View Full Version : about admiral taylor millard

Live Wire
Jun 13th, 2001, 07:46:06 AM
He wants to join the order and I dont see any reason why he shouldnt be let in. Im involved with the rp where he finds tso here at swfans (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3728.topic).

I've been talking to him OOC lately and hes totaly new to online RPGs though he seems to have a real knack for this. He seems to be a nice guy. But anyway.

DV wanted to be his master cause of that whole Imperial thing I guess. But the only thing Im concerned about is that DV has never trained a sith before. I know hes a find Imperial and has fleet knowledge. But Im concerned about his being able to focus on teaching Taylor the force...its not his strong point and he focuses himself more on being and Imp and fleets then he does with getting stronger in the force. At least that is what I feel I have observed. If Taylor was a jedi convert or someone familiar with the rp I might say yeah. But considering the amount and type of training he needs I am reluctant to let DV have him.

I asked Taylor who he would perfer to have as a master because DV approached him. And Taylor said he would prefer to be trained by someone on the council. He's new to the RP and wants to focus on the force as well. Im not sure who of us can take him as an apprentice.

I can take him if no one else is available or wants him. Like I said I dont know who here has time OOC and IC to do it other then myself.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 13th, 2001, 08:23:14 AM
An apprentice could help Viscera expand his knowledge of the living Force. With Dyzm and Roul's removal from TSO fleet command, it would be wisest for Millard to be trained by someone with knowledge of the matter so that he could one day fill their shoes. I am currently training Darth Turbogeek and Ignorant Perfection (after Dager's demise), though I would be willing to take him as an apprentice if all else fails. I beleive Seth would be a much more ideal teacher for him, though, as he's already greeted the man at the recruitment center.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 13th, 2001, 08:24:31 AM
I really wanted to take him and was kind of pissed when Viscera offered...I've wanted an apprentice for a while now, but if you want him LW, you can have him.

Live Wire
Jun 13th, 2001, 08:37:57 AM
you want him you can have him seth. I just wasnt sure who had time and volunteered myself as a bakup in lieu of the rest of the council being busy.

Well he specifically requested to have a council member train him and seth wants to take him on so I think seth should do it.

Lord Psychic
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:04:59 PM
Speaking of people losing their responsobilities, we need people to fill there shoes, ie special forces, Gamma fleet, etc.

Jedah Lynch
Jun 14th, 2001, 02:30:34 PM
Are you sure admiral taylor millard is new? More often than not with such people do find them to be someone who use to be in some league with a previous group, if not on the boards then in the chats at least. Have seen several cases of that in the past.

But can investigate the matter. Thats no problem, better safe then sorry and hey if he is new, then he's made a rather good debut.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:27:47 PM
I agree with what Jedah is saying. At first I thought he was Ogre...It was just a notion. I sincerly hope he is new, or else he could be trying to infiltrate or something..

Lady Vader
Jun 14th, 2001, 05:13:54 PM
We can keep an eye on Millard and do background checks if neccessary.
Seth will make an excellent master for him.

And as to finding ppl to fill in the spots mentioned, we need to find ppl with knowledge in those areas. It would make it easier for us and them.

Live Wire
Jun 15th, 2001, 12:13:28 AM
he seems to be new. He said hes never done online RP's of any sort before but he enjoys writing and storytelling and he has sw knowledge. Hes been asking me about how things are done and seems genuinely curious about how things are run around her. As with anyone else the standard background checks should be done but he seems to be who he says he is. Besides I dont know anyone who would infiltrate who has this kind of writing talent. lol! (yes I just shot on the jedi)