View Full Version : A Return: Reclamation
Endo Freedoo
May 19th, 2001, 07:54:10 PM
:: A Silver ship appears in the yellow skies, following its second hyperspace jump, having left <a href=>TSE</a> HQ. There were a few burns on the otter hull, but the ship was intact and all systems functional. Its crew was pretty normal save one individual. The one out of the ordinary individual had visited the planet one occasion, and had even left his ship and something else that had belonged to him behind. Had he come to claim those items, or had he come for something else.
The ship’s pilot was a green skinned Rodian, on his right was a pale bluish gray woman, a Nebari. All of the passengers were pretty tired from the long trip and pale passenger was still sleeping off the exertion he had put into their escape, the blond woman also on board, doing the same.
The Rodian breaks the silence. ::
We’ve arrived at Vjun, Bast Keep in sight. We’ll be landing shortly.
:: The Sith Infiltrator known as the Chimera Began its decent towards the planet’s surface, ready to deliver its crew back to the mysterious place some of them called home, as the skies broke and bleed the sulfuric rain, that kept the world devoid of plant life. ::
Tirsa Krylana
May 20th, 2001, 02:35:45 PM
:: Tirsa sits quietly, still in disbelief over what she had witnessed during their escape. The images of fighter pilots spacing themselves, ripping away their life supports and tumbling in open space like broken dolls. She was not blood innocent, having killed passionately many times, but she had never seen anything quite so freaky. The power of the force was terrifying. She fidgets with a piece of string and waits for the ship to land ::
Endo Freedoo
May 20th, 2001, 02:43:50 PM
:: The silver craft slowly lowered itself at the landing site. Signs of the destruction that took place here not all that long ago still strewn about. The Keep’s gates laid on the ground and the castle’s very walls were even more crumbled than they had been when last they were here.
Just as the ship touched down Endo sounded a chime in Sorsha’s quarters, to let her know they had arrived. It felt much better to Endo to be here than hiding out on the surface of Munto Codru. At least here he wasn’t hunted, that was at least for the time being.
He looked over at Tirsa and spoke softly as he undid his pilot's seat harness. ::
Another successful run through unwelcome places, complete. I wonder whats next for us?
Tirsa Krylana
May 20th, 2001, 02:49:42 PM
:: looks up at Endo, still somewhat spooked ::
"Did you see their eyes?"
Endo Freedoo
May 20th, 2001, 02:52:57 PM
:: His ears droop on top of his head a bit, indicating his confusion. ::
Who's eyes? I was a little occupied piloting us out of there, if your referring to Sorsha and Trace.
Sorsha Kasajian
May 20th, 2001, 03:06:48 PM
"Not to fear, my sweet."
:: stretches as she walks in on the conversation and smiles at Tirsa ::
May 20th, 2001, 03:12:04 PM
:: He stirred from sleep in the chair he was sitting in. He could sense it was near, he could feel he was close to having back that which he had been separated from. Almost oblivious of the others, he unstrapped himself and made his way to the ship’s exit, stepping outside, and seeing Mari’s spacecraft where he had left it a couple days ago, still sitting in place. It was here, but was Disorder? His mind told him it was. ::
Sorsha Kasajian
May 20th, 2001, 03:19:41 PM
:: turns her attention to Trace and follows after him ::
Endo Freedoo
May 20th, 2001, 03:22:02 PM
:: He nodded to Tirsa and made his way to the rear of the ship. He had some repairs to make and a ship to clean up after having been in a bit of a skirmish back at TSE. ::
Tirsa Krylana
May 20th, 2001, 03:30:34 PM
:: Tirsa watches her lover exit the ship and decides to help Endo with repairs ::
"Wait for me."
May 20th, 2001, 03:40:31 PM
:: He stepped foot on the planet’s surface and the memories of what had taken place here a week ago began to race through his mind. Among all those thoughts that raced through his head was something he had not been aware of before. It had happened after he was knocked out by his brother’s Force lightening attack. Why he suddenly remembered it now, he did not know, but just as the memory of Rama removing the key to Azrael’s Fire from his wrist came to him, he rasied his wrist and looked. It was gone!
