View Full Version : TSO is dying.

Gav Mortis
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:06:29 PM
Ok guys, what on earth is going on?

I can't actually post IC here at the moment because my character is away. I hate to say this but I can't see this group lasting another three months, soon it's gonna fade out. :(

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:35:14 PM
I've been thinking the same thing lately, Gav... TSO is slowly dying away. We get someone in here who occasionally is interested in joining, but this place it tiny and rarely generates much attention at SWFans.net...

Unlike Gav, I'm more lax on my posting habits, so I don't mind posting to several threads at a time. I leave large gaps in the timeline so everything can fit just fine... but even if Gav and myself posted here non-stop, it wouldn't help the overall situation. The same goes for all of the council... We need to expand, either through RPs, or through more good members who can represent us. :/

Jedah Lynch
Aug 9th, 2001, 02:39:49 PM
Got to admit, TSO is in trouble.

Those of us able to get on alot are in other groups and that usually takes up much of our time sad to say, moreover the issue of TSO not getting attention at Swfans is right. If no RPing is made then a group doesnt get members, ironicly enough TSE is getting too many.

Although few ever say or amount to much, just that ratio of new people who are really dedicated to sticking around and doing anything is low no matter what group it is.

As for what to do, RPing to bring attention to TSO is the most can think of unless TSO merged with a group or two. But pretty hard to find a group with the same values that most want TSO to have and doubt many would like that idea.

Overall something does need to be done, but at a loss to say what unless we get some RPs going and make a name for TSO again so more people do join.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 10th, 2001, 08:06:57 AM
I hope to God that TSO does NOT merge with another group. We aren't dying quickly, so there is still time to act. I'd love to go to SWFans, take a planet myself or just do something in the name of TSO. I can't do any of that because I'm training with Gav and Jeseth for another 2-3 months.

Although, I doubt anyone would like a "Dark Jedi", "posing" as a Sith to represent a Sith group.

Gav or Jeseth, if you see me on AIM, please IM me.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 10th, 2001, 05:34:56 PM
Ok, that's it! I've been pushed over the edge by inactivity. Now you've done it!!!

*Dispenses ideas*

I have a bunch of planets we MUST take over.

Ch'Hodos: Planet in the Sith Empire. Central base of the Sith Lord Shar Dakhan. Loyal follower of Naga Sadow, Dakhan gathered all his forces to take part in the invasion of the Republic.

Khar Delba: Planet in the heart of the Sith Empire. On the dark side of the moon Khar Shian resides the secret stronghold of Naga Sadow. On the planet Khar Delba Sadow had a decoy fortress which he used to lure Ludo Kressh into a confrontation. Unbeknownst to Kressh, Sadow's attack fleet was hiding behind the moon and caught Kressh's fleet by surprise, annihilating it.

Rhelg: Private world of Ludo Kressh.

Ziost: Central world of the Sith Lords. A neutral planet where the descendants of powerful, exiled Jedi can conduct the business of an empire. A planet where the greatest among them, the Dark Lord of the Sith reigns. It is here that Naga Sadow is chosen as the new Dark Lord after the death of Marka Ragnos. Beneath the fortress in the prisonor level, Gav and Jori awaited their fate as prisoners of the Sith; But they didn't wait long before Sadow staged a prison break made to look like the Republic was preparing for a full scale invasion of the Sith Empire in an attempt to rally the other Sith lords into initiating a pre-emptive strike on the Republic. It was during this prison break that Sadow killed the great Sith lord Simus.


Gav Mortis
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:08:43 AM
This is a Sith group Seth, not an Imperial Regime!

No more planet nonsense - it's not about planets. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\">

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:36:08 AM
They have Important SITH artifacts dating 10,000-5,000 years ago! The artifacts and MOUNTAINS of GOLD would prove valuable to this group.

Gav Mortis
Aug 11th, 2001, 12:24:17 PM
Then we don't need to TAKE the planets then do we?

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:30:49 PM
:( I guess not, but then why do we have Korriban?

Jedah Lynch
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:14:29 PM
Because it sounds cool?

That and seems a few people wanted it lately..

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:24:07 PM
I bet people would want the other Sith planets if they knew more about them. It certainly couldn't hurt to occupy such sacred planets. It wouldn't waste much resources since most of the planets are as empty as Korriban.

