View Full Version : ...Into the Fire
Lady DeVille
Apr 17th, 2001, 09:00:11 AM
Lilaena De'Ville was sleeping in her room. Her body was physically weak, and she needed the rest. After she had been sent away from the Council Room by her master Jedah Lynch, she had barely had enough strength to make it to her quarters in the middle of the Palace.
In her subconscious she had been aware of the sounds of fighters taking off, but had not woken.
De'Ville's eyes opened. Danger!
She pulled herself upright in bed, and got to her feet. The exertion caused her body to start shaking with exhaustion. Then, without warning, she was thrown to the floor.
Confusion filled her, and then everything went dark. With a roar, sound filled her ears and air blew around her with hurricane force. She felt her ears pop, and sound left her.
De'Ville covered her head as debri fell around her. What in bloody hell is going on? And then the floor simply fell out from under her.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 17th, 2001, 10:31:42 AM
Sarrtarroa's ears twitched as he saw the landing bay of the capturing ISD explode into flames. He knew the truth before it was told to him.
The capturrred ssshjip wasss a djiverrrsssjion.
Huntress Lieutenant Hassarri stood up quickly, eyes wide.
Hassarri: Emjissssssarrrjy, one of the Sssjith fjighterrrsss jisss powerrrjing up forrr a hjyperrrssspace jump!
Sarrtarroa stood up, his right clawed hand balling into a fist as he roared in anger.
Prrreparrre to trrrack the essscapjing ssshjipsss hjyperrrdrrrjive eddjy-currrrrrentsss. Feed the data jinto navjigatjion jimmedjiateljy!
As the fighter jumped into hyperspace, Sarrtarroa whirled around to the helmsman.
Don't let them essscape... AFTERRR THEM!
The lumbering Cizerack battleship began to turn, matching the escaping fighter's course and heading.
Lady DeVille
Apr 17th, 2001, 03:00:10 PM
"Mother! What have I done!?" The little boy cried amidst the vegetables in the garden, knees and hands muddy from the soft dirt.
Lilaena's eyes blinked open, and just as quickly squeezed shut again. She was under what seemed to be a large block of duracrete, trapped in a tiny space between the debris of the Palace. Dust filled the air, and she used the Force to cause it to settle down.
What has happened?!
Lady Vader
Apr 17th, 2001, 09:15:21 PM
*LV was just about to set her ship down in the ISD's hangar when the sense of danger hit her hard... without thinking, her hands flying over her controls, she jerked the controls, angling the ship towards space, and hit the emergency reserve power for the engines... she was plastered to her seat as the ship shot out into space at the same moment the bomb on board the renegade ship blew*
*she watched with horror as the ISD began a slow roll as several of it's main systems went offline... it began a slow descent towards the planet*
*acting quickly, she called her flag ship, Shadow Hunter, which was guarding the space on the other side of the Cizerack command ship, and ordered the captain there to bring his ship around and grab the dieing ISD with all the tractor beam power he could spare... she likewise called the other two ISD's under her command, Ebony Orb and Gaping Maw to come to the aid of Shadow Hunter... they had to stop that ISD from falling towards the planet*
*while all this was happening, she felt a twinge of pain from some of her fellow Sith, but she ignored it until the first priority of getting that ship stabalized was done... then she began hearing reports of the guy still at large from Green Leader, or was it his wing?, and then silence... and then she began receiving reports of the Palace being blown up... what the hell was going on?!*
*she watched as two ships from Green Squad sailed past the Cizerack command ship, one of them going dead and the other jumping into hyperspace... just ebfore it jumped, she felt the small mind of a child aboard... HOLY KRASST! the man had tricked them... tricked them all! the only way he could have done that is by using old Sith sorcery, especially to make it appear he and the child were in the now exploded Infiltrator... this made her rage come to the boiling point... but, she couldn't go after him... she'd have to hope someone got the hyperspace jump*
*angling her ship back towards the planet, she patched through her flag ships long range comm and made a call to <a href=>TSE and DF</a>... they needed help from their allies*
Wolfgang Schreiger
Apr 18th, 2001, 12:37:51 AM
(This message was left blank)
Wolfgang Schreiger
Apr 18th, 2001, 12:40:59 AM
The distress call played throughout bridge of the flagship Ulysses, as Grand Moff Schreiger listened for the 3rd time. Major Marshall, Schreiger's aide, stood near the combat computer, awaiting a report based on all information acquired. Fortunately for the major, the report came swiftly, for Wolfgang Schreiger was not a pleasant man when his staff officers dawdled.
The major withdrew his datapad once the download was complete, and approached Schreiger. He snapped to attention and saluted in the rigid military fashion he seemed to prefer.
"Moff Schreiger, sir, beg to report."
"Go ahead, Charles," Schreiger responded. His aide had held that title for going on 3 years now, and Schreiger had gradually learned to address him by his first name-one of the few instances in which such a thing had occured. Schreiger thought on that for a moment.
Flag Officers' perogative.
His brief thought was interrupted by Marshall's report, and Schreiger suppressed a sigh of relief.
"Sir, the St.Valery and the Bulverhythe are on station outside the Borleias system, as well as Interdiction pickets I-011, and I-088. Keyhole station reports minimal traffic along the core hyperlanes due to the Sluissi insurrection, so any perpetrators fleeing from the site of the massacre may be easy to site. Combat Predictor suggests we send the pickets forward ahead of the Star Destroyers to seize any outbound vessels carrying the perpetrators, and send the Destroyers forth shortly thereafter."
"I concur, Major. Send them forth. Signal Captain Nyman and Lieutenant Semmons to keep in constant contact with the flagship," Schreiger instructed.
Schreiger watched as the green lights displayed on the Keyhole uplink-each indicating the location of the 4 detached ships. The pickets moved ahead, occasionally pausing to seize merchant vessels at gunpoint, on threat of death if they did not comply.
Lieutenant Semmons stared out the picket's viewport at the vessels which had been seized. A small convoy was piling up as each vessel the two ships came across were halted on the hyperlane, the military-grade gravity well humming to life. He would have felt far more secure had the two destroyers trailed closer to him, or at least within visual scanning range.
