View Full Version : The Oozaru II lands on Vjun
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:00:07 PM
:: Slowly, Anbira Hicchoru's personal craft touched down on the inhospitable world. The gangplank slowly lowered, and Anbira exited the craft, his face set in anger. He knew this to be the place where Dalethria would be found. She left the Empire in such an angry flourish, stubborn to the last. She insulted Anbira's honor, but more importantly, disturbed his plans. Anbira was determined to right this wrong, and to bring Dalethria back into the fold, even if it was from the confines of a repulsorchair. She was far too important, and Anbira knew this to be true. A lordess she may be, but the potential for greatness indeed lay within her. This confrontation would be dangerous, as much as Anbira would confirm. If Anbira did not attack with his maximum potential, he might be defeated. However, if he unleashed his potential, the tragedy of Kat might be repeated. The thought of such needless death drove a spike of hatred down Anbira's core. Damn that insufferable woman. She did not know what she was getting into.
Anbira slowly made his way to Bast castle. It was not too different from when he last saw it, long ago. Arriving at the gate, Anbira's gravely voice reached across the land.)
Dalethria Mal Pannis, I come for you!
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:21:42 PM
"No need to shout Anbira ..."
The Master Sith moved his gaze upwards. He saw that Dalethria had found a place on top part of the surrounding wall that still stood. He knew that Dalethria wasn't there before when he was approaching. She was grinning, finding satisfaction that she had to make the great Anbira be forced to look up at her.
"... I am right here. I sensed your presence before you even landed. Your energy washed through me like a disease," she snarled.
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:32:08 PM
:: Anbira stood silent for a moment, his face stoic and unmoved ::
This is as far as I come to appeasing whatever foolhearted desires you may have. Enough of this game, Mal Pannis. Why are you here?
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:42:43 PM
A low growl rumbles deep in her throat, "I've nothing to explain to you that I haven't said already before!"
She leapt from her place upon the wall and tackles Anbira to the ground. Pinning him down with her body, strength increasing with the Force, she grabs Anbira face to expose his neck. Her other hand comes up and with a wicked grin, speaks a few words in a language that he doesn't recognize. The chaos ring glows black and she presses the ring against his neck, the scent of burning flesh a wonderful sensation touching her senses.
Sith Kat
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:50:39 PM
:: Sorsha looks down from the place Dalethria had stood and watches beneath her cloak ::
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:56:26 PM
:: Anbira's eyes close sharply as he winces with pain. Gritting his teeth, Anbira opens his eyes, and drops a double-hammer kidney chop to Dale's sides. As she loosens her grip, Anbira reaches underneath placing an open palm between their chests. Anbira generates a force push that sends Dale into the air, clear of Anbira. Quickly, the stocky Master flips to his feet, placing a hand over the burn. ::
What is this mark you have placed upon me?
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:51:11 PM
She flips around in the air, landing on her feet. The sting to her lower back faded quickly as her rage over Kat's death came fully, which seemed to intensify the black aura around the chaos ring.
"It's the mark of my Master Kat! Even if you kill me, forever will you be scarred with her symbol!"
Her sabre came to her hand, the weapon ripping off the metal clip on her belt. The snap-hiss signaled the red blade igniting and Dalethria spun the sabre in her hand. Anbira wasn't armed yet, but to think him defenseless was certain death.
Pivoting on her back right foot, she motioned to sprint forward to "take advantage" of Anbira's state, but she focused her energy. His face snapped back, feeling like a fist made of stone punched him.
The glow of red caught his attention out of the corner of his eye as Dalethria was coming in fast, ready to run him through the chest with her sabre.
Rama Sha
Mar 28th, 2001, 06:10:14 AM
:: Rama looked at the the small blip on his screen. ::
Predictable as ever Anbira.
Rama knew that after what had happened on Monto Curdo, that Anbria would hunt Dale down. His honor demanded it. Anbria would lead him to dale and thus to Sorsha.
"R6 set course......I must prepare."
