View Full Version : About Khendon S

Garrett Blade
Jul 1st, 2001, 10:34:53 AM
He is asking to join TSO. Before you admit him, please remember and take into consideration what he did - he needlessly destroyed one of our Super Star Destroyers - not very easy to come by.

And before either Viscera or Khendon hmself, or any other Imperial for tha matter, speaks to you, reminding you of what I did, let me just say that the council has decided to do nothing about me as of yet, though I did make the effort to start a trial thread, as Viscera can back me up on. I still have plans for a trial where I will be quite severely punished - it just makes it more fun afterwards if the punishment is graver!

Still - allowing Khendon into TSO will show ignorance and weakness on the councils behalf. He threatened Roebuck several times, and opened fire on the SSD, unbeknowst of its intentions, which is a mistake in itself. Then, he refused to return the crippled, and almost beyond a state of repair, SSD to TSO forces. If TSO is willing to allow someone like that into the group, then it is obvious that the recent uprising started by DeVille accomplished nothing, which would be a shame to say the least.

Not to mention, it would cause animosity in the group, most definetly involving myself and perhaps Roebuck, Romanov and anyone else involved in fleet matters. Also, he is an Imperial. I still think we should send Viscera packing since his first love is fleet involvement and the Empire - both of which do not concern real Siths.

Jedah Lynch
Jul 1st, 2001, 07:03:33 PM
I agree which is why I held off on his reply for now, he and a bunch of others were in TSE. They got disgruntled because they werent being promoted and then during one planned RP some of them went out to get recruits in broad public that basically told what we were doing leaving the Jedi or anyone else to post getting us in the act.

We told them to simply stop and delete their post. They threw a hissy fit and left while trying to make themselves look like the big shots and misrepresentive people who tried to do good and got nailed down by the leaders in charge. A story I belive some here heard not so long ago. When he and the others did leave, first thing they tried to do was say they had a score of planets, huge fleet and were now all of a sudden Lords. That got fixed quick and they realized their blunder in trying to say they were higher in rank and had a ton of planets.

Now he returns here and wants to be in the group since either one of his groups isnt growing like he said it would or because he wants allies or another group to tap like he did TSE.

Let him in and you got trouble if not ego to contend with. Thats my opinon.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:55:31 PM
The bottom line I beleive is that despite all of this TSO is dying due to our lack of members. Khendon is a week fool and will be molded into a tool of the Dark Side under our careful supervision, should he be accepted.

Garrett Blade
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:30:36 AM
I believe that is the wrong way to go about increasing TSO's numbers. As Gav will agree with me, or rather I am agreeing with Gav, quality over quantity is the best option. And at the same time, it would be better admitting people who we can have some sense of trust right from the word go, not to mention little risk of animosity!

Gav Mortis
Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:55:11 AM
I seriously think we should concentrate on quality rather than quantity. You are true Jeseth we will need more members, but not just yet as our current latest recruits will really need training and even our more long-existing members may need a refresher course.

If we did except Khendon S, I can't imagine Garrett or Roebuck to be pleased with his presence amongst the Sith Order which could cause some unneccessary tension. On the other hand, if it is believed his presence here will be benefitial and is needed then I advise him to be unders strict supervision and intense training. Let's see if he can take the heat. Give him a trial before accepting him, we will then see his true colors.

Live Wire
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:27:01 PM
I completely agree with Gav and Garrett. Sure its great to have a large group but even a large group with weak members is a weak group. TSO has always strived for quality over quantity which is why we do reject some members. And any member that has the potential to cause conflict within the group is not an asset to TSO.

Lady Vader
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:23:53 PM
I've never seen anything in Khendon that is remotely interesting, but that is beside the point.

TSO may not have that many members, but the members it does have are closely nit like a family. TSO was created for that purpose. Not to just let every person that comes asking to be let in, let in. We choose those that we consider worthy of TSO's family.

"Quality Over Quantity"... sounds to me like it should be our moto.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 6th, 2001, 12:37:06 PM
I'm just saying, we should consider everyone carefully. Quantity over qualities is good, but it's not a bad thing to have a few more members.

Jedah Lynch
Jul 6th, 2001, 07:51:49 PM
Does TSO need more members?

The answer is yes.

However I dont think that Khendon is exactly a quality choice any way his traits and qualities are listed. He has proven to try and do things on his own while having a dislike for leadership unless he has some part in it, has his own agenda and a little to no group loyalty.

If get him in TSO only matter of time before he splits again, if do take him then he would have to be constantly watched, a job that shouldnt be needed.

Seth Darkserpent
Jul 8th, 2001, 10:28:12 AM
Despite what others think, I believe Khendon would make a good addition to the Sith Empire. Although I am starting to rethink that. Jedah brought up valid points such as:

He has proven to try and do things on his own while having a dislike for leadership unless he has some part in it, has his own agenda and a little to no group loyalty.

That appears to be quite true. Another good point:

If get him in TSO only matter of time before he splits again, if do take him then he would have to be constantly watched, a job that shouldnt be needed.

TSO doesn't need members who need to be watched all the time. I believe we already have to do that with Roul. One is enough.

Lady Vader
Jul 10th, 2001, 11:50:10 PM
I've also been watching him at SWF. The man does a bit of god-moding, and disregards certain powers that his level of training shouldn't even touch.

He's not mature enough for TSO.

Garrett Blade
Jul 11th, 2001, 06:24:29 AM
*Garrett begins to laugh incredibly hard at what Lady Vader last said!*