Finally, the two pickets deactivated their hyperdrives, reactivating the gravity wells in sequence to keep the civilian train of ships with them. Semmons stared out at the mess which had formed over Corellia. A star destroyer was aflame and adrift, its fiery hull-or, hulls, Semmons thought as he noticed the second severed piece-slowly cooling as the flames leaked out of an oxygen-rich environment and into the void, dissappearing into oblivion. Several more ships, perhaps those of the Sith's Home fleet, raced towards what appeared to be an extremely alien vessel which hung off the starboard bow of the dead vessel. The alien battlewagon belched crimson fire into space without any discernable fire control pattern, which signified that it was not firing at a single target, but a multitude of them.
Semmons spoke into the hyperradio's microphone, giving his oral review of the situation directly to Moff Schreiger:
"Sir, it appears that an unidentified alien vessel is attacking Corellia, and has destroyed one of the Star Destroyers belonging to the Sith."
The voice of Schreiger's aide, Major Marshall, returned.
"Proceed with caution, Lieutenant."
Captain Nyman, commander of the Imperial Star Destroyer St.Valery, glared at the combat viewscreen. Green rectangles emerged from the silhouettes of several vessels in the system, the only exception the alien vessel's, which flashed red.
"Come about, Ensign. Half port thrusters, ahead full. Design for target interdiction."
The Ensign did as his Captain said, and the destroyer shot forward, the distance display decreasing rapidly on the viewscreen.
"Hail the unknown ship," the Captain commanded.
A moment later, a holoimage of an odd, powerful-looking alien sprang to life on his bridge.
"Cease your actions or you will be fired upon," the Captain commanded coolly, then added:
"Identify yourself, and tell me what has occured here that has produced such horrendous results."
Apr 18th, 2001, 03:07:20 AM
Live Wire
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:27:39 AM
*LW set the strike and the claw down a safe distance from the crumbling palace and steped out of the ship. As the ruins that were once her home loomed above her she felt the anger swell in her again. This had to be an inside job....someone had betrayed them and when she found that someone they would pay with their lives!
She had gotten LV's desperate distress call for help and was relieved that she hadn't docked on the ISD before it blew. LV did indeed have nine lives thanks to her great danger sense.
LW tried to open up to the force to try and see how many were still left alive but the emotions running through here were clouding her senses. She saw a group of people huddled outside of the palace so some had made an escape.
How unstable the palace structure was remained unclear. She would be risking her life to try to go in and look for people....but these were her friends....her family!
LW ignited her saber and headed towards the palace*
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 18th, 2001, 08:40:51 AM
As the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' made its way to the proper course and heading to initiate its hyperdrive, its exit was cut off by the approach of several warships.
Huntress Lieutenant Hassarri worked quickly to ascertain the situation. Suddenly, the space around Corellia had become quite crowded.
Hassarri: Emjissssssarrrjy, multjiple ssshjipsss arrre comjing out of hjyperrrssspace! jI count two jImperrrjial-classssss Ssstarrr Dessstrrrojyerrrsss, marrrk two desssjignatjion. Sssmallerrr vesssssselsss flank the warrrssshjipsss. Unknown classssss.
Hassarri quickly recieved an incoming transmission from the attack force.
Hassarri: Emjissssssarrrjy, thejy arrre movjing jinto attack forrrmatjion, and orrrderrrjing usss to ssstand down!
Sarrtarroa stood up in his seat, almost snarling in anger.
Thossse jidjiotsss! We arrre on thejirrr sssjide herrre! Put them on ssscrrreen!
The viewscreen flashed an image of a Hyuu-mann male. He began to speak, but was cut off quickly by Sarrtarroa's angrily booming voice.
jImperrrjial vesssssselsss, clearrr ourrr fljight path jimmedjiateljy! We arrre jin purrrsssujit of an essscapjing enemjy vessssssel, on the rrrequessst of the Sssjith Orrrderrr! Clearrr the wajy, orrr jyou wjill be fjirrred upon!
As the Hyuu-mann bumbled for a response, Hassarri shouted above the din of the busy command deck.
Hassarri: Fourrr morrre vesssssselsss comjing jinto sssensssorrr rrrange! jImperrrjial jInterrrdjictorrr classssss!
Hassarri leaned down towards Sarrtarroa, her voice full of urgency.
Hassarri: Wjith thossse ssshjipsss prrresssent, we wjill not be able to jump to hjyperrrssspace, Emjissssssarrrjy.
Sarrtarroa's normally placid demeanor gave way to a thunderous roar as he shook his fist in the air.
<font size=50>Rrrooaarrrr!!</font>
How darrre thejy trrrjy and thrrreaten the mjight of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide? jI don't carrre who thejy arrre!
Sarrtarroa snarled, his canines fully exposed.
We wjill not be trrrjifled wjith! Powerrr the Gorrrrrroka cannonsss, and tarrrget the nearrressst enemjy ssshjip!
The Cizerack Hunter Forces operated rather unconventionally, compared to most standard naval forces. Where ships of the Empire or New Republic might opt for longer ranged heavy turbolaser coverage, the Cizerack vessels were primarily interested in protecting their cargo. Therefore, their ships had only moderate amounts of turbolasers and other such traditional long-range weaponry installed onboard. The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' had only 40 turbolasers. However, Cizerack vessels were equipped with massive Gorroka cannons. These gigantic particle beam turrets had barrels that were chambered 16 meters wide, making them among some of the largest standard-issue capital ship weaponry ever created. They were slow to target, had a slow firing rate, and their range was half that of turbolaser batteries. However, the punch offered by these guns could often overload a capital ship's shields in a single salvo. They insured that whoever wished to attack the Cizerack...payed dearly. Korri-class battlecruisers were equipped with two Gorroka turrets, each with two barrels. However, the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' was equipped with five double-barreled Gorroka turrets. If any ship found itself unlucky enough to be caught in such a broadside, it would be dire indeed.
Slowly, the massive Gorroka cannons began to charge, their energy banks saturating and preparing to deliver a salvo. The huge and lumbering turrets slowly began to track, moving slowly towards the lead ISD.
Back on the Command deck, Sarrtarroa gestured to another subordinate.
Prrreparrre all Keerrrrrrta fjighterrrs forrr launch!
Sarrtarroa's silvery-blue eyes narrowed, as he shook his fist in anger at the approaching ISD's.
<font size=4>Crrrjy Havok! And let sssljip the Dogsss of Warrr!!</font>
Lady DeVille
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:33:31 AM
De'Ville lay still in the rubble, her body racked with pain. Reaching out with her senses she could feel no life signs around her.
Blood and ashes, this isn't what I need right now! Events were happening, and she needed to be alive to complete them. Gathering her strength she pushed up on the large duracrete blocks with the Force. She could hear voices now, others screaming beneath her. The surface must be nearer than she had thought.