:: The Star Phoenix II jumps into Hyperspace ::
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 28th, 2001, 01:55:07 PM
:: Anbira returns his gaze in time to see Dale approach him. Her saber is bared and ready to strike. Now, it is painfully obvious that Anbira has no saber of his own anymore. Anbira opens a palm close to his face, and Dale's saber blade glances off air as it strikes a barrier in the force. Dale regroups as her blade recoils, and Anbira slowly shakes his head. ::
I will not be defeated that easily.
:: Anbira makes a winding motion around him with his left hand, drawing it in and then snapping it outwards in a thrust. He opens his fist, and a gale-strength Force push sends Dale off her feet, tumbling. Using the lapse in time, Anbira allows his form to levitate several inches off the ground. In an instant, he accelerates, moving quickly to attack Dale as she continues reeling back ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 28th, 2001, 04:53:32 PM
She disengages her sabre, fearing that she will loose a limb as she spiraled backwards on the ground. As her head reaches the apex of each spin, Dalethria notices that Anbira is coming closer and closer, his speed gaining.
Letting go of her sabre, she lets herself continue to spiral and waits for Anbira to fly closer. Once satisfied he is near enough, she uses the force to stop herself from tumbling and plants her hands on the ground. Kicking up, she laces her legs around Anbira's and uses his momentum against him, forcing his body to go down instead of straight. His face smashes into the ground and Dalethria lands hard on her back, the wind knocked out of her.
Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:54:54 PM
The noise outside the castle walls attracts the attention of the Hobgoblin gatekeep. His eyes peek out from a secret hole in the wall and he checks on the happenings.
Rama Sha
Mar 29th, 2001, 03:17:05 PM
:: As Rama is about to leave the bridge. ::
No.........wait R6.
I want you to take me home.
"Home? Monto Curdo? Ord Mantell?"
"Im afraid I don't understand."
I know you don't R6....
<A HREF= ?topicID=3448.topic> Contiuned here </A>
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 2nd, 2001, 09:19:59 PM
:: Anbira's face smashes into the ground from Dale's counter. He very nearly blacks out from the impact, using the Force to resist the urge to lose conciousness. However, there is only so much pain and disorientation he can dispense with, and thus Anbira is very slow to his feet ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 2nd, 2001, 09:55:57 PM
Ragged breaths escape Dalethria's mouth as her eyes were held tightly together from exerting herself. Swallowing, she looking over at Anbira and saw that he was slow getting to his feet. She needed to act fast in order to keep the great Angel of Death off guard. Never stop moving, to stop moving is to die.
Getting to her knees, Dalethria unsheathed her crystal dagger and sprung forward. Her lithe arms wrapped around Anbira's chest, her strength fueled by her rage, pinned his arms to the sides as she tried to sink the dagger into his gut.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 2nd, 2001, 10:20:56 PM
:: At the last moment, Anbira braces forward with his forearms, applying outward pressure against Dale's arms, and keeping the dagger from continuing its trajectory towards his abdomen. Teeth bared with concentration, Anbira snaps his head backwards, striking Dale in the face as he tries to break the hold ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 2nd, 2001, 10:42:23 PM
She grunts in pain as the back of Anbira's head smashes into her forehead, causing her to see tiny stars flash in and out of existance. Coupled with the Master Sith using what leverage he has by planting his arms outwards, Dalethria does loose this part of the struggle but not without some injury to Anbira. The dagger did manage to slice into his flesh as her hand turned towards the inside of his left arm. She stepped backwards and closed her eyes, trying to fend off blacking out.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 2nd, 2001, 10:50:20 PM
:: Anbira gains distance between himself and Dale, cradling his wounded arm slightly. Concentrating, Anbira uses the Force to alleviate the pain, enabling him to carry on. As Anbira stands looking at Dale, the Vjun winds pick up slightly. Several meters away, a large rock is lifted in the air with the force. Lightning crashes around the two fighters, the light from it casting a pall over their faces ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 3rd, 2001, 01:12:00 PM
The lightning arched across the sky which was a signal for disaster. Dalethria knew exactly what this meant for she had to find safety when she first came to Bast Keep when the acid rain fell from the sky. This fight had to end soon otherwise both of them would end up being the victims.