Live Wire
Aug 11th, 2001, 08:58:44 PM
okay heres a thought guys. In the past when we've done planetary takeover threads we've had mediocre responses. However if we have a crisis (like that time I got kidnapped by DDC) we got TREMENDOUS response. Not that Im volunteering to get kidnapped yet again or anything but maybe we need to stage something along those lines. Cause those threads seem to be more fun and get everyone worked up.

And by crisis I DO NOT mean an insurrection. We've had enough of those and already proved they just make things messy.

I know some people here are timeline freaks and dont like to do multiple threads at once but for the sake of activity maybe we should just say screw the timeline for awhile.

Anyone willing to get kidnapped this time? Or hover on the brink of death? Maybe we should plan something with a couple jedi to make things interesting?

Jedah Lynch
Aug 12th, 2001, 12:52:46 PM
There are several Jedi with which we could work with easily I'd assume if there was a planned thread. All we need is a reason, could have a beginning, middle and even a set end so no one, they or us get screwed and lead to some brainless conflict that usually happens.

Thats the one thing all the groups at SWfans need to do more, work with instead of against each other.

Then might ACTUALLY get things done instead of the complaining that does so often start.

If you want a reason to be involved with the Jedi and get a really good response thats simple. Anbira. He has gone Jedi, he has betrayed the Sith cause. So lets go kill him or bring him back to the dark side.

If that intent doesnt get reaction/participation nothing will.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 12th, 2001, 01:01:32 PM
I'd wait until he came back from vacation. But it sounds like a good plan :)

Lady Vader
Aug 13th, 2001, 07:20:15 PM
Hmmmm... how bout we kidnap Anbira back and knock some -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ing sense back into the man's skull?!

OK, sorry, desperate attempt...

Well actually, it would pit us against GJO, and more likely than not, we could get TSE involved as a sort of backup.

And it's not a planetary takeover or an insuurection...

But, that's one of many ideas.

Let's throw them all on the table ands ee what we've got.

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 13th, 2001, 10:37:02 PM
Well, I don't like the idea of us being dependent on TSE for back up. We should try to show our strengths as an individual group. Kidnapping Anbira would be the easy part... knocking sense into him... well, that might not be so easy. Heh... Hm... I hope I'm back from my training mission by then.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 14th, 2001, 06:01:21 AM
You guys! Kidnapping Anbira, even trying to get on Yavin won't be easy! >_< I know most of the defences, and I know it's going to be wasted effort. Let's concentrate our forces elsewhere on taking planets I say.

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 14th, 2001, 06:31:58 AM
Well, Getting on Yavin really wouldn't be hard. A few faked/stolen authorization codes and a shuttle and we're in business.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 14th, 2001, 09:35:58 AM
As long as you don't bring an armada of ISDs and VSDs :p

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 14th, 2001, 11:59:39 AM
Well.... they can hide behind a plane or moon someplace nearby... ~_^

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 15th, 2001, 05:43:16 AM

But hey, you can bring them, and then I'll get to say "Told ya so!"

Jedah Lynch
Aug 15th, 2001, 11:13:34 AM
Why not just have him post on another planet?

The guy doenst remember who he is, so surely he must be trying to find out. Send a communications to him that would get him off the planet into netural territory then ambush his ass.

And oh the Jedi defenses are over rated when compared to the TSE ones:)

Lady Vader
Aug 15th, 2001, 10:51:45 PM
oooOOOOOOOOooooo!!! Ambuuuuuuush! I LIKE it!

*rubs hands together with an evil smile playing upon her lips*

*she frowns*

It's about time someone told him who was boss anyhow. :evil: :smokin:

Jedah Lynch
Aug 16th, 2001, 09:03:36 AM
Nothing says g'day like a frag gernade knocking someones corpse around. heh.

Anbira is tough....but he isnt invincible.

All we need is planet to lure him too and some sort of plan, doesnt need to be overly elaborate unless expect some Jedi to get off their duffs to do something and in that case couldnt we hide some ships somewhere?

Around a moon like someone suggested earlier perhaps?

Lady Vader
Aug 16th, 2001, 11:38:50 PM
I was thinking of what planet and then it struck me. Why not lead him to my home world of Dathomir? It's right next door to Yavin and shouldn't be too much of a problem to get him there. We also have the advantage of using the residense (my family, so to speak) on Dathomir. They could be used as the ruse to lure him there. Local dispute. Civil unrest. Some crap the Jedi would be obligated to come and intervene.

