View Full Version : Calling of the Disciples

Gav Mortis
Jun 1st, 2001, 06:07:24 PM
Three days ago, Gav had enjoyed an eventful day at Lake Porelli ( http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3749.topic) with his fellow Sith. Since then he had ventured on his way upriver towards a small campsite which provided picturesque scenery and accompanied by the calm breeze and absence of chaotic life at TSO it provided the perfect place for the Sith to supress all of his frustrations. Deep inside all of his hatred and anger was welled up into a mass of darkness just waiting to be unleashed with merciless aggression but now was not the time.

After refueling the next day at the facilities provided by the campsite, Gav continued on his trek accross the vast Corellian countryside until he came to a small shanty town to to the East of where he had first encountered the three Sith; Jeseth, Seth and Viscera. The weather had taken a turn for the worse, the sky was riddled with grey storm cloud, the air was much cooler as a result of the depression after the previous days intense heat wave. A refreshing change for Gav who particularly liked Corellia for it's temperate climate, never too hot nor cold.

After an hours travel in the appropriate direction the sound of speederbike engines filled the air of the small town, the powerful roar seemed to echo from wall to wall and wind it's way into each of the small meandering alleyways that formed the home of the majority of Pora's community. Gav's speeder was left in one of the available garage's for a small price; the life of the man who tried to steal it. The Sith walked about some of the more popular hardware stores and made several useful purchases until he made a brief detour to a small local bistro were he satisfied his growing hunger. He hadn't eaten in roughly thirty-six hours, he was gradually training himself to subdue the need for physical nourishment.

After his lunch Gav noticed outside, sat against the trough of a feeding Mustlian Hog, a small boy of about five or six years old. His exposed limbs were filth-ridden, the sad, pale-skinned face was rotten and his clothes were muddy. Silently he watched as his slightly older sister wandered the street begging and scanning for any disgarded food or perhaps some lost money. There Gav sat, for about fifteen minutes just watching the slightest movements in the young boy, which were very infrequent and that was probably because he had to reserve as much energy as possible whilst his older sister continued her valiant attempts to save their lives.

"Can you house those two children for one night and tomorrow afternoon take them to this location?" he asked a middle-aged couple in the street later on after striking up a conversation with them.

At first they looked very doubtful but then were pursuaded by the addition, "Here," said Gav handing them a heavy pouch of credits, "I believe that should cover the expenses for both housing them and the travel costs and a considerable amount for yourselves and your kind nature."

As he finished speaking he confidently patted them on either shoulder in seeming good gesture but with a manipulative gleam in his eye the two immediatly agreed and off they went to the two suprised but then overjoyed youngsters. Gav watched from a distance then returned to the garage, it was late afternoon and it was time he started heading back towards TSO Site.

- - - - - - - - - -

It was late evening by the time his speederbike pulled up outside the temporary homesteads of his fellow TSO members and once inside his small quarters he listened to a message from Admiral Roebuck earlier that day.

"Greetings Lord Mortis, the modified ship you requested has arrived (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderfrm11.showMessage?topicID=92.topic) slightly to the North of Porelli Lake, it is ready for use and the minimal droid crew is at your disposal. Roebuck out."

Gav smiled with satisfaction, the ship had arrived a day early. He took a seat at a small mobile comm-terminal wired crudely to the temporarily installed computer system.

"Seth Darkserpent and Jeseth Cloak, you are to report at the provided co-ordinates to the north of Lake Porelli where you are to board a waiting ship ready for a journey which will last roughly three months. Bring with you what you wish and what you feel neccessary. I will see you in the morning. Gav."

The message was sent to their quarters and with that, Gav went to the small matress he had placed to the corner of the tiny accomodation and laying down on it, resting his head on the soft pillow provided, he fell asleep for the first time in almost a week.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:14:32 AM
"Seth Darkserpent and Jeseth Cloak, you are to report at the provided co-ordinates to the north of Lake Porelli where you are to board a waiting ship ready for a journey which will last roughly three months. Bring with you what you wish and what you feel neccessary. I will see you in the morning. Gav."

