View Full Version : The Great Escape (Complete)
Garrett Blade
May 26th, 2001, 04:57:37 PM
*The cell was dark. The only light came from the slight reflection of some condensation on the wall, but that was it. Garrett lay idly on his back on the cold bed. His breathing was virtually non-existent, yet he breathed nevertheless. When he did breathe, though it was silent, his breath was visible even in the darkness. It emerged from his mouth like great icy breath from a Blizzard Dragon, and dissipated just as quickly. He shifted his body slightly so as to allow him to see out of the cell. But to no surprise, he could not see much. Though the floor just inside and outside the cell was illuminated by the energy field keeping him detained. It seemed as though he had been imprisoned for years, though it was little over a month now. The last piece of news he had been given was that the Palace had been destroyed, and that was over a month ago too! Not that it mattered. It wasn't as if things like that concerned him anymore. All he would ever do from now on was rot in this god-aweful cell, unless of course the council decided to execute him - which would be more entertainment than he'd had in decades! Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a clanging noise down the dark corridoor. Garrett quickly turned right round and waited to hear what was coming...*
Garrett Blade
May 27th, 2001, 04:10:55 PM
*A lone Cyborg Wookiee trodded past the cell, hardly paying Garrett any attention whatsoever! He was tempted to wave his arms in the air like a looney - but that had already been established! As the wookiee walked to the end of the corridoor, which was a few metres from Garrett's cell, it turned around again and started back along the corridoor. As it did so, Garrett noticed a small electronic device on the wookiees utility belt, swinging from side to side like a pendulum. it appeared to be some sort of electronic lock breaker...or at least a key. A cell key by any chance? It didn't really matter - it wasn't as if he could reach out and grab it.*
*But oh, how he longed to be free. He hated this - being locked up like a caged animal. He had absolutely no idea what was going on up there. What the hell was that explosion last month. No doubt it had something to do with...with Seth! If he wanted to find out, then he would have to get out somehow. Suddenly, Garrett heard a loud noise down the corridoor - the sound of a security door opening, followed by human voices...*
Gav Mortis
May 29th, 2001, 06:28:14 PM
The air was damp and crisp and thick with a rotten stench, no doubt a product of the moss which had scaled the stone walls over many years. Moisture trickled between the large stones of which the subterranean fortress was composed, lighting was dim in the facility however the walls glistened. The conditions of these cells were certainly for those considered real scum and needed to be locked away from civilisation.
Along the narrow passage walked two individuals, one evidently a military officer and the other a robed figure under whose hood were shrouded his facial features.
"As you can see, the scum we house down here have no means of escape and are consistently observed by our trained personell. To the end of this corridoor we will come to the cell of who you're looking for," the officer continued to chatter away mindlessly as the two came towards the end of the corridoor.
Finally they came to the final cell, "Ah! Here we are, the cell of Ga..."
Before the officer finished speaking, there was a seconds silence followed by a thud to which Garrett looked down and saw from his persepctive a single arm spral out across the floor. Then he saw two feet and looked up to see under a shroud of shadow, a familiar face.
"Good morning Garrett," the voice said clearly and articulate, "Unfortunately now is not the time for reaquaintance since our last encounter. I am here to tell you that your Master Trials will commence on Korriban in three days. Your first challenge is to escape the detention of TSO and rendevouz with me in the Valley of the Dark Lords. You have three days Garrett. Farewell."
Just as suddenly as Gav had appeared he had dissapeared again down the narrow corridoor. Once the sound of his distancing footsteps had faded away the officer began to wake up from his unconciousness.