Rama did have intentions of taking his place as the heir to Ord Mantell, now he had even more rage within him urging him to see his brother’s demise. Not only had Rama been responsible for separating him from his beloved saber Disorder, but Mordrid and Sorsha had both been right, Rama wanted to dominate Trace and take his place, which he was born with the right to.
With a scowl of disgust, he started walking towards the Keep’s entrance, following his mind’s drawings, which would take him to where the cursed saber was. He was seething with hatred and rage, and this would be but one step of the journey to quell those emotions and have the vengeance he knew he must now exact. ::
Sorsha Kasajian
May 20th, 2001, 04:05:46 PM
:: Sorsha could feel the hatred course through Trace, his obsession to recover the sabre he covets so greatly. She turns, calling to Tirsa through the force as Trace enters Bast.
*** I have need you, Tirsa. Come with me. ***
:: waits for Tirsa to lock up the Chimera then leads her into the castle ::
Jeseth Cloak
May 20th, 2001, 10:29:35 PM
Jeseth leaned against the inside of the Keep's doors, Disorder clipped to one side of his belt, and Ascension to the other. He knew Trace had come for it, and it seemed fitting that the Sith had arrived just as Jeseth had planned to leave - but it mattered not. He could delay his meeting with the council of The Sith Order for just a while longer.
May 21st, 2001, 10:49:54 AM
:: The struggle Trace put forth to keep his now awakened natural TK field was evident in his eyes as he labored to keep it in check. His anger and lust for vengeance against his brother were also written in his eyes, almost pitch black from the hatred boiling within.
These looks seemed to fade and lessen somewhat when he saw that which he sought hanging from Jeseth’s belt. His mind had led him to the right place, now the only question was: Would Jeseth give him back disorder?
His voice was strong and steady as he spoke. ::
“Greetings Jeseth. I see you have found Disorder. If not for my brother, I would never have been separated from it. He shall pay with his life.”
Jeseth Cloak
May 21st, 2001, 02:26:42 PM
Jeseth shrugged slightly and unclipped Disorder, tossing it to Trace.
"I've no use for it any longer... It is yours to do with it what you see fit."
The Dark Jedi smiled a bit, then turned to leave.
"Oh... one more thing: Do be careful with it."
Jeseth raised a brow, the shadow's obscuring his look of satisfaction. Trace could make a formidable ally... Twas a shame h choose to walk merely the path of the Sith.
Sorsha Kasajian
May 21st, 2001, 02:48:28 PM
:: bows to Jeseth and Trace as she heads towards the Halls of Chaos ::
May 21st, 2001, 03:01:39 PM
“It shall serve me well.”
:: He catches the saber and lowers his head in a respectful nod to Jeseth. As the Dark Jedi walked away, it was an easy task for Trace to pick up on his thoughts. Trace didn’t really know if he was Sith any longer. The undying loyalty that the Sith of TSE showed their self disposed leader, his brother, was sure to make him their enemy as well, considering that his mission in life was now to see his brother’s corpse lay on the battlefield before him, with a hole in his chest put there by the very saber that once belonged to their mother.
The demented thoughts within his mind seemed to calm some, but did not vanish as Trace held the saber within his hand. There was still much to be done.
Trace’s thoughts would be easy for Jeseth to pick up on as well, considering that he was not shielding them, though his natural TK field may actually have such an effect.
With a questioning look, he watched as Sorsha began to leave. He wondered if she would be an ally against one such as his brother. Thus far she seemed she would, their mind merging before had clued him in on a few of her more apparent desires and wants. One can never have too many allies he thought, as he posed a question. ::
“Can we discuss a few things Sorsha? I feel that some of my goals may be shared by you and am curious if I may speak of them to you.”
Sorsha Kasajian
May 21st, 2001, 03:36:43 PM
:: a tiny laugh rises in her throat as she looks at Trace ::
"Yes. <a href= pic>Follow me</a>."