The message clicked off. He would have to leave right away, but walking would take days. Seth had no other mode of transportation. He was not at his quarters at TSO. He was in a bar at Coronet. Luckily his commlink managed to pick up the radio frequency.

But I still have to go. He reflected.

Jumping off his bed, Seth picked up his chain mail coat and slipped it on. His mask followed along with his boots and his gauntlet. Seth grabbed his cloak and weapon belt before he ran out the door.


Setting: Small town; Garage

Seth entered the building quickly and walked over to the desk. He pounded his hand down, demanding service. It had taken him a half an hour to walk to this town. A short man came from the back, examining Seth's appearance.

"Can I help you?" The man said in a high pitched voice.

"I need a motorbike." Seth growled under his breath.

"I'm sorry but I ca--" The man dropped on his knees clawing at his throat. Seth waited a few seconds until he heard a definate crack. The other people in the garage just stared with wide eyes of horror. Seth looked back at them. The people just left everything they were doing and ran off to the exit.

Outside of the town, everything was quiet. Everyone hid in their homes, avoiding confronting a mysterious black warrior that had entered their town. A slow whining sound came from inside the garage. Suddenly, the garage door collapsed as Seth rode right through it. The Dark Jedi shielded his eyes for a moment, and then hit the brakes hard. The motorbike made a squealing sound before he blasted off again. Seth entered the coordinates into the main system. Gav would not be happy if he were late. Applying more power, Seth rode his motorbike across the landscape.


Hours later, Seth stopped at the homesteads, sending a Force message to Gav.

"Seth Darkserpent, reporting."

The Dark Jedi panted as he tried to catch his breath.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 2nd, 2001, 06:11:01 PM
Jeseth woke up in a cold sweat, glancing about the darkness in his quarters at The Sith Order. A faint holographic message flickered in the distant corner of the room, pushing back the surrounding black maw. The Dark Jedi rubbed his eyes and yawned, Force pulling his saber from atop a table at the far end of the room. There was silence for a second more as it hummed to life, guiding a flash of light throughout the enclosed space. Jeseth had been more thna little paranoid since his ascension to the council.

The lights in the room came on, his hand flicking foward in a short motion. Gav was calling him, now. Jeseth closed his eyes and attempted to communicate with his master, but the only thing that came to mind was a desire for more rest.

Damn it.

Looking back at the table, he called his coat to his hand, standing from the bed and heading toward's the door. He'd shower on board the ship...

<font size=1>_____Several Hours Later_____</font>

Jeseth punched in a few coorndinates, correcting the ships sensors' off calculation. Silently, with as minimal a sound as a ships engine could make, it set down. A bit of smoke and coolent mist rose up, the hatch sliding down to the ground. The Dark Jedi rubbed his head once more as he exited, yawning and ignoring the slight discomfort still present in his arm. It had subsided slightly, but it was without a doubt still ever-present. Perhaps he could have attempted to heal himself, but it had never been his style to do anything of the sort.

A ship could be seen of in the distance, a good hours walk away, but he knew he had plenty of time spare. He arrived half a day ahead of schedule.

Gav Mortis
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:15:41 PM
In the early hours of the morning, Gav was awoken from his sleep by an echoing voice in the back of his mind. The sound of the distant voice seemed to reverberate back and forth until his eyes were open and he was looking up at the dim-lighted ceiling above. Irritated, he sat up so that his elbows rested on his flexed knees in an awkward manner, his muscles ached, he had not slept in such a long time and now his exhaustion was getting the better of him. However such painful endurance is necessary to establish complete control over ones self physically, in time Gav hoped he would be able to physically push himself beyond the boundaries of muscle and bone. Unfortunately, this is far from being achieved and so, Gav decided to lay down once again and rest, a difficult task in itself; every muscle seemed taught and sore, unable to flex painlessly, his bones seemed to chime beneath the flesh as though they had worn brittle and fragile over the week.