Garrett Blade
May 29th, 2001, 06:47:32 PM
*Garrett was speechless. He couldn't begin to think of what to think. It was rather unexpected. Gav was alive, and he had just been here, talking to him. The encounter was so brief that Garrett didn't even have a chance to speak a word. There were a number of things that garrett wanted to talk with Gav about - but Gav had buggered off again - typical!*
*Three days to escape from prison and rendezvous with Gav on Korriban. This was rather sudden and out of the blue. And what with how tight security would be now, Garrett suspected that this "great escape" might be part of the actual trial itself. Three days might not be long enough, but it was all he had. Nevertheless, Garrett would not make any attempt to actually escape until tomorrow. He decided that the best thing to do right now would be to plan the best course of action. Somehow find out the layout of the actual prison, somehow gain access to a patrol roster and how to go about getting off-world...*
Live Wire
May 29th, 2001, 09:50:34 PM
*Many things had nagged at LW about the abduction of baby Ariel and the destruction of the TSO palace. The council had met several times trying to determine how such a tragedy could have been allowed to happen but no solid evidence was found.
Garret had been placed under house arrest before all hell had broken loose and something in her gut told her that he was not as innocent as everyone thought he was. Her danger sense as well as his previous attack on baby Ariel had ended him in the brig in the first place. And then some unknown jedi apprentice waltzes in undetected and steals the same baby that Garrett had previously tried to attack.
Something wasn't adding up and for her own peace of mind she had to confront Garrett.
LW stood in front of his cell her arms folded over her chest waiting for him to look up or acknowledge her presence in some way*
Garrett Blade
May 30th, 2001, 03:30:47 AM
*Garrett looked up and saw Live Wire standing before him. He instantly jumped to his feet, stood in the centre of the cold cell...*
Mistress Live Wire!!!
*Garrett slapped his wide palm into the side of his head, brushed his hand around to the back of his head and then forwards, allowing his fingers to dangle over his forehead, in a mocking-ish salute. He then returned his hand to his side and walked right up to the forcefiled to look deep into her eyes...*
What do YOU want?
Live Wire
May 30th, 2001, 08:33:26 AM
*An amused smile crept over her face as Garrett taunted her. She took a step towards him her dark eyes showing her anger and impatience.*
Don't get indignant with me Blade! Im in no mood to put up with your BS.
*her eyes seemed to get darker as she stared at him*
You know why I'm here!
Do you honestly expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with Ariel's abduction and the destruction of the palace?
Garrett Blade
May 30th, 2001, 11:57:26 AM
*Garrett looked at Live Wire, slightly angry at her presumptions, and slightly amused at her pre-emptive expression of her views...*
[i]Live Wire, excuse my manners a moment ago - I wasn't myself! I'm delighted that you came to visit me. Please won't you show curtesy and take a seat.[i]
*Garrett gestured to the metal, foldable chair propped up against the far wall behind Live Wire. He smiled sinisterly at her from the brightly lit cell as he stood in the ceter of the room, with his hands and arms by his sides.*
Live Wire
May 30th, 2001, 12:33:48 PM
Don't patronize me! I know you're not happy to see me and I know you'd stab a knife through my heart if you had a chance. Im not blind! I sensed you had something against me long ago.
*LW was pissed to no end but her face remained the same. In fact she felt more hurt then anger. She could see the disdain in his eyes...all directed at her and she wondered what she could have done to deserve this from a man she had called friend*
Whatever you think of me and however much you want to hurt me thats fine! Im not shedding any tears. But Im surprised you would do that to your best friend just to get to me.
Garrett Blade
May 31st, 2001, 04:31:56 AM
Forgive me Live Wire, but I'm not entirely certain that I'm on the same wavelength as you are. My best friend? To get to you? What are you talking about?
*He remained standing as he was, not moving an inch as he spoke. His eyes were lifeless pools of ice-cold darkness, and they gazed into her very soul...*
Live Wire
May 31st, 2001, 12:10:04 PM
*She stared at him coldly. She knew he wouldn't have any idea what she was talking about but she wanted to give him something to ponder. All would be revealed in time. She shook her head at him.*
It doesnt matter.
*there was almost a sadness in her eyes as she looked at him standing there coldly in his cell*
What did I ever do to you?
