View Full Version : A Note On Sigs!

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 29th, 2001, 10:10:53 AM
Rane and I have noticed people using immense sigs (AHEM - LV) So... Just letting you all know that if you'd like We'll be more than happy to work on anything for you if you'd like to modify them or have them redone. :)

Lady Vader
Feb 2nd, 2001, 01:12:39 AM
I like my bigger-than-life-ass sig! leave me alone! :p

and besides, I only post it once in a thread or not at all... gawd, you ppl must have horrible connection time to be complaing about sigs... I for one never have problems... *shrugs*...

when I'm good and ready, I will fix it myself... :)

(look! no sig! :rolleyes: )

Lady Vader
Feb 2nd, 2001, 03:55:25 AM
well, I fixed what I think was the prob... my background pic was a bmp (kinda large), so I made it a gif... now my sig is somewhere near 22kb or 23kb, which is well under the universal limit of 30kb... so... NO MORE COMPLAINING! :p

The Lounge Lizard
Feb 2nd, 2001, 11:52:07 AM
You're one to talk, Jeseth....:lol:

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 2nd, 2001, 01:43:43 PM
:lol: I ment in actual Size, LL. That thing is nearly as big as my monitor resolution! :p My sigs not that big (file size), is it..? ;; Checks it. ;;

;; Exits the thread. ;;

Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 2nd, 2001, 04:20:23 PM

also, LV, if you have seen a nice picture of the Outlaw Star, Could You Send it to me?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Feb 2nd, 2001, 04:24:55 PM
o yeah, my sig is small

Xarkz Chaos
Feb 3rd, 2001, 12:00:29 AM
I like that show.

and my sig is under 2k

Xarkz Chaos
Feb 3rd, 2001, 12:01:13 AM
and my picture is finally not broken