the stranger as she began to make her way to the bar, as she sat down, it made a note in its memory that she had several weapons on her person and updated the security databank, just incase.

Khendon sat in the back table, his black uniform creaseless, pristine in every sense of the word. The tall man sat with his back straight as the shaft of an arrow, eyes narrowing on the patrons that entered the bar. The room was rather dimly lit, the light sources only being three overhead strips of emitters, which were dimmed for some odd reason. An odor, that of gin and tonic, lofted across the room to Khendon’s area, causing him to flinch momentarily as he sipped his carbonated beverage.

Two stormtroopers clad in black armor, helmets still on, hid in the shadows behind Khendon’s personal table, each equipped with a high-powered Sevon Rifle, Co. Ultima Commando, each an expert marksman. Khendon himself had his lightsaber strapped to his right thigh and a blaster, a Sevon Rifle, Co. Kliene Gewehr, concealed within his uniform jacket.

Khendon frowned, what a boring night, thank God, he thought, his silver eyes darkening a bit, swirls of gray drifting like billowing clouds throughout. Khendon Sevon shook off the emotion, thinking rather of the steak that would soon come then of the impending work load at his desk, he would be up all night.

Nov 23rd, 2001, 01:59:01 AM
Unaware of the security camera that had monitored her entry, the woman finished off the rest of the bottle and calling once again to the barkeep, ordered more of the rice wine. She’d be up all night as it was, and sake she felt, was the best way to start any job. Nursing yet another cup, she pulled a datapad from a pocket within her greatcoat and flicked it on. Studying its contents methodically, she idly tapped the hilt of the dagger she kept in a shoulder holster. She reached the end of the document, and sighing, turned the pad off while in the same motion tipping back the rest of the contents of the cup into her mouth.
Her nose picked up the smell of steak, and curious, she turned lazily on the barstool to gaze at the people around her. As her eyes sifted through the crowds, they took on an acute expression and she tilted her head slightly to one side. The retinas gleamed with a metallic shine as she picked through every person in the establishment before finally coming to rest on a man in a spotless wrinkle-free black uniform. She stared at him for a minute, allowing her eyes to focus on his face before turning back to the bar and her drink. Content, she poured another cupful, and beckoning to the bartender, leaned over the bar, smiling. “Please tell me you have sushi.”

Khendon S
Nov 23rd, 2001, 12:00:48 PM
Khendon cut the first piece of his steak, savoring slowly in the intoxicating aroma, bathing in it. He chewed the piece, allowing waves of flavor to stream over his body, bringing a look of satisfaction to his face. Khendon looked around, it was getting late and most of the people began to file out of the bar, heading off to more fun, either in the form of substance or body or mind, and in some cases, a mix of all three.

Khendon cut another piece of steak, only four more people were left in the bar, not including Khendon’s special security liaison, which would remain by his side until he was back at the palace.

Nov 24th, 2001, 06:05:01 AM
With the bar nearly empty and her sushi almost finished, the woman sighed in contentment. Nimble fingers manipulated the chopsticks, and she popped another piece into her mouth. Brushing blonde/brunette strands from her face, she drank once more from her cup, and swiveled her slight frame around to look once more at the man in black, staring at him unabashedly. It didn’t take the force to see that he was enjoying every bite of his steak. She smiled ruefully; he looked like a man condemned to a night of paperwork, but quickly reminded herself that her own ship was in need of repairs, and the smile dissipated. Truth be told she’d rather spend the night at a desk, not crawling around the guts of her craft.***
The bartender placed the check for her sushi on the bar, and she turned back around. “See that man in the back?” she asked, pointing behind her, “He said he’d pick up my bill.”
The bartender stared at her, then picked up the check and gave it to a server droid to take to the man. She wanted to meet the man in black, and a lighthearted smile touched her lips as she rested an elbow on the bar, gazing at him as the droid made its way to his table.

Khendon S
Nov 24th, 2001, 06:08:16 PM
As the droid approached Khendon smiled slightly, “Everything’s fine, thanks for checking up on me I’-“

The droid cut him off with a series of mechanical beeps then a soft droning voice. “Sir,” said the droid in an under spoken fashion, probably due to its owners preference of a servant, rather than a friend or companion, “your bill.”

Khendon picked the bill from the tray and frowned, “I believe there’s been some mistake… as you can see, I’ve only purchased what remains on my table.”

“Ah,” said the droid a bit confused, “but the women at the table,” the droid turned his head to point her out, “notified me that you would be paying her bill, as well.”

Khendon smiled, “She did, did she?” He shook his head slowly, digging his right hand into his pocket, retrieving a black card with his identification on it. Khendon placed the card on the wooden drink server and stood, motioning to his guards to stay behind, and walked over to the female waiting patiently at the bar. Khendon ran his hand through his short brown hair and put on his best neutral smile. “I hope you enjoyed your meal,” he said, his grin increasing as he leaned on the bar, extending a hand, “Khendon Sevon, at your service.”