In the distance in front of her, she saw a good size rock be lifted into the air. She could easily crush it, but with her previous encounter with Jeseth ( c), such a tactic wasn't practical. She could leave herself open for another attack.
She kept her attention focused on Anbira, still knowing where the rock hovered through the Force. Her will wrapped around the sides of his head and she gritted her teeth in concentration. It felt like a vice slowly became tighter and tighter around his head, the pressure increasing ...
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:34:56 PM
:: Gritting his teeth against the pressure around his head, Anbira decided to break Dale's concentration with the use of force. With enhanced speed, he rushed to her, driving forward with a series of fast and aggressive punches and kicks, starting with a tandem synchronized elephant strike to Dale's throat and chest, which she deftly avoided. Anbira struck next with a succession of snap kicks, trying to critically strike her at the knees, but Dale's quick footwork afforded her breathing room from the short-range low kicks. Planting into a front stance, Anbira attempted a cumbersome but powerful front press kick, which Dale also sidestepped. However, the attack left Anbira open, and Dale quickly took advantage of the gap in timing, countering with a roundhouse...
...that was suddenly thrown off track by an incoming stone colliding with her ankle. It did not do any considerable damage, but it effectively broke off her counter. Using the change in momentum, however, Dale went on the offensive, attempting to drive through Anbira with a few fast attacks of her own. A quick ram's head punch sliced through the air, intent on connecting with Anbira's throat. The Master bent his back and turned his hip, bending away from the strike with impressive fluidity, as another passing stone guided by the force slapped away her arm.
Frustrated, Dale increased her offensive, but Anbira continued to dance out of her reach, blocking the strikes with Force-projected stones and debris. With his hands free from the chore of actually blocking Dale's attacks, Anbira used the split seconds of lapse in Dale's broken assaults to counter with his own. For about a minute, Dale attacked, and was thwarted by flying stones, allowing Anbira to counter with lightning-fast strikes that continued to wear her down. Several fast-succession sunset strikes finally battered down across Dale's torso at high speed, followed by a quivering palm. The forceful strike sent Dale completely off her feet.)
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 01:52:14 AM
She fell on her back but continued to roll in that direction. Her palms planted on the dead ground and she catapulted herself into a controlled flip, landing on her feet. Her mouth hung open as she tried to catch her breath, clutching at her chest for a moment till the pain settled away from Anbira's swift attacks.
A shadow crept along the ground as the clouds loomed overhead. The purplish orange sky signaling that death was coming soon. The humidity picked up just as Dalethria caught her breath which made it seem useless to begin with. The air was starting to become thick and moist, almost clinging to her skin.
Planting her foot back, she bent her knees and quickly ran up three steps and leapt into the air in a flying kick. Anbira deftly dodged out of the way and she follow around with a spinning backfist ... which was blocked by another stone. Attack after attack that she put forth was parried with some object or another as before, but Anbira wasn't lucky with his offense as well. Pebbles and dust kicked up and somehow found their way to stick to her body as the perspiration acted like glue.
The grime didn't bother her, not connecting any of her blows was. She had to hide her intentions as best as she could. Try to carry her attacks as if that is what she wanted, but set Anbira up for her real strike.
A forearm came up to block the high kick of the Master Sith and quickly fell inwards to face the ground as she blocked the next palm strike. Her leg rose and quickly it snapped to try and take Anbira off balanced but as predicted, a stone came to block that strike. Dalethria closed her eyes and let herself be guided by the Darkside. Rage, anger and hatred for this man came into her being, fueling her to finally land a solid hit, showing that he wasn't invincible.
Her hand snapped forward in a palm strike to Anbira's nose and again, the stone came towards her forearm to block her. The only thing that was different was Dalethria letting her senses become one with her body and she felt the ripple of control that the Master Sith used. She dropped her hand an inch lower in a feint and connected the blow to his chin.
She mustn't stop now. Finally Dalethria got the upper hand and she had to keep moving. With his concentration broken for a brief moment, her hands gripped his shoulders and she forced him down to the ground with a shoulder block. As he fell, she followed him, making sure that her knee was placed over his chest.
