View Full Version : :: Returning::

Force Master Hunter
May 12th, 2001, 08:53:46 AM
The swirl of hyperspace broke into starlines and then the planet Vjun swept into view as the star freighter Razor fired into realspace.it's sublights burned as it made a turn, then powered for a high orbit. A gloved hand touch ed a comm button, paused. What bloody frequency would they be on...?

Just a general broadcast would do. If any one was there, they would answer really quick.

"Shuttle Atmosphere, calling for anyone below." A neat computer trick changed the transpoder and showed the ship as a beat up tramp vessel, not what it really was. "Shuttle Atmosphere, requesting contact with Delirion please. If your there, I'm returning something to you."

His hand hovered over the Hyperspace motor activation, the shipprimied for flight at the slightest sign.

May 12th, 2001, 06:05:15 PM
The comm transponder she had stacked in one corner of her quarters crackled for a second, then static slowly fizzled away to reveal the voice of one she had long been waiting to hear from again.

Her heartbeat increased as she heard him asking for her.

Returning something... yes, he must mean it. It has been gone long enough now. I wonder why they needed it.

Delirion hastened over to the console, and established a connection.

"This is who you were looking for. What is it you wish?"

Force Master Hunter
May 12th, 2001, 08:39:08 PM
"Permission to land and to hand back something for you. "

May 13th, 2001, 08:36:08 AM
Wondering to herself whether her brothers and sisters had heard the transmission and knew about this visitor, she hesitated a moment before answering. They did not have a comm transmitter used by everyone - that much she knew. The only piece of equipment that still connected them to the outside galaxy was a holo-transmitter. But a comm-transmitter? She did not know of such.

She did not know if anyone knew that she possessed one herself. It had been all that she could salvage from the quarters she had previously inhabited when living here before - it had been Adalric's. Not certain what use it would be of for her, she had nevertheless brought it with her to her quarters and stored it in a remote corner.

Did any of the others have similar equipment stored away? She did not know. It was highly unlikely they possessed any that was not a part of their ships, however. And at this time of the day, no one would be in the hangar, looking after the ships.

No, she was most likely the only one to know of this visitor. If they could feel his presence through their link to the Force, they would know. Yet - her brothers and sisters were often too engrossed in their own studies and sordid interests to notice much around them. If one was there to take notice, it would be Hob - and she could deal with him, if necessary.

Yes, thus it would be done.

"Do not land in sight of the front gates. There is a small and narrow strip of stone off to the left side of the castle. Keep this point in sight and do not settle down onto it until you see me approaching. We will talk further inside your ship."

If they could hear her, they would know - and she had not forgotten about the reactions this man had gotten before from her brothers. No, this would be safest - with herself being involved in this way, they would have no other choice than to let her do what she had to do.

Evil Hobgoblin
May 13th, 2001, 09:19:29 AM
The Shining Dark was different today.

Hob always had an ear out for visitors. In all the times of visitation during his role as gatekeep, it was mostly future visions of questers that he relied on to keep him apprised of those seeking Bast's gates.

But today was different. Today, the aura of the shroud of Bast had been changed, and it was that disturbance that Hob was picking up on. It was much like the time when Rama Sha had visited, except reversed if that meant anything.

Sensing something amiss, Hob paused in his telekinesis practice and left his room using one of the secret entrances he'd built. It would take him directly to a spot between the walls by the front gate, and allow him a view of who or what had arrived.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 2nd, 2001, 09:52:40 PM
:; Hunter nodded at Delirions words, and began scanning the area for the place she had indicated.

An few minutes later, the Staship landed, to await the Dark Jedi Delirion::

Jul 7th, 2001, 09:59:16 PM
She rushed down the corridor, anxious to get outside. The underground ways lay deserted - no life seemed to be anywhere around her. She could feel the presence of others around here, vaguely, but they stayed hidden - and neither did she attempt to make her own presence known.

As she came to the staircase, she could feel Hob's presence somewhere ahead. The Goblin was not one she wished to have observing her, so she opened the small gate and crept around the walls to the narrow crack in the wall at the back of the ruins.

Once outside of the castle walls, she made her way on the narrow ledge leading back to the landing zone. The Hunter's ship was on standby at the spot she had told him to, and she approached as the ramp opened for her.