May 21st, 2001, 03:40:22 PM
:: He grins and complies. ::
Jeseth Cloak
May 21st, 2001, 10:35:53 PM
Jeseth smiled, continueing his walk through the shadows. In time, he too would have a moment to spealk with Trace, but for now preparations for his <a href= ?topicID=3718.topic>journey</a> were of the top most priority.
Mari Bean
May 24th, 2001, 07:51:52 PM
plunk... plunk... plunk...
*The horrible sound vibrated deeply, coursing through a befuddled mind, and ripping apart any sort of thought that could be formed. It accompanied a shallow intake of breath, filling a void with immense pain. Soon there was no other wish, no other desire except the need to stop the agony...*
plunk... plunk... plunk...
*With considerable effort, a single eye was forced open, slit just enough to look about. A new kind of darkness met her vision, and, as if wakening all other senses, she suddenly felt very damp. Behind the single opened eye was a perpetual fog of confusion as her vision adjusted to the dark.
... She was in a room... a room where stores were kept... an image presented itself to her mind; she had been restocking a ship before she left it... Her ship. Broken thoughts flitted about her skull and made her dizzy if she tried to catch them.
Stiff limbs cried out their complaints, so rolling slowly from her side to her back, she relieved her aching body and felt her even stiffer hair crunch as she changed positions. Her nose, as if beckoned by the sound, picked up a faint coppery smell that permeated the stale air of the room. She furled her brow, and suddenly wished she hadn't as a wave of pain and nausea rolled over her senses. Warm, thick liquid oozed from the pain in her forehead and the need to vomit almost overcame her. Doing that in such a small space didn't appeal to her in any way.
Gaining more control of her senses and mind, her thoughts started up again only to be interrupted by her sudden awareness:*
plunk... plunk... plunk...
*In vain attempt to stop the incessant dripping, the other eye slid open and something metallic caught her eye. A surge of memories placed an image at the crest of her thoughts once more.*
... Spoons?
*A case of the utensils was turned over beside her, and every so often, a bit of water would drip from the upper shelves.
Upon the revelation of what probably happened, she closed her eyes, thinking to rest them a little to ease the throbbing. Mortification took a lot out of you... she was unconscious again almost before she finished the thought. It hadn't occured to her to wonder about where she might be.*
plunk... plunk... plunk...
Jeseth Cloak
May 25th, 2001, 09:20:44 AM
The rain had stopped, at least for a while. Jeseth glanced at the ship which Trace had left behind on Vjun, loading the last of his required items into it. He always traveled lightly: A spare lightsaber, some replacement modules for his ship, a few days worth of food, and a steady supply of bacta. Glancing back into the hatch, reassuring himself of the ship's condition, he stabbed the syringe full of bacta straight into his forarm's thickest and most prominent vien. No blood came forth from the wound, and Jeseth's expression remained unchanged. The green, and nearly glowing liquid, drained silently into his arm, nourishing his cells and blood. Much of the effects of his ressurction had now died away, but his body still lacked the proper functions to sustain it's self without the daily dossages of bacta.
Pulling the needle free of his flesh, he replaced a cap on it's point and slipped the whole thing into his coat pocket.
May 25th, 2001, 11:52:14 AM
:: Returning back to the outer walls, Trace had finished his meeting with Sorsha and had some things to take care of. He intended to use the ship he had been using lately, before having been separated from it involuntarily. He found it curious that it appeared to be powering up for departure as he approached and his newly peaked mental abilities stretched out.
Onboard he could sense Jeseth, and another. His face became even whiter than normal as he quickened his pace towards the vessel. He reached the entry hatch and keyed in the code to open it, moving up the ramp quickly.
At this moment, Jeseth’s presence on the ship was not what concerned him, it was the presence of the other. That mind was one he had not felt in a long time and it felt somewhat odd, then suddenly slipped away from detection before he was able to pinpoint where exactly it was.
He stopped in the hallway of the craft, as the familiar presence was lost, and the expression that came over his features was one of dread and concern. He stretched out with his senses trying again to locate it, but could not. Perhaps his mind had been playing tricks on him. In his current state of mind anything was possible. ::
Sorsha Kasajian
May 30th, 2001, 06:09:37 PM
:: Sorsha walks up the ramp and stops to look at Trace ::
"Is there a problem, my Lord?"