Did I not say in my message, "Meet me north of Lake Porelli tomorrow?" came his reply, although telepathic, his irritation was evident to the recipient of the message, Seth who was silent for a moment.

Go rest and I will see you tomorrow!

The voice of his master echoed in Seths mind until it dissipated into silence and back in the clammy homestead, Gav fell asleep once again, shutting himself off from the agonising needs of his body.


Regretfully, Gav came to terms with having to open his eyes unto the bittersweet sight of sunlight cascading in through his room window and illuminating the wall opposite in it's fiery brilliance. He cringed somewhat, even his eyes were sore from his lack of sleep over the last week, therefore bright light would not go well with eyes that need much more rest. Gradually, his tolerance of the early morning sunlight developed and awkwardly he pulled himself up, standing on unsteady feet, knowing that he would not sleep until in another seven days. Depressing as the thought was, he knew it was his choice to torture himself so much and was determined to carry it through, something which his Bu-Dan instructor had achieved after years of hardship and Gav striven for the same goal.

"Two hours" he sighed to himself after checking the time on a digital clock resting on a table next to his bed.

He trudged into the washroom which was used by most male members of the order until more suitable accommodation was available. After a soothing, hot shower he made his way back to his room where he would throw on a change of clothes into something a little less casual than the day before, now he wore his old Bu-Dan attire, a simple combination of loose-fitting black trousers, a black jacket tied together at the waist by a white belt and on his feet, traditional black sandals. Once ready, he turned to the small comm-terminal and activated a channel with a military officer, who upon seeing Gav bowed his head respectfully.

"Officer Langly, is the cargo for the three month excursion ready?" questioned Gav.

"Yes my Lord, all the requested cargo and supplies are ready to be shipped off to your vessel at Lake Porelli."

"Very good," acknowledged Gav, who added, "Make sure all cargo is loaded onto the ship shortly, I wish to leave the planet in just over an hour."

"Certainly my Lord, your ship is prepped and ready to leave at your wish."

"And the crew?" came the curious response from Gav.

"All droid sir, as you requested."

"Very well officer, that will be all. Gav out."

With that the screen faded into darkness and with a satisfied smile Gav took two large, bulky bags, one in each hand, out of his accomodation and loaded onto an awaiting land speeder outside. Shooting pains surged up through the fingers which grasped the bag handles, up his arms all the way to his shoulders until he dropped them both into the back of the vehicle. Suddenly, his arms went into brief muscular spasms. It felt like thousands of volts of electricity were exploding throughout his biceps and triceps, after a moment, the violent contractions ended and he carefully lowered himself into the land speeder. In moments, he disappeared into the distance, as he made his way across the reaching space that formed the TSO Site, on his way he passed the main Administration Facility and several minutes later one of the larger hangers from which he saw a trio of TIE Interceptors leave to patrol the neighbouring towns.

Within fifteen minutes, he arrived at the designated co-ordinates where the vessel he had ordered rested, gleaming in all it's brilliance under the Corellian sun. Its elongated spine stretched for several hundred metres, high in the air. To the rear, there was an enormous section which was once used mainly for a huge hanger bay however the only ship that rested in it would be a shuttle whilst the rest of it, as he could see slightly from his perspective had been converted into an enormous training facility, whilst throughout the rest of the ship there were many other rooms which had likewise been converted into facilities that were needed to train potential Sith however none were as grand as the this. It stretched for over two hundred metres and was in itself, literally a Sith assault course where one day, all the vital combat and survival skills of a Sith will be put to the test.

According to Admiral Roebuck, the correct name for this modified cruiser is the SoroSuub Quasar Fire-Class Bulk Cruiser but Gav had intentions of renaming it to something more fitting in the future. Into it's belly were being loaded hundreds of small crates on repulsor lifts which were supplies to satisfy the needs of his disciples and himself for the next three months. Turning away toward the dazzling blue and white surface of Porreli lake, Gav softened inside and walked towards its bank, it's tall grasses glistening in the salty residue deposited by the lake water, a thin layer of mist emphasised the early morning and it slowly lifted as the temperature increased with the sun rising above the silhouetted mountains in the distance.