She slipped inside.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 10th, 2001, 06:45:24 PM
:: He was standing at the top of the landing ramp, a slight smirk on his face. He was armed only with the favoured rail guns and even then, he had his hands well away from them, in fact crossed at his chest.

That was the bizarre thing about some of these Dark Jedi. Evil and in the Dark Side, but they had a code of honour. And they certainly did not cause him trouble. Well, that winged one tried last time. Nothing personal tho.

"Good day to you Delirion. I gather your keen to look after her again?" His hand moved, touching the shoulder of a young girl at his side. "She told me she was looking forward coimng back to Bast Castle, so I think you must have looked after her pretty well last time"

The girl couldn't wait any longer. She rushed to Delirion and hugged her leg, while Hunter grinned.

"Seems to have taken to you"

Jul 10th, 2001, 07:48:25 PM
She'd been wondeirng about the child - wondering what was happening to it - but now that the girl was back, her enthusiasm seemed to be gone. Children were simply something she was not good with, so it had surprised her when the girl had taken such a liking to her.

The Dark Jedi surprised herself by saying wihtout even the slightest hint of sarcasm,

"She seems to have done that, indeed."

Turning her eyes towards the man, she took the little girl's hand into her own, and asked,

"Any specific instructions other than the last ones you gave me?"

Force Master Hunter
Jul 10th, 2001, 07:58:12 PM
"No changes. I'll be back in about a month to check on her and I may contact before that."

Jul 10th, 2001, 08:27:57 PM
Delirion looked down at the girl and nodded at her. The girl didn't speak, and simply nodded back.

That was what the Dark Jedi appreciated about her.

She turned back to FMH, and inclined her head towards him.

"I shall hear from you then in a month. Just don't make the mistake of coming anywhere near the planet's surface - contact me like this, and you shall remain safe."

She grabbed the child's hand tightly and walked down the ramp with her. As she reached firm ground again, she looked back over her shoulder at him. Somewhere out there, her senses had picked up on the presence of another being, and she suspected it to be Hob.

"You had better leave, now. There are those who are less enthusiastic about your presence here, and they have noticed you. Leave, for I will not be able to guarantee your safety."

Force Master Hunter
Jul 10th, 2001, 08:55:44 PM
:: He almost laughed

"Believe me, if I was worried for either my safety or the girls, I would not have come here like this"

There was some amusement in his eyes, as if being on a planet with Dark Jedi was only a mere nuisance.

"But if you wish, I will go now. Look after her well"

He pressed the controls for the ramp, raising it. A minute later, he was in the cockpit, cycling up the repulsor lifts. A quick scan revealed no one was about now, Delirion must have taken the girl under cover. Good. The girl may have told Delirion of the exits Hunter liked.....

200 meters up and he cut the lifts. A second later, the sublights were triggered, normally a very bad idea in atmosphere. The Space craft seemed to scream as it blasted firstly parallel to the ground, then rocketing for the sky, motors spewing rivers of fire. The thunder and light faded away, leaving only a haze trail where the ship had been moments before.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:59:59 PM
The sudden screaming sound caught Hob's attention.

The dwarf had been scouring about for the location of whatever had come to Bast, and had sensed someone in the distance, but could not yet determine who it was, if it was anyone out of the ordinary.

Loping outside, Hob stared up into the sky. He caught twin pinpricks of light and a trail of thin fog that had been left behind by the departing ship.


Given the location in the atmosphere it had left from, it was not hard to determine the approximate location the ship had landed on. There was a stone strip near the castle, and it was probably right around that area that it had landed.

Traveling there did not take Hob long, but he did not go quickly enough to make himself obvious. Instead, he walked there slowly, his mental effort on crafting an illusory presence by the front gate that radiated frustration. The presence retreated towards Hob's rooms, and Hob let it dissipate once it had reached them.

Meanwhile, Hob had reached what he felt was the place the ship had landed. He remained out of sight- hidden between a large boulder on the ground and the wall of Bast Castle.

Hob stepped outside of himself, feeling the Force in the area and working with his powers of postcognition. Inside his mind, a scene of Delirion speaking with someone at the top of a ship's landing ramp played itself out.


Hob grinned maliciously, and his eyes sparked with mischief.

And then he went back to his room, careful to hide both his physical body and his mental one as he went.