Nov 25th, 2001, 12:45:58 AM
The woman smiled, taking his hand. “Lok s’Ilancy, though most people just call me s’Il. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She tossed a few more credits at the bartender and he placed another bottle of sake in front of her; it was her fifth. “To tell you the truth I didn’t really expect you to pay.” She poured a cup and emptied it in one swift tip. “You’re more tolerant than I expected.”
Her eyes shined metallic as she studied him. He seemed good-natured, and the fact that he so graciously paid for her meal impressed her. She’d half expected him to have her forcibly ejected from the premises. Resting her chin on one hand, she idly traced a finger over a hairline scar running down her neck as she refilled the cup. She motioned at the bartender to bring her another cup, and when he’d set it down she filled it to the top then pushed it towards Khendon.
She had two pieces of the sushi left, and gestured to them. “Would you care to partake of the meal you so kindly purchased? I’d watch out for the wasabi, though. It’ll fire through your sinuses like a bantha stampede.

Khendon S
Nov 26th, 2001, 08:38:38 PM
Khendon smirked, “Thank you for the drink, but I’ll have to pass on the sushi, I like my food dead and burnt to a crisp.” Khendon took a sip of the harsh drink, his smile fading temporarily but he regained his composure quickly, a true smile gracing his face, “So, what brings you to this bar, I’m sure it’s not for the food.”

Khendon peered at the female’s unusual eyes, studying them for a moment, then trying to recall if he’d ever seen a pair as such before, he could not recall any with a luster even close to the ones that now returned his gaze.

Nov 28th, 2001, 01:00:11 AM
s’Il emptied the rest of the bottle into her cup. “I don’t get to relax very often, and I haven’t been to a bar in a very long time.” Poking at the leftover sushi, she smiled, “I think you’re right, the food isn’t any reason to be here.”
She set the chopsticks down and pushed the plate away. “I was putting off having to spend the rest of the night fixing my ship.”
Finishing off the remainder of the sake, she looked at Khendon. His uniform was impeccably crisp, and he was tall; if they’d been standing, she’d come up only to his chest. She studied his eyes, her own taking on the acute look of before, and she noted with interest how swirls of grey seemed to fairly dance within the silver. His lightsaber didn’t escape her attention, either.
“How about yourself? Any reasons for spending an evening with a steak and two personal guards?”

Khendon S
Nov 29th, 2001, 08:30:51 PM
One of Khendon’s brows raised and he smirked, “Well, I see you’ve noticed my friends. Ah, but if I tell you about these things, you must tell me about yourself, for it would not be fare of me to let you have the upper hand. I have been eating this steak all alone trying to unwind, I am… a politician of sorts, and as such, I have many responsibilities which plague everyday I draw breathe, thus, in places filled with music, voices, and friendly faces I enjoy unwinding. Sadly, due to my… position… I must have an escort, now, tell me about yourself.” Khendon’s smirk grew into a wide grin as he awaited SIlancy’s reply.

Nov 29th, 2001, 11:08:35 PM
s’Il couldn’t help but laugh slightly. “I run s’Ilancy Associates, pretty much a one person operation dealing in the..” she paused, searching for the right word, “..acquisitions and transportation business. Rare goods, private collections, artifacts, historical treasures, you name it. I’ve hauled relics for the Hapes Cluster and I even used to work with Corporate Sector Authority on occasion. It’s a good life, I can’t complain. Right now, though, I’m stuck here doing repairs to my ship. My most recent contract backed out on me, then sent a pack of pirates up my tail.”
Her face darkened a little, but she instantly covered it with a smile. “Hazards of the job, though.” Her eyes glinted once more, and she lifted her head. “See this?” she traced the scar down her neck, over her clothes through the center of her chest, and stopped at her midsection. “Boba Fett gave this to me eight years ago; thought I was smuggler. When I tried to ‘explain’ to him that I wasn’t, things got a little rough. He never did apologize, either.”
The bartender brought out another bottle of sake, thinking she’d want more, but s’Il shook her head. “Just water from now on, please.”
Taking the glass, she was just about to lift it to her lips when her comm beeped softly. Irritation crossed briefly across her features as she pulled the small device from inside her coat. “What is it.”
The voice on the other end was slightly tinny. “Captain, they’re out again.”
“Entwo, I told you not to bother me,” she said through gritted teeth, flashing a smile at Khendon.
“But Captain-”
“They’re foot long fur-covered slinkies, for crying out loud. How hard is it to keep them in their cage?”
“They’ve gotten into the galley foodstores.”
Her expression froze. “The foodstores?!”
“Fine. I’ll be up there as soon as I can.” Replacing the comm in her coat, she finished the water in one drink. Putting a few more credits on the bar, she stood. “Mr. Sevon, I-” she stopped, thinking, then spoke once more. “Would you like to come with me? It’s only a short hop to my ship.”

Khendon S
Dec 3rd, 2001, 08:04:11 PM
Khendon smirked, “I have nothing,” he chose his words carefully, “better to do, so why not? I’ll even call the dogs off,” Khendon turned towards his guards, giving them a palm sign, which meant he wouldn’t need them anymore. He slowly lifted himself out of his chair, still smiling, “lead the way.”

Dec 3rd, 2001, 09:39:21 PM
pub50.ezboard.com/bsilancyassociates (http://pub50.ezboard.com/bsilancyassociates)

the Snatch is where ya wanna be