Anbira hit the ground and Dalethria grinned wickedly as her knee rammed into his chest, the momentum and enhanced strength combined was quite devastating. The sound of ribs snapping underneath her weight was music to her ears as her nails dug into the flesh of his shoulder.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:30:20 PM
:: Anbira's breath rattled out in a ragged wheeze as he felt ribs break. It would definitely slow him down, and cause a lot of difficulty in the fight later on. For now, Dale's brawling style had caused her to err grievously, despite the injury Anbira was given. She was completely open for an attack.
While she pinned him to the ground, Anbira reached upwards, placing a pointed index finger, the Den Mok, over her Xiphoid process. It took but a trifle of energy to break the piece of bone from its anchoring on the sternum, and pierce into the muscular tissue of the diaphragm. Anbira kept his hand in place, ready to apply much more force at a moment's notice. They did no injustice in calling Den Mok the Death Touch, for it was a strike with most lethal connotations indeed. Anbira may be broken and battered...but he was far from beaten. ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 03:17:01 PM
This wasn't good. A burning sensation rose up in her midsection and she dared to glance down. Anbira placed an index finger on her sternum, but just barely. With increased pressure and the position she was in, it didn't bode well at all for her to continue this. She could back off but then that would leave Dalethria open again for another form of attack. Staying in this deadlock was pointless since the acid rain grew closer and closer.
She would have to back off, Dalethria had no choice but there was more then one way to back off. Her eyes showed fear and that she was trying to figure her way out of this mess. In reality, it was a bluff. Dalethria knew exactly what she was doing and was using Anbira's concentration for his technique as a distraction.
All the stones that Anbira used in their hand to hand fight thus far coalesce behind Dalethria. Her manipulation of the Living Force granted such control eventhough now her face was showing a lack of it. The small stones grouped together and were held tightly through her mind.
Finally, she permitted herself a grin.
"Alright Anbira," came through her mouth raspy, "You win."
She rolled backwards, away from his touch and brought the large mass of stones up and over her that came crashing down on top of the Master Sith.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 03:26:26 PM
:: The stones crashed down on Anbira with a brutal force, piling on top of him completely. This increased the trauma of his broken ribs, making breathing more difficult. Momentarily unable to move, Anbira had to think of something.
Outside of the rock pile, Dalethria began to feel a slight chill as a cool breeze blew from behind her. ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 03:57:29 PM
Dalethria rose to her feet, rubbing her chest absently as she lessened the pain with her mind. A cold breeze came up from behind her that cooled her skin gently, but something was amiss. Anbira was trying to do something but there was no motion from the rock pile in front of her.
Then it hit her. Danger ... from somewhere behind her.
Spinning around quickly, she called for her sabre. It ignited before it reached her hand and Dalethria caught it with ease to find ...
... absolutely nothing. This made no sense at all for she knew that something was going to harm her person. Reaching out with the Force, she tried to pinpoint it.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 04:03:07 PM
:: The cold breeze continued to blow, and somewhere underneath the rubble, Anbira went deeply into concentration ::
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 4th, 2001, 04:23:33 PM
:: Sorsha weaves her fingers in kuji-kiri and chants in a strange tongue. A high keening scream erupts from Sorsha's throat and rises into an inhuman wail as shadows spread over her face. The winds increase as she leaps down from the wall, her cloak spreading out like black wings ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 04:41:10 PM
With a growl, she turned around and focused back on the pile. The wails of her sister caught her attention and it looked as if Sorsha finally decided to join in.
Her hand came out in front of her and she quickly balled it into a fist. The stones began to push down on Anbira's unmoving form as the pressure increased on top of the pile. She didn't know what was coming but she was going to try and squeeze the life out of him if she could!
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 06:10:38 PM
:: Anbira grimaces painfully, as his broken ribs are pressed even further. The stones around him constrict him tightly, almost causing his lungs to puncture, but slowly their pressure begins to subside slightly, as the cool breeze around Sorsha and Dalethria begins to slow. Both women can feel warmth emanating slightly in Anbira's direction, and can barely see a faint green glow piercing the rock pile in a few open places ::
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 4th, 2001, 06:24:56 PM
:: a loud hiss rushes from Sorsha's throat as she senses the increase in energy. She focuses her hatred and forms a psychic dagger. A cacophony of screaming shadows invades Anbira's mind, ripping and tearing their way through him like a plague of insects. This time she would destroy him from the inside out ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 06:59:52 PM
The danger was never behind her or around her, it was right in front of her. Dalethria curses at herself for being so stupid and disengages her sabre. The faint glow and the heat emanating from the pile of rocks meant only one thing and Dalethria knew she wasn't strong enough to keep it from happening.
