View Full Version : Cardinal, Ebon...

Jeseth Cloak
Mar 12th, 2001, 11:04:18 AM
I beleive you requested instruction?

Cardinal Aiyalin
Mar 12th, 2001, 11:30:18 AM
She walks into the room to find Jeseth already waiting for her, she bows low to the ground.

"Yes, my brother. I burn with anticipation for you to teach me the ways of the Dark Jedi. I know I shall not disappoint you. What shall you have me do today?"

She stands, waiting for his answer.

Jeseth Cloak
Mar 12th, 2001, 11:26:56 PM
"First, I wish to ask a few questions of you...

1. What is it exactly you wish to learn?

2. What approach do you beleive would mutually benefit us?

3. Why would you have me train you? What lesson do you beleive I can teach you that perhaps the others can not?

4. Who amongst your brothers and sisters have you met and confered with concerning training, and what are their feelings on the issue?

The questions may seem strange, but they are quite important."

Ebon Dir
Mar 15th, 2001, 12:25:22 AM
::emerges from the shadows, shuffling softly over to the other two::

I will answer your questions quickly and concisly, for such is my nature.

I wish to learn of the mind. I wish to learn how to read peoples thoughts, to whisper into their minds and make them succeptable to suggestion. I want to learn how to calm my own mind, to silence the voices that plague me.

In return, for intruction in what I need, I will aid you in developing any skills I can. In particular, I am quite skilled with the lightsaber. My dualing skills are quite good.

Why do I search out you? Even among this group of isolated individuals, you seem to be a leader, someone who is able to relate with people. The most brilliant mind is useless if it cannot express a concept to another.

As of this moment, I have held conversations with only to other members of this group. Delrion was the one who first called out to me, drawing me to this place. She was the one who first suggested I come to you. I have also had an...encounter with the lovely Cardinal here.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Mar 17th, 2001, 02:22:57 AM
:Cardinal thinks a few minutes before she replies..

"I wish to learn everything Jeseth. I want to understand every aspect of the power of the dark side, but most of all I want to be able to influence other people's thoughts. I want to be able to exert control over them and make them do the things that I wish them to. I want to be able to make them worship me, no matter how powerful of a mind they have. To be able to break their will is perhaps the most powerful ally a girl can have. I believe that any approach pushing me to my limits would be beneficial. Taking myself to the breaking point will only temper me for the life I have ahead. It will bring me closer intune with the dark side."

"I do not know how you train, but I want to be pushed. Do not fear of breaking my will, because I don't believe anyone can break me -- and if so, then I do not want to live, anyway."

"I have admired you from afar for a long time. Secretly watching your workings with the Jedi and the Sith, seeing how much power you have. You are very, sane, if that's the correct word. I want to be taught by the best, and I believe from my observations, and that is you, Cloak. You are a leader, and you are strong. I value those ideals in those who would teach me."

"I have met Hob, Anbira, and Delirion. Of those three, the only one who has discussed training with me was Delirion. At first she seemed hesitant to let me in, but now I have a feeling I have changed her mind. Hopefully in time, the rest will see that I am an asset to the group. My drive and determination will not be stopped, and I know I will be powerful. I have always succeeded when others have doubted me. I also chose you to train me because you sought me out. You saw my potential, though misguided, to become a great ally."

**She smiles at Ebon.

"Thank you sweetheart."

**Turning back towards Jeseth, she continues

"Is that what you wanted to know, or is there anything I might have left out?"

Jeseth Cloak
Mar 17th, 2001, 02:57:29 AM
The answers would suffice for now.

"Very well. Your training shall now commence."

There was a loud clang as the door into the Durrance shut, leaving them in near total darkness. Jeseth's eyes pierced the shadows as he observed the two initiates.

"Place your sabers on the ground."

Ebon Dir
Mar 17th, 2001, 03:04:34 AM
::reluctantly places his sabre on the ground...standing straight, he tries to use his other senses to compensate for the loss of sight...he could hear the soft breathing of the woman and himself; he could smell his own sweat; he could feel the rough fabric of his cloak and the dead, stale air of the chamber; And, of course, he could also hear the ever-present voice of Amon::

Cardinal Aiyalin
Mar 18th, 2001, 01:32:01 AM
**Card slowly places her saber on the ground and stands casually in the dark. Darkness was a feeling she was well accustomed to, something she reveled in.

**She waits calmly for the lesson to begin.

Jeseth Cloak
Mar 19th, 2001, 12:25:17 AM
Jeseth toses a saber to the stone floor before them.

"Use it. Attack eachother."

They both glanced at the single saber left there, realizing the obvious and unfair nature of this exercise.

Ebon Dir
Mar 19th, 2001, 09:22:33 PM
::looks at the women hesitantly, pausing just a moment before he dives for the saber::

Emperor Shimi
Mar 21st, 2001, 12:58:52 PM
Hehehehehehehe! Excellent!

Ebon Dir
Mar 29th, 2001, 05:07:12 PM
::Ebons emerges from a roll gracefully, the saber in hand. He turns back in a half crouch and ignites the saber. He is startled to find that the room, newly lit by the soft glow of the saber, is empty, save for himself::

What the hell?


::thinking that this was all part of the test, Ebon begins to scan the room with all his senses, trying to locate anyone::

Ebon Dir
Apr 8th, 2001, 08:14:28 PM
Nothing....no one.

Just like that, they were gone.

"Hmmph, some training this turned out to be."

::Ebon makes his way to the door and disengages the saber, walking out into the lesser darkness of the hall::