Lucky for her, bacta healed nearly everything.
Pierce Tondry
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:18:28 AM
To put it mildly, Pierce was not happy. Not being able to get out of the Sith Palace was bad enough, but suddenly being forced to evacuate on top of that was annoying.
Pierce was attempting to force his way through a crowd of people in order to get to the hangar where Long Shot was being kept. The panic at the destabilization of the floating palace turned normal passersby into a panicked mob, screaming, weeping, and shouting to find an escape.
"Ow! Get off my leg!"
"Mommy! Mommy wait!"
"Hey, move it kid!"
Pierce watched the little girl fall over with mixed reactions. Sure, she was an innocent Corellian, but with TSO in control of Corellia could anyone living their really be said to be innocent?
' Dammit,' Pierce thought, pulling free his microgrenade launcher. ' Lily, this one's for you.
He fired a grenade into a nearby wall, blowing a huge chunk out of it and getting the attention of the surrounding crowd harmlessly. "PROCEED IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!" he thundered.
The crowd slowed as people listened to what he had to say. "Keep order people!" Pierce shouted. "Stay together, single file, keep moving! One, two, one, two- that's it! Stay in line, and keep the pace! Everyone, get to the hangar bays!"
Lord Dagger
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:22:11 AM
DeVille suddenly sensed a familiar pressence nearby, she looked up through sweat dreched eyes to see a dark shape picking its way carfully through the rubble towards her. A hand broke free of the rubble near the figure but was ignored. At last the man came to stand over her and DeVille felt a wave of compassion from the figure as he knelt down beside her. Dagger pushed back his hood and looked into her eyes, his own sparkling with mischivious green fire
"Well my dear, you appear to have landed yourself in some trouble, it always happenes when i'm not arround to look after you all"
Dagger's smile did little to hide the concern in his features as he bent and lifted DeVille from the wreckage. Slowly, not wishing to bump her damaged body, Dagger picked his way through the rubble. Before he had taken even two steps he looked down and wispered quietly
"Sleep, and be troubled not by pain"
DeVille tried to resist but she was too weak to resist Dagger's Force compulsion and she drifted into a dreamless, painless sleep
Lady DeVille
Apr 18th, 2001, 12:43:11 PM
As she recognized Dagger, De'Ville felt a wave of relief flood over her. The Sith Grandmaster picked her up, and pain sharpened her senses with red hot fire. She shuddered, and her eyes rolled back into her head.
"Sleep, and be troubled not by pain." She felt her eyes closing, and she drifted off into darkness.
Lord Dagger carried her off the mound of rubble.
Lord Psychic
Apr 18th, 2001, 12:44:08 PM
*Psy disengaged his cloak and landed on the planet. The pain seemed to be getting worse again. He would have to tell the doctor, when he got a chance.*
*Psy steped off the Defender and, luckily was able to find his hover chair--still functioning--in the debris. His saber was igntited and in his hand as he floated off in his chair for any signs of survivors from the palace.*
Morgan Evanar
Apr 18th, 2001, 02:29:17 PM
The Tea had nearly been swatted out of the sky by debris from the ISD that had been decommissioned in a most unfortunate manner. There was now a good scorch mark across the right side of the YT-2400.
Morgan set her down near the Strike as Live Wire stalked off, saber ignighted in hand.
He blinked a few times, and tore off the seat restraints.
"What the hell?" he said aloud to himself as and ran down the dropping ramp twoard the Sith Lordess.
Lady Vader
Apr 18th, 2001, 04:10:35 PM
*as LV began her descent towards the planet, she caught site of the vessels coming in from hyperspace, their ID's registering them as GMA... she opened a channel to the command ship*
GMA, this is Lady Vader. Glad you could assist. Perhaps you could spare one of your ISD's to help tracker in that chunk of ISD falling into Corellia's atmosphere? I'd hate to see what left of it hitting the surface after only the outter hull burns. Again, thanks.
*she shut off the comm and was still heading to the planet when something twinged in her... the minds aboard the GMA ships and the Cizerack ships seemed to... heat up?... she turned her head and did a quick scan of both ships, sifting through the various channels they were broadcasting from... she nearlydid a double take when she saw both ships arming their weapons to the max and what was said over the comms... HOLY FRACK! if somethings not doen now, they're gonna be at each other's throats in no time!*
*she looked at the planet... oh, she wanted to help at the Palace, but this was urgent... she o[pened her mind to her friend and found her at the Palace, helping with the rescue... LW could take care of things... right now, she had to settle this conflict... and fast*
*angling her ship back out, she headed for the Cizerack command ship, powering down her weapins, but keeping her shields up... she opened a channel to both fleets, speaking to each in turn*
Cizerack command ship. Those ships that have just entered Corellia space are friendlies. Do not engage them!
GMA. The Cizerack Pride are assisting us. Do not engage!!
*she switched her comm so only the Cizerack's would hear her*
Cizerack Command vessel. Permission to come aboard to prove to you the GMA ships are indeed friendlies.
*she slowed her ship, allowing the engines to stop all together so that she was dead in space, her weapons down, with only her shields up, directly in front of the Cizerack vessel... she was smack in between both the Cizerack and GMA fleets... in this state, she was vulnerable, but she had to make them see she was telling the truth... she could feel their distrust and anger... she had to cool these hotheads off!*
*the GMA forces began to slowly, one by one, stop their advances on the Cizerack vessels... but it wasn't going to be enough... she needed to speak to the Cizerack commander, face to face... oh, she hoped this worked... and she hoped she wouldn't get blown into tiny atoms for this*
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:13:24 PM
Huntress Lieutenant Hassarri shouted the information at about the same time that Sarrtarroa saw it on the view screen. A small vessel coming between the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' and the ISD's.
Hassarri: Sssjignal comjing frrrom the fjighterrr crrraft....pjilot jisss jidentjifjyjing themssselvesss asss Ladjy Vaderrr.
Sarrtarroa's silvery-blue eyes widened slightly at the screen. What in Gurra was she trying to do? At first, Sarrtarroa toyed with the idea of firing the forward Gorroka cannon at her. After all, why were they now being detained by the Star Destroyers. However, Sarrtarroa's gut feeling told him something else was afoot.
Hassarri: Emjissssssarrrjy, the pjilot jisss rrrequessstjing perrrmjissssssjion to come aboarrrd.
For a few moments, Sarrtarroa sat, eyes fixated sharply on Lady Vader's ship. After quick thinking, Sarrtarroa began to quickly dispense orders.
