View Full Version : Council Members only (and Admiral Roebuck)

Lady DeVille
Mar 28th, 2001, 09:55:15 AM
I have been contacted by the Empire concerning Blade. I have included a transcript of the conversation.

seanpiett: Hey.

HollieBelle2: hello

HollieBelle2: Piett

HollieBelle2: how are you doing today?

seanpiett: I'm stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place.

HollieBelle2: how is that?

seanpiett: Egh, it's a bit of a secret. On a different subject, I've been asked to speak with you concerning the fate of Garret Blade.

HollieBelle2: ok

HollieBelle2: I'm completely confused now

HollieBelle2: lol

seanpiett: Sorry. I'm stressed.

HollieBelle2: its ok

HollieBelle2: so, whats going on?

seanpiett: Alright. Blade continues to piss the Empire off.

HollieBelle2: yes

HollieBelle2: and?

seanpiett: We want one of two things.

seanpiett: We want him out of TSO, or we want him dead.

HollieBelle2: *waits*

HollieBelle2: What does him being in TSO have to do with the Empire?

seanpiett: Him continuing will force the Empire, and even TSE, to retaliate. Gav, being the noble one he is, will come to the rescue, and we'll have to fight back at that.

HollieBelle2: And what will happen if we do not comply with your demands?

seanpiett: They're not demands. Just hopeful requests.

HollieBelle2: and what will happen if we do not?

HollieBelle2: Are you threatening TSO, Piett?

seanpiett: We can continue to fight Blade. We will. But if gav does help out, I just don't want there to be any conflictions.

seanpiett: I'm worried. Truly. Something small and trivial could cause large problems.

HollieBelle2: I agree with you in that area. TSO has known for some time that Blade has been, how do you put this... insane.

HollieBelle2: His current attack on Coruscant is but a symptom of his problem. We are trying to get him back under control. If we are not able to accomplish this, I will be the first one to slit his throat.

seanpiett: Please do so... I beg of you.

HollieBelle2: I give you my word that Blade will be dealt with. In whichever way we deem necessary

HollieBelle2: May I have your permission to reprint a copy of this conversation to put before the rest of the council?

seanpiett: Go for it.

HollieBelle2: thank you.

I would ask Admiral Roebuck, that you will go to Coruscant (I dont' remember if you're already in that thread or not) and retrieve Blade. As soon as possible.

Live Wire
Mar 29th, 2001, 12:30:18 AM
okay now we have a problem. This must be delt with...either garrett regains control of himself....or he must be disposed of.

Lord Dagger
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:16:30 PM
If he cannot be controled then i know how to deal with him, i jsut hope i don't have to use it

Lady DeVille
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:28:47 PM
She left the transcript out on the table. "I am concerned as well. Having a resident lunatic is one thing, having one that makes the rest of the universe pay attention to us, that's another thing all together."

ooc: I also have been led to believe that Garrett and Gav are working on an RP to restore Blade's sanity...but details have not been made known to me. Just FYI /ic:

Lady Vader
Apr 4th, 2001, 04:09:18 PM
(the Blade conspiracy continues)

well, I agree something must be done about Blade... and I certainly do not want an all out war with TSE and the Empire... that's EXACTLY what the Jedi would be waiting for...

Blade must be dealt with ASAP... whether it be he get his sanity back, get kicked out, or get knocked off...