May 30th, 2001, 06:18:21 PM
:: He rises from his knees and looks to Sorsha. ::
“My mind may be playing tricks on me, but I think Jeseth is aboard this ship.”
Sorsha Kasajian
May 30th, 2001, 06:54:39 PM
:: extends her senses through the ship ::
"Yes, I believe your right."
:: she quickens her pace, not to find Jeseth, but the other lifeforce onboard ::
Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 07:07:58 PM
:: Tirsa already heard what was said and pokes her head in ::
"What? We got stowaways or something?"
Figrin D an
May 31st, 2001, 10:44:33 PM
*** The cloaked figure emerged from a side room, causing a startle to all of those in the vicinity. Looks of confusion were strewn among their faces, as they could tell that their 'mysterious' passenger has a powerful aura about him... one strong with the Force.
"You need not look for me any more."
The cloaked figure drew his hood back, revealing his face to those present...
...the face of a Jedi Master.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 1st, 2001, 05:05:37 PM
"You. I know who you are."
:: Sorsha unsheathes her kris and points it at his heart. a sharp pain burns in Figrin's chest and spreads to his left arm as she incants a spell ::
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 1st, 2001, 06:12:02 PM
The spell ceased, breaking away quickly as Jeseth stepped closer to Figrin, a field of aggression erected around the two. The Jedi Master could have easily taken care of himself, but the message was a clear one.
"He is my guest."
The winged Dark Jedi pulled his hand back, slightly loosening his defense. He had rarely ever used barriers of the sort, and he knew that Sorsha could likely break through them with little effort. Using them to defend another was even more difficult than was using them to defend himself.
"My search for Delirion has been fruitless... every inhabitable and uninhabitable world I've visited has turned up little to nothing... I'm convinced now that she doesn't wish to be found."
Uncharacteristically, Jeseth frowned slightly, the left corner of his lips twitching slightly as it traveled in a downwards arc. It seemed more a sneer now that it was clearly visible.
"Master Figrin has agreed to accompany me - I'll be leaving for a while more. There are things I must sort out, and if I'm to succeed his assistance will be essential."
Jun 2nd, 2001, 01:05:36 AM
:: Things were quite confusing for Trace, first he sees Jeseth arose a clone of the Jedi known as DT on Myrkyr, and now he finds him in the company of a Jedi Master, who this time is more than just a clone with no memories of his previous self. They were aboard his ship, well actually it wasn’t even his ship, but he was responsible for it, being the ship of one whom he had a close association with.
He too had someplace to go, but was not on a timetable as far as he knew, so perhaps it would be possible to take Jeseth and his “guest” to their destination first, and then Trace, Sorsha, and Tirsa could go where they intended to go. He wasn’t about to just leave this ship again, he had already left it abandoned for three days, he would not do that again. ::
“Where is it you need to go Jeseth?”
:: He asked simply, keeping a wary eye on the Jedi who seemed very out of place among the many wielders of the Darkside. It was still a constant struggle for Trace to contain the powers within him that had been tapped by the aggression fed to him by Disorder, and being aggravated by the presence of a follower of the light made it even more difficult to keep his TK field in check. His goal and the possible success of what he and Sorsha had planned, helped him to retain his control, for now. ::
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 2nd, 2001, 11:17:29 AM
:: she steps back and sheaths her blade, keeping a wary eye on the Jedi Master as she speaks to Trace ::
"Any delay could set us at a disadvantage, my Lord. We have different goals than Jeseth, so let him borrow this ship while we go in the Chimera."
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 3rd, 2001, 04:48:12 PM
Things seemed to be in a state of perpetual tension now. He could see signs of Trace's anger boiling to the surface. A trip with him in his current state would most likely be for the worst... Especially with Figrin on board the ship.
"I can move my supplies off the ship... There isn't much."
Thinking for a moment, he turned to Figrin.
"Could your ship suffice for this journey?"