Helm, rrreduce ssspeed to jidle! Tactjical, powerrr down ourrr weaponsss sssjyssstemsss, and trrractorrr that ssshjip jin!
Sarrtarroa returned his eyes to the viewscreen, and sent a message via audio to Lady Vader's ship.
jYou have ten mjinutesss to tell me whjy jI ssshouldn't begjin openjing fjirrre on jyourrr trrreacherrrousss vesssssselsss.
Sarrtarroa cut the transmission as he waited for Lady Vader's ship to be tractored in. Depending on her words a war could be averted or begun.
Lady Vader
Apr 18th, 2001, 10:06:05 PM
*LV looked on the Cizerack command ship... damn, it was big... and those cannon implacments looked even meaner than the ship itself... their black openings staring her in the face... sometimes she wondered if she took action without thinking... but, in this case, what she had done was to show the Cizerack fleet what she'd said held truth*
*her scanners showed the Cizerack fleet slowing to a standstill... then a trackor beam shot out and grabbed her fighter... she got jarred slightly in her seat, but her crash harness held... she sent a quick message to the GMA fleet and TSO's fleet*
GMA and TSO fleets. Stay your positions and do not make any agressive movements.
*she watched as she came closer and closer to the Cizerack vessel... it was large, and almost had an artistic feel to it... she received the Cizerack commander's message and hoped to the Core he would see her as coming aboard proof that the GMA forces were not a threat to them... she was trackored into one of the ship's bays, and set down gently*
*looking out the cockpit window, she could see the reception party assembling around her ship... big Cizerack's with even bigger weaponry*
*she unlatched her harness, and pulled off her helmet, setting it on the Interceptor's control board, and then unlatched the cockpit window... with a hiss, it opened slowly, and she jumped from the fighter easily, landing noiselessly on the deck of the bay... the fighter's cockpit window automatically sealed after she'd left it... she showed her hands in plain site, and had the good mind to leave her weapons aboard the fighter... she stood there, not moving, waiting for either the Cizerack commander to come to her, or for her to be taken to him*
Wolfgang Schreiger
Apr 19th, 2001, 01:17:12 AM
Shouts rose from the crew pits as junior officers eagerly spat sections of reports. The gist of it was easy to comprehend. The alien ship wanted to attack anything it could get its hands on, and there seemed to be no way of stopping them. However, Captain Nyman was determined to do what he could to prevent any further massacre from occuring this day.
"Sir, they're charging weapons!"
"Raise shields, Lieutenant, but mantain weapons on standby. Order all battery commanders: Do not fire unless fired upon. Helm, rescue course for that downed ImpStar. Damage control teams to their shuttles!"
"Sir, our course takes Picket I-88 within 1.2 clicks of the alien vessel's bow, and then across their starboard hull," an Ensign reported. Nyman judged the situation quickly; he had precious few seconds to think.
"Helm, signal all ships to engage!" It was decided. Nyman examined the signal from Keyhole station very closely as the force moved past the alien vessel, and toward the TSO crew that lay dead and wounded in escape pods, but mostly consisted of free-floating corpses, ahead.
The picket moved almost perilously close to the alien vessel, and more junior officers buzzed about in the crew pit, shouting their desperate reports to their superiors.
"Sir, the alien vessel is activating their shields!" A lieutenant cried.
"No! Signal them to power down their sh--," Nyman halted in midsentece, and shuddered as Picket I-88 disappeared from the combat viewscreen. The alien vessel's shield grid had activated, simply phasing through the delicate hull of the ship, and vaporizing everything, even any wreckage that would have remained. Nyman sank low in his seat. Today had indeed become a massacre.
"How many crew were aboard that Picket?" he asked numbly.
"13 Junior officers, 9 civilian engineers."
"We have to break off!" Ensign Vurez cried, as the Picket skimmed close to the alien vessel.
"No, Vurez," Lt. Semmons began, pointing beyond the alien vessel to the horrendous wreckage that lay ahead.
"There are undoubtedly a few thousand survivors of that ImpStar....perhaps running out of power in their rebreathers right at this very moment. If you were out there, would you prefer to sufficate, or freeze to death, Vurez?"
Vurez did not respond. However, Semmons was distracted by another of the civilian engineers was trying to pry open the escape pods, an epitomy of dereliction of duty if there ever was one. Before Semmons could act, two of the other Ensigns onboard the Picket had drawn their sidearms, and aimed it at the coward. One of his civilian comrades stepped forth to speak with him, and whispered in his ear.
"'If I advance, follow me. If I retreat, shoot me. If I die, avenge help me God.' Did you not take that oath, Yuri?" the fellow stared him in the eyes as he spoke the Imperial Navy's motto. It was far more difficult to act like a coward when you were surrounded by your peers.
"I did," Yuri responded. The civilian returned to his station, albeit reluctantly.
"Lieutenant, the alien vessel is activating its shield generators!" An Ensign cried. His face was reminiscent of that of a horrified boy who would gladly have run, had his legs not been shackled together.
"Evasive mane--" Semmons began, but was never able to finish his sentence. Lieutenant Semmons, officer of the Imperial Navy, Commander of Interdiction Picket I-088, would never have to worry about performing evasive maneuvers again. The ship seemed to boil for one millionth of a second, before a bright light overtook them, and then....oblivion.
Live Wire
Apr 19th, 2001, 07:57:14 AM
*LW turned to see Morgan running towards her confusion on his face*
Morgan: What the hell??
LW: It looks bad
*They saw people heading towards the hangar bays which were mostly still in tact being slightly seperated from the main Palace structure. The wounded were being treated there among this ships...not exactly the best arrangement but it would have to do.
While there LW gave permission for Rama's ( =432.topic) ship to land.
The disorganization was maddening cause no one really knew where to start with such a huge undertaking. LW sensed LV's agitation but whatever the problem was she was going to have to deal with it cause LW had her hands full planetside.
LW organized the squadrons into search parties and sent them off in groups armed with med packs. She put one of the ship commanders in charge of keeping track of who was still missing. As people headed out LW started to calm down. As angry as she was they needed someone in charge with a level head and unfortunately it looked like it was going to have to be her.
Staying in one place agitated her and after a few moments she realized she needed to be out helping with the search. She picked up a med kit and started to head out when a wave of diziness hit her. She faltered for a moment and leaned on Morgan for support. This had been a long day and it was getting longer by the minute. She steeled herself and took a deep breath. She nodded to morgan..*
LW: Come on Im gonna need your help if we're going to find anyone in there.