Stepping in front of her sister, she clipped her sabre to her belt and held her hands out a foot away from her chest. Having the essence of one of her clones made her go through a lot mentally and physically but it also taught her things she never knew were possible. Never was there a situation where this was warranted but if Dalethria didn't attempt this now, both her and Sorsha could die. She wouldn't loose her sister again even if it meant her own death.
Using all her concentration now, Dalethria blocked out all the pain and everything that was going on around her. The air compressed in front and around her in a thin curve. There couldn't be that much time before Anbira released whatever he was attempting to do. Too much was riding on this fight and she be damned to have it end horribly. With what little time she had left, her concentration remained solely on reinforcing the force field she erected around herself to protect her and Sorsha.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 07:25:30 PM
:: Sorsha's psychic dagger began to adversely affect Anbira, amplifying the instability in his mind. Unable to properly defend against this, the Master lost his ability to control the Bakuhatsuha wave he was crafting, and his force constraints were released prematurely, blowing the compressed air outwards with a thunderous shockwave. The blast pulverizes the stones around Anbira, and throws the resulting maelstrom of rock shards forward at hypersonic force. The rocky shrapnel blasts everywhere, including towards Dale and Sorsha ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 07:52:49 PM
She planted herself on the ground physically and gritted her teeth as the pile explodes. Rock shards come flying towards her and Sorsha and in a blink of an eye, already impacting against the force field she constructed. The stone fragments hit harmlessly against the invisible wall and fell to the ground.
There was a problem though. Never had Dalethria done this before and for whatever reason, every time a stone hit the wall, if felt like it hit her mentally. The pain was quick and sharp but it was multiplied by hundreds of stones, not a few. It was too much for her. The wall cracked in certain places as the pain fouled up her concentration. Not too soon after, it broke completely and the remnants of the shards found their way through. Since Dalethria was in front of Sorsha, she took all the hits. One shard sliced through her right side, one impaled itself into her left thigh quickly and burrowed deep, the third cut through her armor and into her already wounded chest, and lastly, one imbedded itself into her shoulder.
She moaned out in pain from the mental and physical assualt. Dalethria fell backwards and bumped into Sorsha before falling to the ground, exhausted. Blood soaked through her chain mail and it dripped down her body. She focused on the pain to try and fend it off, knowing that her sister would hardly be hurt from this attack.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 4th, 2001, 08:00:45 PM
:: the shadows melt away from Sorsha as her hold on Anbira's mind is broken. She kneels down over her fallen Sister as a large raincloud gets ready to break over the battlefield ::
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 4th, 2001, 08:02:04 PM
Hob clambers up from his watching place and scampers up to the ramparts to watch better.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 08:43:02 PM
:: Inside the blast's epicenter, Anbira's body lay broken and battered. Blood streamed from his nose and mouth, as his lungs were punctured during the explosion. His arms and legs were splayed wide, his left forearm severely broken in many places, jagged bone protruding in compound fractures. His eyes, glassy and unfocused, stared up at the sky. A storm was coming. Heh, how ironic. Maybe the acid rain would destroy every trace of his cursed form, and end his nightmares for good. Anbira weakly smiled, coughing with a gurgling sound.
He was saddened. None of his dreams would ever come to be. He knew that fighting Dale would end in tragedy, and he was not disappointed. He would never see the peace he wanted to see, never enjoy it with his family. Maybe it was never meant to be at all. A fitting final torment for a man who should have long-since stopped suffering an agonizing existance.
Anbira blinked, a tear running down from the corner of his left eye, and off his face. He blinked again, and again, and his eyes began to close.
