View Full Version : I wasn't finished

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:44:30 PM
I can't beleive you closed the thread. I thought much higher of you than that. Let's try to pretend ... just for a minute ... that I'm not a petulant child with crazy whims. We have quite a few friends in common between us actually. I'm assuming you know who I am OOC. And I would have hoped I'd get given at least a little credit.

TSO has no defense? ... What's this? (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10569) You have 481 ships split between only 3 sectors (Corellia, Hutt, and a few scattered systems elsewhere). If you didn't have ships, I wouldn't even need to go through all this.

I hate fleet threads too ... at least the way they've been done in the past. Anyone who knows me at all knows I'm not in it for something as bizarre as material possessions or power. I can't even relate to those motives. I'm looking at this as a chapter in the big story that is SWFans RP.

We never did hear from much of the group. And I don't think I should accept no because of 2 people.

If you want out of fleet stuff ... GREAT. I don't blame you. But you are robbing people of a big part of the SW mythos. You are forcing those of us who want to play NR characters to accept the unacceptable. That's not fair.

If you want to continue with the premise that TSO -has- a naval force controlling worlds against their will ... you are an enemy of the NR. If you "pull a TSE" and nix all your fleets to avoid this ... then you are giving up military and political control. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Look ... if you guys just want to say that you have some big temple on Corellia, but don't have any military control over it or these other worlds ... I'm all good with that. I don't have a personal gripe with you or your group. I just want to play this character without having to accept what would be unacceptable to him.

Darth Viscera
Jan 29th, 2002, 08:39:34 PM
Our problem with your proposal is that you expect the fixed OOC result of the roleplay to be that the NR regains Corellia. That is from my understanding, anyhow.

From my understanding of the situation, a prerequisite to the consideration of the roleplay in question would be that you not approach us with such a fixed position; an idea for a roleplay with a fixed outcome that would be negative for all.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 29th, 2002, 09:53:31 PM
No matter how well written or played, it will eventually boil down to consent and cooperation. We could get Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole, and A.C. Crispin themselves to team up on you, but if there's no coordination or agreement between the two sides of the battle ... it's all moot.

I already rephrashed the question, though ... Would you even consider the option of defeat if it was played out in such a way that it could happen. Would it even be worth it to try or would it end up with your group refusing to give up and turning the whole RP into a downward spiral with one or both of us crying to the admins.

Fleet RP is very tricky. If you show up without consent ... you're basically being unfair and forcing someone into a fight they don't want. You ask for consent ahead of time ... and you're perceived as being selfish. I wish I knew how else to approach this.

Live Wire
Jan 30th, 2002, 09:42:50 AM
Look one of two things will be the outcome...either you accept the unacceptable or we do. Personally I'd rather it be you. Cause Im not the only one who would rather die then see what we've built in the hands of you. And if I die Im taking you with me! Thats not a threat its a promise! Im not above that so dont fool yourself. Its not just two people saying no. Its two loud people saying no and everyone else murmuring no. You just happen to hear two of the loudest people at TSO at the moment.

The point is we're not giving up Corellia, were not giving up the corellian sector. Quite frankly most of us have all be sucessfully annoyed by this. Half of us are sick with colds, and the rest are working and going to school, and now we have to add annoyed to that list.

Look either you take no as an answer and go away with no hard feelings or we take other steps. Either way you're not geting Corellia so just take no for an answer and let what good things both sides got going be!

Right now Im very much in favor of kicking your ass just cause you're a pain in mine! But I prefer such ass kicking to be on a personal basis.

Darth Vader Returns
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:14:37 AM
:: Douses LV and LW with water bottle ::

Live Wire
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:24:37 AM
*is wet and mad now*

okay Im gonna say this calmly.

Corellia is TSO's home! It was TSC's home. TSO was founded on the basis of family and togetherness. Families have homes! I dont know about you but if IRL someone came and tried to put my family out of our home for no good reason other then they wanted it I'd fight them. Its my home...why does it have to be any different with the sith family. Thats why you see people standing up to contractors who buy out neighborhoods to build another strip mall. Because it means something! And dont give me the home is where you hang your hat crap...cause its more then that. Its about history and what we've made of this place.

And just to clarify, Im not trying to mix IC and OOC here. You came in with reasons about why you want it which are all IC based. well Im letting you know what my IC reaction would be. Yes I am annoyed OOC that you keep pushing this but any IC actions on my part would be based upon your IC actions and what you've described and not to my OOC annoyance.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 30th, 2002, 04:49:13 PM
Okay, so ... You're not evil, malicious worshippers of the Dark Side who crave power? You want to be a nice, quiet, suburban family? That's why we should leave you alone? That defense doesn't hold even an ounce of water. Sorry.

By attacking without even letting you know my intent, I know how it would have turned out ... God-moding up the ass because you'd refuse to admit even the possibility of defeat ... OOC squabbling, and friends that we have in common being caught in the middle.

If you find that insulting, maybe you know how it feels to be dismissed and belittled by calling my motivations whims and not giving me any credit. What we have here is an illustration of why roleplay does not and will never work without a central narrator.

If I'm wrong about you, I have yet to see evidence of that. I HOPE I'm wrong about you, but you've illustrated your attitude all too clearly by your responses. I also can't take your word for it that -everyone- in the group is against this. I know for a fact that at least 3 were interested (psst... and one even said that you shouldn't be on Corellia anyway). Unless I hear it directly from them, I can't believe it. You have no credibility and a long history of ranting without justification just for the sake of ranting.

I tried to do it the friendly way, but you don't want that. I was thinking of this too much in terms of people behind the screens who wanted to tell stories. I'm too much of a writer I guess. Oh well.

Enjoy "being evil" in your closed little world where you reign supreme and you can never be defeated.

Darth Viscera
Jan 30th, 2002, 07:52:25 PM

The scripted Corellia loss thing doesn't fly.

End of story.


Malice Draclau
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:31:59 PM
Did i miss something here, or are you guys having a party without me.

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:41:21 AM
Oh dont even come in here pretending that you we're just suggesting some friendly RP. Cause thats a load of crap. And I didnt mean to suggest that everyone was opposed to it cause I havent talked to everyone. What I meant was that you're only hearing the two loudest people in these threads. But that asside you're the one who came in here looking for a nice gauranteed conquest. Which by the way you would have lost the battle anyway.

You're welcome to think what you want but quite frankly if your goal was really just some nice RP which you are now claiming you really suck at it! Its generally not a good idea to go up to someone and say hey I want to conquer you lets make it look like a good fight but you're gonna lose. Thats a load of BS and anyone will tell you that! I never rant just for the sake of ranting I always have a purpose to what Im saying. Ask someone who actually knows me cause you sure as hell dont!

Oh so cause I dont like your idea Im no longer credible. Im sorry I didn't know I needed to agree with you to be credible. But quite frankly I dont really care what you think about me. I dont know you and right now Im sorry I ever saw your screen name.

And I know tso one day can and probably will fall. Hell Im even writing a story that takes place many years in the future after it has fallen. So go ahead and rant all you like about how unfair we are and how we would have god-moded our way out of it. Cause none of its true and I dont really care what you think.