Nobby Nuss
Apr 19th, 2001, 09:40:27 AM
(Nobby's head lay above the rubble, his body underneath was battered and bruised. He knew if he didn't get medical help soon he would meet his ultimate demise. Nobby tried to open his bruised eyes for a second, but he was too exhausted. He tried to remember how he had gotten into all this mess.
Nobby remembered how Seth had instructed him to stay in the visitor center. The Sith Knight went off to find DeVille who was supposed to do something to help TSO. Nobby had followed Seth's orders and hid in the visitor center.
After a while, he had gotten agitated of waiting. It seemed like days that Seth had been gone, but in reality it had been hours. The humanoid was getting rather hungry and had decided to go find food. He walked all over the palace, slinking in and out of the shadows. Nobby could hear big bangs and booms from outside the Palace. One rocked the palace walls, and scared Nobby into hiding. He had creeped into an empty room, and hid in a wooden closet. Nobby waited a few moments until deciding that his stomach could wait. The moment he got out of the closet, the castle began to explode from the inside. The walls around him rocked and caved in. In a fit of fear, Nobby managed to create a weak force shield for himself. Unfortunately, his link with the dark side was very poor. The large bricks finally broke the shield and crushed poor Nobby.
Now he had managed to stir himself from unconsciousness. Nobby forced himself to look around and opened an eye. He saw Mistress Live Wire and that fallen Jedi not far off. Nobby bit his lower lip and took one arm out of the rubble. It was bloody and mangled)
"Help me! Help me!
Tis Nobby! Tis Nobby!
My body is crushed and bruised
I am so very confused.
What has happened to this place
Oh I'm hurt, look at my face.
'Tis a disgrace!"
(Nobby rested his head to the side. His vision was getting darker)
Lady DeVille
Apr 19th, 2001, 09:41:54 AM
Dagger walked briskly away from the Palace. A part of it was still standing, practically untouched, but the rest had simply broken away as if a giant had stepped on it. The Sith Master ignored the cries and suffering of the people around him, heading straight for his shuttle.
Once aboard, he gently laid De'Ville's body onto a bench seat, strapping her in to keep her in place. He activated the ignition protocols, and sat in the pilots' seat.
Lifting off from the pad, the shuttle flew away from TSO headquarters, but did not break the atmosphere. It headed for the far side of the planet before breaking through into space.
Pierce Tondry
Apr 19th, 2001, 11:25:07 AM
Abruptly a column of people marching in an improvised military-style enters the hangar bays. Upon hitting the ground inside the area, the columns break apart and scatter in all directions. With the threat of danger gone, these people are more interested in seeking medical treatment and attempting to find their ships and their loved ones than maintaining order.
Pierce stalks into the room. Though there is no emotion on his face or in his voice, his posture conveys extreme tension and displeasure. "I'm leaving!" he shouts. "And if anyone tries to stop me, they get to meet one of my associates!"
Pierce hefts the microgrenade launcher dangerously, then stalks off to his ship, which has luckily been left alone. He climbs aboard and activates thrusters, rocketing out of the hangar bay without waiting for clearance.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 19th, 2001, 12:49:41 PM
As Lady Vader climbed out of her craft, a squad of Cizerack troops flanked her. The large felinoids took her by the arms as a precaution, and began to march her to the command deck. They had orders to present this alien to the Emissary, but nothing more.
Lady Vader
Apr 19th, 2001, 12:54:36 PM
*LV walked silently, dwarfed by the large felines, and let them lead her... gently probing their top most thoughts, she felt their purpose -- to take her directly to the commander of the ship*
*then she would see about averting an all out scuffle*
Rama Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:27:50 PM
:: A few stones gave way and fell down the pile of Rubble as Rama finally reached the top. They echoed as they fell down the slopped side of the pile of debris. Rama reaches back and pulls out his Microbincoulars and looks around. ::
"What a mess....."
:: Rama jumps down and slides down the side of rubble pile. he begins to make his way into the center of what use to be the Palace. ::
"Hello!!!! Anyone alive in here?"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:33:53 PM
The squad of Cizerack soldiers escorted Lady Vader to the command bridge. Sarrtarroa was standing and pacing, awaiting her arrival. When he saw her, he stopped and checked his wrist chronometer, sighing somewhat as he looked at her.
jYou have...fjive mjinutesss. jI want an explanatjion. Thessse ssshjipsss cuttjing acrrrossssss ourrr purrrsssujit angle, the otherrr warrrssshjipsss. Frrrom mjy perrrssspectjive, at leassst, jit looksss ljike a classssssjic trrrap!
Sarrtarroa's silvery-blue eyes narrowed.
A mjisssunderrrssstandjing, jI can accept. Howeverrr, jif jyou trrruljy want ourrr assssssjissstance, jI want to know what jisss gojing on herrre!
Lady Vader
Apr 20th, 2001, 12:03:11 AM
*LV listened as the commanding Cizerack spoke... well, no wonder they thought those ships were a threat... she had not thought about how their entrance into real space had appeared in the Cizerack vessels pursuit path of the fleeing ship... just misunderstanding... and she had five minutes to prove it to him*
*she smiled and spoke*
Honored Cizerack. Those ships that came out of hyperspace were called by one of TSO's members without my knowing. In the chaos that ensued after the kidnapping and destruction of TSO's ship and Palace, I did not even anticipate that the GMA forces would even arrive, or arrive as soon as they did.
*she spread her hands a bit*
Yes, it was a misunderstanding, and miscommunication on our part. For that, I apologize. The GMA forces are here to assist, as you so kindly did after our request for aid. They are not a threat, and I have sent a message to them that niether are you.
*she looked at him, not flinching or batting an eyelid*
Proof of what I say stands before you. My being here is to prove to you what I say is truth, and to ensure no harm will come to you or those forces outside in space.
*she put emphasis on her last words*
We are all here for one goal and one purpose: to assist in rebuilding TSO and retrieving our lost member.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 20th, 2001, 05:33:38 AM
Morgan steadied Live Wire and then began to scan the area with his green eyes. He spotted motion amongst the rubble, and after making sure she was safely on her feet, dashed for the motion. A long, slender, blooddied arm waved about. Evanar climed the collapsed stone and ferrocrete with the agilty of a mountain lion. He began to dig the small creature out, but realized the larger problem was three meters away: a massive, two ton slab of stone. Morgan found a spot where his feet had good purchase, and began to pull. The stone refused to budge, and this angered him. He began to pull again, with little results.
