View Full Version : One of the Builders has come.

Bouncer matic
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:44:07 AM
Standing along the edge of a scarred ravine looking out at the massive fortress of stone and pain. A Ogre stood in leather and iron welded in shadow, blood, and discipline. The Lazar Ogre let the coldness sink into it's stonish flesh. It had seen softer worlds as well as worlds that could break the hardest of veterans.
Yet The Lazar Ogre now found a place so like the mines within the orrt clouds of Torien. The Templar had been forged in those vast rings. Surrounded by the maw of a dying star being eaten alive by a smaller blackness punched in the belly of gravity and time a few lightyears away.

The Builders. The ones who marched into the rifts made in that chaos of space. Matic smiled at the madness he could feel underneath the diciplined skin of the ancient stone that he stood upon. He and the Templar had found the Sith Tribe with it's comical leader called Xanatos. Matic had heard he had fled back to the Order in failure.
Yet Matic's masters had allready seen the waste in money and talent by employing the Templar and the Matic to this young warrior of self indulgent godhood. The Templar had moved on. Bouncer had moved on as well to cull an uprising on a distant machine world. Now he was a free agent again. Free to choose his own discipline.

He found he despised the Sith. Dramatic clowns that had forgotten the harshness of the Darkside and coldness of the Voids touch. Posturing for love while sneering at it.
He found the Jedi of the Republic even worse. Yet here was an enigma before him. The DARK JEDI? The whispering ones spoke of them. Dread had landed here looking for Sith. The Stupid employer had sent them on a goose chase, He was now slung on a hook being eaten alive by a rather nasty plant native to Matic's old master's home world. Pets

" We found no Sith only a small hummanoid creature and waves of Force energy being expelled from the construct. I Saw no needd to investigate further Builder." The monstrous machine's deep bassed voice echoed within the ships chamber. Templar DREAD turned it's girth and lurched back to it's tribe awaiting it. Matic smiled at the small alien. "I hope Sone Hu Kalith enjoys that bit of info. " Matic grinned at the small creature looking to the shadows expecting the tall Master to appear.

The Massive waited and let the void touch his hands and the void would sculpt time and space. His hands would be the slews from which it would bend outwards. He did not expect to be back to this world. Let alone standing before it's gates. The Void spoke to him and swayed in his hands. To the observer one would see the a nightmare with a glowing eye flared like a sun within it's skull while twisting it's hands as if sculpting air. Yet the Air between it's hands shimmered and twisted. Bending like a bubble.
Dread stood before the Lazar Ogre towering over it's builder. The knife shaped head was as cold as the metal taken from the vastness of space. The Templar bowed before a even larger of it's kind wrought by Sone Hu Kalith himself named Bhaal who had been sent to take the Templar back to Torien to kill the queen of that world and her Jedi descendants." Builder you donot follow?" the Templar inquired.
" No I am staying." Matic looked at the living ship ReK. " I have other work to do here. " The Templar turned and receded back into the open maw of REk. The Massive Ship lurched upwards breaking gravity and slipping into open sky and then was gone.
Matic looked at the broken structures of the Sith Tribe and shrugged. Turning he whistled and four Hunter Beasts joined him as he entered his own ship. The creature growled and hissed but soon found themselves curled in they're sleeping spots. Matic punched the ship into the sky and broke to the outer orbit and them went to hyperspace leaving Xantos to his own devices.

Matic waited playing with reality in his hands feeling time warp within them while he watched the gates of the Dark Jedi.

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 30th, 2002, 07:52:14 PM
As Bouncer watched Bast Keep, so in turn was he watched. Though no person appeared to greet him, no response occurred at his arrival, there was the distinct impression that the very walls kept tabs on him. A whisper of movement in a window or a noise where there was no wind to make noise was all that gave it away, but it was there.

Waiting patiently.

Bouncer matic
May 6th, 2002, 11:27:31 AM
" When does the light fade in the heart of enemy?" The tall dark robed figure of a hologram asked as it adressed the Three hundred builders. They stood holding onto the safety rails on the skin of the Templar warship deep within the Orrt Cloud as drew close to it's target a massive structure called the Skyline hanging above the MAW' it's massive engines straining to keep from falling into the gravity wells
Each Builder stood at attention lit up occassionaly by the light show of the ship's shield and blasters clearing asteroid debrie. Matic turned and could see the MAW punched into reality greedily sucking matter slowly into it from a neighboring gas giant lost in the Orrt cloud.

"WHEN THE VOID TURNS IT'S EYE ONTO THEM!!" The Builders roared. All were Ogres native to Torien. But today they would be different. Today they would enter the MAW's outer ring and mine the material from the STAR STONES. Today they would die and yet live trapped forever in a flux of reality. Today I become a Lazarous. Matic thought grimly Sone Hu Kalith pointed a strong shapely hand at them his features hidden underneath the holographic shadows.
" You will feel great hand of the void. It will sunder you. It will tear your flesh ,your souls. your KA. You will curse your fathers to your death. But in this you will be remade in the second of enternity forever trapped within the Void's embrace. Not even the Force will bend you. You will be free of the Universe. I envy you for I am Human my flesh is weaker and does not give me the few scant seconds I need to transcend the pain unto the Void's freedom. Only a Ogre can survive this." Sone Hu Kalith seemed to sigh underneath that piece of midnight draped over his shoulders.
The Ship turned slightly and claxon alarms sounded within Matic's Star Armor against the vastness of space. Three hundred giants hooked they're lines to each other and prepared for the leap to the outer event horizion of the MAW. Well atleast I'll be a little taller laughed Matic. Fear was driven away by the years of brain washing by his Templar masters. This was like learning how to swim for the Ogres.

The Claxon changed and Matic couldn't see much except the head of his fellow kin infront of him and the massive edge of the Skyline Machine above them. He could feel a shudder pass through the line and the first of the Builders attached themselves to the Skyline's ever running cable.
The Skyline was a machine that was attached to a cable strong enough to withstand the hunger of the MAW. It didn't take long for matic and his kin infront of him to reach the jump zone. The Skyline sent shivers through the Templar ship which transfered to Matics mag lock boots. His Kinsman stood watched the speeding cable. The Kinsman pressed his own's suits cable lock into a feeder which transfered the hook to the massive cable nearly the size of the small building speeding along.
The Kinsman watched his rope being taken by the Cable. Then he ran and jumped allowing the Cable to take him becoming a distant spec against the MAW.

Matic watched and then stood before the feeder. He placed the hook and watched it get sucked in and whisked to the Cable. Here goes you sonuvabit... Matic was running watching his line trailing it as it outdistanced him. He had to be air born before he ran out of line or his back no matter how well envolved would be broken into two. If he fell with his mag lock boot on he was dead before he even hit the MAW.
Jumping the Massive Ogre cleared the Jump Zone and grabbed the line and braced himself has he had been instructed. The Line snapped taunt and Matic was now racing along with the Cable. His booster jets kept him from slapping along the skin of Cable as he and it raced to the MAW...

Matic looked up at the castle he could already see the hidden cannons and a few cloaked figures well hidden. His eye saw their minascule heat but he saw their KA. A gift from the MAW and his death. He smiled and started to climb his way towards the gate.

Morgan Evanar
May 11th, 2002, 10:12:18 PM
Hrm, I think you missed the part where it says "Star Wars."

Bouncer matic
May 13th, 2002, 11:12:30 AM
OCC: What!? Not enough pillow talk in the narrative?