View Full Version : Help...

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 25th, 2001, 08:22:37 AM
What am I doing wrong? It seems every apprentice I begin training vanishes. DT is my only apprentice who has made a steady amount of progress in his training. I usually don't consider it to be my fault, but am I doing something wrong in general (because they all leave, and it's like a pattern at this point)?

I thought this would be a good place to ask since most of the council members have a great deal more experience than I do.

Live Wire
Jul 25th, 2001, 10:36:53 AM
It happens dude. Its called bad luck. You never can tell whos really interested in being dedicated to the RP or not. I think pretty much everyone has lost apprentices. Theres not much you can do about it. Just keep hoping you'll find one who really wants to rp and is willing to stick it out.

Seth Darkserpent
Jul 25th, 2001, 11:29:38 AM
*Agrees with wise LW*

Gav Mortis
Jul 25th, 2001, 02:26:30 PM
Put it this way Jeseth. Obviously the person to disappear on you is a fool because they don't realise how lucky they are to have you as they're teacher.

Garrett Blade
Jul 25th, 2001, 02:32:44 PM
You can't be worse than me when it comes to losing apprentices! Most of mine are on milk cartons!

(They're not missing though ;) )

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 25th, 2001, 02:36:33 PM
:lol: Well, thank for your show of support Gav. It seems like I get promising students and then they just stop posting. I figured it must be something I'm doing to make them lose interest... Garrette, we should forms some kind of club. :/ Hopefully I won't lose DT or Ebon (who just came back).

Jedah Lynch
Jul 25th, 2001, 10:51:55 PM
Apprentices tend to come and go. As LW said only a few are dedicated or have the patience to really try anything, those that due tend to make some accomplishments and a name for themselves while others falter, complain or outright leave.

Sometimes you can have up to five or more apprentices but only one will accomplish much or not vanish on you. The percentage is very low sadly enough no matter what group one is in.