View Full Version : Darth Karrns Sample

Darth Karrn
Dec 14th, 2001, 11:10:02 PM
Okay Vis we discussed this on AIM, you know who i am so no need for a intro, i closed the window with where you told me to place this thread so this is what i got so far Sir

The liberation of Naspuun.

Radio chatter, turned into screams of terror, from all the shouting and talks of panic all I could make out was that more than 30 fighters were there first line of defense, I could do nothing but sit with the others in the transport section along with drop-ships and 400 tanks and a contingent of storm troopers, I must admit my gut wrenched with every scream every, radio turning into interference. Without a doubt the operation had started poorly and the Diktat was not going to be happy even with minimal losses.

Our mission at Naspuun was to liberate the main operations centres, clear out any tank contingents, destroy radar systems and communicates services including TV, Radio so we could strategically hit every point of actions without them hearing of us coming. My first plan when on the surface however was to set up a make shift base due north of a small town “Hartalom” that we could garrison some communications and if need be, be our main base of operations. I expected losses even before we reached the surface, not every drop ship was going to make it down, I expected to lose more than 2000 men even before we hit the surface, and frankly it was better than losing all and I might even be within that 2000, but our mission was clear and I would brief the Battalion when we were there.

Boom! A wave from an explosion shook the freighter shuddering it then coming to stillness, I looked at my contingent looking back up at me, and the eerie silence was not a good sign. “This is…. Were…evac…. Will…. Meet…Operation…town….” it cut off it seemed our escort for the operation had been eliminated but escape pods were executed and I hoped they would meet us at Hartalom, the Diktat however was not going to be happy, it seemed from the freighters transmission’s to other ships that the fighter battle was still waging on and the freighters were going to drop us whatever the circumstances.

I pressed and held the datapad on the wall of the Comm-link panel giving me direct communication to the command post on the freighter a Comm-LT received my call.

‘This is Command Deck what is it?’ his voice said it all there was trouble brewing.
‘When is our ETA on the drop-zone?’ I said giving him equally if not more attitude

The end went quiet a few chatted in the background and the Comm-Officer came back to me.

‘My apologies General for my rude behavior your drop-zone will be about in 7 minutes’
‘ Can you link up a network to all the other troops and officers in the remaining freighters please, so that I can talk to them before our drop?

The sound for a few taps on a keyboard was heard and he simply said ‘Done!’

He slammed the link down and the end went dead, I released my finger from the button and stood up picking up a headset and placing it on my head

‘Okay guys, this is it im not going to give you a long speech and im not going to lie to you all, here’s the deal our departure will be in 5 minutes I want every unit in my battalion ready, I want every person under my command to secure our drop-zone as fast as possible, we know at our drop-zone is lightly guarded and a small convoy of tanks are entering the area, they must go! That area that they occupy is our only area we can build a makeshift base, as I want it. As I said lying is not my game, so here’s the hiccup their anti-starfighter units are far more than capable than to destroy half the drop ships we have, we are taking a chance on this ones ‘breathed out a feeling of adrenaline ran through the group…. ‘Are you all with me?’

In a quiet murmur ‘yes sir!’
‘Not loud enough!’ I said trying to gain some spirit
Loud and to attention ‘YES SIR!’ I smiled, but the sound of the troops over lapped the ones on the Comm
‘Okay lady’s and Gents lets move out!’

I watched as my men get their gear together, feeling some tension, but some excitement I was confident our mission was to be a success, and I had all the confidence in the galaxy my men would come off top trumps and win the day for the Diktat and make up for the loss of the VSD.

The small drop ship housed 300 Storm Troopers each. I sat in the center of ST-Group 17 the solitude silence was a good sign of preparation I liked it, these guys were my boys and the training camp taught them well. The pilot of the shuttle broke into the silence as we all looked up to the monitor ‘This is gonna’ he a rough ride boys, the fighters are still battling it out there, to be honest we have a 40% chance of making it and I don’t even know even if we drop you whether we will make it back, god speed fellas’’. The monitor clicked of and the feeling of wait loss came into play. We were in the battlegrounds of space; a rare place for 30.000 troops. Bumps, shudders, and waves rocketed though the hull of the drop ship. I looked through the small window the next of me hundreds of the small drop-ships were viewable, some exploding in a ball of fire where the fighters were hitting them some barely making out of fighter fire, our fighters doing there best nearly had there squadrons…nearly.

BANG! A massive shudder knocked me and the others flying, screams sounded as 3 or 4 storm troops got pulled out from ship, the gapping hole was sucking the oxygen out quick, the rest of us strapped on our helmets quickly giving us some kind of supply. Voices were shouting over the helmet Comm-Link ‘We’ve been hit we’ve been hit!’ ‘WERE GOING DOWN!’ the voices were defining in my ear. A 5th trooper was sucked out into space alive with oxygen he would drift of into suffering death I could hear him screaming until he left and went out of range. The shuddering was bouncing us around like a pinball machine my body was numb and I did not know if the ship was pilot-less my head was spinning, panic and adrenaline rushed through me like a river I couldn’t hold myself from making grunts of fear and breathing heaverly.