Garrett Blade
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:33:43 PM
*That was all he said. Nothing.*
*Live Wire had never purposely gone out of her way to hurt Garrett or make his life difficult. Perhaps it was something she did in the past that felt insignificant to Live Wire, but really annoyed Garrett. Maybe she prevented him from doing something in the past...or maybe she prevented someone else from doing something and he didn't like it. Either way, Garrett felt no affection for Live Wire at all. He didn't care for her even as a friend. Garrett had no friends, and he preferred it that way. If you didn't have friends, then you wouldn't be hurt when they left you. If you don't get can't get hurt...but Garrett had already been hurt.....*
My apologies Live Wire, but I'm tired. If there's nothing else then please leave. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.
Live Wire
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:32:13 AM
*LW looked at him hiding the pain in her eyes. Lately it felt like she was losing more and more. Everyday another one slipped away and it was painful even if she didnt show it or express it. Despite everything he was still part of the TSO family and even if it didnt mean anything to him it meant something to her. She realized nothing more could be accomplished this way*
*she shook her head as she started to walk away*
Garrett Blade
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:43:55 AM
*Garrett watched with heartless eyes as Live Wire walked back down the dark corridor. He sighed slightly as she left, then turned quickly to face the back wall, shaking his head violently...*
Snap out of it!!!
*Garrett half jumped, half fell forwards and landed on the bed. He rubbed his eyes momentarily before turning to lie on his back. He stayed like that for about ten minutes. live Wire was long gone...and now it was time...*
Garrett Blade
Jun 9th, 2001, 02:33:07 AM
*Garrett was kneeling over in the far corner of the cell. His hands could not be seen, yet he was breathing heavily. His wrists had been slashed and the blood was dripping onto the wall and floor in the corner. As the crimson liquid landed, it instantly began to hiss and smoke as the corrosive substance ate away at the duracrete. After a few minutes, there was a gapinghole in the floor, which revealed a metal sliding panel. Garrett reached down into the hole andremoved the panel. There was a complex network of wires...but without the force to aid him, it would be almost impossible to determine how to interpret the network. Luckily for Garrett that he helped design the layout of the cellblock. Garrett ripped out a section of green and red wiring. Suddnely, the red energy field across the open end of the cell dissipated into nothingness.*
*Live Wire had failed to notice the missing legs on the bed earlier on. Garrett removed the bedclothes to reveal six sharp metal spikes - Garrett had sharpened the bed legs using the energy field. He put one spike down each of his black boots, and one strapped to each of his arms, whilst the final two were strapped to his waist. When he was ready, he stepped out into the dark corridor...and made his way along to the first security checkpoint...*
Garrett Blade
Jun 9th, 2001, 06:36:28 AM
*There was a guard just by the computer terminal, which lit up the immediate area with a green ominous glow. But it still wasn't bright enough to light up the corridor. Garrett crept along the wall that the guard had his back to. He was whistling to himself, the high-pitched sound echoing down the halls as he did. As Garrett drew nearer to the guard, he grabbed hold of a large block of wood carved into the shape of a small black club. Then, the guard turned to face Garrett's direction and began to walk towards him. Garrett held his breath. He stood rigid against the wall, trying to keep as close to it as possible. The guard was directly in front of Garrett, though he did not notice the forceless sith in the darkness. As the guard walked off down the corridor, Garrett sighed and sneaked further up the corridor, and carefully opened the door and stepped into the next corridor.*
Garrett Blade
Jun 11th, 2001, 10:00:59 AM
He suddenly dove to his right as footsteps could be heard to his left. Garrett was in a hallway which ran for about fifty feet in front of him, with a corridor leading around a corner to the left of the door her just entered via, and the same at the other end of the corridor. Half way along there was a small alcove on the right hand side, and a doorway opposite. Inside the alcove were two doors facing each other on either side of the alcove face. Suddenly, the guard turned the corner.*
*Garrett froze. He was consealed in darkness thanks to the lack of lighting nearby. He held his breath as the guard looked in his direction, failed to see anything of suspition, and moved on down the corridor. As the guard moved on, Garrett noticed a bunch of keys dangling from his belt around his waist. The guard was too far away now, but garrett would wait until the guard looped his patrol route and then he'd get the keys.*
