View Full Version : Jeseth...a word please

Keshia Kou
Oct 21st, 2001, 02:47:00 PM
*a tall half human/feline looking creature looked around an waited for the one named jeseth cloak*i have a freind that wants to ask you some questions*keshia growled an paced waiting an growing impatient*

Keshia Kou
Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:09:03 PM
*keshia dint like to wait and she dint like this place*if someone could please get jeseth cloak i would be most pleased

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 3rd, 2001, 06:02:37 AM
A dark robbed man stepped forward from within the Castle, bowing before the young girl. "May I help you? Master Jeseth has retreated for the evening. His rest is precious to him. Perhaps I may take a message for you..?" He held out his pale white hand, bony fingers laying in wait for some kind of substantial treat.

Keshia Kou
Nov 3rd, 2001, 07:35:01 PM
*sighs*yes..tell him my brother crono katon wishes his council...for joining this place..the black hand...for some strange reason*keshia stood up to her 5'2 ft hieght*..thats all

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 5th, 2001, 04:15:58 AM
"I will take you to him. Come with me, yes?" The dark-robed man stood and began to walk towards the gates, grinning beneath the shadows of his hood. "You may elaborate further upon your brothers behalf... though I would think it wiser that your brother had come himself to make such a formal request. In any event, it is your life... and such a young one at that." He laughed, and then continued walking up the steps, towards the main entrance. It slid open before him, opening up to near absolute darkness. The servant seemed to know perfectly well where he was going. "Stay with me, lest you find yourself lost..."