View Full Version : Landing on Vjun

Bennison Azalin
Jul 6th, 2001, 08:55:36 PM
Stepping out of his small ship and onto the small planet of Vjun Bennison looked around, he had come seeking the one known as Jeseth Cloak. It had been some time since their <a href=http://pub5.ezboard.com/fthegungancouncilgunganvssithbattleground.showMess age?topicID=781.topic>meeting</a> on Alenn - only after their meeting did Bennison realize the truth about the entire situation. Warren had miraculously survived Bennison's previous attempt to cut the Jedi's meaningless life short, but it was that same problem that had given Bennison the answer. He would have to learn of this Force that Warren and others like him knew how to use. Only when he learned these things would he be able to fufill his life's mission. That was why he was here, to seek Jeseth and to seek training - that was what had to be done.

Looking on towards the ruins ahead of him Bennison began walking forward, he would guess that on this godforsaken planet the Dark Jedi had to dwell somewhere, and that was the only place he saw that would be of any uselful shelter. Strapping his sword onto his back he walked towards the gates of the once complete castle. Knocking on the wooden doors, Bennison waited for someone to arrive and greet him. He would learn of the dark arts in these walls if it took him years, but Warren would die at his hands in the end - that much was certain.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 9th, 2001, 08:30:41 PM
Bennison stood there awhile, greeted with a total and complete lack of response. As he raised his hand to knock again, a voice suddenly sounded out of the empty air beside his left ear.

" WHAT-" it barked out. " DO YOU WANT?!!"

Bennison Azalin
Jul 10th, 2001, 02:04:57 AM
Startled by the barking voice behind him Bennison turned around not knowing what to expect, he didn't even really know what Dark Jedi looked like, only one he'd ever seen was Jeseth, and he was dead. Gripping his sword tightly Bennison tunred towards the source of the voice, or so it seemed. He had hoped to be greeted by the source of the loud voice, but turned only to be met with empty air. Looking around suspiciously he could see nothing around him but the redish hue of Vjun, knowing the voice had to have come from somewhere he began to search more thoroughly. He searched everywhere around the entrance-way, slowly creeping towards the larger boulders looking for anywhere a person could hide, but in the end he had checked everything from large stones to the oddly formed pits in the ground and still he found no one. Somone was playing games with him - and he didn't like games. Turning back towards the entrance he muttered to himself with a slight snarl.

"Damn Dark Jedi and their little games."

Jul 11th, 2001, 12:20:58 AM
Delirion was feeling restless. The child was curled up in a corner of her sleeping chamber - dreaming of happy things, Delirion thought to herself, bitterly. Now even the dreams had stopped haunting her, since Jeseth's return to health, but the dreams had left something behind in her.... an odd emptiness she could not fill.

He had left, gone off somewhere, to play the games he liked to play - but he would be back. This time, he would be back and she would be there. There was nothing that could keep them apart now.

Something about that thought galled her. It was.... too happy for her taste. Happiness, love, companionship.... if anyone would have told her a year ago that she would once feel these things, she would have.... she didn't know what she would have done to that person. The possibilities spun in her head, but none of the nastiest methods of punishment seemed to satisfy her now.

This wasn't normal. Then again - since when was anything about her normal? She was starting to have doubts about things, however, and that was definately not normal.

Shaking her head as if she could simply shake those thoughts from her mind, she got up, and decided to take a stroll. She'd neglected her little predatory pets - it was time to see if they had missed her.

Closing the door behind her softly, so that the child would not awaken, she tip-toed out of the room, only to catch herself in mid-step.

Why am I so considerate? Let the child awaken if I leave - she can sleep later.... then why this foolish behaviour now?

Angry at her own good mood, she walked up the corridor, her cloak swishing on the ground behind her.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 13th, 2001, 10:18:21 PM
"Dinnae be an idiot, lad," the voice spoke out of the air again. "What ye hear is gatekeeper Hob speaking t'ye. It is one of his greatest feats of illusion. The illusion of sound."

"NOW!" the voice raised it's tone again. "WHAT-! DO YOU WANT?"

Bennison Azalin
Jul 20th, 2001, 02:12:04 PM
Bennison heard the dark voice talking to him again, this time he was not startled by the obvious trick. He had heard from his father once that Jedi's and those of the Dark sometimes specialized in Illusions; this Gatekeeper must be one of the few practitioners of illusion. Letting go of his sword this time he turned towards the sound of the voice.

"I have come here seeking an audience with Jeseth Cloak, it is about our sibling Warren Azalin, it seems he still lives and I have come to find a way to right that mistake."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:13:32 PM
The doors thrust themselves outward, revealing short, stumpy, grimy Hob and causing Bennison to change direction yet again. ~ Ye wish t' speak t' Jeseth, do ye?~

Hob considered this matter. ~ And what is it ye plan t' do with this so-called brother of yours? Is it fighting practice ye seek? Because Hob can give ye that without interrupting Deception's work.~

The dwarf grinned, then hopped to his feet. ~ Come, attack Hob. IF you think yourself capable of defeating a Jedi, surely you can match old Hob in a fight.~

Bennison Azalin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:27:26 PM
Reaching for his sword Bennison looked down at the grimy thing; he didn't know what exactly it was but he was surprised it could even speak. With one quick movement he pulled his sword free of it's sheathe letting the blade ring out as he pointed it at the dwarf.

"I came to see Jeseth about the Force, but then again I am never one to turn down a fight. So I accept your challenge.... Hob is it."

He didn't know if that was the creatures name but it seemed to have been referring to itself in the third person before, so he assumed.....

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:35:50 PM
Hob hadn't moved, but there was a more serious air about him.

And then he made his first attack. An invisible hand seemed to grab hold of the sword and jerk it to the side, while a second invisible hand seemed to shove Bennison backwards.

Jul 22nd, 2001, 05:21:58 PM
When she reached the top of the stairs, she could hear the faint sound of voices coming from beyond the gates. There were both mental, and physical, hence it had to be that the Hobgoblin was about.

Delirion grimaced. Of all of her brothers, the dirty little goblin was her least favorite - especially since the accident. She had not heard of him since, and had assumed that he was not at Bast. Any meeting with him was less than pleasant, as Hob clearly disliked her as much as she disliked her, and neither of them saw it necessary to hide that fact from one another.

That he was out here now, had to mean they had a visitor. And from the fragments she had heard, it had something to do with Jeseth. Which made her curious.

Her pets could wait until later - she would go and find out what was happening outside the gate.

Slowly, silently, she walked towards the gate, to stand in the shadows and look out over the landing zone in front of the castle. There, indeed, could she see her brother, and the stranger. A stranger who on second thought looked remarkably like the Jedi she had met when she had traveled to Yavin to get Jubei; he looked remarkably like Warren Azalin, Jeseth's brother. And in some way, also a little alike Jeseth.

Does he have another brother he never told me of? Or who is he?

Whatever relation to both he was, he was different from them, too. She would not ask, however - she would simply have to wait for Hob to do the job for her. And he would - that she knew; the goblin was by nature curious - he would not be able to let him go without finding out everything he could.

She waited, and watched.