*Garrett waited for roughly two minutes and sure enough, there were the footsteps again. Garrett moved as close to the shadowed corner as he could, making sure that he was not in any light to be seen. The guard turned the corner and Garrett raised his hand ready to steal...nothing. it was a different guard. garrett quickly pulled his hand back into the shadows before the guard could notice him. "Blast!" he thought to himself. he would have to wait once again. he watched as the second guard moved through the large open archway-doorway which linked the small T-junction Garrett was in, and the main corridor that linked the two T-junctions.*
*Finally, Garrett could hear the footsteps again. This time, it was the guard from before. Garrett stealthily pick-pocketed the tall man as he whistled whilst he walked. Thanks to the whistling, the guard did not hear the keys jingle as Garrett palmed them from him. Once the guard was in the other corridor, Garrett quickly sneaked over to the archway-open doorway and hid just behind the outcropping wall. He waited until the guard dissapeared around the other corner and readied himself to run. Garrett made it into the alcove moments before the other guard rounded the corner he had just left behind.*
*Garrett searched frantically for the correct key. here were about seven altogether, though he didn't have time or concentration to count properly. Finally, he found the right one. he shoved the key into the keyhole, twisted it and unlocked the door, then quickly jumped inside and closed the door silently.*
Garrett Blade
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:23:07 PM
*Garrett found himself in a small room with an archway to his right. The small room was very dark, but the room beyond that was bright, thanks to two insanely bright lights on either side of the room. One light could be seen directly in front of Garrett as he looked through the archway, and the other one was on the other side of the larger room. There was another doorless opening in the centre of the opposite wall, with a single guard standing a few feet in front of it. The room he guarded was a security control room, and it would be very useful for Garrett should he be able to sneak inside undetected.*
*Garrett took one of the metal spikes from his waist harness. He aimed for the light directly in front of him on the wall. He closed one eye to aid his judgement as best as he could in the absence of the force. He reached back with his hand, then threw the spike towards the light. With a smash, the glass broke and the light went out instantly. Unavoidably, the guard heard the shattering of the glass, and so walked closer to investigate. Thankfully, with the light gone, it was very hard to see Garrett now that there was no light shining directly at Garrett. With the guard's attention diverted for now, Garrett peered around the archway he was standing under to take a look at where the second light source was. It was almost twice the distance from Garrett as the previous light was, but still within a relatively easy distance for Garrett to hit it from. He carefully aimed with another spike, this time from his arm, and hurled it at the light. Once again the shot was on target and the glass shattered and the light went out. This time, the guard ran over to the glass as it landed on the floor. The room was now in complete darkness. Garrett was able to see the guard thanks to light from the other room highlighting him. Garrett stealthily made his was closer, keeping his back to the left wall as he approached.*
*The guard had his back to Garrett, which was perfect for Garrett to smack the guard in the back of the neck with the blunt end of one of the spikes. The guard fell to the floor unconscious with a thud, allowing Garrett to reclaim the two spikes he had threw moments ago. Garrett kicked the body slightly, making sure the guard was unconscious, and then stepped into the security control room.*
Lord Psychic
Jun 15th, 2001, 05:14:43 PM
*Lord Psychic had just been walking back from a very disturbing time he had in the discussion chamber. Angry thoughts of his former companions were clouding his memory, making him very unaware of his surrondings. He was in a daze of sorts. The hallway seemed to be going on forever, not that Psy noticed it, or anything for that matter. He was trapped in his own mind, yet somehow his body still moved for him. He was heading toward his room to get a good night's rest.*
*He could hear yelling and people scrambling, obviously rumors had already been started. There were people running around everywhere in the palace, up and down the hallways. A few people happened to be in the same one as Psy.*
"I heard that Lord Dagger killed Gav Mortis," said a troop to another.