Jun 3rd, 2001, 07:36:54 PM
:: Trace is about to answer Sorsha, but is interrupted by Jeseth. He listens and nods in confirmation to the Dark Jedi, then turns back to Sorsha. ::
“You can take the Chimera if you wish. I however, will be going in this vessel.”
Figrin D an
Jun 4th, 2001, 01:04:20 PM
*** Figrin thought for moment before responding. He turned to Jeseth to answer the Dark Jedi's question, but kept a keen watch to the others onboard. Despite Jeseth's hospitatlity, most everyone else did not trust the Jedi Master's presence or intentions. He would have to be mindful of the others around him if things were to go well. ***
"We can use my ship, if necessary. It doesn't have a lot cargo room, however, and the trip would be somewhat cramped. If we could take a larger ship with a docking bay, we could bring my vessel along and use it for planetary transort and reconassiance purposes. My vessel has a cloaking device, so it could be useful if we need to get close to any guarded areas."
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 4th, 2001, 01:58:50 PM
:: looks at Trace ::
"We stay together."
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 4th, 2001, 11:39:37 PM
:: completely confused by this whole thing, she wonders why the frell does everything need to be so damn complicated ::
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 5th, 2001, 12:12:56 AM
"That'll have to do for now. Lets get all these things unloaded."
Jeseth and Figrin made their way up the loading ramp, pulling the supplies down, a few crates making their way down the ramp and besides the group of Force users gathered below. A bit of mist streamed up from the ship's exhausts, trailing behind the Jedi Master and Winged Dark Jedi. Jeseth could still sense the confusion. He shouldn't have grown reliant on Trace's ship...
"Lets get your ship loaded and in th air. I can find us something to transport us easily enough."
Jeseth turned away from Figrin and glanced up at the sky, watching the clouds roll playfully, rain a good hour away.
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:12:32 AM
:: He says simply, in response to Sorsha’s statement.
Jeseth and Figrin left the vessel and unloaded their supplies and Trace did nothing to help, only stood and watched. Once they were finished, he looked to Sorsha again. ::
“Shall we depart for our destination then?”
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:10:54 PM
:: bows to Trace with a flourish ::
"After you, my Lord."
Jun 7th, 2001, 12:18:07 PM
:: With a nod he turned and headed to the cockpit of the craft, preparing for departure. The engines roared to life and the ship came alive with their hum, just before it slowly lifted from the surface, pointed skyward, and left the atmosphere of Vjun. They were on their way to the destination they had intended and agreed upon in their meeting. ::
Mari Bean
Jun 10th, 2001, 09:44:52 PM
*Roused from her somewhat numbing slumber by the roar of engines, the plunking of water drowned out by the noise, she groggily felt around for something solid. Colors swirled around her, in front of her eyes, and generally created a kaleidiscope of stomach wrenching shapes. Her blind hand reached a shelf and she hauled herself to her knees. Blinking a few times to abate the nausea-inducing colors, she took a steady breath to gather herself back in. On her knees, she inched towards the door of the storage room; dark was a lovely thing, but it sure didn't help when one suspected they needed medical attention.
Her hand slammed on the side panel, and the door slid open. A sickening smack filled the corridor as she fell face first to the floor, having been leaning on the door, none too smartly. With a groan, she pushed herself back up, and fell back on the now blessedly closed door of the room. She put her head in her hands and groaned again, for she knew that someone had to find her, and that this was a time of weakness she could not hide. She fondly thought of the water in the storage room as she swallowed, sandpaper grinding the back of her throat with thirst, idly wishing that whoever was on the ship would notice her. She thought she felt presences on the ship, but she lacked the concentration she needed to pinpoint where and who they were.*
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 13th, 2001, 04:41:00 PM
:: Sorsha was glad that they were on their way, but her instincts still gnawed at her ::
"There's someone else here." she growls. "I sensed it even before Jeseth revealed that Jedi."
:: She gets up and extends her senses around her, sniffing the air like an animal, then draws her kris knife and begins the hunt ::
"Don't worry, I'll find the stowaway ... whoever it is."