Now at the bank, Gav took a moment to close his eyes and allow the soothing breeze to calm him and allow him to forget about his aching body. The warmth of the sun on his face made him feel like he wanted to fall asleep whilst standing there however he would dare not do that. His consciousness momentarily subsided into the Force and he felt Jeseths presence nearby, approaching and further still was Seths nearing presence and with that Gav broke into a slow rhythmic series of exercises which resembled the ancient art of Tai Chi in many ways, however to watch this art form in which he had been well instructed was almost like being hypnotised. The gracefulness of motion involved, the sustained, flowing movements of the arms and legs combined with the ability to remain balanced without opening your eyes was a skill which Gav had long sought to achieve and finally he had after years of determination.

There he remained for the next thirty minutes whilst he awaited the arrival of his disciples and special guests.



Once again, sorry for the delay. I got my glasses now and I'm willing to make quite a few more posts to this tonight and throughout the rest of the week to really get this show on the road.</FONT>

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 29th, 2001, 04:40:10 PM
Dense Forest; Corellia

"For the last time, I'm not taking that route." Seth shouted at seemingly no one in a dense forest.

Why not? A reply came that only he could hear. It'll get us to the lake faster without having to steal a Starship.

"How do you know this information?" The Dark Jedi replied.

I've been here before! I used to live on Corellia! Sven, the voice inside of his head replied.

Seth hopped off the speeder he had been leaning on and jumped on a branch. He grasped it firmly and flipped his body upwards, landing on a higher branch. Seth continued the method until he reached the top of the tree and spouted his head out of the canopy. Sunlight filled his eyes instantly, causing him to turn away. Seth cupped one hand over his eyes and peered into the distance.

The Lake that he sought was nowhere in sight, but Seth did spot a small settlement nearby. He grinned to himself and climbed down the tree.


Small Settlement; Corellia

The landspeeder came to a complete stop a few centimeters away from the first house that had been built. The dark warrior stepped out of the machine. It was still early morning, so Seth knew he had time. His reason for coming here was to find a shorter route to the lake in order to make it in time.

Knock, knock, knock

A stout man opened the door that Seth had just knocked on. The man owned a thick mustache that covered most of his face. He stared up at Seth and then down to the floor, intimidated by the Dark Jedi's height.

"Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Yes you can." Seth grinned evilly. "I was wondering if you could provide me with a short cut to Lake Porelli."

"Umm..I'm no--" The man stopped in his speech. His eyes shrunk to slits. "Let me find those coordinates." He drifted back into the house, leaving the door open. Seth had used the Force to influence the small man.

Better get there soon Seth. Gav will not be happy if you are late.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 30th, 2001, 05:29:14 PM
"Here we are! Lake Porelli!" Seth exclaimed, proud he had finally made it. The shortcut that the stout man had provided, proved to be more then sufficient. He couldn't even sense Jeseth's presence that close.

Seth enhanced his vision and gazed across the lake, staring at the dark figure on the other side. It was Gav Mortis, his master. He quickly shuffled back into the Landspeeder and pressed the ignition. Seth zoomed away, heading for Gav.


Darkserpent silently parked his landspeeder a few meters away from Gav. He walked up to the Sith Master, catiously, not wanting to disturb him. Gav seemed to be in the middle of practicing weird techniques. Seth could not determine what the art of this technique was. Judging Gav, it was probably something ancient, forgotten across time.

Master. I am here. Seth hissed through the Force, sending the message straight into Gav's brain.

He quickly offered a bow of respect and kept his masked head low. Seth was unsure of what Gav's reaction would be. He waited in silence for some sort of answer.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 13th, 2001, 11:27:59 PM
Jeseth sighed as he looked ahead, unsure of what was to come. He reached out through the Force and sensed his Master's presence only a few meters past the trees before him. He couldn't afford time for lamentations now.

I'm coming, Master.