" MOVE, DAMMIT" he yelled. The stone began to barely budge. He growled loudly, hands biting into the massive chunk.
" GRrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" He flung the stone aside, it flew through the air, landing at the bottom of the rubble, digging itself into the soil and grass.
Morgan set to work on removing the bloodied being, who had passed out.
Lady DeVille
Apr 20th, 2001, 09:47:02 AM
The shuttle bearing Lord Dagger and Lady De'Ville punched through the atmosphere on the far side of Corellia, and headed for the Dominator. Dagger's Star Destroyer was far enough away from Corellia to have gone relatively unnoticed by the Cizerak Pride and the GMA. They were much more interested in themselves at the moment.
When they drew near enough, the ISD tractored the shuttle, and brought it into rest in a docking bay. Dagger unstrapped and picked up De'Ville, stalking down the ramp as it lowered itself.
The troops there to greet him were momentarily flustered by the appearance of the unconscious woman, but as Dagger's feet touched the deck a med team was already assembled and taking De'Ville away.
Lord Psychic
Apr 20th, 2001, 01:32:30 PM
*Psy was literally kicking himself for having that stupid disease. 'Why, of all the people in the Universe, did Ihave to get this rare thing!?' Having no clue who Ariel was or what the importance of this person to the order, he pressed on, feeling stronger all the time--but for some reason, the pain seemed to be getting worse.*
*Not being able to do much because of his condition, Psy went in a search of DDC.*
Nobby Nuss
Apr 20th, 2001, 07:29:28 PM
(Nobby drifted off into unconsciousness, but he thought it was death. His breathing became heavier. He was surrounded in a world of darkness and torture. Even before Seth had found him, his life had been one of madness. He lived like a hermit in a cave, deprived of outside life and interaction. How his life came to be haunted him in his dreams, almost every night.
He was a humanoid, he knew that. He couldn't remember which planet he was born or raised on. He remembered stumbling onto a smuggling organization. The evil pirates used him for amusement, taunting and torturing him. The deprived him of food and drink. This eventually drove the pathetic creature to madness. The pirates knew he was no longer any use to them. They sent him off with a smuggler that dropped him off on Dxun on his way to the Core.
Nobby lived on Dxun for countless years, his main goal to survive. Then he met Seth who he attacked at first. Then Nobby became Seth's servant and was allowed to live in the castle after saving the Sith's life from the terrible Dxun beasts.
Living with Seth was worse and better then living with the pirates. He was not really a prisoner, and he learned a little of the Dark Side. Nobby was deprived of food and drink most of the time, and working for Seth was very tiring. All these visions, passed through his head as he slept.
Suddenly, Nobby came out of his slumber, identifying that Dark Jedi, hovered over him. He squinted and confirmed his vision)
"It is the fallen Jedi
I was going to die!
Ye saved Nobby's life
Tis no need for strife.
I am in yer debt
Ye are no longer a threat.
Thank ye sir for your help.
It seems ye heard my pitiful yelp.
What is thy name?
I know thee not by fame."
Sumor Rayial
Apr 20th, 2001, 10:35:53 PM
**Three ImpStar Tri's sliped out of hyperspace escorted by nine Wraith-Class Cruisers, nine Nebulon-B2 Frigates and one Imperial Escort Carrier. On board the lead ISD Sith Lord Sumor Rayial of the Sith Empire stood on the bridge looking out into what seemed to be a calming battlefield.**
Tactical, get our fighters out around our ships, they are to take no hostile action until we find out who we're fighting here is that understood?
Tac: "Aye sir."
**Fighters poured out of the 3 ISD's as the small task force formed a dimond formation with the ISD's making the forward section and the Carrier the trailing point. The rest of the Capital ships spread out around the main four in a protective net, with groups of 4 fighters intersperced through all of the ships.**
Comm open a channel on all frequencies.
Comm:"channel open sir"
This is Sith Lord Rayial of the Sith Empire calling any member of the TSO council. Please respond on channel 106.68
**Slicing his hand across his throat Sumor signaled for the channel to be closed.**
Tac you found him?
Tac: "No sir I still haven't been able to locate the Star Phoenix,"
Very well. Comm transmit a message on the TSE secure channel informing Master Rama that we have arrived.
**Sumor looked out and noticed the ship debries litering space. Let's hope he's still around to get it.
Rama Sha
Apr 20th, 2001, 11:13:12 PM
" Sir "
:: Rama's Comm cracks to life. ::
Go ahead R6.
" Im getting a Tranmisson from Summs on the TSE secure channel. "
Can you patch it through?
"Of Course" there?
Wolfgang Schreiger
Apr 21st, 2001, 04:15:57 AM
The Hospital cruiser Rejuvenator and the Star Destroyer Pevensey leapt out of hyperspace, situating themselves to the flanks of the Interdiction Picket which had yanked them from superluminous transport. Personnel shuttles ferried wounded crewmen back and forth, and Captain Nyman glared down into the portside crew pit, awaiting the latest casualty reports of this tragedy.
"Are our tractor-beam generators still holding to the wreckage?" he inquired of a stray Lieutenant.
The lieutenant saluted, then responded, "Aye-aye, sir. Generators at 90% and holding."
"Captain, I have the casualty reports assembled," the voice of Commander Brask called through the intercom.
"Transmit it to the tactical display, Commander," Nyman responded stoically. So many corpses lay drifting in the void.
The commander did so, and many crewers stopped their duties to glimpse at the figures.
"23,826 killed, 11,972 wounded-4,312 of which have been recovered," Nyman muttered.
"Redouble our recovery missions," he ordered quickly.
A young-looking Ensign walked near him, saluted.
"Sir, we have the space to keep the wounded-we've converted decks 24-60 to a makeshift Hospital, but we lack the medical personnel. This ship only carries 164 surgeons, 112 of which are currently aboard. We're going to have to start relocating some of the wounded to the Rejuvenator, and the Bulverhythe and Pevensey."
Nyman took this all in.
"Of the wounded currently aboard, Ensign, how many are well enough to be moved?"
The Ensign tapped a few keys on his datapad, and answered.
"Fifty-two percent, Captain."
"Very well. Then relocate those to the other ships in the fleet. Instruct the ferry teams to transport the critically wounded to the Rejuvenator, they have a much larger medical staff than we do."
"Aye, sir." The Ensign began to leave.
"Where are you going, Ensign?" Nyman inquired.