He felt cold. He'd never felt this cold before. ::
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2001, 09:22:57 PM
Her head rested comfortably in Sorsha's lap. The pain was too much to block from all the wounds but it didn't matter. Anbira, one of the greatest warrior's of the Sith did not move. He continued to lay there in his own grave that was made from the blast.
Dalethria stared up at the sky and saw that soon, the clouds would break and wash this scene away. It was only a matter of minutes now. She brought up her hand and reached up and behind her sister's neck and squeezed her gently.
"I ... avenged you Kat."
Her eyes closed and she faded into unconsciousness from the loss of blood.
Ethereal Ogre
Apr 4th, 2001, 09:24:03 PM
The air was suddenly still and the clouds overhead seemed to stop where they were as a tall almost luminous figure appeared from out of nowhere. He had been watching on while residing in the Ethereal plane, keeping his presence masked from Dale, with a mental block of their linked minds, making her believe that the distance that she thought between them was the source of the disconnection.
He knew that this day would soon come, as he had <a href=>conversed</a> with his Wife and Sister not too long ago, telling them that no good would come of this.
The weather patterns on this planet were brutal and difficult to control, but the Sith Master had enough will, seeing his Wife and a fellow Sith near the calls of death to stave off the impending storm, with his control of the harsh aspects of nature. He didn’t seek to take control, only prolong the inevitable.
He walked over to where Sorsha and Dale were first, Sorsha having something that he needed right now. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he drew her attention briefly and asked. “You still have the talisman?”
She withdrew a small, black, and large, coin shaped amulet, from a pocket and held it out so that he could see it. As she did, Ogre reached out grasping the hand she held it in, and she felt a sudden cold chill run through her as his abilities in the Darkside combined with hers, and drew even more power from the talisman.
The surge of power was overwhelming for them both, but Ogre’s resolve to see this situation end without another needless loss of life, whether it be Dale, Anbira, or both. Still crouched down next to her Sister, Sorsha began to radiate a dark aura of energy, tendrils of black snapping out and beginning to surround the fallen form of Dalethria as she lie battered and broken, Sorsha’s attention turning away from her brother and to Dalethria, in wonderment at what she had never experienced before, a healing energy provided by the Sith Amulet, amplifying her as well as Ogre’s Force manipulation and giving them an ability usually reserved for Jedi.
Holding Sorsha’s hand at about waist level, Ogre’s free arm shot up from his side, pointing at Anbira, tentacles of darkness erupting forth and lapping at his body, bathing it in the unnatural healing power coming from the dark shimmering figure of the seven foot tall Sith Master.
Sweat beaded on his forehead and lines became deeper on his face as Ogre put all he had behind guiding the healing energies through Sorsha and into Dale, as well as from himself and into Anbira. This idea would leave him weakened and drained for a great deal of time as well, but not until he got the result he wanted. The vendetta had been claimed by Dale and Sorsha, now was the time to make sure that its result would not be tragic for any, unlike how it had been last time.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2001, 10:04:26 PM
S...s-sister? Is that you I see?
I am coming...
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 5th, 2001, 11:43:39 AM
"Come on, Anbi!"
:: Laija smiles and hold out her hand :: :)
Darth Ogre
Apr 5th, 2001, 11:46:30 AM
The eerie dark energy now covered both Dale and Anbira completely, bathing them both in its healing power. Broken bones were mended, collapsed lungs brought back to normal, cuts sealed and healed without even leaving scars, all that remained were the darkened spots of dried blood, no longer flowing as the wounds were all but gone.
Ogre began to look weaker and weaker as he stood. His rigid stance beginning to falter and sway as he bridged the power from the talisman, directing it through and gaining strength from Sorsha and also directing it in another direction, towards the fallen Sith Master, whose lungs should now be working normally, the majority of the pain from his now mended broken ribs, having faded.
Ogre dropped Sorsha’s hand and fell to his knees, his chin low as it hung close to his chest. Taking a few deep breaths, Ogre’s head rose slowly, he knew there was more that had to be done, and his ability to stave off the storm was now gone as his ability to draw on the Force was drained for the time being, due to his tremendous exertion.