Jeseth leapt up to the tree above him with the aid of the Force, gripping with his slender fingers onto a branch that was strong enough to support his weight. he pulled himself up to it and looked ahead, seeing the ship and a clearing where Gav was now waiting. Stretching his wings, the apprentice yawned for the first time in the morning. He had gotten enough sleep to satisfy his basic needs, but the affects of it were still lingering.

There's no time like the present...

Jeseth leapt from the branch, taking to the air and weaving his way past a few thick trunks and branches. Some twigs snapped cleanly as he flew past them, then dropped several feet until he was just inches from the ground. He pushed his legs against the dirt, lifting himself again higher into the sky. it took him a few more moments, but he had managed to break through the forest canopy. From here he could see lakes and trees, and even (off in the distance) the Palace.

The ship.

Jeseth gazed down at the glittering dome-shape beneath him, then dropped suddenly at a speed that could have torn some humans apart. He burst open his wings just before hitting the ground, landing in a clap of air. Gav looked up at him, apparently expecting the arrival. Jeseth bowed before him, giving an acknowledging glance at Seth.

Gav Mortis
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:19:01 AM
The icy cold water in which Gav's feet were bathed made a strong contrast with the climbing intensity of heat all around being trapped in the Porelli river basin. There was a soothing breeze which infrequently produced diverging ripples on the lakes shimmering surface. Gav was aware that his disciples had arrived however thought it would be against the spirit of Tai Chi to suddenly break his movements and so continued for a moment until he finally finished and turned to meet the two, well-disciplined individuals bowing with patience.

"Good morning!" he said in a refreshed, upbeat tone at which both stood and gave their greetings.

"Well, there's no point in wasting anymore time here, let's board the ship. There's two individuals I'd like to introduce to you."

With that the three headed toward their ship whilst the landspeeder in which Gav had arrived was seen disappearing into the distance, being piloted by a young military officer. A low-pitched groan came from within the monstrous ship and as they made their way up the ramp leading into the craft vibrations were felt underfoot whilst the engines were powering up. Once inside, they were escorted by an excessively polite protocol droid by the name of C8DP, after numerous journeys through corridoors and countless turbolift rides they finally arrived at their destination.

"And finally, here we are sir," announced the droid as it activated a switch to open the sliding doors, "This is one of three different dining rooms. Breakfast will be served shortly."

"Thank you." Gav replied before turning away from the departing droid and entered the room, followed by Jeseth and Seth.

To the suprise of the disciples, who had just recently been informed that the entire crew of this ship composed of droids, there sat at the table two young children; a boy and a girl. Both were reasonably well dressed and looked very clean and happy. The boy was evidently three or four years younger than the girl who was roughly ten years old. Not a word was spoken until all had taken their seats and as guided by Gav, Jeseth was to sit next to the young girl and Seth, the young boy whilst Gav sat at one end of the table suitable for six.

"Seth, I'd like you to meet Usun,"[i] Gav declared, gesturing to the young boy who was seemingly intriguiged by Seth's mask and had pulled his seat nearer to the Sith. Whilst Seth and Usun were awkwardly introducing themselves, Gav turned to Jeseth and said, [i]"And Jeseth, I'd like you to meet Uma."

Similarly, the two began talking and Gav waited a moment until the conversation on both sides had quickly run dry. It wasn't suprising to him that neither Seth nor Jeseth had had great experience with children and Gav was certainly no expert in that field, but thankfully he thought, he will not be spending the next three weeks with them. With a devious grin, he continued.

"Out of the goodness of my heart I have taken these young siblings from their poverty-stricken lives and brought them here where they are to receive parental guidance and treatment from you both. Jeseth, Uma is your responsibility and Seth, Usun is yours however, when you are training they will be taken to an onboard créche. Any questions?"

During this period of shock and suprise, the disciples had not as much noticed that the ship had now left Corellias atmosphere and was slowly shifting orbit about the planet when Gav suddenly received a transmission from the droid which had been given the responsibility of captain onboard the vessel.

