View Full Version : Evening draped the castle in
Jan 24th, 2001, 11:02:41 PM
the dark of night, a cloak of spirtual darkness surrounded the unusual structure. Morgan contemplated his purpose of coming here, and decided to hurry inside before the acidic rain revisted him, tossing his thoughts aside.
Really, he had concluded, it was quite simple. He wanted to know why Jeseth had gone Sith. Although the padawan turned
sith hadn't been long under his tutelage, Morgan had decided to track him down and ask him face to face.
Some things were simply not good enough to be explained with written text alone, and the little that Jeseth had left behind did next to nothing to satiate Morgan's curiosity.
OOC: I used Fewdman account because EZboard was not liking my Morgan account.
Jan 25th, 2001, 05:33:11 PM
It didn't take long for Morgan to feel another presence alongside his own in the Force. For a moment - Just a brief one - he thought it might have been Jeseth. But a feeling of familiarity washed over him, and he knew without hesitation who was there:
"Hey, Nup", he called out.
Stepping from the shadows, his face a passive mask, Nupraptor matched his pace to that of his cousin's.
"Just thought I'd tag along..."
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 25th, 2001, 07:37:17 PM
Morgan and Nupraptor stoped in their stracks as a silhoutte slowly became visble to them. It seemed to have grown from the thick shadows about them--but no... It had been there all along, and they had merely been averting their attention from it. A storm began to rage outside...
Jeseth gave a side long glance at his former masters and stepped out into the light, bowing out of respect and then rising to his feet. They cast their eyes on him, and as Morgan began to speak a clap of thunder shattered the silence ahead of him.
Leeloo Mina
Jan 30th, 2001, 10:12:31 PM
Leeloo walked behind Nup quitely-- she had followed her master here. She knew that Nup was aware of her presence, she was pretty surprised that he hadn't made her go back..yet.
She watched as a few meters ahead as Jeseth greeted the two in silence. She sped up her pace and came up behind Nuprator and Morgan. "Is this a private party.. or can any one join?"
She turned to the Dark Jedi and smiled at him.
"Hey Jeseth... Very nice place you got here. A little dark, gloomy but nice."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 8th, 2001, 10:27:44 PM
Morgan looked at Leeloo strangely.
"You have odd taste in men."
He sighed, and turned back to Jeseth.
"So, this is quite an interesting place you have hear. I've a few nagging questions if you have the time or patitence to talk and answer them."
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 8th, 2001, 10:37:13 PM
Jeseth's icy shell broke apart as Leeloo smiled at him, and for a moment he almost smiled back--but no, not in front of the others, not now. He knew what some of their questions might be.
"Patience is a virute I've never cast away, and I have the time..."
He pushed away from the wall and walked over to Morgan, Nupraptor, and Leeloo, letting the storm outside cover up his steps.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 8th, 2001, 10:40:46 PM
Well... mmmm.
"I suppose the best place to start would be in the begining. Why did you leave the Jedi, Jeseth?"
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 8th, 2001, 10:47:38 PM
"I saw the entropy there... seeping forth. I knew it time it would all come to disorder - and this..."
He held his hand out, touching it against a wall and causing moss to grow underneath his hand, the stone directly therein turning to decaying to dust and falling to the floor.
"I long to learn of all the Force's secrets... and I would have be forbidden from doing so."
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