View Full Version : A RP/Story Proposal

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 28th, 2002, 06:50:36 PM
I apologize that this is so lengthy ... but I needed to make it this long to explain myself fully so you hopefully realize I'm being sincere...

As any long time member of the SWFans RP community knows, the New Republic has pretty much been the board's bitch. Due to a combination of overwhelming odds and lack of interest, there haven't been enough people playing NR characters to really make a difference.

As a result, the New Republic and Jedi Order have been driven from their homeworld a total of 3 times in the history of the boards (twice from Coruscant and once from Dagobah). The good guys have never won a tangible victory worth talking about. The Empire grew unchecked with no one to stop any of it, making the rebellion pretty meaningless IMO.

We've been in a kind of "Empire Strikes Back" mode for the better part of 3 years. I think it's time to balance the scales.

Of all the radical differences between SWFans and the EU, there is one that stands out in my mind. It drives me nuts. While I can force myself to accept that there are enough Sith and Dark Jedi to form 3 organizations ... and I can even manage to swallow Sith and Jedi commanding their own personal fleets...

I have always hated that the New Replublic and the Jedi were so impotent that they could not stop an evil Sith Order from occupying Corellia. This is the most critical hyperspace lane junction in the galaxy and the home of the most influential leaders and fighters in the rebellion. To me, losing that not to the Empire, but to SITH is the biggest symbol of how pathetic the NR is. Way more graphic than Coruscant.

The days of the NR being a chew toy are over. I want my homeworld back. And not just the system, the whole sector: Corellia, Talus, Tralus, Centerpoint, and Selonia.

I get the impression that you guys want to be out of the fleet scene anyway. You created Titan with the expressed intent of keeping people from bothering you. Problem is, you're doing it on a really vital part of the Star Wars setting.

You guys occupying Hutt space is much more fitting, too. Losing Corellia would not mean the end of your group, just a change in location. The GJO and NR were both forced to do it without being asked. I'm posting now to give you more respect than TGE and TSE gave us.


What I propose is an RP campaign that leads to the liberation of the Corellian sector. The NR has the strength and the allies to finally make that happen. But I do not want to do it in a way that forces you into a fight you don't want. I know all too well how that feels. It sucks.

There are a number of events in the plan that require consent. This will not ... repeat NOT be a fleet conquest alone. Ships will be involved, but no armada in the galaxy can neutralize Titan on their own. I want this to involve Intel, NRSF ground troops, Jedi, and Sith. Something with a prize this big needs to be epic and well-planned out from the beginning or it's not worth reading, much less RPing.

Before I go any further, I want to know if the group at large is willing to even accept the premise. I don't want anything handed to me. I'm not trying to exploit any rules to get what I want on a childish whims like fleet battles of the bad-old-days. I want this to be challenging. I want this to be BIG.

But if all my ideas end up in a thread of flames and bickering on the OOC board, it won't be worth it. Even if we won, it will be a shallow victory if it's not fun. We've seen too many of those. This has to be coordinated by all the major players involved to do it right.

Please don't talk about this with the entire SWFans community. If everyone knows about it ahead of time, it will ruin it, IMO. I just want to know if the members of this group would be willing to work with me to create a kick-ass story and take a loss that will finally make the NR a real part of this universe.

I realize this requires faith in me that I will do this right. Honestly ... I think it will be 3-4 months to the build-up. I'm not doing this to show off or con people into reading my overblown writing like most of these "epic" RPs of the past. I just want to make things interesting in a way that gets everyone involved.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 28th, 2002, 07:49:55 PM
I think it would be awesome, but hey, I aint a active Sith Order member, **Looks at title** But you got to understand, Correllia has always been home. From way back to the days of the Sith Council, our capture of it was more like the Sith Order was just reclaiming it.

Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:10:24 PM
I will be honest, Admiral, I was intrigued by your proposal.

But I must also be truthful in the fact I do not like the idea.

Thanks, but no thanks. :)

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:00:02 PM
I'd like to know why. As I recall, last time I asked about Corellia (back on ezboard about a year ago), you were one of the few who responded... and said it sounded good. You were the last person I expected to object. I also understand that your group has been looking for something to do -as a group- and with the rest of the board.