And I know the place like the back of my clawed hands. I lived there from childhood until young adult hood. I know it's dangers.

And, come to think of it, IC I've never told anyone where I grew up, so no one would be able to pin me or us as the instegators to this problem on Dathomir.

*Ribs hands together gleefully.*

Oh, yes, an ambush will be most delicious.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 17th, 2001, 04:43:20 AM
Although it will give TSO something to do, I still think it's a waste of time. I truly don't think Anbira wants to turn to the Dark Side OOC. That is unless you've spoken to him about it...

Jedah Lynch
Aug 17th, 2001, 08:49:42 AM
Nice attitude Seth:)

But seriously, its a thread! Ya know Roleplaying, do expect to get him back? No not really. Its actually doing something, what some people call making stories. Thats all.

Its what needs to be done.

What else would you rather we do?

Gav Mortis
Aug 17th, 2001, 11:47:08 AM
I agree entirely with Jedah on that one - it is his choice what he wishes to do with his character but nevertheless but an attempt at converting him would be a message to the Jedi saying something like:

"Hey! Yeah we're still here. Look!" :)

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 17th, 2001, 01:58:22 PM
As I stated in my post, it will get us doing something. I still think it's a bad idea, but if I'm asked to participate, I will.

I stated in this thread what I'd rather have us do. I've given the description of each planet that I thought would be a valuable asset to the group.

I'm sorry about my bad attitude guys...

Lady Vader
Aug 18th, 2001, 10:19:16 PM
It is true we may not be able to get Anbira back (at least not right away... though believe me, I'm gonna knock his block around and get some blinkin sense back into him... in only the way I can... but enough of that).

What I also considered was this: This operation can be a double. Lure Anbira and try to kidnap/bring him back/whatever. (And on Dathomir, my home planet, I know the terrain and it's inhabitants. And we could throw in some "booby traps", like say Ysalamiri and Vornskyrs. Use the puppies to find our prey, then use the worms to deprive our prey of their Force powers. And we can use the natives as a sort-of army. Before they knew the Force, they knew survival by instincts. They know combat outside of the Force. Not to mention those Rancors can come in real handy.)
But also at the same time, I want to be able to bring Dathomir into TSO's protective folds. As far as my knowledge goes, TSE had an idea of taking the planet, but never did. Now, this means it's still open, and it's my freegin home planet. I want to ensure it remains "safe", if you will. Basically, I'd like to have it "owned" by TSO, but not so much ruled by it. It's too wild of a world. But, like I said, I'd like to ensure it becomes part of our family.

Yeah, I know, this might sound a bit selfish, but I'd hate to see Dathomir fall under, oh say, the Jedi. Ugh. The idea makes me want to vomit.

So, like I said: A double feature... 1) attempt to bring Anbira back into the Sith fold... 2) bring Dathomir into the TSO family of planets.

Er... am I getting too far fetched here? It's something to do, after all.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 19th, 2001, 07:13:37 AM
That sounds like a great plan. See with this plan, we get Anbira AND Dathomir. I'm with it 100%.

Jedah Lynch
Aug 19th, 2001, 08:16:28 AM
Ah Dathmoir, fresh air, nice landscape and lovely lovely ladies who want you only to breed children. That or kill you.

God bless those Sith witches.

*sheds tear*

But really think that sounds like a good plan LV.

Dathomir here we come!


Jeseth Cloak
Aug 19th, 2001, 11:13:22 AM
Damn.... I wish I could participate in this thread. Gav, if you're reading this, do you think it would be possible to set that thread in the future... say, directly after our training with you? Maybe then we'd all be able to take part in it? o_O

Live Wire
Aug 19th, 2001, 03:55:35 PM
im glad ideas got knocked around while I was gone. I love the idea LV. That way it combines the planet takeover seth wanted and the conversion which is way more likely to get participation then just another planetary takeover.

Gav Mortis
Aug 19th, 2001, 06:01:12 PM
Well, I'm not sure about the timeline, if anything do you think it would be ok if this happened before we left for the training mission - if not perhaps this can just be an extra in which no rules of timeline apply to us. What do you think?

And LV - I love the plan and really look forward to taking part in such an adventure! :)

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 19th, 2001, 06:20:15 PM
The one where no rules apply sounds good to me. :)

Lady Vader
Aug 19th, 2001, 10:38:04 PM
YAY! Everybody's happy!