He had to rely on the strength in his body now, as he looked to Sorsha having passed out next to Dale herself. Being her first time subjected to such energies, the strain was so great that she was completely spent and required immediate rest. Ogre on the other hand had performed several healings with the aid of the amulet, and even though this instance was so very different than all the times previous, he still had strength in his huge frame.
He bent down and picked up Sorsha, placing her over one shoulder, before he reached out and took dale over his other shoulder. Rising back to his feet, carrying each woman over a shoulder, he approached Anbira. It would be foolish to say that a part of Ogre did not wish to see Anbira dead as well, but another part of him knew that nothing beneficial for any of them would come of such a thing.
He reached down and took the Sith Master into an arm and carried all three of them, back towards the refuge of the nearby Bast Keep, the approaching storm of acid rain, following his heels as he made s good a time as possible, carrying three fallen Sith.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 5th, 2001, 11:48:37 AM
Hob curiously watched the goings on. Truly these were beings of great power, and an association with them might teach Hob much of the universe's ways.
The Hobgoblin scampered over the battlements and climbed down the rampart walls. He then wandered over to the cavernous door of Bast castle and sat on the steps to continue to watch.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 5th, 2001, 12:03:17 PM
:: As Sorsha lost consciouness, the image of Laija twisted in Anbira's mind, becoming snake-like as it keened and hissed. Then it was gone ::
Darth Ogre
Apr 5th, 2001, 09:11:50 PM
Ogre stepped slowly up the stairs, the muscles in his legs bulging with stress at each footfall. Once at the top, he turns and looks at the short creature that had stood to get out of his way as he lumbered his way up here.
“Are we welcome to enter, or shall I just kick in the door?”
Hob moved quickly, his knuckles dragging on the ground as he stepped to the door with his customary gait, and opened it for the large green Sith, loaded down with the unconscious bodies of the three combatants draped from his body.
Just as Ogre, stepped in the door, the rain began to fall behind, searing away the pools of blood left behind from the battle. Stepping inside Ogre looked around and had no idea where to go next. He turned to Hob, who had followed them in.
“Is there a place where the four of us can rest?”
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 01:44:09 PM
~ Ye are welcome to take refuge in Hob's rooms, good sir,~ Hob projects telepathically, a note of humility and curiosity in his voice. He reaches up and takes Anbira and Sorsha from the tired Sith Master's grasp. ~ There are three beds in Hob's guest chamber- he can look after the combatants there. Ye are welcome to rest on Hob's pile of gold coins, if ye choose.~
Ogre grunts noncomittally, which Hob takes for a sign of acquiescence. ~ Follow Hob, sir.~ The dwarf starts off.
The two people still capable of walking head for Hob's rooms. Hob opens the path to his residence proper using a bit of telekinesis.
Once Dale is tucked away in the grand bed and Sorsha and Anbira are resting in the guest beds, Hob turns to Ogre. ~ Will ye rest yerself, good sir? The pile of coins is in the other room if ye do.[i
Darth Ogre
Apr 6th, 2001, 01:59:28 PM
Ogre looks at the odd little being, curious about the pile of coins, but so worried about Dale and his sister, that he dismisses the thought of leaving them to investigate. His tired eyes look down at hob as he sits on the floor next to the grand bed, leaning up against it.
His mental state is quite dreary and taxed at the moment from all that he poured into the deeds of staving off the storm and utilizing the power of the Sith Talisman in a fashion new to even him, so that his wife and the benefactor of her and Sorsha’s rage could be kept from death.
Looking to Hob at more of an eye level gaze now that he is sitting, Ogre poses a question. “Mind telling me a little about this place?”
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 02:31:59 PM
~ Do ye not know that Bast castle is the former home of Darth Vader?~ Hob asks curiously. He waves a hand around the room, his eyes following it. ~ T'was also the home of the Emperor's Dark Jedi for a time. The place is steeped in death, misery, and lost souls. Hob has lived beneath Bast since it was first built.~
Hob's gaze turns back to Ogre. ~ But surely one so powerful as yerself knows these things.~
The dwarf's eyes widen in curiousity as he regards the green-skinned Sith Master's features. ~ From where do ye come? I've yet t' see anyone resembling ye in all the galaxy.~
Darth Ogre
Apr 6th, 2001, 02:58:53 PM
He hid his knowledge that he really did know what this place was and allowed Hob to answer his question so that he could see if what he knew and what he would be told would match. And he was not really surprised that the stories did mesh. With a nod he acknowledged Hobs first statement, speaking softly with a tired voice.
