View Full Version : As promiced

Lord Dagger
Jan 11th, 2002, 05:01:26 PM
DarkStar walks slowly into the headquarters of the Empire and looks around.

"As I promised I would Lord Viscera, I have come"

Darth Viscera
Jan 13th, 2002, 01:44:49 AM
A large holo-unit flickered to life, microminiature sensors detecting the presence of the Sith Master and relaying that information to the ill-lit quarters of the Imperial Diktat. The aged, robed figure spoke:

"Greetings, my friend. You must be tired from your journey. Please, accept the hospitality of the Imperial subjects and take a suite in the Palace. I wish to confer with you on matters of the force."

Lord Dagger
Jan 13th, 2002, 05:06:56 PM
DarkStar smiles as he sees his old friend, it had been along time, a lifetime infact, he had not seen the Diktat since his death at the hands of Sith Knight Seth Darkserpent of TSO.

"I will dicline your offer of hospitality for the moment my friend, 7 days on a super star destroy have left me wanting to walk around and breate none recycled air for a while...well a few minutes before I remember why we recycle it, then I will join you"

Lord Dagger
Jan 20th, 2002, 01:17:35 PM
DarkStar stood silently in the turbo lift as it accended to the Diktats quarters. With a hiss the doors opened and the Sith Lord stepped out. Across from him were the doors leading to his old friend's chambers, infront of them were two Force pike armed Praetorian Guards.

"Inform Lord Viscera that Lord DarkStar is here to see him,"

DarkStar stood, perfectly still, waiting, one hand curled around the dragon sabre at his side, more out of habit than a sense of need.