*jumps up and down clapping her hands like a giddy school girl*

Ok, now let's talk about the staging. Dathomir is neighbors with Yavin. Now, IC we Sith don't know the Jedi are based at Yavin (I believe that's how it went, but we should double check with DT on what exactly is on Yavin, if anything).
So, if it is set up that way, it wouldn't take long for the Jedi to come in charging to the rescue on a planet that is "resisting" our take-over.

The plan could go as follows (though any ideas and/or changes/additions are welcome):

Set up some Sith on Dathomir (preferably women to start off the negotiations and smoothing out that they are not to capture any TSO men... lol). Once we are planted there (disguised as them, even wearing warrior masks), then a smallish fleet (say maybe 1 ISD and 1 Corvette should do) TSO goes in to take over Dathomir (they figure the planet has no defenses, so a small task force is all that is needed to quell resistance). TSO lands, mock battle (we have to make this look authentic... majorly so). Jedi come in to the rescue to releave the natives of our oh-so-horrible-take-over. This would be a good opportunity for Anbira to get some outside battling done (I'll talk to him and his Master). Jedi come and find a handful of natives and TSO ppl battling it out (your usual take-over scuffle). Jedi intervene. Jedi fight Sith. Sith fight Jedi. Witches fight everybody.
Then let the fun begin.
Throw in ABSOLUTE chaos and confusion.
Send in the Vornskyrs. The witches will mount their Rancors, waiting on the fringes of the large clearing, avoiding the puppies. The Sith will do likewise, and mount Rancors (each Sith that landed for the take-over grab a single witch-partner and mount their rancors... those that were planted earlier should have their own shared rides). Puppies go after obvious Force-using prey on ground: Jedi. Let them play it out, see if the Jedi choose to kill or go on the offense.
More confusion and chaos.
The witches blow whistles, bringing Vornskyrs back. In move Rancors, which in their basket carrying the witches and Sith, are also the Ysalimiri. Bring the Rancors in to close the clearing off. More Rancors that were hidden in the jungle come into clearing to cut off any escape. The worms block the Force. At this point, it's hand-to-hand and wit. Native warriors will come in on foot from behind the rancors to confuse the Jedi even more (their weapons of choice are spears, arrows... just think amazons... and no Force... should be fun). They'd be hard pressed to kill sentient beings without fearing turning to the Dark Side (fools). Big battle ensues, and by now the Jedi should have gotten it into their thick skulls that it was a trap. A set-up. During this scuffle of Sith and warrior witches against Jedi (outnumbering them drastically), we make a grab for Anbira (this one can be played by ear if need be). By now, the Jedi should also get it into their thick skulls that Dathomir wants to ally with TSO (if they don't get it by now, there's no hope for their kind when it comes to intelligence and commen sense).
From here on in, we defeat the Jedi in taking Dathomir. As to whether we get Anbira in the deal also, is yet to be seen (gotta talk to LL first, after all).

So, there it is. Comments, questions. Let's hear em so we can get this planned out to the letter. I'd like to start it as soon as LL get's his cable modem up and running so we can get the RP under way.

Lady Vader
Aug 26th, 2001, 06:34:07 PM
Ok folks. Listen up. LL is back and I gave him a very very brief summary of what my idea is. He liked it and is willing to RP it out.

He understands that his capture is negotiable in the planning, but that the planet take-over of Dathomir is a done deal and none-negotiable.

I need some participation here, ppl, if this is gonna work. We should set a date for this RP to happen sometime perhaps next week or the week after (we have to check how ppls schedule are shaping up for this semester). I want to crack down on this ASAP.


Live Wire
Aug 26th, 2001, 07:22:08 PM
well Im back in the hell known as college tomorrow but I'll be around. My schedule shouldnt be all that confining. Just dont start it on a monday night cause I have a late class and wont be home till 10pm my time.

Jedah Lynch
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:30:00 AM
I might be able to join in.

Just not the fastest replier in the world is all:p

Live Wire
Aug 29th, 2001, 10:25:22 PM
well I should be around more. dont take offense if I dont reply to every thread. Im reading everything but I have so much reading to do I dont have time to make pointless posts like I normally do. So when is this rp gonna start

Lady Vader
Aug 30th, 2001, 09:18:19 PM
I was hoping either this weekend or next weekend. But it's starting to look like this weekend may be too close, so I may plan this for next weekend.

But I need to wake up the folks about it.