View Full Version : Jibrielle's Punishment

Kanaza Jayer
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:09:40 PM
Kanaza landed The Deciever on the planet Vjun with an evil grin. Getting out of her seat, she walked over to Jibrielle, whose hands and feet were bound together with a rope. While Kanaza took the gag out of Jibrielle's mouth and started to untie her, she spoke. "Naughty, naughty girl. Thought you could get away with it this time, didn't you? Well, it's just too bad that your plan was discovered." When Kanaza got done untieing the unfortunate soul, she grabbed Jibrielle's arm, digging her fingernails into the skin. "Nobody can get anything past Kanaza. You, of all people, should know that!" With that, she lifted the girl up.

Kanaza shoved Jibrielle to the door and opened it. "Don't worry, dear. This will be your last punishment from me. Heh.. Of course, this might be your last punishment from ANYBODY." She watched Jibrielle stand there, staring out of the door. Kanaza sighed with impatience and kicked the girl's legs, sending them out from under her, making Jibrielle fall. "Clumsy girl," she sneered. "Get up and get out! Before I do this myself. And believe me, if I do it, things will be much uglier than they already are."

Kanaza watched Jibrielle get up slowly, recovering from the blow. "You should be quite at home here, Jibrielle. Especially considering that you defended the Dark Jedi's in an arguement. Do you think they will care, though? Do you think that they will care for a stupid, self-centered, little GIRL? One who always dies a horrible death and just gets reincarnated, over and over?"

Kanaza spit at Jibrielle's feet in disguist. "Worthless piece of trash. Get out of my sight!" With that, Kanaza pushed Jibrielle out of the door.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:29:57 PM
Jibrielle landed on her face... hard. She laid there for a couple of seconds, catching her breath, then got up. Jibrielle turned around to face Kanaza. Greedy, unconsiderate pig, she thought. Just to get away from her means that there is still hope. She looked Kanaza straight in the eye, trembling slightly.

"So this is it...? You're just going to leave me here, all alone, with no food, shelter, or hope?"

Kanaza Jayer
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:44:54 PM
Kanaza hesitated a moment when Jibrielle looked at her in the eyes. For some reason, that seemed to be her only 'weakness' with the girl. It was Jibrielle's eyes, so big and pure...filled with sadness, regret, hurt, loneliness...Kanaza shook herself out of it. "Yes, Jibrielle. This is it. I warned you, but did you listen? No, you didn't, so this is your punishment. I...I..." Kanaza's voice broke in distress. She would miss this girl, she was unlike anybody she ever met. Such a shame, though, the way that she rebelled...

Kanaza regained control of herself and spoke in a flat voice. "Your only hope of surviving is actually becoming a Dark Jedi. However, I doubt that they would let you join them." She looked up at the sky then back at Jibrielle. "You should hurry. It rains acid here, y'know." Kanaza slammed the door shut and locked it before she would change her mind. She climbed into her seat and started up The Deciever. With that, The Deciever hovered up in the air and then flew away out into the universe, leaving Jibrielle in Fate's hands.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 7th, 2001, 09:14:46 PM
Jibrielle watched The Deciever fly away until it disappeared. A tear rolled down her cheek and she angrily wiped it away. Turning around, she observed her surroundings, sighing. The acid rains should be coming soon...I should get out of here... Jibrielle kicked a stone carelessly and watched it scatter away. As she peered far ahead of her, Jibrielle could make out some sort of castle. That castle...It must be where the Dark Jedi's are... Jibrielle started to run towards it, revived with new energy.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, Jibrielle slowed her pace down. The castle loomed ahead of her, seeming dark and forbidding. I don't care, she thought. As long as they will accept me, I'll be safe... Jibrielle stopped right infront of the castle and hesitated. She didn't know if she should let her presence known - of course, it already probably was.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 12th, 2001, 06:01:12 PM
Jibrielle bit her lower lip and raised her hand to knock on the door. She hesitated and looked at her hand, seeing that her skin was turning a pale blue again. She shook her head and knocked on the door then stood there helplessly, waiting...

Count Mordrid
Aug 12th, 2001, 11:59:50 PM
"Have you come for me..?"A voice reached out from within the castle, hissing sadly. There, leaning against the immense doors, Mordrid huddled. He had crawled out from beneath a wreckage of steel and rock, his skin eaten away. That had been almost three weeks ago... no one bothered to come searching for him, either. He did not feel the force, nor could he control it. It was absent... and it pained him to feel it's loss. He had lived wrapped within the coils of chaos for almost a century... and now he was gone from that shelter. Illusions melted away into a gobbled-gook of colors and perceptions as he attempted to shape them, his eyes glazed over with the film of time and age. His arm was broken... the pain overcoming him. A few weeks prior, people would have recognized him as Aaron Grimm, but now the silk-like blond hair which hung down from his face fell about in utter disorder. There was no definition to the battered figure of Count Mordrid any longer...

