View Full Version : *encrypted transmission recieved*

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:04:56 AM
Imperial Archive 57 AP (after Palpatine) 626-4XXX

*encrypted transmission recieved...tracing home location. . . .WARNING SYSTEM FAILURE aborting trace*

Unknown: "Do not try that again"

Imperial Operator: "Unidentified Operator, you are unauthorized to operate and communicate on this board, By Imperial Law you can be subjected to..."

Unknown: "I'm giving you an AT3 Directive now patch me through to Imperial Intellegence"

Imperial Operator: "Uh, I'm...sorry, uh, sir, but Imperial Intellegence is now....."

Unknown: "Is now...?"

Imperial Operator: "defunct..I'm sorry sir, but things have been quite chaotic lately, who is this? Where have you been all this time?

Unknown: "As an Imperial Soldier, you should know better then to ask questions you don't need to know the answers to."

Imperial Operator: "Ah, yes sir"

Unknown: "Vemillion hells....what has happened while i've been gone...."

Imperial Operator: "sir?"

Unknown: "Very well then...who is in command of the Empire now?"

Imperial Operator: "Grand Moff Wolfgang Schriger is currently provincial leader of the Empire."


Unknown: "I told you not to try that again...once more, and your computers will be infected with a prototype virus, I am sure that you don't want that to happen"

Imperial Operator: (sullen) "Yes sir..."

Unknown: "Put a messege to this...Schriger..or whoever else is in command."

Imperial Operator: (sullen) "ah, yes sir?"

DPlaneswalker: "I am an Imperial Intellegence officer, I hold the rank of Colonel in Intellegence. My callsign is Dark Planeswalker, or DPlaneswalker, my serial number is 7777-F228. I have been on a sensitive mission for quite some time in the Unknown Regions...Mission status : complete (under his breath) for what its worth.. (speaking normally) I have not had contact with the Empire for some time now... However, I have always and always will serve the Empire. I am now offering to serve again, in Intellegence..or whats left of it....If you are interested in contacting me, I have set up several EMail Identities on the Imperial Holonet...You may currently contact me at Neo2784@aol.com..do not try to trace the identity, if you do, you'll run into some nasty black programs that will incapacitate your computers....I will leave that name active to any and all that are intrested in my....services...

Imperial Operator "....."

Unknown: "Now I'm sure you used a standard HD406 Holodisk to save this conversation hmmm?"

Imperial Operator: "yes sir..."

Unknown: "Very well, deliver this recorded conversation to your superior then"

Imperial Operator: "yes sir, but wait who should I....."


Jeseth Cloak
Sep 12th, 2001, 12:17:42 PM
OOC: Where can I contact you, through AIM or MSN or anything of the sort?

Sep 12th, 2001, 01:41:53 PM
/OOC read my post, the contact information is there, if you don't feel like going back heh, its Neo2784@aol.com

Darth Viscera
Sep 26th, 2001, 09:31:41 PM
Please answer the questions at the top of the forum.

Telan Desaria
Sep 28th, 2001, 09:01:45 AM
Lord Viscera, I have spoken with the young hopeful OOC and he has provided me with the folliwng information:

Imperial Intelligence Corps
Roleplaying Experience in Excess
He IS willing to devote himself to the Empire

Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet

Darth Viscera
Sep 28th, 2001, 05:15:55 PM
You have my permission to assign him to whatever objective you see fit. Once he shows his commitment, I will consider fully re-incorporating him into the Empire.

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2001, 03:31:10 PM
Understood, my Lord...