"To the medical deck, sir."
Nyman thought on this for a while.
"I believe I will accompany you."
The turbolift ride down to the lower decks of the ship went slowly. Two orderlies cared for a sedated man, apparently sleeping on his repulsor-stretcher. The wounded crewer's left leg was gone below the knee, the wound wrapped in sterile pads and other first-aid necessities. The man had a large wound just above his waist, where a rivet seemed to have shot clean through his body, shredding flesh and bone almost immediately. The young man was bleeding profusely from that particular wound, in utter defiance of the bandages which were supposed to apply pressure. Nyman was relieved when the turbolift came to a halt, and the stretcher and its bearers moved away.
Stepping out, Nyman realized he had not witnessed first-hand such carnage since the Ghorman Massacre, countless decades ago. Wounded men were sitted in row upon row of hastily relocated officers' bunks. Some were attended to, some were not. There were simply not enough medical personnel available. Nyman shuddered as he caught a glimpse of a man whose shoulder and arm had been severed when he became the victim of a stembolt. As if in evidence, the stembolt lay by his shoulder, grease and blood and iron shimmering in the reflected light of the glowrods.
Lord Dagger
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:38:42 AM
Dagger began bawling orders and the SSD imidiatly began to move away from Coreillia. He knew DeVille had to be somewhere and soon, but he wasn't skilled enough to pluck the knoweldge from her unconcious head. He did how ever know the general direction so set the SSD heading in that general direction of where she must be. Dagger calls out to the med teams
"Use high quality bacta, none of that low grade export rubbish, use the stuff we 'borrowed' from them last time, and as soon as she is awake inform me, i will be on the bridge"
With that Dagger swirl his cloak and headed for the bridge
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:37:47 PM
Sarrtarroa nodded after a minute of thought.
Alrrrjight then, Ladjy Vaderrr.
The Cizerack Emissary gestured to a seat beside his command chair.
Then sssjit forrr a whjile, and jojin usss.
Sarrtarroa turned to his tactical officer.
Brrrjing all weapon sssjyssstemsss down to ssstandbjy mode.
He then turned to the helmsman.
Helm, ssset courrrssse forrr purrrsssujit, and prrreparrre to engage Hjyperrrdrrrjive when the GMA ssshjipsss have clearrred ourrr fljight path. Contjinue to monjitorrr the eddjycurrrrrrent trrrajil, and don't lossse trrrack of the enemjy!
With that done, Sarrtarroa returned to his seat, looking at the now-seated Lady Vader. Snapping his fingers, Sarrtarroa called on one of his junior officers.
Sssaleerrrrrri, brrrjing two gobletsss of ssspjiced blood merrrlot, jif jyou wjill.
Lady DeVille
Apr 21st, 2001, 02:03:18 PM
Inside the Dominator the many thousands of crew members and troops scurried about their various tasks. The med bay was quiet, however, and the only sound was that of the oxygen bubbling to the surface of one of the bacta tanks.
The chief medical officer walked by and checked the settings on the tank: satified, he moved on. He was frustrated. As a man of medicine, the doings of those above him were of little concern. But he had seen the destruction of the ISD above Corellia, and part of him wanted to help with the recovery effort. This med bay was state of the art... He cursed for the wasted lives of the men on the destroyed craft, and walked out of the med bay, leaving a nurse in charge. Perhaps a drink would do him good...
Lord Dagger
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:16:17 PM
Dagger leans back in his chair on the bridge, watching the streams of light. Suddenly somthing in the Force twinges an he gestures for the SSD to come out of hyperspace. He stood slowly and began to amble his way down to the med-lab
Lady Vader
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:17:27 AM
*LV sat in the chair and watched as a glass of a reddish wine was brought to her... she took it with a gratious nod of her head, and took a delicate sip... her eyebrow went up and she smiled pleasently*
This is quite good. Never quite tasted anything like it. I compliment you on your choice of wines.
*she took another sip, relishing it's taste for awhile, before swallowing... yes, indeed, it certainly was blood, and even though a Vampyre might enjoy it more, she had to keep a pleasant face so as not to offend... she sipped it again... actually, it wasn't too bad... once you got used to it*
Garrett Blade
Apr 22nd, 2001, 04:19:50 AM
*Garrett paced back and forth in his prison cell deep below the surface of Corellia. He was bored out of his mind, not to mention anrgy that he had just been left there without a reason. he knew full well why he had been arrested...but was outraged that he hadn't been questioned or even tried yet! Suddenly, his pacing slowed and eventually stopped altogether. He sniffed up strongly. he could smell something...quite far space just above Corellia...*
*Garrett slit his wrist in a sharp edge of the prison bed. The blood dripped onto the cold floor, quickly forming a small pool. Strangely enough, the same happened on board the Cizerack vessel. A small pool of blood appeared on the floor as if out of nowhere. Perhaps somebody had knocked a glass over. A Cizerack officer walked past a small tray, accidentally knocking one of the glasses over. The glass fell from the tray, but somehow found itself falling into the small pool of blood...*
*As Garrett stared at the pool of blood, a small glass jumped out of the crimson pool. He caught it upright, filled with blood. Garrett took an inquisitive sip, then spat the blood out instantaneously...*
Disgusting! No taint! No taint at all! Barbarious!
Morgan Evanar
Apr 22nd, 2001, 10:24:08 AM
OOC: Garrett... that was cooooool......
Sumor Rayial
Apr 22nd, 2001, 10:57:03 AM
**On the bridge of the ISD 3 Styx Sumor stood waiting for a message from either a TSO member or Master Rama Sha. He was shaken from his thoughts by a voice calling to him from the side of the bridge.**
"Sir Master Sha on the secure channel."
Thank you.
**Hitting the button on the comm panel beside him Sumor hooked into the TSE secure channel and waited for the his of the scrambler to subside.**
Master Sha, the task force you requested before you left has arrived. As we were unsure of the conditions I the force totals 22 ships lead by three of our ImpStars. I also brought a carrier with a wing of our scout ships if they are needed for a search. I have sent out a message for the TSO council to contact me for instructions but have yet to recieve a response. Being the case I request any information on tactical status, there's a lot of ships out here and my crew's have no idea if they are freind or foe. Also if you have any further orders or want to come aboard we should be in orbit in a minute thirty.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 22nd, 2001, 10:39:44 PM
Sarrtarroa watched as Lady Vader drank the blood merlot...without making any unpleasant faces. Cizerack Blood Merlot wasn't something most lower races could enjoy. However, his attention was diverted by one of his subordinates. She marched up from the crew pit, and saluted Sarrtarroa.