Clutching to the large control mechanism with his one good hand, he pulled with all his strength, allowing it to open for the visitor. From the maw of shadows within Bast, Mordrid lunged himself at her feet, clinging to her legs like a creature in desperate need of shelter. "Have you come to show me the way home..?" Mordrid's mind had been reduced to rubble...

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 13th, 2001, 03:35:05 PM
As Jibrielle stood there, she heard a voice. She traced the place where the voice came from and saw somebody huddled against the doors. She could sense pain and distress in the air. Infact, it was so strong, it sickened her. Suddenly, the person flung themself at Jibrielle and clinged to her legs. She let out a gasp and stumbled backwards. Regaining her balance, she heard the person speak again.

Have you come to show me the way home..?

The voice echoed in Jibrielle's head, haunting her. She shook herself and peered down at the person. She saw that it was a man and continued to inspect him. What she saw horrified her. Never would this image be wiped away completely from her mind - it was too terrifying... Jibrielle shook her foot, making him let go of her. Bending down on one knee, she gently grabbed his face with both of her hands and turned it upwards, so he was facing her. She didn't feel fear, all she felt was pity and sadness for this poor man.

"You poor thing...Something dreadful must have happened. I'll try my best to get you back home, which I presume is the castle. You must be in so much pain..."

Jibrielle frowned and closed her eyes as she cleared her mind. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed, concentrating on him. She could feel the energy inside of her start to flow through her body. Jibrielle gathered the energy in her hands, then let it go. It immediately sunk into the man's head and entered his bloodstream. The energy went swiftly through his entire body, healing his arm and gathered all the pain. Then it went back up to the head and entered Jibrielle's body, giving her his pain instead.

Jibrielle let go of the man and crumpled to the floor in agony. His pain was overpowering her... There's no time for this. I've been through worse...Pull yourself together! Gritting her teeth, Jibrielle forced herself to sit back up and tried her best to ignore the pain. It would be a matter of time before the pain left her, and there was no telling when. It could go away in a couple of seconds - or a couple of days.

Count Mordrid
Aug 14th, 2001, 08:42:14 PM
Mordrid fell back, the wounds lessening in their torment... until the injuries upon the woman became too much too sustain the living Force. Mordrid stumbled back and gasped as his respiratory system began to function normally, is heart racing with living blood. His arm seemed to be complete, and his senses at least somewhat restored to a spectre of his old self. Yes, he thought, a spectre...

"Are you... alright?" His head shifted, his eyes puffy and vague. Blond hair dangled down past his ears, touching to the beginning of his slightly squared jaw which angled naturally towards his chin. Aaron Grimm had always had the face of an angel, behind which was hidden the heart of a monster. Mordrid perhaps did not deserve such a body but it was what he had been gifted with... what he had fought to gain. His initial test of the transfer process had been conducted upon the Lord of Deception himself, Jeseth Cloak. His own transfer had gone even more smoothly, without the set backs which had threatened to kill Cloak.

"You shouldn't have done that... you'll be sick... for a long time." He picked her up carefully, his bones still aching and his muscles burning with a lesser sense of pain. He could think again, and the thoughts were not merely that of a frightened animal. "I'll take care of you... come..." Slow footsteps echoed through the entrance, Mordrid's head scanning from side to side for any hints as to Hob's whereabouts. The dwarf was no where to be seen.

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 15th, 2001, 01:40:00 PM
Abruptly in front of Mordrid, the entire hallway lit up with a hazy blue glow that had a hypnotic quality to it.

Standing in the center of the hallway several yards forward was a small, black-robed figure. It had a frown on its' face and pinpoints of anger in the back of its' eyes.

"Why do you bring this girl into our halls, Mordrid?" the Hobgoblin spoke in a deep bass.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 15th, 2001, 04:52:27 PM
Jibrielle's vision was blurred as she looked up at the man. She could hear him talking to her, but it sounded as if he was far away... Finally, when it registered in Jibrielle's mind what he had said, she tried to speak. But before she could, Jibrielle felt herself being lifted up by him and taken inside somehwere. As she focused on her surroundings, she could start to make out the shapes. They were in some sort of hall. Jibrielle guessed that the man took her inside the castle and was going to take her somewhere, but where...?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a strange, blue-ish like glow that had appeared infront of her. Jibrielle closed her eyes, making sure she wasn't seeing things again, then opened them. Nope, she wasn't seeing things. The light was still there. As she continued to watch the glow, Jibrielle could make out a figure of some sort standing in the middle of the hall. As she peered closer, she saw that it was a dwarf. Interesting... Jibrielle blinked then realised that she was staring at the dwarf and blushed, looking away. Jibrielle then heard the it speak.