"Well I heard that Jen Katrina came from the dead and destroyed Seth Darkserpent!"
"Lord Psy is a fool, bullying Deville like that, she's the best we've got!"
*At this particular comment, Psy turned his head toward the troop who made that remark. Before, the troop had thought there was somewhere else there. He saw Psy and fear struck him just as Psy removed his saber and cleanly sliced off his head. The other two near him stood silent and trembling.*
*Lord Psy put away his saber. At least he was knocked out of his daze now, and could concentrate clearly. That's when he remembered that he should save the footage of what happened in the council room for the archives before something happened to it.*
*Now totally alert, Psy turned around and took fast strides out of the palace, going faster so that he may not hear want he didn't want to hear and waste any other troops.*
*When Psy exited the palace and the door behind him shut, he suddenely realized the immense silence throughout the hallways. Nearby was the Discussion Chamber and Secret Chamber, and usually they were very busy with activity. But other than the occasional security guard or janitor, all was quiet. Psy thought he heard a loud crash in the distance, near the security room.*
If those damn janitors broke any equipment in there..
*Psy began to make faster stides through the dim corridors toward the security room, but refrained from running because of his tired state, too find a broken window in the hallway and a janitor fixing cleaning up the mess.*
*He continued down the hall.*
Garrett Blade
Jun 15th, 2001, 06:44:38 PM
*Garrett looked around the security room. There were various computer consoles, screens and panels with bleeping sounds, flashing buttons and light emitting diodes. He walked over to the central computer and sat at the seat in front of it. After quickly scanning the various instructins on the panel, Garrett realised that this was in fact the data-relay console for the guards patrolling the subterranean detention facility. After only a few minutes fiddling around with commands, Garrett had successfully rerouted all the guards on this level of the facility so as to give him clear passage up to the next level. Garrett stood up and returned to the guard who lay on the floor. He picked the body up and dragged it into the security station. There was a large metal locker embedded in the right-hand wall. Garrett opened the locker to find it empty, so he propped the body up against the wall inside and shut the door and locked it firmly. Garrett then exited the security station, traversed the small ante-room, stepped through the door again, and found himself back in the hallway where the guards were patrolling ealier to find...*
*The corridor was empty. By the looks of things, Garrett was successful in redirecting the guards on this level of the detention facility. Sooner than go all the way around the looped corridor, Garrett went through the central joining room, and made it to the door on the other side with no problems. He went through the door and found himself facing a large wall with a light on it. There were two ways around the wall, to the left and right of it, and footsteps could be heard on the other side. Garrett quickly acted to turn the light off via the switch directly to his left, next to the door he just walked through. Garrett pressed his body tight up against the wall, crouching slightly so that the light was not digging into his head at all. The footsteps grew louder and louder as they drew nearer. He held his breath - obviously somebody hadn't payed attention to the orders he had gave moments ago. Suddenly, there was a beep. The footsteps ceased. The guard listened carefully to the computer voice's new orders...*
*The guard waited as he repeated the orders to himself...*
"Blast! I was told to trade posts with Sanders and Griffiths, and now they tell me to go there! Thats almost a forty-five minute walk what with the lifts being out! I swear...command doesn't give a damn about us grunts! They think they can just tell us what to do and we'll do it no matter how unfair it is! I just wish I could do something about it, but who's gonna pay any attention to me!? I hate this job...I can't stand it any longer!!!"
