View Full Version : Journey into the Wilderness

Gav Mortis
Dec 8th, 2000, 06:34:55 AM
Sitting alone in the Discussion Chamber srouded by an eerie blanket of shadow Gav ponders on questions that have been plaguing him deeply.

I'm 22 now and what have I acheived in the last 5 years? I came to The Sith Council uncertain of what lat before me but confident, I just wanted somewhere to go. Now the shoes I'm wearing fit me and I accept what I am but I am not what I am at heart.

A single tear trickles down Gav's cheeck originating from a glassy eye, the room was warm but unlike the room he was cold inside, freezing; however like the room he was empty.

I've wasted my life by being dragged into this world of violence and not making a stand, I will be known and I will make a difference. There is more to life than this three dimensional existence, what is the fourth dimension-the force?

He paused his thoughts again, standing from his chair he began to walk slowly about the Chamber loooking at all the empty seats. Then he came to his old masters favourite seat, his guide, the one who took him under her wing and made him strong and now, she is dead.

Master Katrina-what can I do?...

...Oh I forgot, your dead, you can't answer me. Why?-becasue those are the rules, established by the so-called protectors of peace and justice, they have killed you in more ways than one. In that way, they have killed me too, but I will not be ripped from existence like you master. I will have my vengeance yet.

Now, feelings of hatred and resentment surged through his very being and that made the force around him dance with electricity, soon becoming violent. His pain multiplied and he knew what must be done, he knew where to focus all of his aggressions.

I will destroy the Jedi mys

With that, he turned for the Chamber entrance and left the room striding down a corridoor towards a hanger bay.

They are responsible for all my pain, my doubt and my suffering but I will come down on them like an ocean and their suffering will be ten times that of mine and they will know the true meaning of darkness.

Gav had now arrived sat the hanger bay, without hesitation he boarded his heavily modified infiltrator and within moments the engines were whining that fimiliar high-pitched scream as he made his way out of the hanger bay.

Farewell my fellow Sith. It's time to home, I will find myself back at home...home...

With those last thoughts, Gav was soaring high through the atmosphere, gaining altitude at an increadible speed until he broke free of the atmosphere and began making the appropriate adjustments to his nav computer in preparation to jump into hyperspace.

Darth Tholuem
Dec 8th, 2000, 03:07:26 PM
*Tholuem was laying his bed, reading about sorcery, when he felt something was... wrong. He got up, put on his robe, opened the door and left his room in the Sith palace. He went for the Discussion Chamber. There, he found a chair not in place, and the door wasn't shut too. Something was wrong. Something was wrong with... Gav, that was what he felt. He ran out of the Chamber and went for the Training Grounds. But there was nothing to be found, but the regular stuff that was located there. He ran out of the Training Grounds, into the big hall where one entered the building, with the windows giving one sight on the docking bay... There was someone... running, it was... Gav. He saw his Master enter his personal ship and he left the docking bay. Then he got a message through The Force, a message that all the other Sith of The Sith Order, probably all heard too. He stared out of the window, and watched the ship leave, when other people came towards the hall too...*

OOC - I'll see you on MSN Gav...! :(

Gav Mortis
Dec 8th, 2000, 03:34:59 PM
I hope our paths will cross in the future, until then. Farewell friends.

The message rippled through the force down to the planet where it is heard by all of TSO, seconds later The Demon enters hyperspace, leaving all that is familiar behind.

Live Wire
Dec 8th, 2000, 10:12:42 PM
*LW was alone in her room when she gets the telepathic broadcast. Running to the window she looks up towards the sky, her eyes wide*


*after a moments hesitation LW runs to her closet and suits up. She zips her boots up and straps her saber to her belt. Quickly glancing in the mirror she puts her long black hair into a braid going down her back and takes off in a run for the hangar bay. As she is running down the hallways she bumped into LV who was stepping out of her room*

LV: How did I know you would be leaving?

LW: Cause you know me too well.

LV: It was his choice to leave. What do you expect to accomplish by going after him?

LW: I don't know. Its just something I have to do.

LV: Well good luck then.

LW: Thanks. I'll be in touch. Hold down the fort while I'm gone.

LV: Will do.

*LW runs up the ramp of the strike and preps the ship for takeoff. She checks to see if the tracking beacon on his ship was still active and smiles to see that it was.*

Thank goodness I'd hate tracking people through the force.

*the strike lifted off and headed for the upper atmosphere. In her head she heard LV say "be careful"*

Lady DeVille
Dec 9th, 2000, 04:20:10 AM
*In a locked room in the training grounds, De'Ville was putting herself through her paces. She paused in mid swing, lightsaber sizzling the air as she heard Mortis' message. A drop of salty sweat dripped into her eye, and she blinked.

Her saber went out* Find your path, Mortis, and may it lead you back to us...

*Tirelessly she went back to her workout*

Dec 9th, 2000, 10:13:38 AM
*Inside is cell, Cloak knows what is happening and he says to himself*

Hurry my friend into the death of the light...........

Lord Psychic
Dec 9th, 2000, 04:49:31 PM
Goodbye Gav... we will meet again..