View Full Version : HELP!!!!!!

Lordess Amber
Nov 7th, 2000, 01:21:41 PM
i changed my sig cause i didnt know that some1 already had it (sorry about that) Anyways one of my frieds says that this a good one:

"I'd rather taste blood, yours, or mine, flowing from a sudden slash, than Look at u"

but i dont really like the looking at u part ...can some1 help me with ending

Lady DeVille
Nov 7th, 2000, 02:46:35 PM
Sorry about that Amber!

How about:

I'd rather taste your blood, flowing from a sudden slash, than ...uh, give you the time of day? No no, thats bad. Ok, hang on, let me think...
....than notice you
...than look at you
..than speak to you
.than go to McDonalds with you? lol


Lordess Amber
Nov 7th, 2000, 03:15:46 PM
i think ill put the first three on there ..thanks ....And its ok