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Ryu Warusa
Jul 30th, 2001, 05:26:21 PM
OOC: oooh Red Text, pretty... BTW this has nothing to do with my main character's progress, I just got bored.


Ryu walks into the visitors area, looking for the nearest Black Hand member. He screams into the near empty hall. "Where are you?!?" I need to find a Black Hand member, I need to know how these people operate and mostly how they fight. Probably be using silly force powers. Well, if they wish to fight I have that... Yes, I have that... Ryu thought to himself reassuringly. "Where are you, are you hiding from me?!?" Maybe I shouldn't have said that, now its like I'm looking for a fight,... Ahh well, let them come. I'll take as many as I can down with me. Luna.... I may be joining you sooner than I thought...

Seth Darkserpent
Jul 30th, 2001, 10:47:41 PM
"Most interesting."

Darkserpent lie rigid among the empty desolations that made up what used to be Bast Castle. Now only a tall tower stood, a dark figure in the orange sky. Vjun itself wasn't exactly a vacation spot. It was dark, scarred and dead. Living creatures could not survive on such a planet. Although the Dark Jedi of the Black Hand had made it into their home. Seth had quickly settled down, and liked Vjun. He figured it brought out his dark demons and amplified his Force powers.

He noticed a figure outside the courtyard. Seth wasn't familiar with this person. He didn't seem to have any Force powers, and looked a little clumsy. The Dark Jedi figured he wasn't really worth the time, but it would be fun to drive the newcomer insane. Or perhaps Seth would slay him. The Dark Jedi was so caught up in thought he didn't notice this figure enter the desolated Courtyard.

<font size=3>Fwsssh

<font size=2>A pebble the size of a human fingernail soared past Ryu, causing him to turn his head slightly. For the split second that Ryu had his head turned, Seth leapt from the shadows and rolled into Ryu, causing him to trip and fall to the ground. Seth stood up and put his foot on Ryu, keeping the man down. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Ryu's neck.

"I see Bast has peaked your interest, Mr...."

The Dark Jedi pried into his mind for a split second, and managed to learn the man's name. This one seemed to have a strong will. Perhaps he was Force adept?

"Mr. Warusa is it? Tell me, what brings you to this fine establishment."

Seth prodded forward with the sword, and ever so lightly, pricked the side of Ryu's neck. A droplet of blood managed to squeeze itself out, but nothing more. Seth waited for an answer, having all the time in the Galaxy.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 31st, 2001, 05:15:50 PM
" Tch! Why you! Ryu could not move, he tried as hard as he could to free himself from under the person's weight but could not. Heavy... or is he? He is a Force User! Ahh, finally I shall have my answers, if I survive.... Ryu continues to struggle in vain at first, but persistence pays off and he managed to grab his leg and knock him off, the figure stumbles backwards. Ryu quickly scrambles to his feet and unsheathes his Emi Piercers.

"So.... you caught me off guard... very well. Only my previous master was able to do that. I salute you.. Now then... I want to ask you. Are you Black Hand?" Of course I don't need to ask the question, he could probably read my every thought, cursed mystics... Ryu despised that which he did not understand, that what he did understand he mastered. He mastered Martial arts, melee weapons, ship control and, women.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 4th, 2001, 02:07:21 AM
"Your methods are interesting, Seth." From nowhere, Morgan's figure appeared standing, arms crossed upon his chest, about four meters from both of them.

"And you, Ryu, are apropriately misinformed. We aren't exactly public knowlege, and even the circles we are mentioned in don't know much about us. Go home, before I decide to hurt you."

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 4th, 2001, 09:11:03 AM
"Why should he be allowed to leave?" Seth growled.

He put his sword back in it's sheath and stood up straight, brushing whatever dirt had contacted with his armor when Ryu had attacked him. Seth was displeased that such trash was even allowed to set foot on such a sacred place like Vjun. He was tempted to attack Ryu again, but there would be another time...And most certainly another place.

C'mon, kill him Seth! Watch him bleed... The voice in his head taunted with obvious glee.

Seth's gauntlets made small clinking sounds as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He bent down and dove one into the ground. Seth raised his glove from the molten rock, and crushed the rocks in his hand.

"Allow me to kill Mr. Warusa." A grin spread across his face, underneath the black mask.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 5th, 2001, 01:41:03 AM
"Warusa. Run for your life, before I let Seth end it." Simple, to the point, and stated without real emotion.

Ryu looked mildly confused. It was as if he wasn't familiar with being given orders in such a manner.

Morgan decided the man needed about point fifty caliber worth of motivation. He pulled the handcannon from his coat, and leveled it at Ryu's head. Ryu blinked. One wasn't used to being able to see some light filter down the barrel of a handgun.

"-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ing rancors, move." he pulled the trigger, and Ryu tumbled back four meters, flipping twice before landing flat on his back in the middle of the courtyard entrance.

Ryu Warusa
Aug 5th, 2001, 04:29:57 PM
"How dare you speak to me that way?!?" Ryu was hurt in the sholder from tumbling backwards from the Dark Jedi's shot. Ryu acted if he wasn't hurt. I can't let them know I'm hurt, they are like sharks... they can't help themselves once they smell blood. The Dark Jedi was about to shoot in his general direction when Ryu noticed and used a smoke bomb to escape the imediate danger. The two figures lost track of Ryu until they heard a voice. "Don't think you've won! I'll be back, and I will get my information!"

Ryu Warusa
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:06:55 PM
Ryu was running down the platform to wear he landed his ship. It was far away from the castle. Damn those sith, I'll get them, and the info...Luna...huh?! Ryu felt as if he was being followed by someone. He looked around and saw no one, but they could be hiding, Ryu kept running toward his ship.