In all honesty, if we can't do this, there will be little motivation for this character. It's maddening to never be able to win anything because no one will let you. The idea of having my character's homeworld in the hands of Sith is draining. I've watched the good guys on this board be ignored and abused for over 2 years. We're WAY overdue for this.

Looking at this as if I were reading the story of SWFans like a book or comic or something ... Nothing will change for your group. You can continue to do your thing on the boards, train your apprentices, have your stories.

In short ... it's not fair that the NR and Jedi have been forced to deal with losing their homeworlds and being kicked around without a say.

Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2002, 10:38:57 PM
Oh, so you think it's right to come to us and take our planet?! The nerve!!! Oh sure, we go about our training and living in what?? Hard vaccum??? Do the math!

You want a reason, fine! The reason I don't want this is because I don't want the slightest chance of losing Corellia! Maybe way back when, I might have liked the idea. But maybe at that time I was also either naive or possessed. In either case, I don't like it now.

I will not condone this course of action. First TSC, then TSO have been on Corellia for far too long. It is our home. And I will not be disposed, or have a chance of that happening, just because some are "bored", or you don't want your character to go pffft. If you ask me, that in itself is a pretty selfish reason on your part.

If you make any action against TSO, I will fight you to the death to protect my home. Of course, I will also never forgive you.

But be it known, I fully disapprove of this. Oh, and thank you (here enter dripping sarcasm) for ruining my week.

Don't make me say "no" again. I despise repeating myself. Don't keep hammering at this.

Live Wire
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:11:09 PM
Okay how do I put this.....NO!

We're not here to satisfy whatever character goal you decide on a whim would be good. Yes its an interesting rp but no way. Corellia has been the home of the TSO sith since we were TSC. We're home here and just cause the jedi and the NR were ousted from their homeworlds doesnt mean you can take revenge upon whomever you see as being the nearest foe. The answer is no you may not have any planet in this sector let alone the entire thing! This is the only answer you will be getting.

I dont want to hear any more about your NR persecution complex. Go pick on someone else. I dont care where you think its appropriate for sith to be stationed. We've been here since the beginning of time and if you dont like it then you're gonna get a laser up your butt. I thought about posting a nice no but decided I was going to take my frustration out on you since I didnt like your tone of voice. Now you can accept this answer and leave our presence immediately.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:15:22 PM
Uhm ... okay.

I apologize and had no intention of ruining anyone's day, much less their week. Please don't read any of this and sarcastic.

I was looking at this as roleplaying and fiction. As escapist entertainment. As a way of correcting injustices done to the concepts of the New Republic and the Jedi ... and to make the setting we all roleplay and write in a little bigger for the people on the boards.

I'm lost on the logic that it's okay for the NR and GJO to be forced out of thier home without a say ... and we have to like it. Because asking for something in return in a more civil way is somehow even more selfish. It's okay to make the Rebellion look like a joke and the Jedi inept ... but not to even entertain the option of being defeated yourselves. Sith sitting in Corellia simply because they can is spitting on the spirit of the Star Wars universe IMHO.

What if the NR argued as emotionally as you are that we would not leave Coruscant, or the GJO from Dagobah. Would you have been good with that? Would they have had that right?

Wow ... this was a surprise. I'm sorry but this is fascinating. It's okay to stomp all over and all but ignore the good guys... but when we suggest fighting back, we're accused of being exactly the same as the people who screwed us over in the first place.

I'll hold out on the off chance that others in the group disagree with you. Gav ... you out there, man?

Darth Viscera
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:30:14 PM
Garm, it's a good idea, but one with a foregone conclusion. IC, if the New Republic were to mount a dedicated assault against a TSO-held Corellia (basically defenseless by Republic standards), what would the Sith have to fight back with?

Hell, we'd be running faster than a homosexual French half-jewish communist gipsy whose uncle was the Kaiser.

Lady Vader
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:36:07 PM
My patience is running thin. I am more than sure the other Sith here don't want to lose Corellia.

Just listen to yourself. "Yeah, we lost our worlds to Sith, so now it's fair we get to take yours." Bull$hit! I am insulted that you would even think that way! Oh, I have to admit, you are decent in at least asking, but you should also be considerate to the fact two of us have said no. Oh, I'll be the first to say that's not all of TSO. But I can assure you the majority, if not all, will squash this rubbish idea of yours.

