View Full Version : Troublesome Times: Double Jeopardy

Gav Mortis
May 27th, 2001, 07:12:55 PM
The Council was in full attendance in the rather large hall, in the center of which was a large round table and about it seven Sith sat ready to discuss the more pressing issues which have arisen and presented problematic circumstances for the progress of the Order.

Gav stood after taking one last sip of cold water from his petit flask and screwed the lid on as he began to walk around the large table and the seated Council members. He could never sit when addressing people, it seemed to casual, especially under the seriousness of matters at hand he thought it best to be formal.

"Recently, there has been a substantial degree of chaos throughout TSO as a result of many factors, each one contributing for the worse. As a result, I feel it is neccessary to come to an agreement on what the goals of the Council will be with regards to solving these problems. In this discussion we should come to a conclusion on a number of issues:

<LI>How to deal with the current issues of Imperial conflict.
<LI>How to react to the beligorant actions of the New Republic.
<LI>How to ensure that the impulsive remarks of Order members do not jeopardise future diplomatic relations.
<LI>How to sustain a military co-operation with TSE without jeopardising a breach of internal security.

If there are any other issues anyone feels should be confronted, please do speak up."

He paused for a moment after what he thought was a somewhat jumbled introduction hoping that if anyone had any questions or doubts would voice their opinions.

"Well," he continued, "As of late talks of forming a combined fleet (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithordersecretsithchat.showMessage?topicID=21 9.topic) with TSE under the Dark Axis alliance. As a result, the issue of which planet should be the primary naval base for this fleet and suggestions such as Kuat and Sluis Van arose. However when the suggestion of Coruscant was presented a heated arguement began between several members of the order and another fellow member, Darth Viscera, who is, as you know the Imperial Diktat.

Now Viscera has returned to Coruscant under the impression that the Empire may be attacked by the Dark Axis and just recently we recieved word (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderdiscussionchamber.showMessage?topicID =538.topic) that both diplomatic embasies on Coruscant belonging to TSE and TSO have been completely destroyed (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3747.topic). I can now reveal that those who orchestrated this and also the murdering of our diplomatic personell was indeed the Empire which proves that we have lost trust from Darth Viscera.

We can either retalliate to this murdering of our people or we can bide our time and salvage what current relations we have at the moment. I believe the latter to be most beneficial to TSO but in order for that to happen, first we need to agree on it and secondly TSE needs to agree to it. If we are patient and secure relations with the Empire we have the opportunity to make use of our time and decide the best course of action; be it peace or war!"

He paused for a moment and ceased his stride whilst he took another sip of water. Reinnitiating his walk, gav continued.

"Recently, we received news that one of our weapons convoys never arrived at it's destination and after receiving data (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3748.topic) from one of our probe droids we discovered readings which gave evidence of bulk freighter debris along with that of TIE Defenders and accompanying that readins of New Republic weapons signatures. This is strong evidence that the New Republic mighht have taken out this convoy and if that is the case, do we have a war abrewing with the New Republic? How can we further discover their intentions?"

"Finally, I suggest that when discussing any Dark Axis operations, I suggest that all talks should take place at the Axis Control (http://pub23.ezboard.com/bdarkaxis) where there is no risk of breaching security as has happened with Diktat Viscera."

After saying that Gav arrived at his seat and solomnly sat, unscrewing his flask ready to take another drink of water.

Lady Vader
May 27th, 2001, 07:39:07 PM
*LV was silent and attentive to what Gav had to say before speaking*

I feel it would be within our best interests to salvage what we can from this. We should keep relations open with the Empire. It would do us no good to get on their bad side. We'd only be putting TSO at risk of losing quite a bit of it's assests.

As to TSE, I will speak to them and see what their veiws on this matter are.

Live Wire
May 27th, 2001, 07:50:33 PM
I for one think we need to start with getting control of the members. They are over eager and are taking more liberties then they should and it has led to a loss of life of my diplomatic staff. Viscera has appolgized for his hasty actions becuase he thought the council had sanctioned this decision and an attack was inevitable. This is the fault of tso and I dont think we should retaliate. He has promised compensation to me for the people killed and also for the time it takes to find and train new diplomatic staff.

The council must start to lay down guidelings so over eager members dont put us in this position again. LV and Lynch should probably be our liazons with TSE on this matter.

That is my main concern. I dont feel it will be advantageous to get into hostilities with the empire. In fact I feel it would be detrimental. I also feel that people around here aren't thinking! We're developing a mob mentality on more and more things and it will be the death of tso.

I have a lot I need to say but I feel I should stop here until I can collect my thoughts properly.

Jeseth Cloak
May 27th, 2001, 07:59:40 PM
Jeseth sat, intently listening to the words of his Master, Gav Mortis. He had always held considerable influence over the Empire, and perhaps now would be an excellent opportunity to exercise it, should the need arise.

"The Imperial attack upon the embassies of both The Sith Order and The Sith Empire is of a little consequence. A few human lives lost, nothing that couldn't easily be replaced."

He smiled slightly... a fake and plastic smile.

"As you might have noticed, The Empire's attack caused a considerable amount of damage upon Imperial buildings. The Embassies were not brought about of our own labor and expense. Pursuing a war over something this trivial would be a waste of resources and valuable time. The Empire seems quite willing to begin diplomatic discussions, and I'm sure that sending an Embassador to Coruscant could easily remedy the situation.

My stance on the the New Republic is, and always will be, that they are a useless hinderance to true Order in this galaxy, and should be destroyed. I would be in favor of any proposed assaults, on the part of The Sith Order."

Seth Darkserpent
May 28th, 2001, 12:15:32 PM
Seth sat in his council seat, surprised at himself for controlling his insanity. He put down his gauntlet and rubbed his chin, listening to what everyone had to say. After Jeseth finished, Seth decided he would put in his thoughts.

"I think that we should attempt to fix relations with the Empire. As Jeseth said, few lives were lost from the attack. Everything can be repaired. Though it would be best to keep an eye on all suspicious Imperial activity. It has been told before that Viscera cannot be trusted and is easily paranoid by things. Although I highly doubt he would betray us."

"I hardly consider the New Republic a threat. They are unorganized and scattered. The Dark Axis could crush them if they wanted to. It is not a threat and a waste of time to find out if it was them behind this attack."

"The Impulsive remarks should be met with swift discipline if they do not have truth behind them. Of course everyone is allowed to speak their mind. But if it gets to the point where they make snide remarks about others all the time, they should be dealt with accordingly."

"I have nothing to say on this matter. I am a Sith, not a soldier of the Empire. Ships and military do not concern me. They are nothing compared to the Dark Side."

Seth slumped in his seat and went dead silent. He clasped his hands together eager to hear what others had to say.

Lord Psychic
May 29th, 2001, 11:03:03 AM
I am currently working on the internal security for TSO, I'll you keep everyone posted on that.

As for the empire, I feel that is would be benificial to not go to war with them. The more allies, the more of a chance we have at ridding our enemies.

I also feel that we should come up with some written constitioun for TSO, as our unwritten guidlines don't seem to be working very well anymore.