View Full Version : General Harrsk

General Harrsk
Dec 9th, 2001, 03:49:11 PM
Truthfully, I have a character already in play at now merged TIR and TGE board. He is Captain Vriss, commander of the VSD Subjugator, and under command of Fleet Admiral Lebron. I also play a Zabrak Jedi Padawan and a Old Republic Senator, Senator Bel Iblis.

I would like to join the Army.

I have some roleplaying experiences. I have roleplayed for a 1˝ over AIM Chatrooms in my time using various different styles of roleplaying including; hit, free form, simming, AIM Dice. In the past four months I have been playing D&D 3rd Edition as well as Magic: The Gathering. I have been roleplaying over ezboards for a little over a year with a large variety of themes including; Star Wars, X-men, Pokémon, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, etc.

I can be contacted most of the time over Aol Instant Messenger[AIM] using the handle Asazi Ikudia. Though I am on MSN alot you can contact me by adding my e-mail address bountyhunter117@hotmail.com I use Yahoo on a day to day basis under gambit_da_external, and my ICQ number is #100569931

If I was going to make a name to join the most dominate faction that is operational at the present time, you know I would devote every waking minute of my time to the board.

If you need a biography then just reply here and ask for one and I will be sure to post it :)

Telan Desaria
Dec 10th, 2001, 12:26:50 PM
The Empire has an excellent command hierarhcy of Admirals and Moffs-it is well led. But we lack a leader of our ground forces. As it is, our Fleet lords must fulfill that role whel it comes time to attack. I will sumbit your request to the proper authorities. Check back in frequently.

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General of the Destroyerate

General Harrsk
Dec 10th, 2001, 06:34:09 PM
I will do so Admiral Desaria.

General Harrsk
Dec 11th, 2001, 11:02:20 AM
so I take it that we do not need biographies.

Daemon Hyfe
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:49:09 AM
Ah, don't mind me, I'm just an old hag that pops into this forum with random comments once every month or so.

Just out of curiosity though, did you say that you simmed a bit in AOL chatrooms? If so, where?

General Harrsk
Dec 12th, 2001, 10:59:47 AM
Yes, that is correct I did sim a bit on AIM. We actually did not do it in any registered chatroom by AIM; i.e. Gaming Chat. We usually set up chatrooms with a maximum 520 word post. they had various different names where we roleplayed. We recently Roleplayed in "Slums of Mos Eisley" and "Boonta Eve Classic", it is kind of kewl.

Daemon Hyfe
Dec 13th, 2001, 02:10:53 PM
Ah, I see. I was just wondering, because back about 3 years ago I used to SIM in AOL chatrooms. That's actual AOL, mind you, not just the AIM service. They had some public rooms devoted to Star Wars simming. Twas pretty fun.

I'll be leaving now.

Telan Desaria
Dec 13th, 2001, 03:01:52 PM
General Harrsk, Please submit your sample rp, so we can process and find you a suitable place in the Empire.

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:51:19 PM
he's not done with it yet. yesterday he said 2 or 3 days.

General Harrsk
Dec 13th, 2001, 05:54:41 PM
Yes, it might take a few days I am making it pretty long so I can get lots of the stuff I want into it.

And, what were the rooms called while you simmed on AOL? Were they just the basic Star Wars Chatroom 1 & 2?