View Full Version : Prologue II

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:51:10 AM
It had been a long time since he had been here. Months probably. He looked up at the run down castle from the window of the small craft he had stolen some time ago and claimed as his own. His mind told him it was a Seinar Flight Systems Light transport, modified for personal use and not cargo. A useful ship in itself, it was quite nce to live in. He had promised his Master Jeseth that he would come back to Vjun after they had parted company at Arcan IV. There was much for the Master and Turbogeek to discuss.

His healing gift. How could someone be of the Dark Side, and yet weild hands of healing and a natural ability to understand illness and disease? It was like he was a Jedi healer of old

His total lack of ability to use teleknesis. He couldn't use the Force to throw a pebble if he so wanted. It was something the lowest of Force initiates could do and he couldn't

The fact telepathy didnt work on him the way it should. He could sense beings, but not their feelings and emotions. He saw their colour clearly, which Jeseth thought could be he could tell Force sensitivity by sight. And in reverse, mind tricks just straight out didn't work on him. Nothing worked. He saw only what was real.

The memories in his mind. He had only alluded to them in passing and had not told Jeseth what they were, but there was another life in his head. Fully at his disposal to review and pick apart, like a datacard. He knew it was the life of a Jedi Master that he had been cloned from. Much use he had made of it, with his insatiable appetite for knowledge.

There was also his affinity with fire. Nothing he had shown further outwardly, but in the quiet times, he been learning and studying. A weapon of danger that he would not use....yet.

And finally, there was the way he had chosen to make a life of himself while he was alone in the Galaxy. He had become an Assasin, a good one. Some of those abilities and skills he had gleaned from the memories or learned for himself he had displayed on the planet they had found the basis for the odd woman that had been costructed.

Turbogeek did wonder what the residents here would think of his return, even if it was brief. Last time, he had been shunned and even actively dispised, even if he had no idea why. Now he did. He understood what the name he had meant to so many beings. For the Dark Siders, it was a name they once feared and hated.

Hey you never know, he said to himself, maybe the Jedi will be the same one day.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 13th, 2002, 09:03:21 AM
Jeseth was waiting, seated alone at the steps towards Bast’s great doors. The gate was left open for Turbogeek this time. He had asked Hob if he could mind the entrance for the day. He had enough free time now, and he sensed that his one of his apprentices would be returning. Turbogeek was here now, just as he had expected. He rose to his feet and bowed from a distance. The young man could see the winged figure silently moving down the steps, a set of new clothes proudly displayed. They looked eerily like the garment worn by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic... perhaps somewhere in the recesses of Turbogeek's mind that knowledge would be accessible.

The only real difference was the color: Jeseth was wearing black and gray, as opposed to white and brown. "Where do we begin? Let's both go inside. There's food waiting for us... I took the time to prepare something."

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:25:16 AM
"Food? I hope it is better than when I left this place." replied Turbogeek as he approached. He came to a stop, placed a fist in a palm and bowed. He came straight, eyes no longer filled with the curiousity and almost vapid empty-headness. His expression was becoming calculated as the eyes evaluated the area, assessing for anything irregular.

Too much to look at and examine. This place was no where near normal.

As he drew level, he spoke a question. "Might I ask if the girl is still here?"

The one that looked surprisingly familiar, he thought. It was only from his trip from Myrkr he had realised.