View Full Version : Curiosity kills the cat.

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jun 27th, 2001, 06:52:18 AM
::Aghlyn gazed up at Bast Castle. The Felaket's ears twitched slightly as her eyes showed a gleam that could well be mistaken for awe. Her sleek tail wrapped and coiled in the air as she took in the surroundings. She coul call the area peaceful, but...no. Peace was for the Jedi. The beings here were different. That much she could tell from the atmosphere. It was like a silent chaos. Luring you in, yet shoving you away. A brief grin formed over her face before she lifted her head to look at the entrance of the building, calling out for anyone::

"Members of the Black Hand... I have ventured here in hopes that I might have the honour to be taken among your ranks."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 27th, 2001, 09:32:57 AM
The silence continued, with the passive tension in the air climbing until the quiet was almost oppressive. Dark clouds moiled overhead, then moved on as though they were interested in the one who might dare to intrude upon this domain.

Suddenly and abruptly, a figure appeared next to Aghlyn. The figure was short, and misshapen, looking more like some cross between a human and a true ape than a full humanoid. The eyes of the dwarf gazed not upon her, but upon Bast Castle.

~ Ventured here in hopes that we might take ye in and spoonfeed ye, did ye?~ a voice asks into her mind.

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jun 27th, 2001, 03:36:35 PM
::Aghlyn stared at the castle for a moment more before tilting her head to look at Hobgoblin. She simply shook her head, amusment glinting in her violet eyes while the look on her face remained emotionless::

"By no means, wise one. If I wished for someone to spoonfeed me, I would have gone to the Jedi. I have come in look for a challenge; for destruction, but by no means have I come in looks of something to care for me."

::Her hand dropped, her fingers stroking along the handle of her sword. She looked up at the sky, adding half to herself::

"I seek the pain and death of others..."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 27th, 2001, 04:04:25 PM
Hob's form turns hazy- a sign that it is an illusion facing Aghlyn. The illusion steps forward, then turns to face her. ~ And which do ye prefer? Challenges, or destruction?~

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jun 27th, 2001, 05:15:40 PM
::Aghlyn leaned down, her nose nearly touching the illusion's as she gazed forward, a cold emotion hidden by taunting gleams::

"I believe they are equal. A challenge without destruction serves no purpose, and destruction without a challenge is not at all fun...Despite how many are killed."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 28th, 2001, 08:37:58 AM
Hob's image stares into the eyes of the Felaket, neither moving, blinking, or betraying emotion.

~ Do ye believe that there are times when one or the other must take precedence?~

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jun 28th, 2001, 10:50:13 AM
::Aghlyn sighed quietly, folding her arms over her head in thought. She bit against her lip absently, glancing at the sky and spoke with complete calmness::

"Destruction is best when dealing with enemies. If their destruction must be done, then 'tis not your fault if they are too weak to put up a challenge."

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 29th, 2001, 03:57:16 PM
~ Do ye seek challenge in the destruction of enemies alone?~

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jul 1st, 2001, 05:04:21 PM
"Nay, sir. I seek challenge in most everything. I feel most things are not worth doing, if you have a choice, when there is no challenge"

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 1st, 2001, 07:55:48 PM
The illusion of Hob grins widely. ~ Then ye should enjoy attempting to get past Hob to enter Bast. For all who would seek membership in the Hand must do so inside Bast Castle, whose gates Hob is keeper of.~

The doors part and the real Hob steps outside of the castle, grinning. ~ Are ye ready, lass? Hob will allow ye the first strike, because ye have intrigued ~

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jul 3rd, 2001, 08:40:43 AM
::The girl stood silent a moment, her tail flicking in the air. She paused to take her sword yet decided otherwise. Rushing forward, Aghlyn ripped the handle of her whip out and ducted down, linking it around Hob's left ankle with a sharp, sudden pull::

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 5th, 2001, 06:06:26 PM
Although Hob did have the opportunity to dodge or otherwise fend off the strike, he was caught unprepared for the whip. The sword had been the evident weapon, and Hob's guess was that she would use that weapon over the whip.

The Hobgoblin hits the ground as his leg goes out from under him, and his breath comes out in a whoosh. He regains his composure, however, and lashes out instinctively with a telekinetic shove against the applicant to Bast.

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jul 11th, 2001, 05:46:33 AM
(OOC) Sorry for not replying for so long. First I was stuck on thoughts then Ezboard was dead, then I went to reply yesterday and the board wouldn't load. Sorry! ^^;;

(IC) ::Despite the fact she was stumbling backwards, struggling to remain balance from the push, Aghlyn still held a rather playful grin. She tightened her grip on the whip handle, her mind reeling through thoughts of her past training. She bit her lip and darted forward again, leaping above and flipping over Hob, making an attempt to latch the whip around his throat::

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 13th, 2001, 11:05:30 PM
(ooc) Hey, it's no problem at all. I don't always post to threads right away, even when I'm not having trouble connecting to the Internet.

Hob raised one of his massive fists and caught the whip out of the air. He lifted himself upside down on one hand, the other still holding the whip. Then he gave the whip a hard pull towards himself.

Aghlyn Aaghare
Jul 15th, 2001, 05:23:50 AM

::Aghlyn yelped slightly in surprise before letting go of the whip to keep her balance. She let her 'claw dagger' find her hand, gripping the smooth handle as she pulled her other sword from the sheath. Darting forward, she leaned toward Hob, slashing the blades toward him::

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 15th, 2001, 03:55:14 PM
Hob flexed his arm, then sprung into the air over the slashing blades. His feet came down on Aghlyn's shoulders and he pulled the whip across her neck with both hands, his muscles straining to choke the breath from Aghlyn's body.

Gitane Blesse
Jul 19th, 2001, 09:39:07 PM
OOC - I'm too tired to reply to this, or even switch accounts, but I'll reply to it tomorrow.. Then I'll be out of town until next Sunday. Sorry..! -_-;;

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 17th, 2001, 10:56:20 AM
(ooc) She said I could kick her off the planet, and I want to finish this, so... :)

Aghlyn swatted at Hob with her hands, jumping and shaking in an attempt to get him off, but to no avail. Hob had braced himself well, and the Felaket couldn't get him to release. Her shoulders slumped and she fell to her knees, gripping at the whip.

And then she slowly toppled to the ground and passed out.

Hob grunted and held the whip in place for another moment, but it was moot. Aghlyn was not going to be waking up in the near future.

The dwarf then shouldered her and began to walk in the direction she had come from, locating a ship that was probably hers. He set her unconscious body on the ground near the ship, turned, and left