*After he had spouted his utter pointless drivvel, the guard turned around, made his way to the other end of the hallway, past the central pillars, opened the door and began his long walk to his destination. Meanwhile, Garrett had made his way around the other side of the wall, sneaked from pillar to pillar in the dim light, and ran down a short flight of stairs and ended up in a small ante-room that was part of the stairwell. He looked around the room. There was little of interest - a few drinks on the table, a cabinet on the back wall, a console of limited capability on the side wall, and the stairs leading down to Garrett's left. Garrett crept down the stairs with the utmost care - being careful not to make too much noise. He eventually arrived at the third level. Just two more levels and he would be free. Well...almost free! He exited the stairwell into a dark corridor that looped around almost completely, separated by an enclosed corridor by metal doors on either end. Located in the center of the looping corridor, was the observation room. It was a large room, and some may say a pointless, useless room that only took up space in the facility. The actual observation floor itself was slightly higher up, but had its own set of stairs in this enclosed area. Garrett ascended the stair as quietly as possible. He stepped out onto the observation balcony and looked down. He could see below him, the area he was in before when he had a close encounter with a guard. On the other side of the long drop, beyond the facing balcony, he could see the main lift doors sealed tightly. he would somehow need to get across the gap safetly and use the lift...but how???*
Lord Psychic
Jun 15th, 2001, 07:10:34 PM
*Lord Psy entered the main security room, realizing the monitors had been left on. He was about to shut them off when he saw a group of security guards heading down a hall. He opened a private chanell with the hallway via it's security monitor.*
YOU! Where are you going?
*The men were first slightly startled, and looked around to see where the voice was coming from, when they saw the small monitor next to the security camera in the hall had been activated. One of them spoke up.*
"Just following orders, sir. All of us were told to report to another section."
*Lord Psy became confused.*
That order was not authorized or run by me. Stand by.
*Lord Psy opened up a link to all of TSO.*
Would all troops recently ordered to change their security positions please report back to where they were immediatly and belay any further orders unless it is my voice commanding you, that was an illegal order.
*Lord Psy then sent three stormtroopers and a cyborg wookie to all security stations and sub-stations throughout TSO. It probably was just another one of TSO's janitor's or troops stirring up trouble, and if it was, he was going to be dead soon. But there was still a security risk, and Psy didn't want to take any chances.*
Garrett Blade
Jun 16th, 2001, 07:55:26 AM
*Garrett looked around frantically, searching for some means of traversing the void. He could barely make out a very narrow ledge on either side of the balcony. The ledge ran along the wall to the other balcony. He moved over to the right hand side ledge for a closer look. It was only when he was up close that he realised how narrow the ledge actually was. He could not even fit his entire foot on the ledge. Should Garrett slip, it would be very hard to grab onto the ledge in an attempt to save himself. Nevertheless - this was the only way to get across. Garrett swallowed hard, and climbed up onto the balcony edge...*
*He carefully stepped over the small gap and onto the ledge itself. He knew that it was very high up but that did not deter his decision to do it. Once he was up on the ledge he leaned back into the wall as much as possible so as not to overbalance and fall to his death below. At a snails pace, he edged along the wall, almost not moving at all. But he wasn't taking any chances. One wrong move and it was all over. He would barely have time for his brain to register the impact before it ceased to function. It took him almost five minutes to get just half way. Then, Garrett made his mistake. He looked down.*
*How foolish could somebody be. was Garrett after all! He lost his balance completely and began to sway uncontrollably. It was almost as if he was having a fit. Then, his body began to fall away from the wall. Luckily, Garrett managed to push off the ledge with his feet and grab onto the other balcony. he almost lost his grip and fell, but he was strong enough to hoist himself up to safety. He stood there for a minute, staring across at the other balcony he had just left. It was only a few metres away, yet it seemed a lot further from the other side. Garrett then turned around and walked towards the inoperable lift...*
Garrett Blade
Jun 16th, 2001, 05:19:14 PM