“I had heard tale but one can never be sure of tales.”
He lifts a hand from his lap, looking down at the three digits upon it, before flexing it into a makeshift fist. “My kind are all but extinct save myself. I come from a planet in the Outer Rim known as Kashir, all my people were slaughtered, while I watched at the ripe age of thirteen cycles.”
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:03:37 PM
Hob scampers over to the cavernous entryway and begins to climb the side of it. When he reaches the apex of the cavern's arch, Hob pauses and hangs by his feet. ~ Curious that ye alone should survive. Ye must have skills surpassing the norm. Would ye say that be true?~
Darth Ogre
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:09:08 PM
Ogre’s head tilts to the side as his eyes follow Hob to his perch and look on in amusement at how he hangs there, as if it were completely natural. Nodding once again he responded.
“I have been told and do believe that I am one who surpasses the norm in many aspects of what the beings in this Universe call life and living, unique in more ways than one.”
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:15:58 PM
Hob lifts one foot away and scratches the side of his head with it. ~ Would ye consent to train Hob in the skills by which ye have survived? Methinks ye have achieved things in areas I wish to achieve in.~
Darth Ogre
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:21:19 PM
Even showing signs of his exhaustion, the critical gaze that befell Ogre’s visage was unmistakable. His eyes widening in surprise somewhat, maybe even displaying a little confusion. It was not that out of the ordinary for him to be asked to train someone in the Dark arts of the Sith, but that usually occurred in a more formal setting, a place where such things were expected. Deciding to ask a question before answering Hob, Ogre posed.
“What is it you wish to achieve?”
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:26:50 PM
~ I wish to be prepared to fulfill the grand purpose I was born for, of course. All the especially unique ones have such destinies. Look at yourself. Surely, you cannot deny that you have proved influential in shaping the universe's current form. When my turn comes to shape the universe, I wish to be ready.~
Darth Ogre
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:33:50 PM
This small being spoke wise words, words far wiser than Ogre had heard in a long time. The speech reminded him of his won Father back on Kashir when he passed on his own knowledge of Sorceror’s secrets and mysticism to Ogre as a young man. With a purposeful nod Ogre replied in the affirmative.
“Then I shall help you to accomplish such a goal. The fate of all calls for the unique to rise and make the Universe bend to their whims.”
Ogre’s eyes closed and he felt his strength was now completely gone and he slipped into a deep sleep, in the sitting position next to where his wife lay.
Emperor Shimi
Apr 8th, 2001, 08:44:06 PM
Through the darkness, a visage of shadow stalked, passing through each bedchamber. He laughed cacklingly as he passed from one slumbering being to the next, knowing that their rapture was but fleeting. Reaching out with the graces of his dark persuasion, he bid their minds to sleep no more. Their bodies would now fully facilitate them...and waken their conciousness. As Shimi spoke unto each slumbering figure, their eyes slowly opened, the weariness lifted from their very forms.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 8th, 2001, 11:32:33 PM
Before she passed out, all that mattered was that her oath to avenging her Master was fulfilled. Whether she lived or died now, Dalethria didn't care, but a part of her did try to hang on for her family. In her heart she was tired and knew that if she died, all the fighting would end.
Even if it meant rotting in hell for all eternity.
She didn't know when it happened or how it happened, but she didn't die. No voice such as the one in her head now could be related to the afterlife.
Her body shot up from the bed as her eyes scanned the room and saw Shimi. "How dare you invade my mind ..."
Emperor Shimi
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:27:54 AM
Shimi barked at her with an edge to his voice that made the Lordess listen
Silence my child, and pay attention! I tapped into your mind because there is something you must now do. Follow me...Our Master awaits us...
Shimi silently walked out of the room, bidding Dalethria to follow
(Continued in Hall of Sorrows)
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