And to begin with, TSE was the one that took Dagobah from you. But guess what? They dropped all their planets save for the one they live on. Ever thought of reclaiming it?

Or were you too busy whining about Corellia? Grow up.

Lady DeVille
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:57:19 PM
I had a small suggestion.

Garm, you came here with a proposal, which has been shot down. They will not give you Correllia.

LV, I fully understand your positition on this, of course. The reasons GJO had to be evicted without their permission is because they NEVER WOULD HAVE GIVEN THEIR PERMISSION.

My suggestion is...(please no one hurt me! I'm trying to show both sides a compromise?)...if Garm decides to RP this, he should accept that he is going to have to do it the hard way. And TSO should be prepared to repel an assault anyway.

But coming with the position that you expect them to just hand over their homeplanet...sorry Garm, no one in their right mind would do that.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 28th, 2002, 11:57:53 PM
Again ... Uhm ... okay.

Look. I don't know why you keep telling me to grow up and belittling my ideas by calling them whims. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A whimsical child would just attack with an insane armada without going through all this effort.

Let me try one last time to explain, then I'll go. I am asking because I didn't want to treat you like we've been treated. I am not just asking for this because I say so ... I'm asking because it makes for an interesting RP campaign and because the NR deserve a break on the boards for once.

You're saying we don't. Okay. How does this make me the selfish one in this exchange?

Let me try asking this way ... would you even ENTERTAIN the possibility that after a lengthy campaign of well-played, hopefully well-written gaming involving not just fleets, but cloak and dagger stuff and even Jedi vs Sith ... that maybe you might be defeated and lose the system as your home.

As for Viscera's summary of TSO's defense capability ... I must have REALLY misunderstood the makeup of your fleets. I thought you guys had a tons of ships, not to mention the Titan, protecting your homeworld. I wasn't thinking of this in terms of something that should be easy.

I don't want it to be. But I do want to have the opportunity to at least try. You're saying I'm asking for a foregone conclusion. But without consent or accepting the even the POTENTIAL of defeat ... you are the ones making the foregone conclusion in this debate.

PS: I wrote this before Lady Deville intervened. Thank you. I want to clarify that I never wanted anyone to hand me anything. Just wasn't sure how else to approach this. You're right ... if asked GJO would never have granted permission. But it would have been nice if someone gave us that courtesy.

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:03:41 AM
Garm, you know my answer. I won't repeat it again.

Live Wire
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:08:11 AM
okay I dont believe in cutting anyone a break. Guess what TSO didnt oust anyone from their homeworlds. If you want vengence cause of the way you were treated go pound on TSE's door. No Im not entertaining any ideas of corellia being. No TSO is not a huge fleet! We never have been we've never been in huge fleet campaigns since we left TSC. Why cause most of us have been doing smaller RPs which personally I see as more fun then a bunch of ships battling it out.

and yes you have officially ruined my week. Im sorry if Im pissy but I've got a lot on my plate right now and Im pretty fed up. My nerves are pretty thin right now so just steer clear of me.

Look understand your need for redemption...hell we had to work to reclaim a lot when we left TSC. WE've been through a lot here and we dont need this. Im asking you as nicely as I can in my current state of mind to just let this go. We've had too much happen....and we're trying to be a little more stable and work for something good for the group. Quite frankly a war wont do that. And dispite what you're saying I think that if we get into a war we can't win it will destroy TSO which is the closest knit and best damn sith group out there! We've worked hard please dont undo that. Im begging you to let this go.

Lady DeVille
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:17:06 AM
I believe that he is not pressing it anymore. Could be wrong, of course.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:33:23 AM
Gav here: I have my own views on this however I have wiped my hands clean of fleets and planets - such material possessions in roleplaying no longer interests me. I refuse to get involved as I couldn't possibly argue strongly over things I do not care for.

I'd rather be honest than @#%$-foot about the issue.

Lady Vader
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:58:34 PM
Reading this, I realized I may have been a bit harsh in my words. Understand I was upset, and said all those things out anger.

But there was one point I didn't make clear, which I wish to. I don't much like fleet RPs. They give me headaches. Also, the school semester has started for most, and rest of us are starting new jobs (and I am soon to be added to that list). This is not a good time for this, nor is it being looked upon with favor.

I think this issue has been closed, and now, so is this thread.