*The shiny, grey metal doors were roughly eight feet tall and their combined width just exceeded five metres. There was a small, square panel to the right hand side of the doors, with a green and a red light on it. The red light was illuminated, indicating that the lift was out of order. But that wasn't going to stop Garrett from using the lift.*
*He tried digging his fingers in the small crevace between the two doors in an attempt to pry the doors open. Unfortunately it was not working, and the most that was accomplisehd was Garrett hurting his fingers slightly. Garrett then tried to slide the doors apart with with the palms of his hands on either door. This too was hopeless and did not succeed. Then, Garrett remembered that he had the metal spikes. He stuck two of the spikes in between the doors and pushed hard. The doors opened ever so slowly, and only budged a few millimetres. But it was enough. Garrett then forced the doors apart with all his might. It worked. The doors gave way and within a few seconds Garrett was staring at a dark abyss below him. He could just see the other set of doors a few floors up - thats where he was headed!*
*Since there was no chance of using the lift, Garrett decided to use the service ladder that was used in just such a situation. The ladder was located to the left hand side of the doors and secured against the wall in a small alcove so as to allow the lift to pass without touching the ladder or its user should the lift decide to move. After only a few minutes of climbing through the dark shaft, Garrett arrived at the second set of doors that opened out into the main corridor of the Ground Level...*
Garrett Blade
Jun 19th, 2001, 06:27:03 AM
*It did not take long for Garrett to pry the second set of lift doors open with a pair of metal spikes. He jumped off the ladder and landed about a foot in front of the lift doors, sliding them shut behind him. Garrett dashed around a nearby corner, away from the voices that were getting closer. They seemed to be discussing something between them, but Garrett could not make out exactly what it was. All he knew was that it had something to do with patrol routes. Oh well, not that he cared...he'd be out soon.*
*Garrett skulked around the area for about five minutes, looking for a security control room that had access to the security systems on this level. Whilst doing this, Garrett had to constantly avoid a number of patrolling guards, some of whom were working in pairs. Fortunately, he was able to stay out of sight and not have to engage any of them - he simply didn't have the time to anyway! Finally, Garrett came to a large blastdoor with an access terminal outside. Knowing that his clearance codes would have undoubtedly been cancelled, he decided to hack in, or rather, log in as someone else...*
*A light blinked green, cinfirming the correct command. The blastdoor whined for a moment, before sliding open as if for the first time ever. it was dark inside, so Garrett closed the blastdoor and switched the light on so that he would be able to see what he was doing. it was quite large for a security control room, about twenty-two metres by fifteen metres. Three of the four walls were covered in monitor screens, security monitors, access panels, armies of LED's, swithces buttons and possibly even Star Destroyers if one could be bothered to look hard enough!*
*Garrett sat down at one of the computer terminals opposite the blastdoors. He had identified it as yet another patrol roster distribution terminal. Perfect! After a few minutes of studying a layout schematic of the level, and a current list of guards on duty, Garrett had successfully redirected all patrols, giving himself a safe and un-interrupted clear path straight to the main doors. But it wasn't as simple as that.*
*The doors had their own security system and protocls that would need to be by-passed in order to open them without direct authority from a high-ranking officer. Fortunately, the correct terminal was the same one used for the operation of the drone guns guarding the main doors outside. And the very terminal was only across the room from him.*
*And this terminal was even simpler than the previous one in terms of complexity of usage. It only took Garrett a little over two minutes to open the doors and de-activate the drone guns. As he finished, Garrett literally jumped out of his seat and bolted for the doors. Once open, Garrett ran like the wind along the clear path he had made for himself. Within the space of five minutes he had traversed the entire elngth of the level and made it to the main doors.*
*There they were. Open. Just as he had witnessed on the security monitors in the control room. And just beyond them, the unmoving images of the drone guns embedded into the walls on either side of the flight of stairs that led up to ground level, where the sun was shining. Taking one last look down the corridor, Garrett stepped outside, waited untril the doors had closed behind him, and then ascended the steps to freedom, shading his eyes in the midday sun...and made his way into the nearby forest...*
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