Why do you bring this girl into our halls, Mordrid?

So the man's name was Mordrid... Jibrielle made sure she took note of that. But there was something else... The dwarf's voice had a hint of irritation in it. Was he angry that she was brought inside the castle without his consent, or did he see the markings on her face and know what she was..? Jibrielle became aware that when she was stranded on this planet that she didn't take on the face of a human.

She glanced up at Mordrid then back at the Hobgoblin. If they didn't see the markings yet, they would later. Jibrielle's hands went up to her face and covered it in regret. There was no time to change it, and even if there was, she was too exhausted from what happened earlier. Maybe if they see it, they'll mistake it for some sort of tattoo...

Count Mordrid
Aug 17th, 2001, 11:09:47 PM
"She helped me... Now let me pass, gate-keeper..." Mordrid pushed back a cough, his lungs and eyes still burning. He knew if he wasn't careful this girl could find herself permanently damaged. it was odd, that now that he possessed this damage body, he felt more in control of actions... but hadn't he always been in control? Yes... yes, he had always been in control. Just not like this.

Hob knows..?

"How did you know it was me, and not Aaron? Is my aura so blatantly visible, even now? I feel so weak, Old One. Just let me get somewhere where I can help her."

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 18th, 2001, 11:51:02 PM
"Wretched, idiotic, pale specter," Hob muttered. He raised a hand.

Abruptly, Mordrid lifted into the air and flew into a nearby wall. He stayed there, his body hanging awkwardly.

"Of course I know you are not Aaron, or Grimm," the dwarf stated, rising into the air himself. His dark-robed form hovered off the ground and flew over to Mordrid's eye level. "You are so different from either of them, even if I was blind, deaf, and mute I would still be able to tell the difference."

And it was true. Even if Hob had not had a personal hand in Aaron Grimm's abrupt death, he would have known. Mordrid's presence in the Force was much more subtle, more fine than hateful Aaron or monstrous Grimm.

Hob then levitated himself back down to the ground and circled around the girl, still floating just above the floor. "You are easily taken in, Mordrid," he announced. "A simple supporting arm and you are ready to sell your soul for her."

He peered at the little girl Mordrid had escorted inside Bast. "Why are you here, little girl?" he asked. "What brings you to Bast?"

Count Mordrid
Aug 19th, 2001, 06:42:58 AM
Mordrid pushed with the only strength he could gather up from within himself and dropped to the ground, gasping, one more of his ribs having shattered in the impact. "I..." a deep breath came into his lungs, helping to finish the sentence, "helped you... and I need her..." another wheeze, then coughing and hacking, "abilities. If she can heal me this much... then she can heal me completely... otherwise, I shall suffer the same ailment as Deception." Mordrid began to rise to his feet, slicking back the blonde hair, most of it sticking to his face in sweaty patches.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 19th, 2001, 02:48:08 PM
Jibrielle dropped to the floor when Mordrid was lifted up in the air and flung into the wall. She laid there for a couple of seconds before forcing herself to her knees. Kneeling there on the floor, she listened as the dwarf talked to Mordrid, then slowly got up. Swaying a bit on her foot, Jibrielle looked up at the dwarf when he spoke to her.

"My name is Jibrielle, sir. Kanaza left me here...Said it was my last punishment..."

She paused a moment and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Opening her eyes back up, Jibrielle looked down at the floor, her hair hanging in her face.

"She thought it was funny to leave me here, since I once spoke of the Dark Jedi's without critisizing them. So then Kanaza got the bright idea to leave me here to die for my punishment...So I came to be accepted by the Dark Jedi's..."

Jibrielle looked over at Mordrid when he spoke and blinked. Not noticing what he said, she saw that he, once again, was badly hurt. Mustering up her strength, Jibrielle walked over to Mordrid and helped him get up. Then she turned and looked at the dwarf and bowed slightly to him.

"I would appreciate it if you would accept me within Bast Castle, but if you don't I'll...I'll leave without an argument and bid you with the best of wishes."

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 21st, 2001, 12:31:51 AM
Hob rubbed his chin with a hairy finger and addressed Mordrid without looking at him. "Your ailments do not concern me, Mordrid. If you had remained in the body of energy I provided for you, you would not have your current problem. Would you?"

"But you," he said, now addressing the girl. "You are an Adept. You interest me."

