View Full Version : Curious
Morgan Dreada
May 31st, 2001, 09:51:28 PM
I wish to speak to you, but how will my words be judged and by whom? For if I know not who I address how may I know which truth should be told?
Jeseth Cloak
May 31st, 2001, 11:06:06 PM
You may address me, for the moment.
;; Jeseth gave the visitor an apraising glance, then stepped foward from the gates. ;;
Morgan Dreada
Jun 1st, 2001, 01:28:53 AM
Startled, Morgan spun around...her long hair trailing behind her and resting across her shoulders as she stopped to look at the Dark Lord. He carried himself with apparent confidence and power, his features shrouded in darkness despite the fact that he had stepped into the semi-light. Knowing her limitations Morgan lowered her eyes to Jeseth and bowed gracefully in respect.
"Forgive me, my lord. I have come as a seeker of knowledge, from the Greater Jedi Order," She spoke, her eyes still lowered, "I've had little exposure to the one time during a battle with a kind Knight and I wish to know the definition of a "Dark Jedi," would you, in your supreme knowledge, please enlighten me? For when it comes to matters of the Force, I am lower than even a simple Jedi Padawan and require much guidance."
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 1st, 2001, 09:47:14 AM
"Rise, Jedi."
Jeseth stopped moving a few feet from the woman, glancing her over for any weapons she might have been carrying. He remembered when he came in search of answers himself... had it been that long ago?
"I've made no claims to being the holder of supreme knowledge. I too am a seeker, like yourself. The Dark Jedi are the keepers of true order in this galaxy, unhindered by the weaknesses of the Light and the ignorance of those standards that Jedi hold so dear. A Dark Jedi must have the most serious mind, and careful control. The answers which I can give you will be disappointing at best, if you came seeking to confirm what rumors you have heard."
The shadow's shifted slightly, forming into a pool around Jeseth, and helping him to shield his facial expression just enough to produce some mild subconscious paranoia in the visitor.
"Why have you come seeking answers of those who would just as quickly take your life?"
Morgan Dreada
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:56:53 PM
Morgan stood slowly, "My life is yours to take my Lord, if you so desire it, for I wish you no displeasure," Morgan removed her cloak then slowly unlatched the sword from her belt and let it slip off her fingertips onto the ground. Stepping closer to Jeseth she gazed at his eyes intensely.
"I have heard no rumors in regard to you and your clan, therefore I shall not be disappointed with your answers...if you so find it in your kindness to provide me with them. I simply know that this place is refuge to those of the Dark Jedi Order and being that I am not even a true Jedi of the Light yet I wish to understand all of this. You spoke of ignorance that gripped those who wield the light, may I ask the meaning of this? For if certain standards make one ignorant, who is to be the judge of standards?"
Morgan slipped her cloak back on and clutched it's edges as she wrapped it around her shoulders tightly. Could this Dark Lord sense her uneasiness? If she pondered this question enough she knew the answer. It would be most unwise for her to underestimate such power.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 3rd, 2001, 05:07:01 PM
"Standards are often judged by the effectiveness of their use. In the case of the Jedi of the Light, they have failed."
Turning his back to the woman, Jeseth stepped foward and shrugged.
"Take up your weapon. If you seek answers, you'll need to earn them. Come."
Walking ahead, Jeseth moved past the gates.
Morgan Dreada
Jun 5th, 2001, 09:45:24 PM
Morgan picked up her sword and clipped it back onto her belt then walked after Jeseth. As she followed slowly she was thoughtful of his words. Had she been hasty in joining the Jedi so soon? She thought of the sightless Master who waited for her back at the Jedi Academy. Could this woman really teach her the things that she needed to know? She had doubts now and wondered whether or not journeying to this distant place was a wise decision. For if she had already made a decision it would not seem wise to betray those who knew her intentions were pure when she petitioned to join their group and become one with their ways.
She shook her head and dismissed the thought. She must concentrate on the task at hand. She came here searching for answers which she was not going to leave without. Taking a breath she upped her pace until she was walking beside the Dark Jedi. She studied his stone features. He reminded her of someone familiar but his signature could not be placed within the force. Shaking her head she cast her eyes downward, concentrating on nothing but the ground beneath her feet.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 04:01:14 AM
As Jeseth walked, his face seemed to loose it's cold and emotionless resolve. A small grunt, very reminiscent of laughter, uttered from his throat briefly. Naivety was prominent in this one, but so was a desire for knowledge...
"So tell me this: What if the answers you seek stray from the path you've been taught?"
Morgan Dreada
Jun 10th, 2001, 02:02:55 AM
Morgan looked back at Jeseth in surprise, "I don't know my Lord," She was unprepared for such a question and had no answer to give him. Perhaps, she thought, that was his intention. To give her a question which she knew not the answer to in order that she might doubt her she had already begun to do.
