Eye of Fire
Apr 20th, 2002, 12:08:05 AM
OCC: Greetings names EOF, this is a amazing board. I am the EZop of Black Ops a board that showcases other communitys and covers events of those societys. Sorta a travel brochure. LOL anyways here's what I wrote a ways back about this boardpub47.ezboard.com/fblackops69237frm25.showMessage?topicID=4.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/fblackops69237frm25.showMessage?topicID=4.topic) Not much but I have school so time is fleeting for me to delve deeper into THE BLACK HAND.
So how does one exactly become a dark jedi?
How many consist of the roster of Black Hand?
How did it start?
Lady DeVille
Apr 23rd, 2002, 03:12:56 AM
Welcome EOF :) TBH is about to undergo some technical changes, but let me see if I can answer your questions.
So how does one exactly become a dark jedi?
A character who wished to become a member of TBH would first have to arrive at the gates of Bast Castle. Then, as per tradition, he/she faces the Gatekeeper. The Gatekeeper puts the petitioning character through their paces, making them actually earn entrance to Bast. Once inside, the character could (depending on how much RPing experience the player has and can prove) pledge as a full member, or become an apprentice to one of the Dark Jedi Knights or Masters.
How many consist of the roster of Black Hand?
Like I said, we're undergoing some changes right now, and hope to get our membership full soon. TBH has always been a small, secretive group, and consists of nine members at the moment. There are only three Masters in this group, for now, and the Gatekeeper (I don't remember how he is ranked, but might as well be a master as well), the rest are Knights or apprentices.
How did it start?
I wish I could answer this well, but I'm not a founding member. :D To the best of my knowledge, TBH started as the first and only Dark Jedi group afilliated with Swfans.net (the main RPing board we cling to). The founders wanted to appropriately portray Dark Jedi with all of their nuances and peculiarities: hence the odd planet we call home. Vjun, formerly home of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. Mostly a ruins now, the occupants keep mainly to themselves, working their own plans to bring order to the universe through whatever means necessary. That is the difference between Dark Jedi and Sith. Sith thirst for power over the universe, while Dark Jedi thirst for order in the universe (but if they get power at the same time, so be it). Both Sith and Dark Jedi use the dark side of the Force to reach their objectives.
From the start, TBH has never had a fleet, unheard of in the Sith groups at Swfans. They hold only one planet, and are not interested in universal conquest. TBH despises the Jedi, for, although they hold much of the same ideals, the Jedi refuse to use all the power within their grasp to meet and reach those ideals. Through manipulation of lives and goverments, the Hand will bring order to the universe...whether it likes it or not.
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