:: disappears as the door slides shut behind her ::
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:49:17 PM
:: The uneasy feeling of the ship leaving normal space and entering hyperspace followed shortly after they left the atmosphere. Once on their way, there was no real need for Trace to be at the controls. Mari’s astromech droid could handle the hyperspace flight and it would take several hours.
Even as he heard Sorsha growl about someone else being on the ship, he already knew who it was and rose from his seat following her, but remaining silent. He and Mari had a mental rapport, her now being conscious again, made him well aware of her presence on the ship, but he was not sure of what Sorsha might do. Mari needed help, she was injured and dehydrated, he intended to help her, and made his way to where she was. ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:45:56 PM
:: she could either stay here and watch the droid pilot the ship or go and watch Sorsha take down a stowaway. Eyes looked back and forth from the droid to the door where Trace just exited.
With a grin, she slinked out the door before it closed behind the Sith ::
Mari Bean
Jun 18th, 2001, 08:45:49 PM
*She was drifting back into unconscious bliss until a tickling at the back of her mind irritated her awake again. Pulling on the feeling and catching hold of it, her awareness steadily grew until she realized that some of the presences she felt were getting closer. In one last attempt to save her dignity, she shoved herself up the wall of the hallway, leaning on it awkwardly after a light-headed stumble, but still standing to await whoever approached.*
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:24:16 AM
:: Sorsha quickens her pace as she draws closer to the unknown life force, followed closely behind by Trace and Tirsa. She turns a corner and stops dead in her tracks ::
"... you???"
Jun 20th, 2001, 12:56:18 AM
:: His mind had already told him who it was, but just the act of laying eyes on her sparked memories of all their past times together. Was he still the same person now that he was then, or was he something completely different? The question ran through his mind in an instant, but he didn’t dwell on it, instead he moved past Sorsha hurriedly and to where Mari was standing. He wasn’t sure how she had gotten on the ship, but if she was here now, it meant that she must have been here for at least several days and he had not sensed her once during that time. It was all very puzzling. Her cracks and dry lips and the pale color of her skin immediately told him, without words, that she was in need of food and water and in need of it badly. ::
“Come on, lets get you something to drink and eat.”
:: He said as he held out a hand to her, small beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he fought to keep his TK field as close to his skin as possible. His natural abilities taxing him at every moment, when he didn’t let it run rampant. ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 20th, 2001, 01:24:16 AM
:: sees Trace moving past Sorsha somewhat hastily and makes her way towards her companion. There was another human on board that she didn't recognize right away ::
"Who the frell is that?"
Mari Bean
Jun 25th, 2001, 09:42:20 AM
*Her eyes flickered across the three that stood before her before she took Trace's hand cautiously. There was something odd about Trace; he seemed as if he was holding something back, trying desperately to keep whatever it was at bay within him. As her hand touched his, she almost recoiled from him and covered her slip with a little stumble as she moved towards him. The madness in his eyes almost overcame the concern. She glanced at Sorsha and Tirsa and looked back at Trace, hoping the confusion in her eyes would be graced with an explanation, as she didn't quite trust her voice.*
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:38:38 AM
:: Sorsha pulls Tirsa to the side and whispers in her ear ::
( "Go back to the helm and wait for me. I'l be there shortly." )
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 25th, 2001, 03:00:15 PM
:: takes once last look at the human female. She didn't speak but Tirsa could still swear she had seen her before. Tirsa looked back to Sorsha and locked eyes with her lover briefly before leaving ::
Jun 25th, 2001, 09:56:26 PM
:: He could see the confusion in her eyes, but didn’t know how to explain all that had happened to her with any brevity. As she took his hand, he noticed that he could not even feel the warm or coldness of her touch through the thin TK field that he was exerting a great deal of energy controlling, just so he could be this close and not damage those around him or the very hallway of the ship.
His eyes filled with shame as he realized what had happened over the course of the last few days. All the events that had transpired had made him push back the emotions he held for Mari, almost to the point of forgetting, but now, they all came rushing back to him.
