View Full Version : The Templar make land fall on Vjun.

Templar Dread
Jul 24th, 2001, 05:34:03 PM
acid rains beat across the bleak grey land of mud , dust, and darkened stone seered by the unending heat of the molesting rain. The Angry green stormcloud light occasionally highlighting the boiling clouds overhead. This though was being observed by the strange sight of Templar Dread as his massive frame rolled across the dead land on legs of steel and death.
The Templar made it's way through the rain and mist from the heat. It's nightmarish frame hissed from the rain drops striking it's skin which was harder than any metal forged by organic.
Turning it made it's way to a good vantage point and spied the Ancient Castle. Nothing stirred but the Force of the Darkside could be felt from it. If it had a mouth the Plated face of Dread would have smiled.
Standing within view of the embattlements Dread new he had been spotted. The Templar's Fourteen foot frame squatted down and waited.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 24th, 2001, 07:06:45 PM
(ooc) If Templar is a machine, like I suspect he is, then I won't be able to sense him. If he can be sensed, let me know and I'll do something with my next post.

Time and rain both pass, leaving only an empty silence.

Templar Rend
Jul 24th, 2001, 09:04:57 PM
OOC. Greetings. the Templar are a algamation of Machine and a living substance called Star Stone, an asteroid that orbits between four event horizons. You'll sense him but it will be a void in the force due to the darkmatter radiation that the StarStone has absorbed since the birth of the universe.

They are not gods and will not godmode as I respect the RPG rules. Though this Templar has shielding technology and a a mass array of wepons I will make sure that my visits are imaginative as well as enjoyable for the Sith Of the Black Hand. There are four Templars. Dread ,Templar Rend ,Templar Apollyon, and Templar Holocaust. They travel together as well as fight as a unit.

Once again though I will respect the entertainment value of the the Jedi Sith Universe and the pride and imaginations of your posters.

Feel free to post as you see fit. And greetings.

Jul 26th, 2001, 02:10:53 PM
All well and good, but the Black Hand is not a group of Sith. They're Dark Jedi.

Templar Dread
Jul 26th, 2001, 02:18:20 PM

Templar Dread
Jul 31st, 2001, 01:25:19 AM
Turns and kicks his smaller brother back to the ship for faulty info.