The dwarf passed a hand in front of Jibrielle's eyes, exerting his powers of mind control over her. "Tell old Hob why you think Dark Jedi are worth defending, little girl. Tell me what you would be willing to do if you were accepted by the Black Hand as an apprentice."

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 23rd, 2001, 08:20:55 PM
Jibrielle blinked when the dwarf spoke to her. Her? Interest him? As he mentioned his name, Hob, she vaguely wondered if that was his true name. She had heard that if someone knew your true name, that they had power over you... But why was she feeling strange? Why did she feel forced to answer him? What was he doing to her?! As if she couldn't stop herself, Jibrielle could hear herself answering.

"The Dark Jedi interest me with their ways, Sir. They are neither Siths or Jedi's, and accept very few within their walls. The Dark Jedi are cautious and sly, but also are wise and powerful. You train in different ways than the others, and aren't afraid of anything, and if you are then you hide it greatly. The Dark Jedi's wit and stealth win them many friends and enemies, and great respect and fear along the way. Their life intrigues me, Sir, and I hope my answer hasn't offended you in any way.

"I would be willing to do anything if I was accepted by the Black Hand as an apprentice. It would honor me greatly to actually be one of the few viewed worthy enough to be trained in your ways."

Jibrielle felt dazed a bit, but then took a deep breath and spoke once more, hoping that Hob wasn't thinking that she was talking too much, for back at home if one thought that, she was struck, over and over and over...

"I...I worry about Mordrid's condition, Sir Hob...Maybe perhaps you could help him?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:55:49 AM
Hob smiled nastily at Mordrid. "I could help him, but at this moment, Mordrid's predicament is his own. Only those willing to pay for Hob's help will get it in return."

"And you, little girl. You have not given Hob a solid, concrete reason for wishing to join the Hand, and have instead relied on subtle flattery. Perhaps you are too young to know one. Perhaps you choose to hide it."

The dwarf began to pace, stumping off to the left. When he reached the wall, he simply stepped onto it as though gravity were the same there as it was on the floor. His pacing took him up the side of the wall to the middle of the ceiling where he stopped.

"I have decided," he stated aloud. "To offer you a choice. You wish to join the Black Hand. All who would join us must pass the gates and request membership before the members of the Fold. Usually," Hob added emphasis to that word. "Those seeking membership must fight Hob for entry into the castle."

"However, if you are truly willing to become a member of the Hand, you must realize that we will not accept any who are of no use to us."

Hob paused and let the words sink in to the little girl's head. "So," he continued. "You may either fight Hob for entry and then make a supplicant of yourself before the Fold, with little chance of acceptance and even littler chance of actually making it past Hob."

"Or, you may become Hob's apprentice, to be tutored in the ways of things, until such time as Hob believes you to be ready for acceptance. At which time, Hob will state your case himself."

The dwarf fell, starting with an abrupt motion, then swinging around in midair and landing on the ground with a solid stand as normal gravity reaccepted him. He stood eye to eye with Jibrielle and waited for her reply.

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:39:47 PM
Jibrielle was slightly irritated at herself. Was the dwarf mad at her for giving him such an answer? But no matter, he offered her a choice - a very rare one.

"I know that I am too young and inexperienced to fight against one such as yourself, Sir. I ask to be your apprentice instead, and earn my way steadily to acceptance."

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:39:28 AM
Hob lay a huge, hairy hand on her forehead. He called upon the Force and began to weave it around Jibrielle, muttering under his breath as he did so.

He paused, scratched his beard, then said a few more specific words under his breath causing the hand touching Jibrielle's skin to glow as blue as the light illuminating the hallway.

Then he spoke aloud again. "To be Hob's apprentice, you will follow his commands without question. When he summons, you shall come. When he orders, you shall comply. What you see is what Hob wishes you to see, and what you say shall be what Hob would say in your place. Till such time as Hob has finished tutoring you, you are bound to Hob's will unbendingly. If you agree to these terms, say so now and begin your studies. If not, then leave, forever cursing yourself for denying this path of greatness."

Hob wondered if the full gravity of agreeing to these terms would impress itself upon the little girl as he waited for her response. Quite possibly, it would not- she was young, after all.

(ooc) Is there any way I can contact you OOC and talk about a few things with you?

Jibrielle Abunai
Aug 30th, 2001, 02:44:23 PM

Jibrielle knew that in time obeying such rules would be hard, but nonetheless it wasn't too different than the rules at home. She would do her best to please him and nodded her head slightly.

"As an apprentice I am forever obliged to you for granting me this opportunity. I shall do whatever you wish me to, without question and delay."


My email address is ForsakenDarklingEvia@hotmail.com