As they walked together her mind raced...wondering what would happen this day and what this mysterious Dark Jedi would show her beyond the gates of the Castle.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:23:58 PM
They had been walking for almost an hour, and yet had only made their way around one side of the castle. The gates shut behind them far into the distance, their echoing metallic ring catching Dreada's attention. The air was surprisingly cold here... and she could see a court yard. Beyond it, strange mist rose up and distorted her view... The area seemed to be arranged in the shape of some immense dark flower, now withered and decayed, it's color nearly oxidized and eroded into a dull shade of gray.
"Elaborate for me... I admire your desire to learn. Perhaps you can provide me with some answers as well, and we'll call it a fair exchange? I'd like to answer your questions first, of course."
Jeseth stopped and grinned just slightly, his eyes catching the yellow and orange hues which rose up from beneath the edge of the courtyard, a deep and winding crevice revealing a stream of pure molten lava.
Morgan Dreada
Jun 17th, 2001, 02:12:41 AM
Morgan looked at Jeseth curiously, what could she possibly tell this Dark Jedi that he did not know already? His abilities in the force were far beyond hers.
"Of course my Lord, anything you wish to know..." She said slowly as she gazed up at the massive castle...becoming more impatient at the long journey which the two seemed to be taking.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 17th, 2001, 07:21:56 AM
"What binds you to the path of the light?"
Jeseth clasped his hands in front of himself, walking foward and standing mere inches from the molten stream. His eyes seemed to be somewhere else, but he was listening quite intently.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 17th, 2001, 10:44:54 PM
:: The youngish man was seated with his legs dangling over the edge of the cravace, feeling the heat of the lava warming him. It was an odd place, the heat and the fumes contending with the acid rain to add to the unusual atmospheric effects. Odd place to find a bit of quiet too. He hadn't been here long, but already he preferred to keep to himself. None of these Dark Jedi seemed to like him at all.
Why? Wasn't like he had ever done anything to him.
He just happened to look up and saw his Master, Jeseth approaching. Still Dark coloured, but to his surprise, there was a light coloured person with him. He was puzzled, thence he stayed where he was.
He watched as they got closer and he was finally able to see... a woman. Turbogeek's face twisted in dissappointment. First Arya, then DeVille, now who? Was Jeseth trying to make fun of him again? Actually, Arya was nice. She taught Turbogeek how to fight. Deville was a bit stand offish. But that Cardinal woman....! He was scared of her. They got close enough for Turbogeek to be able to hail them
"Hey Jeseth! Who's that? And why has she got a funny coloured thingie on?"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 20th, 2001, 08:55:56 PM
"She is a Jedi - a visitor. Perhaps an exchange of names might be in order. I am Jeseth Cloak, Dark Jedi of The Black Hand. Who might you be?"
He turned to the women and extended a hand a formal and cold touch awaiting as he took hers and kissed it, then rose once more and signaled for his apprentice to come forward. He knew Turbogeek had yet to become aquainted with such things as formalities, but it were never-the-less something useful to learn.
Morgan Dreada
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:00:56 PM
Morgan flashed Turbogeek a familiar glance then returned to stare into Jeseth's eyes, "I am Morgan Dreada..." She said distantly as if her mind was elsewhere. Slowly she approached Turbogeek and narrowed her eyes. Could this be the Bounty she had spoken to several times before? He resembled him to an extreme degree. Shaking her head she stopped then turned back toward Jeseth to answer the question which he had posed to her prior to meeting Turbogeek along this long path.
"Nothing binds me to the light, my Lord. I stumbled upon it by mistake and became curious...just as I have done this night with you and your kind," She gestured toward Turbogeek, "Why have you brought me to this Apprentice after asking me to take up my sword and follow you? Please state your intentions. Is it your wish that I fight this man in order that I might learn of your ways in the harshest manner?"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:58:51 PM
"You assume too much."
His hand came up just slightly, tossing her back several feet and sending her sliding across toward's the lava stream. She managed to grab onto the ledge at the last minute as Jeseth approached her, glancing down to watch her dangling above the molten rock.
"My apprentice lacks control, but I'm sure such a test would be far more than adequate - but that can wait. Now I'd like you to tell me about yourself and these answers which you've come in search of. You couldn't have stumbled upon this path if you came here of your own volition... It might be that you were looking for this path though..."
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:20:46 AM
:: Turbogeek cocked his head to listen intently. She was a light coloured person... but there was something strange here. Something he could see via colour...
"Jeseth, you could ask her why she's got a strange colour on. She seemes to be like a Light Coloured person... but something on her isn't. I dont know, I've only ever seen people coloured, not objects, like she seems to have on now. Why is that?"::
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