Her eyes, those eyes that he had looked into for so long, so many times before, were all that it took to bring every emotion and every memory rushing back. It wasn’t enough to drive away the insanity that had been burned into his brain by what his brother had done, but it was enough to cause that enragement and single-minded thoughts of bringing about his own brother’s downfall, to be pushed back. ::
“I have had a very eventful week.”
:: He said to her as visions of all that had occurred flashed through his mind, he hoped that she would pick up on his memory of the events of the last few days and be able to glean what was going on with him and understand what his current condition was.
He pulled her closer and cold feel by her lack of resistance that she was very weak, and trying to hide the fact with a strong façade. He didn’t even bother asking before he lifted her into his arms and turned. He would take her to her quarters and get her anything she might need, food, water, medical aid, anything. ::
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 27th, 2001, 02:47:30 PM
:: watches in silences, considering her options as Trace is distracted. she spins on her heel with a quiet hiss and goes to rejoin Tirsa ::
Mari Bean
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:32:23 PM
*She allowed her hand to be taken and herself to be drawn closer, and she realized that she couldn't actually feel Trace. She was used to feeling his pulse through his fingers and the warm strength that he emiited, but somehow it was all blocked off from her. At first, she thought it was her awareness still faltering, but she noticed that the 'thing' that was holding her back was tightly contained, and barely supressed, not by her, but by Trace.
Then the images came. Not knowing whether to be angry or upset, she kept her face calm as it all passed through, from his mind to hers. She made special care not to turn and glare at Sorsha, knowing full well that the wolfhound that snarls at the wolf doesn't survive the day. She kept her countenance smooth, but she could not help the determined set of her jaw or the fury that burned in her eyes.
Her weakness showed through as he lifted her, as she had no strength for resistance, and she licked her lips before speaking in a soft, but slightly raspy tone.*
"Eventful, indeed."
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:39:27 PM
:: Its was so very odd to him, not to be able to really feel anything more than just her weight in his arms. It was a sad thing as well as a frustrating one. Would he ever be able to feel contact with her as he had before, feel the warmth of her face under his hand? The thought of never being able to was enough to make him angry, angry at what had and was still happening to him. He would have to find a way to better control this phenomenon.
Now was not the time to be concerned too terribly much with that though, he had to keep the field under control or it could kill them all. A sudden expansion of it could rupture the hull of the ship and allow the torrential vacuum of space to rip through the vessel. He also needed to get her the nourishment she required. Some return of color in her face would be a very welcomed thing to him.
They arrived at the small mess room in the ship and he placed her down gently on a bench there, turning to retrieve some food and water for her. As he gathered it he asked. ::
“How is it you are here? I thought the ship was empty when I took it out to test after it was repaired.”
:: He approached the little table and set the foodstuffs and water down for her to take as he sat across from where she was. ::
Mari Bean
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:10:04 PM
*As soon as he put the food and water in front of her, the question he had asked was swallowed up in a flurry of consuming on her part. She fell apon the provisions like a falling rock, and the by the time she remebered the question, she was more than half way through them.*
"Restocking the ship is something you should do before every outing. I learned that the hard way, remember?"
*She wiped a bit of water that had dribbled down her chin, and wondered if that reference to his first encounter with her would help his current state.*
Jul 19th, 2001, 01:08:23 PM
::Is was a little clouded in his mid by all the things that had occurred recently, and by the insanity griping his mind, due to his misuse of Disorder, as well as the unwise actions of his brother, burning said misuse into his brain, but the memories were there and were becoming clearer upon looking into her eyes , and hearing what she had to say.
As the memories worked their way through the haze that was his mind, he smiled at her and nodded in his own recognition of what she had just said, all that had happened between them coming back fully. He began to question himself and what he had done, struggling with the voice of chaos within his mind. Had he really been right to attack his brother the way he did? Was it right for him to hate his brother even more mow, then he did then?
The confusion was readily apparent on his face as he wrestled for answers and tried to settle the madness in his head. Surely coming to terms with everything would take a great deal of time, but with any luck, he would be able and he would then take his own self anger out on his enemies, whomever he concluded they were.
He tried to cover up his current state of confusion and self battery with the grin that he was wearing, as well as a few words. ::
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