Huntress Ensign: Emjissssssarrrjy, ourrr sssensssorrrsss have detected the fleejing ssshjipsss' hjyperrrdrrrjive eddjy-currrentsss. Usssjing extrapolatjing navjigatjion sssjyssstemsss, we can be 93 perrrcent sssure of thejir courrrssse and headjing. Ssshall we purrrsssue?
Sarrtarroa prepared to give the order, but hesitated as he turned to Lady Vader
What jisss jyourrr wjish, Ladjy Vaderrr. jI would hate to caussse anotherrr mjisssunderrrssstandjing. Ssshall we purrrsssue, orrr trrransssmjit the enemjy'sss coordjinatesss to jyourrr forrrcesss?
Apr 23rd, 2001, 12:28:49 AM
*the panther had seen the large explosion in the sky... some burning debris raining down, harmlessly burning up in the sky... the rattling explosion from her home... it was all happening so fast and she took shelter in a small crevice behind some boulders... when she was sure it was over, she emerged and headed towards a lake*
*the large cat stopped at the nearby lake on the TSO grounds for a short drink... she had been seraching diligently for the child, but knew by now it was too late... she lapped up the water thirstily, then stopped and looked up towards the sky... she could sense her Mistress aboard one of the floating fortresses high above... no doubt it would be awhile before she returned*
*Iesis began to head back to the palace, or what was left of it, when an enormous roar and splash issued from the sea below... running to the cliff, Iesis looked down to see a red dragon emerging from the waters*
*she roared, but her roar was no match for the surf below... searching, she found a small boulder and rolled it off the cliff using her nose... it bounced down the cliff and smacked into the dragons bony-plated head*
Apr 23rd, 2001, 12:45:14 AM
*oh he was in pain... loads of it... well, at least he'd had sense enough to take in a deep breath and lock his lungs before passinf out and plunging into Corellia's sea*
*swimming, the dragon reached the cliff side to where the palace was... he looked in that direction and his eyes went wide... well, where it should be at any rate*
*he twisted his head and examined his torn wing and back... oh, it was messy... his wing would heal, no problem... but he'd have to be careful about using it... he folded both wings under the protective folds of boney plates on either side of him and continued examining his back where the missle had exploded near it... well, the bleeding had stopped, but it was going to need some tending to*
*taking a deep breath, he emerged under the water, searching for the blue algae that grew near the cliffs... they were known to have healing agents and would stop infection from spreading... he grinned under the water as he found a large hand full and plucked enough for the large injury to his back*
*emerging again from the water, he put the algae in his mouth to apply it to the wound... this was going to sting like crazy... he placed it down and let out a mighty roar as the algae clung to his wound, burning it... he pounded a fist on a nearby rock, smashing it into the water... soon, the stinging began to subside and he calmed down... that's when a rock hit his head*
*he muffled a half growl and looked up to find a creature looking down at him... with a grin, he noticed it was Iesis, his Amazon's panther companion*
*placing one clawed foot after another, he climbed the cliff side, and hauled himself over the edge*
*he addressed the cat*
Where is Lady Vader?
*the cat looked up... Shenraun followed suit*
In her ship or someone elses, no doubt.
*he looked to where the palace once stood*
Come. We should lend our assistance.
*with that, both dragon and cat swiftly made their way towards the ruins of the TSO palace*
Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2001, 04:52:09 PM
*Lv set her goblet down and looked at the Emissary*
If you will allow me, Emissary, I wish to contact the surface. I will need no communication systems.
*LV closed her eyes for a moment, searching the void outside for her comrades and companions... she felt the calculating mind of Shenraun and the cool calm of Iesis... seraching further, she felt LW... she seemed distressed... well, of course she was in distress... Airel had just been kidnapped... yet, there was something esle... she opened her mind and spoke to her through the Force*
LW, what is it? I am sensing you have a new mission...
*LW spoke to her via the Force also and gave her the info she had just received, and that she would be leaving Corellia in prusuit of the runaway ship to rescue Ariel, for they had asked only for her*
*LV was torn... she wanted to help her friend, but didn't want to put Ariel's life in jeopardy by going with LW... no, someone needed to stay behind*
*she messaged her long-time friend again, informing her the Cizerack's had the last known coordinates of the runaway ship... she terminated her connection and opened her eyes*
Emissary. It appears my friend and collegue, the one who cared for the child that was kidnapped, has been contacted possibly by the kidnapper himself. he has stated he wants only her to go, or harm will come to the child. I am torn, but feel it is right to remain here. Corellia needs me and my efforts.
I was perhaps hoping you would be kind enough to send Mistress Live Wire the coordinates you aquired from when the runaway ship jumped into hyperspace.
*she looked at the Cizerack, waiting for his answer*
Rama Sha
Apr 24th, 2001, 01:38:13 AM
"I wish I had useful info to give you Summs. I was given clearance to land and thats all the contact I have had. But Im looking at what use to be the palace now. Were gonna need some ppl down here to help look for surviors and a med team too. As for the Leaders of TSO, I have no idea. I think Live Wire was the one who gave me clearance, but I have yet to find her."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 25th, 2001, 06:04:11 PM
Sarrtarroa crisply gestured, snapping his fingers to the comm officer. She quickly transmitted the coordinates to Corellia, as Lady Vader suggested. Once the task was completed, Sarrtarroa drummed his claws on his command chair's arm rests.
We have trrransssmjitted coorrrdjinatesss to the sssurrrface, Ladjy Vaderrr. jIsss therrre anjythjing elssse we can do to assssssjissst jyou?
Lady Vader
Apr 25th, 2001, 09:17:48 PM
*LV fell silent, thinking... she needed to get down to the surface and help with the relief forces... no doubt LW had left someone in charge, but it was her place to be there*
*she took a breath and looked at the Cizerack*
Emissary, I believe my place right now is on Corellia. I am one of TSO's leaders, and at this time of tragedy, I should be down there coordinating and helping. It is my place.
*she stood*
I would be honored if you would join me as my guest. Though I must apologize I have no proper place to seat you and treat you to food and drink.
*she looked down for a moment*
Not at the palace, anyways.
*she looked up again*
I would also request that you arrange a group of your men to come down and help with the relief forces. We have possible survivor's burried beneath the palaces weight, and it would be proper for us to retrieve those who did not survive. They deserve a proper burial.
*she waited on what his comments would be*
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