"Lord Mortis, the ship is ready to make the jump into hyperspace, we are free of Corellias gravity."

"Very well captain, make the jump and head towards are first destination taking the appropriate precautions so we aren't followed. Gav out."

Perhaps they had questions, perhaps not, however before any were made, Gav cheerfully announced that they would arrive at thewir first destination in one weeks time. Shortly afterwards breakfast was served and the conversation topic was changed and directed by Gav, who ironically did must of the talking with the children occasionally adding a worthless remark here or there. Once they had finished breakfast, the previous conversation was resumed.

"Well, if you do have questions do ask. In the mean time, I'm sure C8DP will take you to your quarters. I will expecting you report to Room 101 at midday for your first training session of the day."

With that Gav left his seat and made his way to the exit.

Usun Bohiem
Jul 17th, 2001, 06:49:55 AM
Usun tugged at Seths clothing as he sat there next to him. The man towered above Usun, but that did not subdue his curiosity. As he pulled at Seth's cloothing, he bit his tongue in frustration, with an annoyed look on his face. When Seth finally looked down at the boy, he smiled in delight...

Usun: "Do you have a laser sword? 'Cause I've always wanted a go of one of them!

Seth Darkserpent
Jul 17th, 2001, 09:04:16 AM
"No I do not have a laser sword." Seth spoke through grit teeth.

He was using every drop of patience in him to refrain from harming the strange child at his side. Seth was not used to dealing with many humans, let alone an annoying child. He fixed his mask and straightened his cloak.

"My weapons are much more valuable."

Under his mask, he smirked evilly. The Dark Jedi raised off of his seat and took out his sword. It brought a new gleam to the room. Seth pointed it at the child's neck, and then brought it back.

"I subject my enemy's to various pokes," He slashed thin air. "and prods. Until the floor runs red with their blood."

Seth knew he was obviously scaring the child. He hastily thought of a solution, something to keep the child from crying. The Dark Jedi walked over to him and knelt down. He handed Usun his sword.

"You may examine it. Just keep in mind, I am not here to play."

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 17th, 2001, 08:54:04 PM
Jeseth was left in astonishment, finally blinking at the young girl before tilting his head to gaze at her curiously. He had been around children before, but now he wasn't merely an observer... he was to be this child's keeper for the duration of their trip. A thousand grim thoughts crossed Jeseth's mind. Why would Master Mortis bring these children along if for nothing more than an eventual sacrifice..? Am I to permanently care for this girl?? He sighed, resigning himself to whatever his Master had decided regarding him and the fate of the young girl. If it was asked of him, then Jeseth would comply. "Uma, is it?"

"Yes, sir..." The girl said timidly, apparently afraid of the winged ones formal nature.

"Come with me, Uma... If I'm to take care of you, then we need to learn how to better get along with each other." He smiled - a fake and plastic smile - but a smile never-the-less. The girl returned the smile, not for a moment thinking that Jeseth now probed her memories for pleasant topics to discuss which would make her feel right at home.

"Until tomorrow, Brother," Jeseth said, glancing down at the Dark Jedi who now was kneeling by the young man. The two Apprentices exchanged a nod, and then Jeseth continued on his way, Uma hand in hand with him as they explored the ship.

Uma Bohiem
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:23:43 PM
I look up into the man's eyes as he studies me, but find his wings easier to look at. Maybe he's an angel, come to rescue me an' Usun, just like Momma said...before... I bit my lip and take his offered hand, looking backwards to gaze on my brother.

He is excitedly examining the other man's sword. Only a few days have passed, and he's already forgotten it was me who kept him alive on the streets. But then, he's only six... I'm ten, and I don't think I'll ever forget. Momma allus said that Bohiems' had long memories. I'll never forget her, either. Never ever.

I look back at the man holding my hand as we exit the room. "Are you an angel, mister?" With my other hand I wipe at my nose.

Gav Mortis
Jul 21st, 2001, 06:35:17 PM
Continued here (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm13.showMessage?topicID=302.topic).